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Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Blighter - 01-29-2012

[Image: 2ecoefd.png]

[font=Microsoft Sans Serif]
Privyet, amigos.

who's back, si?

Went along on a trip into Gamma which went well until the horde showed up and we started getting our asses kicked.

Something must've stirred those Corsairs up while I was gone, can't explain why they're so bloodthirsty now.

Did uncle Adolph come back and crowned himself Emperor of Gamma or something?

P.S.: My darling-dear Major Hoerst, I mean Gunther my beloved Pink Baron, when will you finally propose to me?

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - (ツ) - 01-31-2012

Eingehende Übertragung...

[color=#FF0000]Source:beknownst to you
Target:Red Hessian Army officials
Subject:First Action Report

Dokument wird geöffnet...

Sehr geehrtes Obercommando of the Red Hessians!

These are some excerpts of my personal log, that I want to share with you as my field reports.

Day 1:

Time for some excitement: Today I was contacted by an agent of the RHA. He sent me the message, that my application got accepted.

Without second thoughts, I packed some of my personal belonings - including a datasheet with secret beer reciepies - and went to the starport.
Trying not to attract much attention I hired an one-way CSV-trip. The pilot was a friend of the family back from the days where the KKK was still in buisness.
He was one of our fellow customers, that made me pretty sure that he knew some gossip, including the location of one of your bases.

Upon my arrival, a meeting with the recruit agents was arranged.
My afternoon was filled with absolving the usual dexterity and constitution checks. My grades revealed that frontline service in a VHF was best suitable for me.
Shortly after I was summoned to the docking bay: a brand new vessel of the famous Odin-class was assigned to me, and i was introduced to my officials and some of the fellow pilots.


[color=#33FF33]Übertragung abgeschlossen

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - (ツ) - 02-01-2012

Eingehende Übertragung...

[color=#FF0000]Source:beknownst to you
Target:Red Hessian Army officials
Subject:Second Action Report
Dokument wird geöffnet...

Sehr geehrtes Obercommando of the Red Hessians!

These are some excerpts of my personal log, that I want to share with you as my field reports.

[font=Garamond]Day 2:

[color=#FFFFFF]*you hear the sounds of a bar in the background*

I just made it out alive... Had some excitement with the Corsairs for the first time.
Guess it won't be my last dance with 'em.

We started out by chasing some Bounty Hunters to their hideout, but the creeps crawled into their holes when we entered their scanners.
So no luck for us.

[color=#FFFFCC]*a little louder*

Good job, drill Inspectors of the BHG. Thats the spirit: if you can't 'gank on them, just duck and cover!

*sips some Beer, puts down the glass then continues more calmly*

Keine bounties for these suckers, I guess.

Annnnnnyways, after the little intermezzo with the 'bunters our squad leader figured that the real Action is going on in Theta - the 'sairs system.

So after waiting for one of the Reavers, we set course and rushed over there with our Engines set to max.

*takes another sip*

After taking the jump, we said hello to ugly Sairs and their even more ugly homesys'.
The next 2 hours of my life I was dodging all kind of Blasters, Tizonas, Flaks, blasted-off engine parts as well as spanish curses.

Anger management at it's finest, meine Herren!

*to himself*

Hmm should I send this to my mum?

[Image: killedasair.gif]

Dodging half a dozen of Sairs can be pretty ...unnerving. All in all, I was so busy that I kinda forgot a lot what happened.

Can't be bothered yet with watching the enitre replay of the brawl...

Oh but before I forget THIS.

Kress? If you continue to steal my kills, I will kill you.

Do you hear?


Red Hessian Reporting Facility - (ツ) - 02-04-2012

Eingehende Übertragung...
[color=#FF0000]Source:beknownst to you
Target:Red Hessian Army officials
Subject:3rd Report of my progress
Dokument wird geöffnet...

Sehr geehrtes Obercommando of the Red Hessians!

These are some excerpts of my personal log, that I want to share with you as my field reports.

