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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 04-28-2010

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Lt Cmdr Ben Warner

Subject(s): Appreciation and Border Patrol

First off thank you sir for the honour, i shall not fail you or our great Coalition in my new responsibilities and shall endeavor to strive even harder to make our goals a reality.

Now away from the topic of promotions, last night i was assigned border patrol, ships had been detected in both Omega-50 and Omega-5, my presence seemed to deter them from entering Coalition space because according to Rheinland sympathizers they diverted course to take longer routes around our space. As such there were no significant contacts aside from the CPW Social Credit returning from Rheinland and powering down for the night shift. Another good day of keeping our borders secured from intruders.

Lt Commander Ben Warner signing off

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Capt. Henry Morgan - 05-01-2010

{Message Begins}

From: Lt. Cmdr. Robert Thacker

Good day, Comrades! Myself and Captain Alvarez of the CPW Social Credit have just struck a blow against the murdering Corsairs! I linked up with the Social Credit outside Zvezdney Gorodok, and we proceeded to the Omega-3 system after receiving reports of Corsair activity in that system.

Immediately upon arriving in Omega-3 system, we received a distress call from the MitraTudo, a mining vessel. We confirmed that two Corsairs had struck the mining vessel immediately outside Freeport 1. The Corsairs ID'd as El.Asesino, flying a Gladiator, and El.Demonio, flying a Praetorian.

As there were no Zoners present to enforce the No-Fire Zone, we engaged the Corsairs. Also present were two members of the Smokeones, a Fat Penguino and a Fat Paulie. They assisted us in destroyng the two corsair vessels. The entire operation took just over two minutes, with no losses on our side.

From there, we received reports of another Corsair, this one a member of the Sails operating in Bretonian space. We tracked him into New London, but before we could find him, my ship developed an engine imbalance and I was forced to return to base. Captain Alvarez's report can fill in the remaining information from here.

I certify this report complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Lieutenant Commander Robert Thacker

{Message Ends}

{Additional encrypted data found.}

{Scanning encryption tag, please wait...}

{Data redirected to the Commissariat of Truth.}

Comrades, this may be nothing, but during the attack against the Corsairs, Captain Alvarez gave me reason for concern. As I mentioned in my report, the engagement in Omega-3 took place within Freeport 1's No-Fire Zone. Normally, I would respect the Zoners wishes and avoid a battle if possible. Considering that civilian lives were at stake, I feel that we were fully justified in defying the No-Fire Zone.

What gave me cause for concern, however, was Captain Alvarez's attitude towards the whole thing. I will post an excerpt from my communications log.
[01.05.2010 01:48:05] SCRA|CPW-Social.Credit: Now unlike Katz, I don't care about Zoner no fire zones
[01.05.2010 01:48:22] SCRA|CPW-Social.Credit: if I see an enemy, I will shoot it where I need to.
[01.05.2010 01:48:27] SCRA|Robert.Thacker.: Not as if they would mind as much in that situation. The Corsairs broke it first.
[01.05.2010 01:48:34] SCRA|CPW-Social.Credit: indeed he did
Again, it may be nothing, but I would expect complete loyalty towards our Premier from a Captain of the SCRA.

If this comes to nothing, I apologize for wasting your time, however I thought that deserved to be brought to your attention.

For the Revolution! For the Red Dawn!

Lieutenant Commander Robert Thacker

{End of additional encrypted data.}

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - pieguy259 - 05-03-2010

COMM ID: Deputy Provost Marshal Commissar-Commander Vicenta Gonzalez
LOCATION: CPW Trotsky, Omega-52 System

[Image: vickiecomm.jpg]

The Commissariat has investigated claims made against a certain officer and found him to be acting perfectly reasonably. Though his vigilance is commendable, we would like to warn Lieutenant Commander Thacker to not further waste Commissars' time with scurrilous accusations against his superiors.

Viva la Revolucion!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - pieguy259 - 05-07-2010

COMM ID: Deputy Provost Marshal Commissar-Commander Vicenta Gonzalez
LOCATION: CPW Trotsky, Omega-52 System

[Image: vickiecomm.jpg]

On my authority and on behalf of the Commissariat, I award campaign decorations as follows.

To Lt Ymir Molotov, for gathering valuable data on the Privas planetary cluster, the Privas Pin. Additionally, Lieutenant Molotov is promoted to Lieutenant Commander.

