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Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Printable Version

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Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Schwarzengel - 06-30-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Major Friedrich Dresner - RHA SOA]

Taking Berserker on anozer routine patrol ov Omega-7 sistem, ve ran into a Kruger Hegemon full ov Kobalt ore. Ve kaught ze miner on ze lane near Freistadt, und after finally stopping his multiple attempts to run, he vas ordered to pay ze fine fur his kargo... Naturally, he refused und tried to play a trick on us by ejekting ze ore und shooting it. Sadly, he vas too slow und his ship had already blown up before ze ore vas even touched!

Panzerschreck vith her sekondary krew vere kalled in to kollect ze ore, und on our vay back to Freital, ve ran into zis Bounty Hunter in an Orka vho didn't pose a serious threat und only had a big mouth, und just like ze rest ov zem, started running to base soon as he ran out of regen kits.

Access Attachments: Für das vaterland, für die volksrevolution!

[Transmission Terminated]

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - ZxO - 06-30-2011

Incoming transmission
Source: Legendary Red Hessian Very Heavy Fighter "Odin"
Comm ID: Rekrut Sascha Falk

well i was on a Gurellia Trade Line Hacking Patrol in New Berlin.

and what i found ? Not many Military and Police. Seems they all are very understaffed.

an IMG Trader and a Junker Flyed above. i let them two go they way.

then i finally found a Rheinland Military. i Called him and Signed my Position. he Flyed slow to me and scanned me up. sadly he was Feared and Runned Fast away and Sayed something Confusing to me.

well thats all. Patrol was Over, Path to Dresden is Clear. no Military troups in dresden, everything Fine.
Ende und aus

End of transmission

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Schwarzengel - 06-30-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Major Friedrich Dresner - RHA SOA]

Ze fighter kombat test ov herr Hans Gukel ist finally komplete und he's effektively promoted to ze rank ov Oberleutnant. Also, Herr Sascha Falk ist hereby promoted to ze rank ov Flieger. Kongratulations to both ov you, und Herr Falk, you're now kleared to install [RHA] transponder signatures on your ship konsole.

Also, during our praktice session in Omega-54, ve picked up an unidentified kontakt on our skanner... After moving in to inspekt ze situation, it turned out to be a "freelancer" vho vas "just exploring". Deciding not to risk ze sakurity und sekrecy ov Omega-54, ich personally removed him vith ease to make sure none ov ze possible skanner logs stored on ze ship komputer make it out ov ze sistem.

Access Attachments:
[] [] [] []
Für das vaterland, für die volksrevolution!

[Transmission Terminated]

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Nicolas - 07-01-2011

Transmission source: Freital Base, Omega 11
Transmission ID: Oberleutnant Hans Gukel
Transmission receiver: RHA
Transmission begins:

Guten Tag, Kameraden der RHA

First of all I want to thank you for my promotion to the rank of Oberleutnant, I will keep the fight for the Hessian cause and the Vaterland on.

Once again I have to apologize for my lack of paperwork but as most of you know I`ve been spending a lot of time on my Pirate Transport Wiener Blut and some other Hessian PTs in Omega 7.

However, there is to report about some battles I fought too. As I`m in a little hurry I wont tell long tales about brave Hessian Kameraden and lousy fascists and cannibals. I`ll just tell the shortcut version. Please excuse that this is not a total summary of all the battles I fought as I had some troubles with my GunCam sometimes.

[Image: takashikill.png]

Rico Banderas
[Image: ricobanderaskill.png]
[Image: antoniorodriguezkill.png]

[Image: corsairgbs.png]

Oberleutnant Hans Gukel

Transmission Ends

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Schwarzengel - 07-03-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Major Friedrich Dresner - RHA SOA]

Guten abend pilots,
First ov all, let me start vith ze announcement zat due to latest tecknology trades vith Liberty Rogues, ve now have Two (2) Werewolfs und Fifteen (15) Sammael Guns in our possesion. Both Werewolfs vill be put on use fur all pilots ov die armee on Emergency bays A und B und in kase any member ov die armee vith enough rank to be kleared to use allied tech ist villing to mount any ov ze Sammael guns, kontact any member ov die Oberkommando to diskuss zis matter vith zem.