[font=Garamond]Day 4:

[color=#FFFFFF]*Backgound sounds of the community rooms*

Hurra brothers! Tonight some great news arrived in my inbox:

Guess I passed the trial period. No wonder, the authority was pleased by my Corsair treatment recently.

Feels good not to be a recruit nobody anymore but a full member of the Red Hessian Army!

Still I am fresh meat that needs to be tendereized, yaaay.

Thus, Gukel thought it might be a good idea to unleash me to fly one of these:


Although it lacks cup holders, I liked it.


We engaged in tenderization and spent some time with our little ballet of death, training our skills reflexes.

Pfffff, Needless to say that he got the upper hand in his boat of fun.


My turn will come.



*swishing sound of paper is heard*

What do we have here? A yes, time to contact some of the more errr.. shifty comrades around here.

Won't waste much time to get in touch with someone that has intel about Rheinlands calabooses.

Vater, hang on I will get you out...

*sights, beheading of a bottle is heard*

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - (ツ) - 02-05-2012

Eingehende Übertragung...
[color=#FF0000]Source:beknownst to you
Target:Red Hessian Army officials
Subject:Report no. 4

Dokument wird geöffnet...

Sehr geehrtes Obercommando of the Red Hessians!

Day 5:

[color=#FFFFFF]*Backgound sounds of the community rooms*

Grrr... This duty rota left no room for me to get in touch with the right people.

So no news concerning the whereabouts of my Father.


How did he used to say? Business before pleasure.

My task was to patrol the Omegas with my Thor, scouting for Corsair Clowns, Bunter Buttheads and various creeps.

Setting out from Freital yesterday, I stumbled someone from which I first thought he's just another little Daumann puppy.


As it turned out this one, was quite a decent guy. Keep both eyes on him, as I am pretty sure that we might win him over for our cause.

I will share this message log for those who're interested.

*typing sounds*


[04.02.2012 15:51:25] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Klever: "Hail Kapitaen Hartmut.Schneider.! Will you hold your vessel for a second?"

[04.02.2012 15:51:42] Hartmut.Schneider.: Hail, roger that, engines stoped

[04.02.2012 15:51:44] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Just want to have a talk.
[04.02.2012 15:52:00] [RHA]Geheimrezept: You enjoy working for Daumann?

[04.02.2012 15:52:03] Hartmut.Schneider.: Guten Tag Herr Clever

[04.02.2012 15:52:19] Hartmut.Schneider.: i try to do so, these days it is very hard

[04.02.2012 15:52:29] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Tell me about it...

[04.02.2012 15:52:45] Hartmut.Schneider.: yesterday for example
[04.02.2012 15:53:04] Hartmut.Schneider.: i saw an indipent pirate
[04.02.2012 15:53:27] Hartmut.Schneider.: he want all my cargo, is that the truth and Codex of Pirates?

[04.02.2012 15:53:30] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Do you remember his name?

[04.02.2012 15:53:54] Hartmut.Schneider.: no sorry, but it wasnt a Red Hessian

[04.02.2012 15:54:03] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Well, we hessians we're not pirates.
[04.02.2012 15:54:18] [RHA]Geheimrezept: We're here to liberate Rheinland and end this war.

[04.02.2012 15:54:21] Hartmut.Schneider.: ive heard the best and victories stories about you

[04.02.2012 15:54:47] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Do you believe in a better Rheinland?

[04.02.2012 15:54:51] Hartmut.Schneider.: i know, that you great women and men arnt pirates

[04.02.2012 15:54:58] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Without a chanchellor that tells you when to poop?

[04.02.2012 15:55:04] Hartmut.Schneider.: i think the regime is very corrupt
[04.02.2012 15:55:24] Hartmut.Schneider.: they have many deals with traitors

[04.02.2012 15:55:36] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Corrupt is not the right word...
[04.02.2012 15:55:40] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Rotten is!

[04.02.2012 15:56:01] Hartmut.Schneider.: i believe in the Volks Decision

[04.02.2012 15:56:22] [RHA]Geheimrezept: They make people work for minimum wages. Thats what THEY decided.
[04.02.2012 15:56:27] [RHA]Geheimrezept: We want to change that.

