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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Shagohad - 02-28-2010

Comm ID: Lieutenant Angelica Broch
Location: CPW-Trotsky
Recipient: SCRA High Command

[Image: angiecomm.jpg]

Hail, Comrades,

Today my goal was simple: Acquire oil. However, the process was rather complex and intertwined four separate factions including our own.

Under orders to take the Social Credit, we disembarked from Omega-52 and made our way to Tau-23. The Orkney jump hole was located there and the best bet would be to head through Council space, not Royals. Once in Tau-23, we scoped out traders to recruit to our cause. A sizable force of Colonials interrogating a Blood Dragon was present.

[Image: Oilop4.jpg]

Seeing as we are not hostile with them, I decided to let them go about their business and patiently wait for them to finish. The Dragon skedaddled and I was left to speak to the Colonials. As we dithered about, trying to come up with a plan to get the oil, a Council trade ship coasted by. Quick to act, the Colonials sprung forward and stopped it for me.

[Image: Oilop1.jpg]

The captain was very polite, eager to help me with my task if we had compensated him for his time. The Colonials were willing to exchange ship components for the oil. Very helpful and noble of them. A fleet returned, escorting the trade ship.

[Image: Oilop2.jpg]

As the trade agreements were settled and the area pacified, the Maquis escort contacted me and told them about the Maquis strife. I did not record the conversation, due to the fact that I can sum it up: They hate the king, they wish for weapons, and that they kill people to make a point. That's really dissuading, but I think they warrant our help. But that is not for me to decide.

What I gained during the en devour:

[Image: Oilop3.jpg]


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 02-28-2010

Comm ID: Sub-Lieutenant Ben Warner
Recipient: SCRA High Command

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Sub-Lt Ben Warner, reporting from recon mission to find a path into Liberty using the Jumphole system.

Each Guncam is marked with possible paths one can take within Liberty and the path home from the nest of corruption.

That is the best i could find on short notice.

Sub-Lt Warner signing off.

-End Transmission-

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - pieguy259 - 03-01-2010

COMM ID: Commissar-Lieutenant Commander Vicenta Gonzalez, Provost Marshal's Office
LOCATION: CPW Social Credit

I bring glorious news, comrades. Today, we have struck a mighty blow for the People. Today, we have liberated Commissar-Captain Katz from the filthy hands of the fascist Rheinland pigs!

I led a small strike force to intercept the convoy carrying him to Vierlande, on board the Social Credit. Our casualties were high, but the capitalist swine's were higher, and we retrieved Katz from their clutches. It could not have been done without the brave pilots who laid down their lives for the Coalition, and I shall personally arrange a memorial service for them.

We are currently en route back to Omega-52 with Katz, our surviving officers, many Rheinland prisoners and valuable information on Munster Research Station. With this, we shall prevail! The Rheinland government and military will undoubtedly fall!

Viva la Revolucion!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 03-02-2010

COMM ID: Commissar-Captain Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Omega-52 CPW-Trotsky СРЩ-Трoцкий


[Image: Katzscomm.jpg]

It is my duty and my pleasure to award the Cross of the Patriot to Vicenta Gonzales for her tireless efforts to restore the Coalition through the trying and turbulent times recently. You are an example, Lt. Commander, of all that is right in the Coalition. Carry on the excellent work.

Be it also noted that other actions have not been ignored. Ben Warner you are summarily promoted to the rank of Full Lieutenant under my authority. You will report to the Quartermaster and immediately aquire your Insurgent and Revolution vessels.

Sergey Litvenko you are also promoted to the rank of Lieutenant under Gold Squadron One. Simillarly you will equip yourself for duty accordingly.

Lt. Commander Thacker the CPW-Saratov will be put under your disposal, and you will report to Commander Alvarez of Gunboat Training Command for oversight on its operation. Do not damage Admiral Karchovs Gunboat, lad, he is fond of it.

Lt. Commander Gonzales the CPW-Akula will be put at your disposal, you will also report to Commander Alvarez of Gunboat Training Command for oversight on its operation. This vessel holds a unique prestige in the Coalition, it is wise that you do not dishonour it.

Neither Lt. Commander is authourized to tamper with the weapons load out of the gunboat to which they are assigned.

I want the Alliance to know that the Coalition is still here, despite their efforts to silence us.

Do not disappoint me,

Commissar-Captain Alvin Katz
Комисса́р-Капитан 1-го ранга Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Sprolf - 03-03-2010

-COMM ID: Lieutenant Pavel Medvedov, Intelligence
-LOCATION: Omega 52
-TARGET ID: Commissar Alvin Katz, cc. This Channel

Commissar, I am proud to report that the Operation I was tasked with was completed with resounding success. The ship held up through our travels, and so did the men, each pulling double or even triple shifts until the job was completed. We have successfully docked in Omega 52 just now and I have assigned all crew twenty-four hours rest for their actions.

