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Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Printable Version

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Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Blodo - 03-01-2011

Message to: Viva Velasquez
Comm ID: Major Gunther Hoerst
Location: Vogtland, Dresden

Hmm. Well, I expected your ship would get... damaged sooner or later. We don't fly Eagles with good reason, the replacement engines can get hard to get a hold of south of Liberty. Yeah, we tried putting in one of our engines in once, but it only succeeded in blowing that inferior Libertonian reactor to bits, and you can't replace that without smashing half of the frame to bits. It was a slight shame... but I'm babbling.

Once you get yourself in a respectable state go to hangar bay Delta 9, I left you a replacement there. I think you'll like it once you get used to the controls, and it should be a good opportunity to practice your knowledge of Deutsch.

But for the love of god do check yourself into medical before the next flight. We might be the Hessians, but even we do not have unlimited supplies of parts and material.


Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Blighter - 03-02-2011

-( Incoming Transmission
-( Viva Velasquez - Visitor, Vacationer, Volunteer

Privyet! Shalom! Hallo!

A few minutes ago comrade Leutnant Gukel and comrade Flieger Fischer came back with me from a little Omega patrol that ended up taking us into Omicron Gamma. I was actually thinking we were headed to that mythical place of legend, Sparta they call it, but we did end up in Gamma. Eitherway, we ended up there and proceeded to have some small-talk, and then did as per Major Hessler's tradition.

In other words, we prepared to "Engage all Corsairs that we see!" - so to speak.

As you can see the result was moderately destructive, and we scored us a Praetorian. Luck seemed to be on our side afterwards, as the Corsair response wasn't exactly overwhelming.

One Imperator and two more Praetorians showed up. We were busy focusing on the Imperator, wearing its shields down effortlessly, mostly thanks to Fischer, who was flying the quad-Pulsegun Tyr. We slowly whittled the Imperator's hull down with no real injuries worth a mention.

And that's where we ran out of luck, as unfortunately for us a Corsair Osiris made its appearance. Under different circumstances - which translates into "If only it wasn't armed with Solaris all over!" - we would have fought on, but as the anti-fighter weaponry of the vessel proved to be way too overwhelming for us, we had to restort to evasive maneuvers. This continued for a while, with us trying to lure the smaller Corsair craft out of the defensive screen of the Battleship.

However it didn't exactly work out, so as we were bored, we wandered back to Omega-5. There we encountered two snubcraft of the Black Sails. While I'd usually expect some chatter, even some more creative insults, the only thing we got from them was static. So, as per Hessler's custom, I declared myself the Queen of Omega-5 for the night, and Leutnant Gukel the King, hoping they'd bite.

They didn't, but one of them blew the other up. I found that to be rather funny, but as there wasn't anything remotely worth looking after in sight, I called us back to Vogtland.

And that concludes my report. I'm going to head to the bar now, Fischer wanted to buy me a drink. And I'll smack him for his constant whining about something he calls a "Titan hitbox". Sucker should've mounted two Natters. Oh and someone finally tell Hessler to pay me the cash he owes me or I'll order some pink synthetic fur to cover his damn Odin with.

[color=#999966]-( Transmission terminated

-( For Major Gunther Hoerst only
[color=#FFFFFF]Major, your concern regarding my well-being is noted. I headed to medical this morning and had a check-up done. There's nothing worth a mention aside from a mild concussion, and except for the occasional headache in the near future it shouldn't be affecting me much if at all.

As for the surprise, it is much appreciated. I didn't exactly expect you to hand me the keys to an Odin, along with a wide selection of weaponry, and you have my thanks. To be honest, I'll be missing flying that Eagle as it's a gift from, well you can guess who, but I'm positively surprised about the Odin. I'm more used to flying a little more agile ships, but from my first run it I can say I like it, and take no offense, but I actually find it hilarious that it beats the half-Maltese and half-Borderworld crap I used to fly in the Navy by a mile in most areas.



Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Nicolas - 03-02-2011

Transmission source: Vogtland Base, Dresden
Transmission ID: Leutnant Hans Gukel
Transmission receiver: RHA
Transmission begins:

Guten Abend, Kameraden der RHA

I just leaved the Bar on Vogtland as my after-patrol-beer just got empty and I`m not in the mood to drink more today after I read Viva`s story yesterday. She really is a nice person and a hell of a pilot but she even is a better drinker, though he doesn`t really know when it`s time to stop. She just entered the bar and our Flieger Fischer pays her every wish she has. (I doubt his pay is high enough for that.)