[04.02.2012 15:56:37] Hartmut.Schneider.: and how want you to change that?

[04.02.2012 15:56:48] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Do you want to be part of the new tomorrow, i will tell you then.

[04.02.2012 15:56:53] Hartmut.Schneider.: what will you do against this huge force

[04.02.2012 15:57:04] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Well, we keep hitting them where it hurts.

[04.02.2012 15:57:20] Hartmut.Schneider.: in their economy?

[04.02.2012 15:57:37] [RHA]Geheimrezept: We're transmitting our message to everybody, even to the ones that don't want to hear it.
[04.02.2012 15:57:43] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Their economy.
[04.02.2012 15:57:48] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Their military.
[04.02.2012 15:57:51] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Their minds!
[04.02.2012 15:58:04] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Eventually, they will crackle

[04.02.2012 15:58:04] Hartmut.Schneider.: but is voilence the right way to do that?

[04.02.2012 15:58:16] [RHA]Geheimrezept: We're not violent.
[04.02.2012 15:58:21] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Not by default.

[04.02.2012 15:58:30] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Our nature is in fact quite peacefull.
[04.02.2012 15:58:44] [RHA]Geheimrezept: For example... take myself.
[04.02.2012 15:58:52] [RHA]Geheimrezept: I joined just recently.

[04.02.2012 15:58:52] Hartmut.Schneider.: but you are using weapon power and possible destroy military targets
[04.02.2012 15:59:17] Hartmut.Schneider.: and what is with the civilians as colateral damage?

[04.02.2012 15:59:19] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Thats the downside. You have to break some eggs to make an omelette.
[04.02.2012 15:59:28] [RHA]Geheimrezept: We're avoiding civilian casualties.

[04.02.2012 15:59:46] Hartmut.Schneider.: mh sounds good

[04.02.2012 15:59:55] [RHA]Geheimrezept: I was a brewer.
[04.02.2012 16:00:16] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Had a independent brewery station in Munich system.
[04.02.2012 16:00:32] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Until "they" decided that everybody should drink what the chancellor drinks.

[04.02.2012 16:00:51] Hartmut.Schneider.: that is terrible

[04.02.2012 16:00:59] [RHA]Geheimrezept: So they arrested half of my familiy and left the other half unomplyed and branded as traitors.

[04.02.2012 16:01:24] [RHA]Geheimrezept: I tried to change the situation peacefully for almost 5 years.
[04.02.2012 16:01:36] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Waste of time, I tell ya.

[04.02.2012 16:01:43] Hartmut.Schneider.: and than you decided to join the Red Hessians?

[04.02.2012 16:01:52] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Indeed.
[04.02.2012 16:02:00] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Force is my last resort.

[04.02.2012 16:02:18] Hartmut.Schneider.: how do you come to your Call Sign "Geheimrezept"?

[04.02.2012 16:02:28] [RHA]Geheimrezept: It means secret recipe

[04.02.2012 16:02:55] Hartmut.Schneider.: i know what it mean, but why did you choose it?

[04.02.2012 16:02:57] [RHA]Geheimrezept: I am one of the ingredients... to bring victory for RHA.

[04.02.2012 16:03:13] Hartmut.Schneider.: *Loughing*
[04.02.2012 16:03:17] Hartmut.Schneider.: ok i understand

[04.02.2012 16:03:21] [RHA]Geheimrezept: We sold a very famos brand of Starkbier.
[04.02.2012 16:03:35] [RHA]Geheimrezept: "Zhe best in Rheinland"

[04.02.2012 16:03:39] Hartmut.Schneider.: i like Beer it taste great

[04.02.2012 16:03:56] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Well if you enjoy the taste of it...
[04.02.2012 16:04:16] [RHA]Geheimrezept: You could help me getting another brewery station.
[04.02.2012 16:04:24] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Rebuild "Klevers Kuehlen Krug"

[04.02.2012 16:04:34] Hartmut.Schneider.: sure, how could i support you?