I have obtained the intelligence mandated, as well as 33 tonnes of Iridium incidentally obtained from the Kansas fields, along with 6 undamaged Nomad specimens and 2 Neural Nodes from their gunship-sized vessels all are in storage on the Kerimov and await transfer to other vessels. The Nomad biomatter was taken care of by myself personally after we moored, and you can rest assured that there is no danger to be had. Still, I will remain awake until it is transferred to the Velebit, due to the precautions we all must take.

I could write more, but I believe that I won't.
I will now upload the images and any notes I might have concerning the gates.


The first gate we made for was the anomaly within Omega 58. This, being one of the more dangerous legs of the trip, was elected to be made first due to the fact that we would only become more fatigued and thus less combat effective over time. Any Wilde patrols in the system were successfully evaded with relative ease. The Kerimov was oddly undisturbed during the time we scanned the gate and gravitational flux in the centre of its mass. Such data on a forming gate will prove invaluable to understand how the more... "mature," shall we say... gates work.
[Image: Gate5-Omega58.png]

The second gates the Kerimov catalogued was the well-documented formation in Omicron Minor.
Scans were taken from both sides, and nothing out of the ordinary occured while doing so. Results were quite satisfactory, as both gates are dated but still functioning and open to spacecraft, providing a perfect environment in which to explore the structure and workings of the gate. The Order has already made decades of research into this structure, and they were quite glad to share -most- of their files on it with us.
[Image: Gate1-Minor.png]
[Image: Gate1-Major.png]

Then we steered course into Omicron Delta and then to the infamous Omicron Iota. The men were on edge, but this leg of the journey, as certainly the most dangerous, had to be taken before we became any more worn. As soon as we transited the jumphole, we came under heavy fire from a stationary installation orbiting the gravity flux. We managed to move out of its range without sustaining any permanent damage. It should be noted that the structure projected a disruptor field that prevented use of cruise engines or inertial compensation.

Order agents informed us that we would find a gate to the north-north-east, near the gravity well of a planet. We were able to locate the signature of a nebula-cloaked planet in that general direction, and we immediately made for it. Transit across the system was uneventful, though I felt some definite... disturbing undercurrents in the mindwaves. We found the gate, protected by two similar disruption/weapons installations, and scanned it as we powered straight toward it, hoping the shields would hold long enough for us to move through the gate. They didn't, however, and we too some hull damage, which was repaired by technicians within the hour.
[Image: Gate2-Xerna.png]
The next gate took us into a complete scanner blank... though I will note here (I said nothing to my crew) that the Nomad city was within just a few kilometres of us. We scanned and jumped through just as our jump systems were recharged, despite the curiosity of the crew as to where we were. I knew, and I did not want to compromise morale by telling them just how dangerous our location was. We were undetected, and I wished for it to remain that way...
[Image: Gate2-Dur.png]
This next gate did, in fact, not bring us back to our previous location, but linked to another system, designated as Omicron 99. Examinations of our data resolved that these gates operate in a one-way triangle, and you can reach any of the three locations in at most two jumps from any gate. We came under fire from a nearby Nomad Hive, but the shields held long enough for us to sufficiently catalogue the gate and retreat.
[Image: Gate2-Ravine.png]

We moved north-west, acting on Order intelligence, to a jumphole. This took us to a similarly desolate system in the strange pink nebulae, known as Omicron 90. A jumphole in the south of the barren area brough us to Omicron Alpha. Due to the inherent danger of this system, we moved to passive sensor mode and ran "silent and deep," as they used to say. This procedure was followed through Tau 23, 29, Baffin, and Coronado - many potential enemies live in this very stretch of space, and everyone was on edge during the entire trip.

Ben Warner's information concerning the location of a supposedly defunct gate in Coronado led us right to it. He was correct in what he said, though a medical diagnosis of the body within the nearby wreck was impossible to make due to the time elapsed since the first discovery of the wreck at the gate. The gate was sucessfully scanned, and its "inactive" or "defucnt" status information will most interesting to compare to the more active gates. Perhaps we can actually learn just how these work.
[Image: Gate3-Coronado.png]

The last gate on our records was.... quite well known to me.
I need say little else.

