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SCRA Recruitment Centre - Printable Version

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Coalition Recruitment Thread - Yuveraj Khan - 08-31-2010

Khan offered a wolfish smile, "Have you read the Katz Manifesto? If so, what do you think is the core message in that text?"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Politus - 08-31-2010

A privately owned transport docks, and after a while leaves. Its delivery was a middle-aged man with wispy, coal-black hair that was balding at the temples. He was dressed in an obviously cheap suit, of the kind Oxford intellectuals living on a University teacher's budget would wear. What the more astute observer would notice is that his eyes are constantly, and subtly, observing everything, akin to a fighter-pilot trying to see everything around them outside their cockpit. The eyes of a person accustomed to quick-thinking, and quicker reacting.

These eyes took in the room in the recruitment office's waiting room, where he analyzed the inhabitants and, in the same moment, decided upon an interaction; he smiled lightly, allowing the muscles around his eyes to contract just enough to insinuate a friendly nature. He did all of this, and took a seat where there was one available, and began thumbing through a book.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Osilon - 08-31-2010

She shakes her head.
"I am afraid...I have not. I didn't really read much, before or after the attack...though I would have liked to."
She blinks, her eyes are a different color. Her left is a light blue color, and in contrast, the right is a piercing red, and seems damaged internally, the edges of the color blurring into the whites of her eye.
"Though, I would like to read it, if I could get my hands on a copy..."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Yuveraj Khan - 08-31-2010

Khan tossed her a copy.

"Go, read it. In three days... well you know by now."


Coalition Recruitment Thread - Osilon - 08-31-2010

She nods and spins on her heel, walking out the door and out of the recruitment office.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Politus - 08-31-2010

The man stood up, and entered the office proper. The corners of his mouth twisted upward in the slight indication of a smile, and he spoke.

"Hello, Sir. My name happens to be Roderick Albright. I hope to be inducted into the Fighter corps of the Coalition. I hope that you will consider me to be a satisfactory candidate during the course of this interview."

A slight Bretonian accent edged into his voice. To those that knew him, and that he always spoke with a voice perfectly trained to not have one, it was a sign of anxiety. He clasped his hands behind his back, holding the book tightly.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Yuveraj Khan - 08-31-2010

"Oh good, a civilized applicant..." Khan smiled broadly as he stood up. "Would you care for some tea?" He offered walking to the pot.

He set about fixing a cup without waiting for a reply.

"The Fighter Corps is the elite of the Coalition, the best of the best. And I would like to know something... how long would you rate the average survival of a first time pilot of a Partisan light fighter? I would ask you for the exact length of time in hours... but it really isn't that long... minutes and seconds will do."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Politus - 08-31-2010

Inside, he relaxed slightly. The accent disappeared from his voice entirely, and he moved the book to one hand. His smile broadened, and he responded,

"Why, yes, I would like some tea. And to answer the second question, that depends on whether or not you're counting the time it takes to travel to and from an engagement, or the time on patrol without encountering anyone. Counting purely combat time, and from my... experience, I would estimate between five and seven minutes. The average wet-behind-the-ears new guy often doesn't have the finesse to pilot a light fighter effectively, to dodge like quicksilver. I may even be too liberal with my estimation."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Yuveraj Khan - 08-31-2010

Khan smiled, "ahh a man who understands the intricacies of fighter combat, and who actually appreciates it. Good!" He crossed the room and handed the other man his cup of tea.

"So tell me, how would you go about establishing a Socialist Order in Rhienland?"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Politus - 08-31-2010

Roderick takes the tea and nods his thanks as Khan speaks. As the question becomes clear, his smile turns to a wicked grin. He sips his tea, thinks for a moment on how to word it, then starts talking.

"Well, Sir, as we both know, Rheinland is a heavily nationalist nation with a deep-seated antipathy towards Liberty due to the war. It also has a large populist movement which takes various forms, such as the Red Hessian movement, which lays a lot of the groundwork for a socialist takeover. All of the populist revolutionary groups are heavily nationalist for the most part, wanting to see a strong Rheinland under their paradigm."

"What the Coalition can do is spread subtle propaganda pointing out the striking similarities between the Libertonian and Rheinlandic economic systems, free market capitalism for the former and a more limited corporate-monopolist capitalism in the latter. However, we tell them that Liberty, in truth, is a den of corruption and frequent lies, and that this is directly influenced by the free market capitalism which plagues it. Tell them that Liberty is what it is, an enemy of Rheinland, a den of filth, because of Corporate interests and capitalist plutocrats, then point out how very similar it is to the system in Rheinland."

"Once the similarities between the systems of the 'Evil Libertonians' and the 'Great and Glorious Rheinlanders' have been established very well, the next step should be to introduce Socialism as the solution. Use images heavy with symbolism, chock-full of the capitalist abomination's slimy tentacles snaking through government, to instill fear of capitalism in the public. Tell them that Socialism can prevent this, by 'hacking through the tentacles to Capitalism's greasy heart.' Make them believe that the only way to kill the Capitalism which plagues Liberty and could kill their beloved Fatherland, is to install Socialism. You'll have populist revolts that'll make the Von Rohe's Day revolt look like a picket-sign protest. You may even see limited Military defections."

"And to make sure things continue going well, the people installed as leaders of this Socialist Order should be held on a tight leash until things settle, so they don't get too uppity. Rheinlanders are heavily nationalist. They love the Fatherland. Exploit that. Use that. It's the ticket in. But be careful that installed leaders are subtly controlled, so that the nationalism doesn't turn against you. Of course, the above scenario is if everything goes perfectly, their government may employ counter-propaganda. Proper infiltration of their information networks will probably be necessary."

He finishes, sipping at the tea again, and letting what he said sink in. Hopefully it'd be satisfactory, but the day wasn't over yet.