[04.02.2012 16:04:41] [RHA]Geheimrezept: I would appreciate a donation of 2 million.

[04.02.2012 16:04:58] You have received 2.000.000 credits from Hartmut.Schneider.

[04.02.2012 16:04:59] [RHA]Geheimrezept: And the next time i share some more stories with you.
[04.02.2012 16:05:07] [RHA]Geheimrezept: thanks a lot!

[04.02.2012 16:05:09] Hartmut.Schneider.: ok, sounds well

[04.02.2012 16:05:14] [RHA]Geheimrezept: But there is one more thing you could do.

[04.02.2012 16:05:16] Hartmut.Schneider.: i wish you safe skies
[04.02.2012 16:05:25] Hartmut.Schneider.: tell me

[04.02.2012 16:05:32] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Shout it out loud
[04.02.2012 16:05:44] [RHA]Geheimrezept: "Long live the Red Hessian Army!"

[Image: syschat.jpg]

[04.02.2012 16:06:02] [RHA]Geheimrezept: It will echoe from the ends of the universe.
[04.02.2012 16:06:16] [RHA]Geheimrezept: Farewell, mein Freund!

[04.02.2012 16:06:26] Hartmut.Schneider.: to you too mein Herr


Sended you 1 Mill of that lump to support the armory.

[Image: donation1.jpg]

*fingerbones spapping*

Oh and later I was luckily running into some IMG comrades who were facing an annoying 'sair Gunboat.

Although being to slow to prevent it from docking, I removed one pirate Transport that decided to fight for the wrong side.


Salutin' to you, Comrades!

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Koroglu - 02-06-2012

Transmission source: Freital Base, Omega 11
Transmission ID: [RHA]Koroglu
Transmission receiver: Red Hessian Army
Transmission begins:

Guten Tag Kameraden

This is Gamma Raid as always. Result :

pic 1
pic 2
pic 3
pic 4
pic 5
pic 6
pic 7
pic 8
pic 9

Transmission Ends.

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Roter Engel - 02-08-2012

[color=#FFFFFF]|||Eingehende Übertragung[color=#FFFFFF]|||

[Image: w1z5smjpg.png]

Sender: Major Valerie Kaiser
Empfänger: Red Hessian Army

Soldaten der Volksrevolution,

Yet again the Corsair menace is advancing into our territory, trying to smash its claws into our flesh.

Enough of this, Kameraden. We will not allow them to be the rulers of the Omegas, this is our place, not theirs.

By the orders of Brigadegeneral Meisnerr and Oberst Schubert, all of you are to increase your efforts for the Volksrevolution.

Destroy those degenerated Corsairs, destroy their ships, destroy their homes, destroy everything which might remind Sirius of their pathetic existence.

Rottet sie aus! Einen nach dem Anderen! Lasst keinen am Leben!

In the name of Hessler, let death and destruction rain over their home!

They have no idea what pain really means, they have no idea how it is to suffer, but they will find out soon enough. And then they will regret their own birth.

Lasst sie leiden! Lasst sie in ihrem eigenen Blut ersaufen!

Long live Hessler, Kameraden. Victory awaits us!

[color=#FFFFFF]|||Übertragung Beendet[color=#FFFFFF]|||

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Kreuzritter - 02-10-2012

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium]INCOMING TRANSMISSION
SOURCE: Ronneburg
[Image: Brunn.jpg]


[font=Palatino Linotype]Oberkommando der Roten Hessen,

Let me forward my thanks for the opportunity you granted me - I do not intend to disappoint you. But actions speak more than words, ja?

Well, where to start?
I am slowly settling in and got the chance to meet with some of my new Kameraden. They were quite friendly considering my background, so I assume they either do not know about it or see it as some kind of accomplishment to have a former Agent in the ranks of the movement. Either way - I got assigned to an Odin class fighter and I must say I am quite impressed. The ship handles very smoothly and it was easy to get accustomed to all the controls - a fine piece of technology.