To Lt Cmdr Robert Thacker, the Newcastle Ribbon, for his reconnaissance of the Newcastle system and the alien structure within.

Congratulations to both of these pilots. They should provide an example to all of you with their diligence and loyalty to the People.

Viva la Revolucion!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 05-16-2010

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Lieutenant Commander Ben Warner

Subject(s): Relocated

As per orders i have relocated my Insurgent to the Ontario system in preparation for Anti-Piracy/Smuggling Measures, the LPI were foolish to leave the system defenseless, now we shall show the Ontarian peoples that the Coalition truly cares about their plight and is willing to extend a helping hand.

Lt. Commander Warner signing off.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 05-17-2010

COMM ID: Commissariat of TRUTH

TARGET ID: SCRA Assets, Guards, and civilian populace

[Image: truth.png]


Be it so noted,

There are no disagreements within the Coalition High Command. They are united behind a single common cause, and any talk of a power struggle perpetrated by 'disloyal' officer is, of course, a total fallacy.

Trust in your High Command. Trust in the Commissariat. Trust in the Great Leader.

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Shagohad - 05-18-2010

Comm ID: Lieutenant Commander Angelica Broch
Location: CPW-Chernobyl
Recipient: Coalition High Command

[Image: angiecomm.jpg]

Privet Comrades,

I am writing this message to inform you that I will be returning to active duty and will send you a transmission later today.

Some may have been dubious(Hopeful) that I might not come back, but the Commissariat must be informed that I am still a loyal soldier of the Revolution.

Expect a transmission from me very soon.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - pieguy259 - 05-23-2010

COMM ID: Deputy Provost Marshal Commissar-Commander Vicenta Gonzalez
LOCATION: CPW Trotsky, Omega-52 System

[Image: vickiecomm.jpg]

On my authority and on behalf of the Commissariat, I hereby promote Jayce Brooks to the rank of full Lieutenant. Do not fail the Great Leader, Comrade Brooks!

Viva la Revolucion!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 05-23-2010

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Lieutenant Commander Ben Warner

Subject(s): Intruders

Lt.Cmdr Warner here, while on Border Patrol in my Revolution Bomber i came upon two Raven's Talon attack ships, apparently thrill-seeking freelancers, within Omega-52, as per my orders i intercepted them, informed them that they were in Coalition Space and proceeded to 'remove' the blight of these thrill-seekers.

The first one chewed on a Super Nova Antimatter Cannon blast and his escape pod made it to Omega-50, the second one ran into Omega-50, fearing that information gathered may be sold to Alliance operatives i persued him into Omega-50 and destroyed his ship on the other side of the Jumphole, making sure that his black box didn't survive.


That is all i have for my report Comrades. I hope this pleases you and allows you to rest easy knowing that our borders are secure.

Lt.Cmdr Warner signing off.

-End Transmission-

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Capt. Henry Morgan - 05-25-2010

{Message Begins}

From: Lt. Cmdr. Robert Thacker

Re: Ontario Patrol Report

Today's patrol run in the Ontario system was a fruitful one. I managed to clean out a number of Liberty Rogues and Lane Hackers, eighteen in total. (//NPCs, of course.) As I passed Toronto, I jettisoned the pods so that the local authorities could deal with them. Since then, the local navy and police units have been leaving me alone, if eyeing me with a bit of suspicion.

From there, I went down the trade lane, checking for pirates. I met a member of the Ontario Liberation Front, a Dan Vickers, on the lane. He was flashing a Xeno IFF, but flying a Rogue Bloodhound Light Fighter. He was attacking a Gateway convoy when I arrived. The following conversation ensued.

