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Liberty Police, Inc. Feedback - Printable Version

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LPI Feedback - Snak5 - 10-30-2011

Hey guys. Remind your members that smileys in local are ooRP. That really can sink proper RP atmosphere.

LPI Feedback - Error - 10-31-2011

' Wrote:Hey guys. Remind your members that smileys in local are ooRP. That really can sink proper RP atmosphere.
If you could send me a name/screenshot/chatlog over PM (Skype/Forums), that'd help. Thanks for the message.


LPI Feedback - Champ - 12-18-2011

Okay. Hmm. Where to start.

In summation, my neutral, independent ID'd, instruction compliant Border Worlds Transport was destroyed outside of Manhattan while carrying Consumer Goods (i.e. Not Contraband), without firing on anyone at any given time (The ship was so new I actually haven't shot anything, even NPCs).

I continuously, prior to my death by 5 ships, asked for justification inRP wise as to the offences I had committed. Those which I had been accused of were disturbing the peace, and failing to comply to orders not to dock. I beg to differ, as I had not shot anyone, provoked anyone otherwise, and obviously not docked (else I'd not have died).

My death came seconds after an 'Engage hostile'.

My associates were called butt buddies, bastards, and I was called a gay, all by your officers. I asked afterwards (politely) for a justification of my execution, which was denied and ignored. I should also note that implying ships are doing something (by saying we are hacking into docking systems) without us preceedingly saying we were doing so, is powergaming.

I also informed the officers that carried all this out that there was a KuEx pirate on the Ft. Bush lane from which I had escaped, which they ignored gladly.

I seek that justification still, promise of improvement, or otherwise some sort of acknowledgement of this event. Should you wish to talk to me without the delay of the forums, my Skype is on my profile.

I intend no tone of snark in this post, I'm trying to keep it as objective and factual as possible.

LPI Feedback - Drider - 12-18-2011

Do you really want me to post here around half hundred of screenshots i have of you and your "associates" OORP docking, spamming system-wide, trying to power-game and stuff like this?

LPI Feedback - Champ - 12-19-2011

Okay. It was not 'OORP docking', it's not like we were Jinkusus. You (inRP, which was fine) dictated that the docks were locked as they were docking, but before I docked. As you said that the docks were locked before I docked, I didn't dock, as I said in my previous post. As for spamming, some of it was, some of it wasn't, and either way, as I've said with the deputies of your faction, that was not by me, and did not warrant the actions you took. As for 'trying to powergame', you tell me how we were powergaming, because I believe you were the one who stated we were hacking into docking controls.

Do you want me to post screenshots of you calling them bastards, butt buddies, and me a gay? And then your 'engage hostile' remark with 5 ships shooting at me less than a second later?

Regardless, I maintain my objective stance on the matter and have been assured that it's all already being discussed. I seek reconciliation of the problem, not any sort of vendetta, thank you.

LPI Feedback - Drider - 12-19-2011

Quote:how we were powergaming, because I believe you were the one who stated we were hacking into docking controls.

Example A: I RP with any person, with no intentions to shoot. Then person gets disconnected, and backs again. Im going with line "probably some of you camouflage system malfunctioned".

Example B: I RP with person, and i want him or her to do something - so i state im going to turn on the tractor beam on his ship and make him move with me.

A is RP, B is powergaming. Seems you dont understand the term you are using.

Quote:Do you want me to post screenshots of you calling them bastards, butt buddies, and me a gay? And then your 'engage hostile' remark with 5 ships shooting at me less than a second later?
Perfectly inRP. What did you expect with name Gay.Lord?
It is worth noting that:
First - names like this one really hurts and offences my feelings.
Second - you should differ involved persons. Yes, my character called your character gay. Never used word "butt-buddies" though. This should not be a problem for you, should it?
Third - Engagement notice was perfectly inRP as well.
Forth - speaking of OORP dock, i meant the rest of LHI-tagged ships.
Fifth - i will let the pictures do the rest of talking.

Edited for grammar purposes.

LPI Feedback - Champ - 12-20-2011

Ah, I understand your understanding of my misunderstanding of powergaming. I agree with your definitions and the situations you've alluded to. However, my claim that telling us we're hacking is powergaming stands, as they had all long docked far before you'd said that, hence I believe it was powergaming, inferring that I was trying to hack, ergo telling me what I was doing.

With regards to OORP docking still, you locked down Manhattan after Wrong Way, but before Nyanty. Nyanty changed course and docked at Trenton before you locked it, but before I docked. I headed to Newark, but you got it this time and locked it before I got there. I actually cancelled my dock with Manhattan (in terms of game mechanics) because you had locked it. As such, none of the docks were OORP, they just beat you to the punch.

I'll now deal with your numerated arguments in the order they are listed.
Gaylord is a name, a real name, and I know people personally called this. It is not Gay.Lord, it's GayLord, which hints at the idea of a double entendre, intended to be humerous. If this name really did hurt you and offend your feelings, I'd have appreciated being let known, and honestly considering the names you'd called me, which you had left out, I don't believe you were hurt by it.