Zat said, to also add a regular flight report, first ich have to report destruktion ov Two (2) Korzair Gunboats in Omega-5 sistem. Engagement started in Omega-11 sistem right next to Freital, bekauze ze Korzairs vere stupid enough to get zat klose to our base, but soon as ze hessen forces undocked zey decided to flee to Omega-5 sistem vhich did not save zem. Both ships vere taken kare ov fast und klean und maybe zey learn not to vander too klose to our base in future.
Also, me und herr Hoerst attended a meeting vith ze group known as Deadpool, vho had offered us some useful intel in return fur docking rights on regular Hessen facilities. Both pieces ov intel vere retrieved und Spezialoperationsabteilung ist now vorking on both to extrakt as much uzeful information as possible. So from now on, any pilot affiliated vith ze group known as Deadpool ist klear to use regular Hessen facilities to repair und resupply so in kase ov any enkounter vith said pilots, treat zem as neutral.

Access Attachments: Für das vaterland, für die volksrevolution!

[Transmission Terminated]

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Blodo - 07-03-2011

Message to: RHA
Comm ID: Major Gunther Hoerst, RHA SOA
Location: Freital, Omega-11

I have resumed normal operations after the hit in Hudson today, switching to one of my backup ships to conduct a short patrol of Omega-7. Instead I was called by a well known Hessian pilot, Olaf Streithorst to Omega-3 to what I understood was a small force of Wilde gunships.

I made my way to Omega-3 through Omega-5 where I encountered a group of Omicroner Zoners on a cargo hauling mission to Freeport 1. I warned them of Wilde activities and continued to Omega-3. Before we parted ways, they thanked me in kind and promised a delivery of H-Fuel to Ronneburg base.

[02.07.2011 19:42:06] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: Zoners?
[02.07.2011 19:42:12] (]o[)Jake:Connors.: Yep.
[02.07.2011 19:42:14] (]o[)James.Ferguson.: Safe travels
[02.07.2011 19:42:20] (]o[)Jake:Connors.: Bye bye.
[02.07.2011 19:43:00] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: Watch for Wilde in Omega-3.
[02.07.2011 19:43:05] (]o[)Jake:Connors.: We will.
[02.07.2011 19:43:07] (]o[)Great.A'Tuin.: Charles: We'll do.
[02.07.2011 19:43:13] (]o[)James.Ferguson.: Thank you, Mr Hoerst.
[02.07.2011 19:43:24] (]o[)James.Ferguson.: We just want to deliver the supplies to Freeport 1
[02.07.2011 19:43:47] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: I have my man in Omega-3.. so I'll escort you a little bit.
[02.07.2011 19:44:06] (]o[)James.Ferguson.: Very appreciated indeed
[02.07.2011 19:44:09] (]o[)James.Ferguson.: jumping
[02.07.2011 19:44:56] (]o[)James.Ferguson.: Seems everything's clear still
[02.07.2011 19:45:05] (]o[)James.Ferguson.: below the radar, Charles?
[02.07.2011 19:45:06] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: The Wilde are between Aland and Freeport 1.
[02.07.2011 19:45:10] (]o[)Great.A'Tuin.: CHarles: Aye
[02.07.2011 19:45:13] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: You should have a clear way there.
[02.07.2011 19:45:20] (]o[)James.Ferguson.: Roger that, Mr Hoerst.
[02.07.2011 19:45:28] (]o[)Great.A'Tuin.: Charles: Goodbye, Herr Hoerst.
[02.07.2011 19:45:29] (]o[)James.Ferguson.: Say, is there anything we might do for the Hessians?
[02.07.2011 19:45:42] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: We are always looking for H-fuel on Ronneburg base.
[02.07.2011 19:45:49] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: The GMG are happy to oblige but need transporters.
[02.07.2011 19:45:53] (]o[)James.Ferguson.: *nods* Good.
[02.07.2011 19:46:21] (]o[)James.Ferguson.: We weren't sure if this deal is still up. I will see after upcoming supplies from Okinawa
[02.07.2011 19:46:43] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: This deal will carry on for a long while from now.
[02.07.2011 19:47:16] (]o[)James.Ferguson.: Of course we would never admit these supplies, even if getting caught, but I think you don't mind us lying, do you?
[02.07.2011 19:47:26] (]o[)James.Ferguson.: We are going to provide as much H-Fuel as possible
[02.07.2011 19:47:34] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: Danke schon.
[02.07.2011 19:47:41] (]o[)James.Ferguson.: Gern geschehen
[02.07.2011 19:47:42] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: Also watch out, the fight has now moved close to the Freeport.
[02.07.2011 19:47:46] (]o[)James.Ferguson.: Ferguson out.
[02.07.2011 19:49:41] (]o[)Great.A'Tuin.: Charles: Initiating docking sequence. Proceeding to clear the supplies at FP1.
[02.07.2011 19:49:45] Order|CV-Hepshetsut: Leigh: Moving the Hepshetsut into position by planet Sprague.
[02.07.2011 19:50:11] (]o[)James.Ferguson.: Charles, hurry up. I'd like to leave as soon as possible
[02.07.2011 19:52:07] (]o[)Great.A'Tuin.: Charles: Alright. Going to visit you guys on the turn back. Gotta hold full of Hfuel.
[02.07.2011 19:56:09] (]o[)Great.A'Tuin.: Thanks for keeping the way free.. 5000 units of hfuel inbound for Ronneburg
[02.07.2011 20:01:10] (]o[)Great.A'Tuin.: Charles: Everything delivered to Ronneburg.
[02.07.2011 20:01:21] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: Excellent. Danke schon.