Quote:[25.05.2010 15:15:28] OLF-Dean.Vickers: The Revolutionary Army..?
[25.05.2010 15:15:28] SCRA|Robert.Thacker: There's no need to be troubling the civilians. I'd suggest stopping.
[25.05.2010 15:15:44] OLF-Dean.Vickers: Wha-? Ontario's not getting its freedom laying down!
[25.05.2010 15:16:29] SCRA|Robert.Thacker: And killing people that aren't part of your fight accomplishes nothing.
[25.05.2010 15:18:43] OLF-Dean.Vickers: We don't kill them if we have the chance, but shooting their ships out from under them gives their corporations a message
[25.05.2010 15:21:12] OLF-Dean.Vickers: The corporations here are as much a part of the government as the military; they're the ones with price controls
[25.05.2010 15:21:31] OLF-Dean.Vickers: We can't exactly take on the Liberty Navy, all we can do is give them something to think about
[25.05.2010 15:21:50] SCRA|Robert.Thacker: What message? They'll just tell the navy to roll in here, and then we'll get another massacre like last time.
[25.05.2010 15:22:25] OLF-Dean.Vickers: If all the Navy does is wantonly massacre Ontarians then does "peaceful resolution" make any sense?
[25.05.2010 15:22:30] SCRA|Robert.Thacker: I understand your frustration, but you've got to focus your anger. Killing civilians only alienates the people you need to support you.
[25.05.2010 15:23:01] OLF-Dean.Vickers: We've been "focusing our anger" for a year, it hasn't done anything.
[25.05.2010 15:23:06] SCRA|Robert.Thacker: The Ontario Democratic Party is working to change things, but you've got to give them a chance.
[25.05.2010 15:23:13] OLF-Dean.Vickers: The government set up here might be all nice and fancy but the 'real' authorities will just ignore them!
[25.05.2010 15:23:21] OLF-Dean.Vickers: Democracy's a hollow word when "massacres" is involved, you know it
[25.05.2010 15:25:05] OLF-Dean.Vickers: And what happens when the ODP doesn't pull through? Who takes up the reigns, you? You have your own battles.
[25.05.2010 15:25:35] SCRA|Robert.Thacker: We're here to help, and we sympathize with your cause, but senseless killing only causes more problems than it solves.
[25.05.2010 15:26:22] OLF-Dean.Vickers: I wouldn't call it senseless. At the very least it's fighting fire with fire! But still, what happens when the ODP doesn't work? What then?
[25.05.2010 15:26:23] SCRA|Robert.Thacker: And, Ontario is at the top of our list of priorties.
[25.05.2010 15:27:48] SCRA|Robert.Thacker: It will work. It has the backing of the people. They swept every election despite fierce opposition from the rest of Liberty.
[25.05.2010 15:28:42] OLF-Dean.Vickers: So they let the ballots be counted right. So what? 'Massacres'. You know what they're capable of.
[25.05.2010 15:29:06] SCRA|Robert.Thacker: That's why we're here.
[25.05.2010 15:29:07] OLF-Dean.Vickers: The government elected in here will have no power; if anything they let it be elected just to let off some steam, but they'l
[25.05.2010 15:29:17] OLF-Dean.Vickers: never let true reform take place, or let us be independent
[25.05.2010 15:30:05] SCRA|Robert.Thacker: The SCRA won't allow the will of Ontario's people to fail.
[25.05.2010 15:31:22] OLF-Dean.Vickers: Then what of the OLF? To be honest you're not Ontarians; what about those of us who want to fight if it comes to that?
[25.05.2010 15:32:55] SCRA|Robert.Thacker: Ask donations, make your cause known, but don't kill those who might sympathize with you.
[25.05.2010 15:33:25] SCRA|Robert.Thacker: Hit and run strikes aganst military targets are better.
[25.05.2010 15:33:45] OLF-Dean.Vickers: Wouldn't that draw them in all the same?
[25.05.2010 15:34:26] SCRA|Robert.Thacker: Perhaps, but not killing civilians gives you some respectability amongst the people.
[25.05.2010 15:35:20] SCRA|Robert.Thacker: I'm going to resume my patrols. Please, think on what I've said.
[25.05.2010 15:35:37] OLF-Dean.Vickers: Hm..
[25.05.2010 15:36:07] SCRA|Robert.Thacker: And, as a sign of good faith, send over those pilots. I'll see to it they get to saftey.
[25.05.2010 15:36:31] OLF-Dean.Vickers: *sighs* Actually we 'do' see that they're set down safely but..
[25.05.2010 15:37:01] Death: R2_Gun was killed by a hostile vessel.
[25.05.2010 15:37:07] SCRA|Robert.Thacker: Thank you, and good luck.
[25.05.2010 15:37:12] OLF-Dean.Vickers: Thank you..

Hopefully my words did some good, but I think that the Ontario Liberation Front bears watching. They could end up ruining everything we're working for if we can't get them under some measure of control.

I certify this report complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Lieutenant Commander Robert Thacker

{Message Ends}