However, those aren`t things concerning the Army or the Volksrevolution or Rheinland.

Thing`s that should concern Rheinland is a wing of LSF pilots travelling through Stuttgart with Nomad Brains in there cargo pods I met yesterday. [)(]-Punisher accompanied me, but before I could ask them what they were doing in our Vaterland an local ionstorm hit my ship so I was completely blinded. As far as my ship wasn`t harmed by the storm anymore and my systems started to work again I saw all the LSFs attacking Punisher. One Guardian Very Heavy Fighter, one Liberator Light Fighter and one Upholder Liberty Bomber are a tough enemy for a single Odin so I didn`t waste much time and engaged them too.

During the intense battle Punisher`s Odin was hit by a Nuce and was destroyed, I tractored his Pod and then I had to face the Libertonian pigs alone. Thank god not for a long time. Shaf Hauzen appeared in his Heimdall and joined the fight. Hi`s ship didn`t survive the struggle too but his appearence gave me the chance to weaken the Libertorian Bomber so I could eliminate him soon.

I don`t know why but the 2 LSF Fighters decided to flee after they saw their friend dying. At this time I was out of Cruise Disruptors so I couldn`t stop them.

Though I survived and killed one of them it was a black day for the Hessians. One Odin and one Heimdall were lost only to win ... Nothing. I couldn`t gather any information or prevent all of them from reaching their home.

[Image: lsfq.png]

Today I wanted to train with Flieger Niklas Reingerin Omega 47, he just aquired a brand new Thor . Punisher had a new ship and accompanied us with Obermann Hans.
Soon our way crossed the one of a very special little fleet consisting of one Farmer Alliance Pilot, a Freelancer and a Corsair Gunboat. This fleet wasn`t a very communicative one, they only opened fire on us. Well if they want to die, they shall die, I think. The Corsair died after I think it were 3 minutes and the Freelancer didn`t last much longer. However during the battle another Cannibal called A.Manneti (I think I shot him already a few days ago) appeared. While the Kursari attacked Niklas in his bomber Manneti chose my Thor as his target. I could eliminate him after some time with my good old SuperNova. Too bad the Kursari could flee from us.


[Image: amanneti.png]

Leutnant Hans Gukel

Transmission Ends

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Blighter - 03-02-2011

-( Incoming Transmission
-( Viva Velasquez - Visitor, Vacationer, Volunteer

This one's just in, we've come back from it a couple minutes ago and I'm sending this from Ronneburg.

About an hour ago I received a distress call from Major Hessler. And before you make any jokes, he wasn't caught out in Gamma pants-down flying a pink Odin. Hessler had found Nomads wandering around Omega-5, but that wasn't the worst part. I'll get to it later.

I scrambled from Vogtland and moved my damn pretty ass over to Five as fast as I could. As I entered Omega-5 I got joined by Leutnant Jones, she had already been preparing the Elster for a launch and took off from Ronneburg as I passed by. And then we moved on, towards the Hammen Hole.

That was the first thing I saw as I picked up Hessler on the radar. He was busy at work already, and we joined in. What we found a moment later was a handful of Nomads, one of them a... I don't know, I think you call them "Scorpions". You know what contraption I'm talking about. After a while we got reinforced by Oberleutnant Dresner, flying the Volkspistole, and Flieger Reiniger, flying his Falcata.

The Scorpion itself didn't pose that much of an issue, but we were facing a more difficult problem. I'm sure you all remember comrade Shaf Hauzen? Right? Comrade Hauzen was present, commanding his Vidar. The issue was that somehow the Squiddies had done their dirty work, trying to take over Hauzen's mind from what I gathered. Our comrade fought back, tried to resist, the ship's whole crew tried to resist, but to no avail. Unfortunately the Nomads had managed to get Hauzen to discard his Cruiser's Battery and Bot supplies, somehow... "feeding" the Nomads. I'm not exactly sure how they can use supplies like that, but it worked as it does with our own ships. You can guess how that went.

We ultimately managed to trash the Scorpion however, but before we did, we lost Flieger Reiniger. Not the Nomads, mind you, but to some really wicked kind of Ion Anomaly. Hell I don't know, maybe the Squids did it, I'm not sure, but his ship suddenly got vaporized. His pod, from what I've heard, made it safe to Ronneburg however. Things seemed alright as we started to fight the smaller Squids, wearing them down slowly, bit by bit. Unfortunately at some point Hauzen couldn't resist anymore, nor could his crew, and they sporadically started firing on our own ships while slowly making for Omega-55. We didn't want to risk our comrades' lives, but we were faced with that or them possibly ending up infected.