When I got to the scene of the battle, it was an interesting sight: a large number of Order vessels battling three Scorpion gunboats in complete disarray and lack of coordination. Myself and Herr Streithorst immediately stepped in and too ad hoc command of the group, knowing Wilde tactics far better than a bunch of auslanders. I ordered our temporary allies to take on one gunboat at a time: a tactic that proved effective in downing the threats one after the other.

[color=#33CCFF][02.07.2011 19:47:18] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: No, no, no, shoot *one* of them at a time!
[02.07.2011 19:47:48] Olaf-Streithorst: well the humanity might need help after all
[02.07.2011 19:47:55] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: Indeed... time to join in
[02.07.2011 19:47:59] Terrance.Chamberlain: Gotcha
<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%][color=#3333FF][02.07.2011 19:48:13] Death: BAF|Ens.James.Barett was killed by Wilde.Ungezahmt (Gun)

[02.07.2011 19:49:03] Order|Jessica.Scarlet: 63,you are welcome to assist us!
[color=#3333FF][02.07.2011 19:49:14] Death: Order|Ens.Marcus.Ward was killed by Wilde.Ungezahmt (Gun)
[02.07.2011 19:49:18] 63rd|Paladin: Roger, I'll see what I can do...
[02.07.2011 19:49:45] Order|CV-Hepshetsut: Leigh: Moving the Hepshetsut into position by planet Sprague.
[color=#3333FF][02.07.2011 19:51:10] Death: Order|Jessica.Scarlet was killed by Wilde.Ungezahmt (Gun)
[02.07.2011 19:51:21] Order|Cdr.Brian.Scott: They keep getting us!
[02.07.2011 19:51:34] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: Focus on one, dammit!
[02.07.2011 19:51:40] Order|Cdr.Brian.Scott: Roger.
[02.07.2011 19:52:50] Death: QCA|Cadet.Stacker killed himself (Missile/Torpedo)
[color=#3333FF][02.07.2011 19:53:08] Death: Wilde.Suende was killed by [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst (Gun)
[02.07.2011 19:53:15] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: Excellent.
[02.07.2011 19:53:19] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: Now the other one.
[02.07.2011 19:53:19] [ISAF]-Mobius-One: Bartlett Hell yeah thats one
[color=#33CC00][02.07.2011 19:54:01] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: Tell your men to hit Zweifel
[02.07.2011 19:54:03] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: All of them
[02.07.2011 19:54:10] Order|CV-Hepshetsut: Leigh: Do you need heavy support on those gunboats?
[02.07.2011 19:54:33] [ISAF]-Mobius-One: Bartlett: Idk, ask the hessians
[02.07.2011 19:54:57] (]o[)Jake:Connors.: Interesting situation..
[02.07.2011 19:55:15] Order|CV-Hepshetsut: Leigh: Tactical, warm up the mortar in case it's needed.
[02.07.2011 19:56:18] Order|CV-Hepshetsut: Leigh: I repeat, do you require mortar support on those gunboats?
[02.07.2011 19:56:25] Terrance.Chamberlain: Returning to standby.
[02.07.2011 19:56:40] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: Yes, but watch out for them. Aim for the one with razors.
[02.07.2011 19:56:55] 63rd|Paladin: Negative Hatshpetsud, stand by for now.
[02.07.2011 19:57:01] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: Fighters keep on Zweifel.
[02.07.2011 19:57:11] Order|CV-Hepshetsut: Leigh: Tactical, begin long range mortar bombardment.
At about this point the Wilde began their retreat, but we weren't going to let up that easily.
[color=#33CCFF][02.07.2011 19:57:19] (]o[)Jake:Connors.: Mind if I help shoot the bloody squids? I have a personal quarrel with them.
[02.07.2011 19:58:20] (]o[)Jake:Connors.: I ask again, can I help out?
[02.07.2011 19:58:31] Order|Cdr.Brian.Scott: Time to end this!
[02.07.2011 19:58:33] 63rd|Paladin: Jake, you're clear to engage.
[02.07.2011 19:58:33] [ISAF]-Mobius-One: Bartlett: Sure
[02.07.2011 19:58:38] (]o[)Jake:Connors.: Awesome!
[02.07.2011 19:59:17] Order|CV-Hepshetsut: Leigh: We can't fire the Mortar accurately in this field. Holding back for a clean shot.
<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%][color=#3333FF][02.07.2011 20:00:04] Death: Wilde.Zweifel. was killed by Order|Cdr.Brian.Scott (Gun)