I don't believe I need to differ the persons involved, as I'm giving feedback to the faction, however I believe you need to differ persons involved when you're deciding who to shoot at. Otherwise I can see how you feel you've been accused of something you hadn't said; my mistake, I thought you were Andy Kingman.

With the names, I'm fully able to cope with them, I'm hurt by very little, but should someone else not be as resilient and this sort of behaviour continue, it could upset someone quite greatly. I'm sure you're aware of the statistics pertaining to the number of suicides regarding this, and I can't express the extent of my anguish about that.

The engagement notice was inRP, it's hard to make one that isn't. However, it was as vague as vague could be, and called me a hostile. I might add that my rep with LPI is +0.4, and I had taken no hostile action against you or anyone, as I'd said in my first post.

I've already dealt with the OORP docking thing already, it seems, which your screenshots showed fairly nicely. As for your pictures, I'm not sure what the first 5 photos have to do with the matter. Other than that, I'll present those that I have to balance things out a bit.

Butt buddies remark
State Trooper
Last Warning

Death death death death death death
Note engine speed is zero.

Asking 1
Asking 2 + Hacking remark
Swift 7 second death

Also, I was asking for justification of my destruction during and afterwards, and even in my preceeding posts, and I think we've missed that. Can you provide me with said justification succinctly and in words, not pictures please, as I'm still missing the point, sorry.
This was my chief concern and I believe we've skipped over it entirely.

Edit: Holy hand grenades, this is long-winded. Apologies to peoples' eyes, minds and souls.

LPI Feedback - Drider - 12-20-2011

Quote:Ah, I understand your understanding of my misunderstanding of powergaming. I agree with your definitions and the situations you've alluded to. However, my claim that telling us we're hacking is powergaming stands, as they had all long docked far before you'd said that, hence I believe it was powergaming, inferring that I was trying to hack, ergo telling me what I was doing.
There were actually two remarks of hacking. First from Vincent Vega, when one of your group members docked into Trenton right after Andy sent a message about "lock the Trenton dock". He assumed that guy who managed to dock on the locked facility hacked its controls. Second was from Andy after guy who docked at Manhattan pretended he is going to unlock docking ring, playing a Houston docking control.

Both of them are refering to things happening in grid and are an in-RP explanation.

No one blamed YOU for OORP dock though. To be honest, i shall add that i dont like whole "I LOCK DOCK" thing. It changes game in competition between quick-docker and quick-typer.

Quote:Gaylord is a name, a real name, and I know people personally called this. It is not Gay.Lord, it's GayLord, which hints at the idea of a double entendre, intended to be humerous. If this name really did hurt you and offend your feelings, I'd have appreciated being let known, and honestly considering the names you'd called me, which you had left out, I don't believe you were hurt by it.
I have no idea what poor child could be named like that. I shall say that if someone is hurt - he usually is trying to hurt back. So my character, Vega, insulted your character, GayLord.
However, if you are letting yourself to doubt my words, i will let myself to doubt yours.
You are telling me that name was not intended to refer to gays (and well.. looking on your userpic, somehow it does not seems truth). I wil also say that userpic is also offends me but well.. thats a public resource, so im not really complaining. Just a note.

Quote:I don't believe I need to differ the persons involved, as I'm giving feedback to the faction, however I believe you need to differ persons involved when you're deciding who to shoot at. Otherwise I can see how you feel you've been accused of something you hadn't said; my mistake, I thought you were Andy Kingman.
Good and thanks for the input.
However, it works both sides. Some LHI tagged ships are acting as they did (spam and other stuff i already stated), all are blamed.

Yes, i was Vega, not Andy.

Quote:With the names, I'm fully able to cope with them, I'm hurt by very little, but should someone else not be as resilient and this sort of behaviour continue, it could upset someone quite greatly. I'm sure you're aware of the statistics pertaining to the number of suicides regarding this, and I can't express the extent of my anguish about that.

The engagement notice was inRP, it's hard to make one that isn't. However, it was as vague as vague could be, and called me a hostile. I might add that my rep with LPI is +0.4, and I had taken no hostile action against you or anyone, as I'd said in my first post.
You should not be hurt by insults that goes to character. Otherwise, experience of playing on Disco when you meet a hostile faction, can be very, very frustrating. Please, keep this in mind. However - i do apologize if i offended you this way.

Yes, the engagement notice was pretty short.

First of all - instead of shooting you the LPI officers were supposed to try to move you into the prison facility. Then, if its impossible and you would resist arrest, they were supposed to use a lethal force.

I advise you to fire a lawsuit to deal inRP with inRP issues.

Also - could you please, post some more screenshots with group chat? Not a problem if you dont have any though.

LPI Feedback - Irwin - 12-21-2011

Alright, being a member of the LHI, I'm going to but in here.

1) The term "Butt-Buddies" could very well be taken offensively, I'm of the opinion that it's unacceptable to be used. Please refrain from using this insult in the future. (Directed at whoever used the term, not Darth_Google nor the LPI as a whole, however I don't know the individual in question, so it's being posted here.)

2) If someone has the reputation to dock on a planet or base (and it's within reasonable RP to have that reputation), and they do so, and the base isn't some secure prison base or some such, it's a bit of a stretch to claim that they've hacked the docking controls after they're on the planet.

I'm not looking to argue any of this, as they are all merely my opinion, so I doubt I'll post here anymore.

PS: What do you need screenshots of the LHI's group chat for? If they're even available, I don't think there's any reason that you'd need them, as our group chat is just that, a private chat for people in our group.

LPI Feedback - Champ - 12-21-2011

I'm on my phone and out for the day, I'll edit this post when I'm home, but I'll just answer the group chat thing for now: we had none. We weren't plotting SSs or planning to run or what to say next. We had little to no groupchat.

Also, might I ask what I had done to earn the arrest, and at what time you asked me to escort you to a prison, with evidence and an explanation, thank-you:)

[Edit from here on]
Please note that the following post is dependent on the content of the following two posts following the following post. It is recommended you read these posts before reading the following post.
Please also note this is my last post in this thread as I have spent as much, or perhaps more than as much energy as I should have or should have had to, in order to resolve and reconcile the situation. This is a promise to all, including myself. I will only post further regarding this matter should I be requested to.

Quote:I dont "need" them, but i i would appreciate if you would provided them.
The reason is simple. Honestly, i think that your group was bored and decided to have some fun and test how solid other's RP is.

Sorry, but as I and the others had said, and my post above said, we didn't have any group chat, there are no screenshots to show and the logs were long ago handed to your leaders. We were not plotting, scheming or otherwise trying to break you. As I've said to others, had you let us go, we'd be trading off in other systems.

Pertaining to your post before this post, the hacking remarks were not in that context from what I had seen, however, I'm more than willing to just give you the benefit of the doubt. I agree, I don't like it much either, it's a tad limiting. Still pertaining to your post before this post; Gaylord. It's their name, move on. I really don't know how somehow your character was hurt by my character's name, because it was in no way pointed sharply at you, or the LPI as a whole. So I fail to see your justification of 'trying to hurt back'. I'm believing you believe everything you say, I'm not doubting that, and I'd like you to hold the same opinion of the veracity of my words. I did not tell you that my character's name did not refer to gays, queers or otherwise. I told you it alluded to it, but as a name, was distinguished from it. A subtle hint, if you will. The character has little to do with my userpic. And if you're offended by it, I apologise, I'm satirising the same level of exposure of women. I actually don't like looking at it either.

Still about your previous post;
Quote:You should not be hurt by insults that goes to character. Otherwise, experience of playing on Disco when you meet a hostile faction, can be very, very frustrating. Please, keep this in mind. However - i do apologize if i offended you this way.
My point is that I believe this went far further than in-character insults. I've had in-character insults, and for the people that know how to make them, they're hilarious. I believe I've seen someone called a walking sausage. Farcical, ridiculous, mildly insulting.

Quote:First of all - instead of shooting you the LPI officers were supposed to try to move you into the prison facility. Then, if its impossible and you would resist arrest, they were supposed to use a lethal force.
They didn't.

Now, going back to the post that follows this post, (and apologies to our non-regular time travellers and those that suffer the pain of reading all this alike - and I mean that sincerely)

Quote:I dont "need" them, but i i would appreciate if you would provided them.
The reason is simple. Honestly, i think that your group was bored and decided to have some fun and test how solid other's RP is.
Addressed above, reiterated for chronological sake.

Quote:I dont want to blame you in "trolling", but i have a certain suspicions in this. Providing the screens (in PM if you want) could help us to resolve this.
Actually, your other officer already blamed me for this, when I politely asked after the fact (see very first post). Again, we didn't have any groupchat. We weren't trolling. And certainly not me. I don't do it, because I don't like being around people in bad moods.

Quote:In addition - when people are annoying already annoyed police officer, they usually meet a police brutality. This is why meetings and demonstrations are being supressed. Police is getting provoked, when thay are standing around the crowd instead of being home with children. This is how riots are coming into light.
"Those flies bother me. I'll go take it out on the cat lying down beside me."
I hope that analogy fits and makes enough sense; it relates to my central concern of why you killed me.

Quote:Disturbing of peace, failing to comply police orders, refusing to pay a fine.
Quote:Also, might I ask what I had done to earn the arrest, and at what time you asked me to escort you to a prison, with evidence and an explanation, thank-you
I continue to point out the gap, or request it be pointed out how I disturbed the peace while I was sitting, still by request, with several ships orbiting me, without any offer, chance, or order of actually leaving.
Or how I failed to comply when I was sitting, still by request, still not moving even as you ripped me up.
Or how I refused to pay a fine when I asked what I did to earn it as well.

Again, this is my last post regarding this unless I am requested to clarify, answer anything or otherwise, else you may all contact me as I'd said before, as I believe I've presented my case, concerns and requests adequately, sufficiently, and such that we're all drowning in ASCII characters.
Again, sorry for the walls everyone. Have a pleasant day. I'm off to bed.