So Major Hessler issued the unfortunately necessary order. From there on we kept fighting, joined by a passing-by Mercenary, known as "Fantasme". While he... she... too much static back then, while Fantasme wasn't exactly talkative, he did help us out as we chased the Squids to the Fifty-Five hole. And beyond. Oberleutnant Dresner, engaged in a duel with one of the creatures, opted to stay behind in Omega-5 while we gave chase.

One got fried. The other seemed too difficult to hit, as if it was shrouded in Ion... come to think of it, given what happened to Reininger, might've just been that way. That left one. Dresner was still fighting it in Omega-5 for a while, telling us to stay back, opting to take advantage of the duel-situation and hurting that thing as much on his own as he could before it would, inevitably, run.

And run it did. Into our guns. With the last remaining Squid hovering close to... some kind of installation, asteroid-base, don't exactly remember, but with it hovering near that installation, under protection from its artillery, we decided to return to base. We fought the Squids back today, but at a steep price. Oberleutnant Dresner will tell you more about the whole ordeal, I'm going back out to see if I can't help find more of the Vidar's crew. I heard Hauzen is safe and survivors are coming in every minute, but another pair of eyes won't hurt.


-( Transmission terminated

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Schwarzengel - 03-02-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Oberleutnant Friedrich Dresner - RHA SOA]

Vell, seems Frau Velasquez already beat me to it fur ze report, but never hurts to upload a report fur an incident from 'anozer perspektif', ja?
Ich vas on Freital doing some ov ze uzual papervorks just as ve received a distress kall from Herr Hessler in Omega-5, so seeing zat mein ovn ship vas unzer maintenance, ich took ze Volkspistole und enrouted to Omega-5 right avay.
It vas such a mess as ich arrived, 3 Nomad vessels, 1 Skorpion drone und one ov our own kruisers (a [)(] tagged vessel) vere shooting at our tvo odins. Gladly, ve got more backup soon after, und managed to take kare ov ze Skorpion und kruiser right avay, und made ze remaining nomad forces flee to Omega-55.
After a rather long chase vithin ze sistem, ve managed to down tvo ov ze nomad ships vith help ov Frau Velasquez, und ze last one fled.
In ze end, rezults vere One (1) Skorpion, One (1) Vidar kruizer und Three (3) Nomad light vessel destroyed, vith no loss on die volksrevolution side.

Access Attachments:
[] [] [] []
Für das vaterland, für die volksrevolution!

[Transmission Terminated]

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Cond0r - 03-02-2011

Incoming Transmission...
ID: Major Raymond Amsel

Comrades, it seems that the recent events with the so called Wilde bring doubt on the motives of herr Hauzen. Even though preliminary reports indicate that herr Hauzens mind was not "his own" when he engaged our forces and sided with the Wilde in the last battle, there is still a shred of doubt.

Even though we are familiar with this strange "influence" the infected can put on people, herr Hauzen was still aboard a heavily armored and outfitted Vidar type cruiser, so even though the infected influence is strong, herr Hauzen was not alone on that massive ship. Adding to that, not only did his crew fire upon our own forces, the Vidar was destroyed in the process and many lives of its crew were lost.

I received word that Hauzen managed to survive, and that he is "well" for the time being. A rescue operation for the crew was also launched, and it succeeded in finding some survivors. However, herr Hauzen is not to be trusted for the time being until the doctors examine him thoroughly. We do not yet know the state of his mind, so until we manage to question him for his actions you are to show extreme caution around him. He will, after all, have to answer for the lives that were lost because of him.

Fur das Vaterland comrades!

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - iBurn18 - 03-03-2011

Transmission source: Freital Base, Omega 11
Transmission ID: Niklas.Reinger
Transmission receiver: RHA
Transmission begins:

Greetings Comrades. Today I caught a DHC miner attempting to steal our Diamonds... Again. Have they not learned their lesson? Although, I soon found out he was new to the DHC and was unaware of the severity of his crimes. I went ahead and asked for a donation anyways, as ignorance was no excuse.

[Image: DHCMiner1.png]

Despite my efforts, he refused to pay any credits, and continued to mine our diamonds. This annoyed me. I demanded he pay me, or he would pay with his life. His response was... Baffling to say the least. He gave me the green light to end his life. No fight in this one. I had no choice but to engage.

[Image: DHCMiner2.png]

The DHC coward was not interesting in dying by the hands of the RHA. After one direct hit of my SNAC, he proceed to drive directly into the sun, ending his own life.

[Image: DHCMiner4.png]

Overall, it's been a productive day. I collected at least 10 000 000 Credits worth of donations to the Volksrevolution.

Reinger singing off.

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Schwarzengel - 03-03-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Oberleutnant Friedrich Dresner - RHA SOA]

A little bit ov pest kontrol in Omega-11 today. Seems a Reaver und a Bounty Hunter vere causing little nuisance around ze place vhen ve arrived. Herr Hessler present at ze scene took kare ov ze cheap merc vith ease, und one ov our volks from [RF] vas dueling ze hunter... But seeing zat sadly ze hunter managed to get a lucky shot on him, ich had to jump in und take kare ov it.

In ze end, both annoying bugs, meaning One (1) Merc Sabre und One (1) Hunter Bomber vere taken kare ov und ve returned to Freital.

Access Attachment: Für das vaterland, für die volksrevolution!

[Transmission Terminated]

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Nicolas - 03-06-2011

Transmission source: Freital Base, Omega 11
Transmission ID: Leutnant Hans Gukel
Transmission receiver: RHA
Transmission begins:

Guten Tag, Kameraden der RHA

Few days ago me Lukas Fauler and the Kameraden of the RotFront managed to harm Corsair`s economy hard. On my patrol through Omega 41 I met a Corsair Barge called The Abundance near Omega 47 JH. I ordered him to pay me and to drop the ore he had loaded. He refused to drop the ore though he payed me a small amount of 30.000 SC. That wasn`t enough for his live so I engaged him. Soon the Kameraden arrived and we slowly tore it down.

The Abundance

[Image: theabundance.png]

Gun Cam 1
Gun Cam 2
Gun Cam 3
Gun Cam 4

During the battle an Order Geb Cruiser called [SEG]Malashenko appeared. Alexey on board of the [RF]Stakhanov started a conversation with him talking about the Orders hostility to the Hessians. Alexey demanded an apology but Malashenko wasn`t willing to do so and opened fire on the [RF]Stakhanov.

[Image: segmalashenko.png]

Plus I had a short skirmish with a Rheinland Bomber in Stuttgart. He stopped a Molly trader and wasn`t willing to let him leave. I appeared there to solve the situation and the Bomber opened fire on me. I could eliminate him with two Nukes hitting him together.

James Gunn

[Image: jamesgun.png]

Now I`ll leave Freital and go for another Patrol im Vaterland.

Leutnant Hans Gukel

Transmission Ends

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Roter Frontkämpferbund - 03-07-2011

Message to: RHA Command
Message from: Rotfrontkampferbund

[Image: 2200.png]


Guten tag. Yesterday we had two encounters of interest, the Gamma raid and the Omega-5 battle.

After Stakhanov carrier has finished patrolling Omegas in search for Corsair capital ships, the forces present, consisting of one carrier, two bombers, [RF]Ergaster and [RHA]Hans-Gukel, and one LWB Loki light fighter AGS-L|H.Schuschnigg, moved into gamma for a quick anticapital raid to test the Zoner battleship turrets which were installed on the carrier recently.

Everything went well from the beginning, when right outside the nebula on our way to Tripoli we have detected one Legate guarding the way into system. Snubs intercepted while Stakhanov started to shell him from reasonable distance with mortars and newly aquired Zoner battleship turrets, until its hull dropped low enough to initiate a frontal assault. It fell really fast.


Poor cannibal didn't order to hit the bots reserve until the mortar hit, setting the engine to blow. Too little too late. Some little ramming helped the deal, too.

Death: LTfighter was killed by [RF]Stakhanov (Collision)

From there we proceeded to Tripoli. It was guarded by one cruiser, the captain of which became so scared when he saw us that in haste of trying to dock right now he opened fire on Tripoli itself. Shame they still let him in. Here you can see his light mortar impact on the shipyard.


We moved along and found a Legate in the open. So the usual routine followed, with bombers shelling it with snacs, Stakhanov mortaring him from the safe distance and Loki being around supporting everything. Sadly, this one decided to run and cry like the little girl instead of fighting the very moment he realized he's not going to land any hit on Stakhanov, and his dodging abilities were akin those of a train on rails, so he cruised to Tripoli. Lucky for him, TCDs failed to stop his engines.

While we were at it, some bomber attacking the carrier came too little too close.

Death: -=AfroJack=- was killed by [RF]Stakhanov (Gun)

More and more capital ships were arriving on the field, so we needed to finish our mission quickly. We took one cruiser down fast.

Death: zenz was killed by [RF]Stakhanov (Gun)

Then the snubs engaged a gunboat while one Legate and one Osiris started to shoot on Stakhanov, and that was time, so we called it over and went out. Sairs were too slow, as it always happens, so all forces left gamma in one piece.

Corsairs_Leon-Benitez: Can someone stop this Zephyr?

Not really.

However, not everybody made it to Omega-11 flawlessly. The LWB fighter didn't manage to get enough distance and was CDed by bunch of angry sairs in Omega-5.

AGS-L|H.Schuschnigg: Getting attacked by sairs but I'll be fine

We did what we had to do, dispatching all the free VHFs around to Omega-5 to help him out. Carrier required resupply and some repairs... of scratched paint, but as no sair caps except for one puny gunboat were around it was left near Freital without remorse.

So, Vladimir Lenin was in Omega-5 first, and, trying to stall for time, called corsairs to a duel. One of them agreed, while others decided to stay and watch instead of following LWB fighter, which, being the Loki, was almost impossible to hit.

In the meantime, more forces arrived. Mostly RHA pilots, of course, but there were some RF pilots too, and even two mercenaries, one Mandalorian and Viva Velasques, well-known among sairs, and somewhere around the middle of the fight we got support from SCRA, in form of two more fighters, and some other pilot called M.Agricola. The enemies mostly consisted of Corsairs of different kinds, HAF, Benitez, Sails, you name it. There was also some weird Hogosha around. Also, one Osiris was detected in the system at some point, and Stakhanov was ready to come and take it down, but Osiris captain decided to stay out of it.

While the battle raged on, the duel came to an end, and even despite the Berny|Sails interruption, the outcome still was in our favour.

Death: Corsairs_Leon-Benitez was killed by [RF]Vladimir.Lenin. (Gun)

By that time, the gunboat already exploded.

Death: -=ExOdIsIoN=- was killed by an NPC

Sadly, the LWB comrade had the Loki engines blown up by the passing missile, but such is life in Omega-5.

Then, more shooting ensued.

Death: Corsair-Ronaldo.Benitez was killed by [RHA]VoIsung (Gun)

Death: enrico was killed by Viva.Velasquez (Gun)

Well, we lost one more ship by that point, the one M.Agricola was piloting.

But we quickly returned the favor.

Death: Corsairs-Carlos_Benitez was killed by [RF]Vladimir.Lenin. (Gun)

Death: Corsair~Aaron_Benitez was killed by an NPC

We lost another fighter, piloted by Hans Gukel, but he was probably just tired after sucesseful mission in Gamma.

Death: Benito.Juarez was killed by Viva.Velasquez (Gun)

Death: Berny|Sails killed himself (Mine)

Death: Mandriva was killed by [RHA]VoIsung (Gun)

Mandalorian guy was pretty sad that he didn't get any kills yet, and that's what he's paid for, but there were a lot of sairs to land a finishing blow at least once.

Death: Liutuks|skraiduolis was killed by MM~Silent:threat (Wasp/Hornet)

Cesar.|Sails docked to Cadiz with ship burning, only to appear later to repeat the trick.

Lalo, the hogosha one, ran away to Omega-41 and we had better things to do than follow. With any luck, his almost destroyed fighter would bump into something, finishing the job.

Explosions didn't cease, anyway.

Death: *=stardom=* killed himself (Mine)

Death: HAF|Gen.Silent_Bob[TF] was killed by SCRA|Sayoko.Kato. (Gun)

Death: Elevada was killed by [RHA]Gunther.Hoerst (Gun)

That was it.

[RHA]Gunther.Hoerst: I guess we can leave now.
[RHA]Gunther.Hoerst: Unless.... any of you wants Vito?
Vito'|Sails: just go shoot some rocks or something
[RF]Vladimir.Lenin.: Well, hello there, rock.

Death: Vito'|Sails killed himself (Mine)

That was it. 2.5 hours of blowing sairs up.

AGS-L|H.Schuschnigg: Ah screw it, I'm tired. I'd better see all of you alive at the victory feast tonight, got it?

Ja, we got it. That was the reason this paperwork got ready a bit late, in fact.

**************MESSAGE ENDS***************