The chance to test that ship out in a real combat situation presented itself rather quickly. One of our transports, the RHT Talesin called for help against a gunboat class vessel of the Rheinwehr. Two of our gunboats and myself responded to that call and moved to intercept the enemy ship. However, we must have been picked up by some long range station scanners on our way there - the gunboat broke of our transport and headed in a different direction. We decided to take the opportunity to attack a lone Rheinwehr ship and gave chase - following it as far as Omega-7.

The coward used Elbich as cover and distracted us long enough for its reinforcements to arrive, a large number of both SMP and Kruger bombers. We were severely outnumbered but fought heroically, forcing one of their bombers to dock and destroying two more. Unfortunately our gunboats fell to their vicious onslaught and I was facing the rest of their forces alone. Fortunately they had difficulties hitting smaller targets and I could hold out long enough for Major Hoerst to arrive. Still being severely outnumbered the both of us fought back as hard as we could while they kept getting additional reinforcements. But it was not in vein - our own troops were already on the way to join the fight.

Well, after they arrived the rest of the fight went like a charm for us. We quickly forced more and more enemies to retreat without any further losses. In the end only forces of the movement were left on the battlefield. The next time they will think twice before going after one of us.

Guncam shots are attached at the end of the report.

Brunn Ende.

Enemy gunboat

Combat overview

[color=#33CC00][font=Franklin Gothic Medium]

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Lonely_Ghost - 02-10-2012

- Incomming New transmission-
- Subject: Action report-
- Sender: Adam Vagner-

Guten tag.

More action had place here. Now I got some free time to make report about our job.
So... In Omegas

So yeah, we had fight with Military, but our main enemy were corsairs. Their activity increasing. We encouter their patrols and raiding party more often, but we also killing them more in their home system.
I took part in few raids to gamma system on my fightr- its nice practise. We made lots of kills with our kameradens, Reavers, RR and other people, who see real trueth- corsairs are evel, and should be neutralized.
Here is only few of my guncam shots.


Cant load more for now. Will do it after some time.

Thats all. For the revolution! For the fatherland!

-Transmission terminated-

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Kreuzritter - 02-10-2012

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium]INCOMING TRANSMISSION
SOURCE: Freital
[Image: Brunn-1.png]


[font=Palatino Linotype]Oberkommando der Roten Hessen,

I am glad to report back alive from a major ambush of the Rheinland Military.
Ralph Hessler and I were on a scouting mission in New Berlin when we picked up a lone Bergelmir of the Hauptflotte - It spewed out some threats and retreated peacefully afterwards. It was to our great surprise when a fighter wing, consisting of 4 Hauptflotte and 1 Bundesgrenzschutz ships, appeared out of nowhere soon after. We were caught off guard and retreat was not an option so we took our chances and engaged the wing. My knowledge of the Wraith's weaknesses and Herr Hessler's combat experience proved to be more than a match for their superior numbers. We quickly forced one of the Hauptflotte ships to run to Bonn station and Hessler took down two others shortly after that. As if that would not have been enough two Wraiths of the Büro der Marineintelligenz and a secondary fleet gunboat arrived and opened fire on us, too. The only reinforcement we could manage to get in the meantime was a Kamerad named "Theater". At least we were not completely unlucky - the remaining Hauptflotte forces and the BGS ship were so demoralised by the quick blows we struck against them that they retreated, leaving only the BDM and the gunboat to deal with. We decided the gunboat posed the biggest threat of all enemy vessels around at that point and concentrated our fire on it, and...well, we actually managed to destroy it. After exchanging some salvos with the two BDM ships they realised that it was futile to fight on and also retreated.

I don't know how we made it out of there...but we did, even without a loss on our side. If it were not for Hessler I surely would have ended back in a cell or worse - I owe that man a Bier.

[color=#FF0000]1 enemy gunboat - destroyed
7 enemy wraiths - 2 destroyed, 5 forced to retreat

[color=#33CC00]friendly losses - none

Guncam shots are attached at the end of the report.

Brunn Ende.

Overview of the battle

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium]