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I can haz skype - Printable Version

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I can haz skype - Dab - 11-07-2009

[7:54:35 PM] Dabbykins says: There was more money over there.
[7:54:54 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: Over uh?
[7:55:07 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: Oh.
[7:55:10 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: Skype quote.
[7:55:10 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: Right.
[7:55:15 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: Uh.
[7:55:20 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: No.
[7:55:32 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: Why did the spy cross the road?

[7:55:40 PM] Dabbykins says: You don't know spies too well if you say that. >.>
[7:55:42 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: Because he never really was on -your- side.
[7:55:53 PM] Dabbykins says: ...
[7:55:57 PM] Dabbykins says: You read my story didn't ya?
[7:56:01 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: Uh.
[7:56:03 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: Probably not?
[7:56:06 PM] Dabbykins says: Well
[7:56:11 PM] Dabbykins says: That'd definitely
[7:56:18 PM] Dabbykins says: Be an opinion you'd have if you had. <.<
[7:56:30 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: Okay... <.<
[7:56:32 PM] Dabbykins says: It got voted 2nd best story at Disco!
[7:56:36 PM] Dabbykins says: Read eet. >.>
[7:56:37 PM] Dabbykins says:
[7:56:39 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: Yeah...
[7:56:55 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: Maybe.
[7:57:10 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: Tbh, it's just some stupid TF2 joke someone made when they were high as hell. >.>
[7:58:34 PM] Dabbykins says: TF2?
[7:58:44 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: Team Fortress 2
[7:58:52 PM] Dabbykins says: Ah
[7:59:15 PM] Dabbykins says: Why did the Phantom cross the road?
[7:59:29 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: No idea.
[7:59:36 PM] Dabbykins says: OH, I SEE SOMETHING SHINY!
[8:00:10 PM] Dabbykins says: *Cricket*
[8:00:54 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: Unfunny man. : P
[8:01:07 PM] Dabbykins says: *I* thought it was funny.
[8:01:14 PM] Dabbykins says: And I thought it fit. >.>
[8:01:27 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: x.x

I can haz skype - Grumblesaur - 11-07-2009

[7:10:12 PM] Skype Viagra (James): We need to RP Livia and whatsherface again.
[7:10:21 PM] Skype Viagra (James): Angie, that's it.
[7:10:39 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Why don't you try a romance plot with EXJ...He can be ANYTHING you want him to be.
[7:11:14 PM] Skype Viagra (James): Because the last time I attempted communication with it, I was ignored.
[7:11:15 PM] Skype Viagra (James): >_>
[7:11:25 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Because I was eating dinner.
[7:11:36 PM] Skype Viagra (James): D:
[7:11:37 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): >.>
[7:11:44 PM] Skype Viagra (James): Slot-saver.
[7:12:20 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): SHUT UP!
[7:12:26 PM] Skype Viagra (James): I'm kidding!
[7:12:36 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): waND jbNAWBfn AEfgQ*d gAWDA W
[7:13:26 PM] Skype Viagra (James): ????
[7:13:39 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): 0_0
[7:13:50 PM] Skype Viagra (James): Alt + 0191
[7:14:38 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Meh.
[7:15:04 PM] Skype Viagra (James): So do you want to or not?
[7:15:41 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Angie is like...involved with another person. She's trying to go clean. Being lesbian with some hottie in a Yacht would be incredibly sexy, yes, but against the character. Making it OORP.
[7:16:01 PM] Skype Viagra (James): With whom are you, then?
[7:17:05 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Alvin Katz.
[7:17:18 PM] Skype Viagra (James): Citizen Katz?
[7:17:28 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Yurp.
[7:17:30 PM] Skype Viagra (James): Dude.
[7:17:33 PM] Skype Viagra (James): You're made of win.
[7:17:38 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): I know.
[7:19:23 PM] Skype Viagra (James): So, a Rogue siding with the Coalition...
[7:19:46 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): She quit the Rogues.
[7:19:50 PM] Skype Viagra (James): Oh?
[7:20:14 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Yurp.
[7:20:23 PM] Skype Viagra (James): And what are you now...?
[7:20:35 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): LRF, I think.
[7:20:45 PM] Skype Viagra (James): I still don't know what that is.
[7:22:21 PM] Skype Viagra (James): Liberty Reformation Force?
[7:22:34 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): No.
[7:22:41 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Liberty Revolutionary Front.
[7:23:01 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): And EXJ is available. If you want, I can set something up. Like a date. With...a carrier-sized robot.
[7:23:25 PM] Skype Viagra (James): I was close, and I'm not about to start screwing AI.
[7:23:30 PM] Skype Viagra (James): (That's Kazinsal's job.)
[7:23:57 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): ..........
[7:24:05 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): But...EXJ needs luff.
[7:24:22 PM] Skype Viagra (James): What's it gonna use? A turret?
[7:25:00 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): No...he has an avatar.
[7:25:11 PM] Skype Viagra (James): A hologram, you mean.
[7:25:18 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): No.
[7:25:20 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Android.
[7:25:25 PM] Skype Viagra (James): O_o
[7:25:39 PM] Skype Viagra (James): Cold, metal, walking strapon.
[7:26:07 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): NO!
[7:26:11 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): He can be warm./..
[7:26:26 PM] Skype Viagra (James): You're not very easy to joke with...
[7:26:58 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): I just hate it when people make fun of my first character.
[7:27:14 PM] Skype Viagra (James): <Heating metal (male genital part)> ... <Process complete> <Initiate secksorz>
[7:27:34 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Yes...
[7:27:35 PM] Skype Viagra (James): Can I get computer viruses from him?
[7:27:38 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): No.
[7:27:41 PM] Skype Viagra (James): >_>
[7:27:47 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): You lack the appropriate ports.
[7:28:02 PM] Skype Viagra (James): I laughed so hard at that.
[7:28:12 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): As did I.
[7:28:40 PM] Skype Viagra (James): <Sex error: Port incompatible>
[7:30:34 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): No, just incompatible for viruses.
[7:30:39 PM] Skype Viagra (James): Kidding.
[7:30:40 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): I guarantee, the sex will be amusing.
[7:30:55 PM] Skype Viagra (James): Amusing? Interesting adjective for sex.
[7:37:29 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Yes.
[7:37:37 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): How about HAWT
[7:37:54 PM] Skype Viagra (James): Well, he -does- have to warm his robo-(male genital part) up...
[7:43:14 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): He does.
[7:43:20 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): He water.
[7:44:05 PM] Skype Viagra (James): O_O
[7:44:45 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): And the warmth of those he makes love to.
[7:45:04 PM] Skype Viagra (James): I.E.: No-one.
[7:45:45 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): How do you know?
[7:45:52 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): He has a humanoid body.
[7:45:54 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): It's just an android.
[7:46:01 PM] Skype Viagra (James): It's weird.
[7:49:01 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Ever seen the movie AI?
[7:49:07 PM] Skype Viagra (James): No.
[7:49:15 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Ummm...
[7:49:18 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Blade Runner...?
[7:49:32 PM] Skype Viagra (James): No.
[7:50:38 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Urgh...
[7:50:53 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): You're boring. You just want lesbian sex, right? Well my trader is free.
[7:51:17 PM] Skype Viagra (James): I was hoping to RP, the lesbian sex would've been a possibility.
[7:51:29 PM] Skype Viagra (James): Dammit, Shag, I'm not that perverse!
[7:52:22 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): .......
[7:52:25 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): I am.
[7:52:50 PM] Skype Viagra (James): Well, obviously. You have a sexually-capable AI.
[7:53:03 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): EXJ is practically human.
[7:53:11 PM] Skype Viagra (James): Still AI.
[7:53:19 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Doesn't make it any different!
[7:53:33 PM] Skype Viagra (James): AI require programming by humans!
[7:53:52 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): HE BECAME SENTIENT!
[7:53:54 PM] Skype Viagra (James): (Wait, that means humans having sex with EXJ would be dominant regardless of gender or gender-role.)
[7:54:06 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): EXJ has a male persona.
[7:54:37 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): So..
[7:54:39 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): He likes girls.
[7:55:17 PM] Skype Viagra (James): Maybe you should build him a female robot partner?
[7:55:48 PM] Skype Viagra (James): So yeah. "Fapple pie."
[7:56:01 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Sooooooooo sexy.
[7:56:57 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Ugh..want lesbian sex with Angie? Fine. She's still infiltrating pirate ranks. She'll do it...but I doubt she'll enjoy it. Regardless, she'll do it.
[7:56:58 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): You win.
[7:57:10 PM] Skype Viagra (James): I wasn't forcing you, dammit!
[7:57:21 PM] Skype Viagra (James): Stop misinterpreting this conversation!
[7:57:29 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): THIS IS REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY!
[7:57:39 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): I'M A PSYCHIATRIST, GOD DAMMIT!
[7:57:48 PM] Skype Viagra (James): And you, a weak-minded fool, are falling for it,.
[7:57:58 PM] Skype Viagra (James): IF it is reverse psychology, that is.
[7:58:06 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Who cares.
[7:58:19 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): So when will we plan this?
[7:58:20 PM] Skype Viagra (James): You do, since you're apparently playing hard-to-get.
[8:00:07 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): I have to go.
[8:00:15 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): We shall talk about our pimping later.
[8:00:30 PM] Skype Viagra (James): Have fun.
[8:00:38 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Auf wiedersehen.
[8:00:59 PM] Skype Viagra (James): Vale.