It is the formation in Kansas. We made it to the area while avoiding any of the "Neo Terran Front" members who are said to populate the system. Scans were made extensively of it and its partially destroyed structure. This is a unique gate in that we get to see part of its internal workings. I'm hoping that this, coupled with the Coronado gate, and the other working gates, might give us a good deal of insight as to the gates. I believe that it should, in any case. The rest is up to our researchers.
[Image: Gate4-Kansas.png]

While in Omicron Minor, we encountered and terminated two Nomad "gunboat" codenamed class entities and six Nomad "assassin" codenamed entities. Complete Neural Nodes were harvested from the "gunboat" entities and six Nomads were recovered from the "assassin" entities. Various energy cysts that appear to be analogous to munitions for the Nomads were also recovered. I am eagerly awaiting the research into these - perhaps we can devise an energy-based "missile" on the principles of these weapons, or form effective countermeasures against them.

The Operation was a resounding success, I am proud to report.
Command of the Kerimov has been relinquished, and research materials await dissemination to their appropriate end holders. I will watch over the Nomad material until it reaches the Velebit.

For the Revolution.
Lieutenant Pavel Medvedov, Intelligence


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Nichole.Schmidt - 03-03-2010

Comm ID: Nichole.Schmidt
Location: Personal Quarters, Zvezdny Gorodok
To: Commissar Katz

[Image: sarayba.jpg]

I am back in my quarters after a prolonged absence. I have been dropped here by a Zoner medical transport so I have a lot of forms and requisitions to go through as well as a good many medical supplies for the JiangXi medical office to inventory. Once I complete this, I will need transport to the surface as I am without a ship as the Ark is needed elsewhere and my own ship is having transponder issues.
If you have any questions of me, feel free to contact me with them.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 03-04-2010

COMM ID: Commissar-Captain Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Omega-52 CPW-Trotsky СРЩ-Трoцкий

TARGET ID: Lt. Commander Broch , Lt. Warner
RE: Comrade Luka, Omicron Minor Operation

[Image: Katzscomm.jpg]

You are overdue for your reports.

Commissar-Captain Alvin Katz
Комисса́р-Капитан 1-го ранга Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 03-04-2010

COMM ID: Commissar-Captain Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Omega-52 CPW-Trotsky СРЩ-Трoцкий


[Image: Katzscomm.jpg]

Attention Pilots of the Fighter Corps.

As your Commissar, it comes to my understanding that our Alliances are weakening. Our pilots need to remember who their friends are, and to understand their goals and ambitions.


SCRA pilots are ordered to be on cross training the next few weeks
meaning when you are online you are going to be seeking out those groups to train with you, go on missions and patrol with you
so that you can:

A. Build relationships with your pilots and get interaction up.
B. Familiarize themselves with those revolutionary groups, their issues and their history.
C. Build and forge our alliances.

I expect to be updated on your encounters.

For ALL our Revolutions!

Commissar-Captain Alvin Katz
Комисса́р-Капитан 1-го ранга Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Shagohad - 03-04-2010

Comm ID: Lieutenant Angelica Broch
Location: CPW-Social Credit
Recipient: SCRA High Command

[Image: angiecomm.jpg]

Hail, Comrades,

Operation OIL'S WELL is turning out beautifully. Fearing that my assignment would be arduous and rather violent, I sought out a very handy acquaintance to assist me.

[Image: Sci-1.jpg]

Comrade Luka, or Nate for short, assisted in a rather beneficial and surprising way. He had not yet been awarded an unscrupulous reputation in Bretonia, allowing him free-range of almost any station as long as he behaved. During idle chatter, he informed me that he was able to go about like this.

Almost instantly, I ordered him to fetch me a scientist by any means, preferably in a gentle non frisking manner. After a few minutes he quickly returned, a scientist sitting in his cargo hold with all his equipment necessary for his work.

[Image: Sci-2.jpg]

The Credit has a space cleared for Doctor Finneus Blog. He has a doctorate in all forms of geological stuff that I have no clue about, so that must make him an expert if I have no clue what he's talking about, yes?

[Image: Sci-3.jpg]

He is now working aboard the Credit as we run him home. Where exactly do you want him dropped off?


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 03-04-2010

COMM ID: Commissar-Captain Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Omega-52 – CPW-Trotsky – СРЩ-Трoцкий

TARGET ID: Lt. Commander Broch

[Image: Katzscomm.jpg]

Please tell me this Professor came with you willingly, and that you didn’t abduct a civilian against his will…

You know what, I don’t want to know. There are things I don’t need to know. As far as I am concerned I know nothing, I have seen nothing.

So help me if the Bretonian’s start screaming about us abducting one of their pre-eminant professors… off of Cambridge Research Station…

I am forwarding this to Vicenta, she’ll… question you about this.

As for me, I think I am going to go read a book,

Commissar-Captain Alvin Katz
Комисса́р-Капитан 1-го ранга Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса