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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cobraSting - 05-27-2010

Electronic Report -- 5 Layers Approved Encryption

To: Alvin Katz
CC: SCRA Intelligence

Communications Source: Lt. Ymir Molotov, Gallia Specialist :: Ile-de-France System - Planet Paris

Subject: Investigation of Gallic Systems

Greetings, comrades.

After several weeks worth of attempts, I have finally managed to arrive on the homeland of Gallic Royalty. Doing research has been next to impossible, as nowadays even going to the library requires background checks. Several times I have had to flee my enemies and restart living under different identities, but this time I managed to stay put long enough to acquire some interesting information.

Contrary to the beliefs of our ancestors in Sol, they did not destroy the old French sleeper ship as planned. Reports indicate that a ship named Gallia was constructed separately from all the other ships; this, according to intelligence reports and daily propaganda from the house government, was in response to apparent betrayals by the nations of the other sleeper ships, those which managed to successfully escape. I will make contact again when I have discovered more on this subject.

The Gallic shipyards are bustling with activity, undoubtedly gearing for war. As you are already aware, there is an internal conflict in Gallia at the moment, but the sheer size of the Gallic Royal Navy forces is expanding at an impossible rate, that I am beginning to doubt that the Gallians will stop conflict after defeating the Council rebels (see below). With the hate that is fueled towards the other houses in Sirius sector, I sense that a large storm is about to occur as the Gallic forces push further into Sirius. Not only are they vast in number, but their technological improvements are superior to Sirius; indeed, they are almost as superior as our own. The fighters are extremely agile, the guns are extremely efficient, and the capital ships are bigger than most others in Sirius. Currently, the royal navy seems to be concentrating on isolating Gallia from Sirius, but the production of military vehicles has tripled the past few months.

As with any fascist state in Sirius, there are undoubtedly those who rise up against oppressors. I have identified 4 rebel factions: the Council, the Maquis, the Unione Corse, and the Gallic Brigands. I have no intel at the moment on the Brigands, and all I know of the UC is that they operate a few smuggling spheres. The Council seems to be a faction of freedom-fighters, dedicated to freeing the people from a totalitarian monarchy. This group may be worth looking into for an ally. The Maquis on the other hand, fight simple for the pleasure of murder. They pay no regard to civilian sorrows and have been known to kill innocent men, women, and children who were simply in their path at the wrong time. Regardless, what is surprising is that most of the people of Gallia are downtrodden with the current government. The Gallic Royal Navy is a strict disciple of the crown, but the civilians, corporations, and even the Royal Police sympathize with the Council movement.

That is all the information I have at the moment. I must close off here and move to a different location.

Ymir Molotov

Message Terminated

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cobraSting - 05-30-2010

Electronic Report -- 5 Layers Approved Encryption

To:Alvin Katz
CC: SCRA Intelligence

Communications Source: Lt. Ymir Molotov, Gallia Specialist :: Languedoc System - Planet Quillan

Subject: Investigation of Gallic Systems

Hello, again, comrades.

I have relocated to Planet Quillan in the Languedoc system since the last report. Royal Intelligence agents discovered my fake identity, so I was forced to escape. After being a stowaway on a Gallic Metal Services transport, I bodily escaped the transport and drifted through 23 kilometers of outer space before being picked up by a Council patrol, and by a series of connections I escaped the heartland of Gallia and safely made it to Planet Quillan.

The situation here has taken a turn for the worse. As we feared, the Gallic Royalty has prepared for an invasion of Sirius Sector. News arrived yesterday of a massive armada breaking through the Council fortifications around the Dauphine Jump hole in this system. In appearance, it looks as if a wall of white armor is slowly moving toward this planet. Council flyers are being sortied around the clock, some to fight the Navy and others to move supplies. The Council has begun transporting a large number of mines from around the Orkney Jump hole into the middle of Languedoc in an attempt to slow down the Royal Navy's advance. Plans have been made to evacuate from this system into Orkney and the Taus, and civilians and Council personnel are being shuttled out around the clock. Thankfully, the Royal Navy's advance seems very slow and careful, which has allowed many of the evacuations to take place.