[02.07.2011 20:00:10] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: Excellent! Last one!
[02.07.2011 20:00:10] Order|CV-Hepshetsut: Leigh: Good kill.
[02.07.2011 20:00:12] Order|Cdr.Brian.Scott: Now the last.
[02.07.2011 20:00:45] Terrance.Chamberlain: Gotcha!
[02.07.2011 20:00:50] Order|Cdr.Brian.Scott: Yeah!
[02.07.2011 20:00:51] [ISAF]-Mobius-One: Bartlett: ENGAGE
[02.07.2011 20:01:01] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: I told you we'd put a wrench in your gears, alien abomination.
[02.07.2011 20:01:11] Order|Cdr.Brian.Scott: Let's deal with the threat and celebrate it!
[02.07.2011 20:01:12] Olaf-Streithorst: don't think they have gears
[02.07.2011 20:01:32] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: Well whatever they have!
Hearing my taunts, the gunboat headed for the sun trying to take some of us with it. We knew it was going to blow anyway... well, most of us did.
[color=#33CCFF][02.07.2011 20:01:38] Order|CV-Hepshetsut: Leigh: Charging the Mortar. Clear the target!
[02.07.2011 20:02:25] Order|CV-Hepshetsut: Leigh: Miss! Charge and fire again!
[02.07.2011 20:03:17] Terrance.Chamberlain: Careful..
[02.07.2011 20:03:26] Order|Cdr.Brian.Scott: Watch it.
[02.07.2011 20:03:29] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: I'd say let the cruiser finish it.
[02.07.2011 20:03:32] Order|Cdr.Brian.Scott: I hope it'll burn.
[02.07.2011 20:03:36] 63rd|Paladin: I agree.
[02.07.2011 20:03:47] Order|Cdr.Brian.Scott: Captain?
[02.07.2011 20:03:50] (]o[)Jake:Connors.: Hey! More of the blue bastards!
[02.07.2011 20:03:54] Order|CV-Hepshetsut: Leigh: Let it burn.
<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%][color=#3333FF][02.07.2011 20:04:15] Death: Wilde.Ungezahmt committed suicide
[02.07.2011 20:04:17] Death: [ISAF]-Mobius-One committed suicide

[02.07.2011 20:04:25] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: Some sacrifice...
[02.07.2011 20:04:34] Olaf-Streithorst: one could wonder
[02.07.2011 20:04:39] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: Good cooperation Order, but your men need some more field training in terms of combating the Wilde..
[02.07.2011 20:04:46] [ISAF]-Mobius-One: Bartlett: *Eject.Eject.Eject.* Making sure the SOB is dead
[02.07.2011 20:04:47] 63rd|Paladin: It wasn't worth him.
[02.07.2011 20:05:01] Order|Cdr.Brian.Scott: Thank you for your help, Hessians.
[02.07.2011 20:05:10] Terrance.Chamberlain: Aye, thank you Hessians.
[02.07.2011 20:05:10] Order|Cdr.Brian.Scott: Couldn't have done without you.
[02.07.2011 20:05:17] Order|CV-Hepshetsut: Leigh: Unfortunately this was just meant to be a training run. We had a ton of rookies out with us.
[02.07.2011 20:05:18] [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst: Any time, as long as we can keep those aliens out of the Vaterland.
We then encountered two smaller alien ships which were fast enough not to get hit much by us, but not armed well enough to do much damage to us. The fight dragged on for a while, and eventually the aliens disengaged likely noticing the futility of it all. Myself and Herr Streithorst moved back toward Omega-11, where I was disrupted and we found more infested Military in the form of a Mjolnir and Belgermir. We made short work of them quickly, and returned to base.
[color=#3333FF][02.07.2011 21:05:48] Death: BlueRaven-SS was killed by Olaf-Streithorst (Gun)
[02.07.2011 21:05:57] Death: BuMtzi was killed by [RHA]Gunther_Hoerst (Gun)
That's that for this evening's report.


Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Blodo - 07-04-2011

Message to: RHA
Comm ID: Major Gunther Hoerst, RHA SOA
Location: Freital, Omega-11

Given that the IMG complained to us about a Hessian raider wing attacking their convoys repeatedly, I have decided to go and investigate the case. I have found a member of the [KvS] raider wing by Vogtland today, shooting some lowly Daumann security. I helped him then once the deed was done, interviewed him on the matter:

[color=#33CCFF][04.07.2011 12:16:39] [KvS]Stahlgewitter: thx for help
[04.07.2011 12:16:56] [RHA]Gunther.Hoerst: No problem. Can I speak to you for a moment?
[04.07.2011 12:17:08] [KvS]Stahlgewitter: yes you can
[04.07.2011 12:17:24] [RHA]Gunther.Hoerst: You see, we the Red Hessians have an arrangement with the IMG in Omega-7
[04.07.2011 12:17:39] [RHA]Gunther.Hoerst: We try not to pirate them and in return they sell our ore for us.
[04.07.2011 12:17:42] [KvS]Stahlgewitter: i dont know that
[04.07.2011 12:17:50] [KvS]Stahlgewitter: ah ok
[04.07.2011 12:17:53] [RHA]Gunther.Hoerst: That's why I am explaining it to you so you know for the future.
[04.07.2011 12:17:57] [KvS]Stahlgewitter: now i lisen from ....
[04.07.2011 12:18:04] [RHA]Gunther.Hoerst: We've got a complaint from them about yesterday.
[04.07.2011 12:18:12] [KvS]Stahlgewitter: i give information all kvs hessians
[04.07.2011 12:18:17] [RHA]Gunther.Hoerst: Excellent!
They were very cooperative, which is good. The movement has been absorbing many recruits as of late, and new wings have been formed. It is perhaps a good suggestion for the future to compile a dossier of these wings, so that we can coordinate better in our common fight against the Military and Corsairs.


Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Roter Frontkämpferbund - 07-07-2011

[Image: headeremp.png]
[color=#000000]Rotfrontkampferbund is eager to remind Rote Hessen Armee Oberkommando that in the operations involving several "Vidar" class cruisers, each one after the first one increases the chance of enemy retreat for seventeen percent according to the field experiments. We recommend Oberkommando to provide an additional plate of borscht to all the personnel of the vessels that participated in destruction of the following battleships of the imperial fleet of Crete in middle and lower Omegas and the Rheinwehr vanguard in Omega Three:

# RNC-Feldhelm
# Gigantes
# Black.Sails
For the revolution!
[Image: bottomer.png]

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Blighter - 07-17-2011

-( Incoming Transmission
-( Viva Velasquez - Visitor, Vacationer, Volunteer

Guten Tag.

A random gathering of us and our dear comrades went out to generate entertainment.

And so we did just that.

Needless to say the odds were against us and aside from the Mandalorian on our side, a fine gentleman who is quite the dancer in that green brick of his, and myself everyone's fighters and bombers went nuclear at some point, the last two at the end of the stunt due to capital-launched artillery missiles. With all the Corsair patrols and defense forces noone can blame them as with all that junk soaring through the sky the systems tend to get overwhelmed to the point we've no idea of telling what kind of explosive is headed our way, as I'm sure most of you know. However given the odds it was still a success, isn't every day you get to take out a Corsair supply-ship of that size. I'm however afraid that the guncam footage doesn't cover all parts of the ordeal as I've been feeling somewhat distracted by my lack of one hundred bucks lately, the particular ones which Uncle Adolph still owes me.

Just know that today, we splashed a barge even though we had to rush the whole stunt and had barely any heavy firepower to meet the overwhelming Corsair opposition. And then we splashed more Corsairs. And then there was explosions everywhere.

I'd also like to commend Flieger Walter Steiner for his bravery in this whole ordeal. He charged into battle head-first in his Bomber, kept a cool head, and stayed on the barge at all times despite the overwhelming opposition and dual-Osiris escort, playing a major role in securing that kill.


-( Transmission terminated

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Schwarzengel - 07-18-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Major Friedrich Dresner - RHA SOA]

Achtung piloten,
Herr Roland Keifer ist hereby promoted to ze rank ov Gefreiter due to his latest kontributions to die volksrevolution. All lower ranked piloten ov der Armee should take him as an example und try to katch up vith him fur betterment ov our kause. Gut luck Gefreiter Keifer, und keep up ze gut vork.

Für das vaterland, für die volksrevolution!

[Transmission Terminated]