The size of the Royal Navy fleet is disturbingly large. The fleet is probably 15 times the size needed to retake this system, so I have the feeling that an invasion of the nearby Sirius system will commence. From patterns I have observed and from my knowledge of the immediate systems, factions identified as the Independent Miners Guild, Kusari Navy, and Gaian Forces will be the first in Sirius to come into contact with the Royal Navy.

I will send further message updates of the Gallic Invasion as I track the progress further into Sirius.

Ymir Molotov

Message Terminated

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cobraSting - 06-04-2010

Electronic Report -- 5 Layers Approved Encryption

To:Alvin Katz
CC: SCRA Intelligence

Communications Source: Lt. Ymir Molotov, Gallia Specialist :: Orkney System, Reunion Station

Subject: Investigation of Gallic Systems

Comrades, while I am not a big fan of cliches, here in Gallia, **** has hit the fan.

Many things have changed since my last report from Planet Quillan. The Council's hold on the Languedoc system has just about vanished. The last defenders are holding the line just near the Jump Hole in Languedoc, buying time for civilians to escape. As uninformed as I may sound, I must commend these actions for the benefit of the people. The ships are flying out of Orkney into the Taus, as the Council must flee from the impending Gallic invasion that is sure to arrive soon.

Due to the insanity of recent events, I have lost contact with some of my informants as they were forced into hiding. As such, I have no intel on the happenings within the Gallic Royal government, and the bases here have lost all contacts with the Council presence in the Champagne system. To refresh your memory, the Council liberated the Champagne system earlier in this civil war. The main goals here are just to run and hid a safe place. Warnings have been issued to the nearby Independent Miners Guild and Gaian factions by the Council of the Gallic fleet about to breakthrough.

This will be my last report from within Council territories. They have put my safety as a lower priority than the civilian refugees', something which I have no objections to, but it does mean that I will have to split, as the saying goes. I plan to head to the Java station in the nearby Tau-23 system and observe the IMG's encounter with the Gallic forces.

I will make contact when I am secure once more.

Ymir Molotov

Message Terminated

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Elven - 06-07-2010

COMM ID: Sub-Lieutenant Petr Diordienko
LOCATION: Zvezdniy Gorodok (Star City), Omega-52 System

[Image: x_c0a7b20f.jpg]

Two days ago after medical check I was assigned to the Omicron Minor to assist the Order defences and train in resistance to mind tricks of nomads.

During my stay on Toledo I was included into wide range of activities which included trainings with Order agents, two medical lessons and defeating few raids.

[Image: screen3045.jpg]
Another Guild Core attack breaking through patrols to the Toledo.

[Image: screen3031.jpg]
Nomads were allying even Guild Core and Order agents since they're far more dangerous...

[Image: screen3059.jpg]
Training with Order agent, record of guncam 08.06.18 16:32 (By Toledo local time)


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 06-07-2010

COMM ID: Commissariat of TRUTH

TARGET ID: SCRA Assets, Guards, and civilian populace

[Image: truth.png]


Be it so noted,

Comrade Medvedov of the Intelligence Commissariat has been appointed to the position of Commissar, granted a seat on the Civilian Duma, and assigned offices to deal with the ever present counter-revolutionary threat.

His position as head of 'Special Projects' will continue. All are asked to respect the Commissar-Lt. Commander in his service to the Coalition.

Trust in your High Command. Trust in the Commissariat. Trust in the Great Leader.

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Vogel - 06-07-2010

COMM ID: Sub-Lieutenant Konstantin Petrovin
LOCATION: Zhukovsky Station, Omega-52 System

[Image: comm1a.png]

Long-range scout mission to the Hispania in Omicron Alpha system was a complete success. Our detachment headed by the CPW-Chernobyl reached Tau-37 and held position at the Freeport while my Comrade Sub-Lieutenants and I ventured into Alpha. After disabling the local defensive platforms, our group slipped through Outcast positions and arrived at the Hispania wreck unmolested. After leaving our mark on that hulk, the group pulled back back to the jump hole and swiftly evaded Outcast pursuit.

We rendezvoused with the rest of the detachment and made our way back home. Comrade Brooks was sent on a mission and split formation; the rest of us arrived at Zhukovsky Station safely. Pleased to report multiple pirate and Kusari Naval Forces vessels destroyed, with one recovered Outcast pilot. Perhaps he might be useful for interrogation or otherwise.

Until the Final Victory.

<Attached Data>
Image 1 ("From the Coalition, With Love")
Image 2 (In Formation)
Image 3 (Mission Result)


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - pieguy259 - 06-07-2010

COMM ID: Deputy Provost Marshal Commissar-Commander Vicenta Gonzalez
LOCATION: CPW Trotsky, Omega-52 System

[Image: vickiecomm.jpg]

On my authority, and on behalf of the Commissariat,

For making the pilgrimage to Omicron Alpha to see for themselves the wreck of the sleeper ship Hispania, I award the Hispania Memorium to Sub-Lieutenants Petr Diordienko, Anastazia Pekkala and Konstantin Petrovin. Of special note is Diordienko, who made the journey alone. Continue this good work, comrades, and you shall rise swiftly through the ranks.

Viva la Revolucion!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - PhantomBlade - 06-07-2010

Incoming message
Target: Premier Katz
Sender: Sub-Lieutenant Joseph Williamson
Subject: Hispania Challenge

Greetings, in case the message was damaged this is Sub-Lieutenant Joseph Williamson,
Today after being given my Partisan i was told to fly to the Hispania and carve something into it, in memory of our brothers who did their duty on the Hispania. I proceeded through a route in Omicron Theta, the whole way seeing no opposition.
When i arrived i flew to the Hispania, once again unopposed. I assumed it was a path that wasnt very well known, but I wrote, "Joseph Williamson, For the Revolution!". I got one man to tell me to stay there, but I decided i shouldn't engage and flew back towards the Beta jump hole.
I do not think he knows of which way i escaped because i never heard from him again. On the way back, i had to fight the occasional bounty hunter of which i dispatched no problem. All and all, Mission was a success, uploading video logs now Sir.

//////Uploading Attachments\\\\\\

[Image: 2e2hy85.jpg]

[Image: 15ygim0.jpg]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jayce - 06-07-2010

[Image: PilotPictureMessageDump.jpg]


Source: Lieutenant Jayce Brooks
Location: Freeport 10, Tau 37
Subject: Recon

I finally got out of that hellhole... Man, I thought I was boned, this Chimera with some kinda' laser beam or something started chasing me, and then there was this doughnut, and then I got told to fly through it, what an order. Well, here's some guncam shots of my reconnaissance of the Omicrons, specifically the far-out ones. I went into Lost, but there wasn't jack in there, so I dumped those pictures, gotta save space for those OTHER ones... *Chuckles*

[Image: th_screen43.jpg] [Image: th_screen42.jpg] [Image: th_screen40.jpg] [Image: th_screen39.jpg] [Image: th_screen38.jpg] [Image: th_screen37.jpg]
[Image: th_screen36.jpg] [Image: th_screen35.jpg] [Image: th_screen33.jpg]
[Image: th_screen32.jpg] [Image: th_screen29.jpg] [Image: th_screen28.jpg]
[Image: th_screen26.jpg] [Image: th_screen22.jpg]


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - PhantomBlade - 06-08-2010

Incoming message

Target: Premier Katz
Sender: Sub-Lieutenant Joseph Williamson
Subject: Guard duty

Greetings, This is Sub-Lieutenant Joseph Williamson,
I was ordered to accompany Comrade Ethan, to Omega 50 for something important. He had called another man as well, a certain Petr Diordienko. When we arrived we were told we would be fighting a Reaper. We engaged after a "pleasant" chat, and me and my wingmate were told to fight him. After a good ammount of combat and evasion, i was shot down and had to return to base. Appologies, I will pay for the damages to the fighter myself.

Sub-Leiutenant Joseph Williamson over and out.

::Tranmission end....