I wasn't attempting reverse psychology, he's just paranoid.

I can haz skype - Dab - 11-07-2009

[8:06:42 PM] Dabbykins says: --Golden Chrysanthemums
[8:08:16 PM] Terrance Cooper says: Creepy lady with drug problems. We should take them to a Cryer rehabilitation center.
[8:09:01 PM] Dabbykins says: . . .
[8:09:08 PM] Dabbykins says: You're failing this test
[8:09:13 PM] Terrance Cooper says: you said there was no pass or fail!
[8:09:18 PM] Dabbykins says: You've proven me wrong.

I can haz skype - Dab - 11-07-2009

[8:11:03 PM] Dabbykins says:
[8:11:07 PM] Dabbykins says: x.x
[8:11:21 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: :/
[8:11:58 PM] Dabbykins says: I'm anticipating
[8:12:01 PM] Dabbykins says: Lots of laughs
[8:12:07 PM] Dabbykins says: When I finally post my Kiretsu recruitment thread
[8:12:11 PM] Dabbykins says: I've got a questionaire on it....
[8:12:12 PM] Dabbykins says: >.>
[8:12:16 PM] Dabbykins says: -You see a trader surrounded by a gunboat, transport, and three fighters - All of whom are pirates. What do you do?

-What is the first thing that pops into your head when you see this; (emo head from Skype)

-You see a trader surrounded by a gunboat, transport, and three fighters - All of whom are pirates, but you can not get involved. What do you think?

-What do you think about the following [in Freelancer terms];
--Synthetic Marijuana
--Wine (or Alcohol in general)
--Gaian Wildlife
--- --- --- --- ---
--Farmers Alliance
--Independent Miners Guild
--Blood Dragon
--Golden Chrysanthemums
--Gas Miners Guild

-You see a transport filled with Ore. What do you do?

-You see a GC Elder in the hallway as you're walking down it. What do you do?

-If you could be any member of this community, who would it be and why? (You can't chose yourself and don't be a suckup. Can PM answer to me if you don't want to answer publicly.)

-What is your favorite video game besides Freelancer?
--What is your favorite -computer- game?

-Chose one;
--Light Fighter
--Heavy Fighter
--Very Heavy Fighter

-Chose one;
--SNAC it!

-Imagine you are a GC. Your superior tells you to fire on a Blood Dragon. What do you do?

-You find an Outcast pirating in Kyushu. What do you do?
[8:13:18 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: Huh.
[8:13:28 PM] Dabbykins says: Kiretsu questionaire.:D
[8:13:48 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: .factionban [Kirestu]
[8:13:58 PM] Dabbykins says: O.o
[8:14:08 PM] Dabbykins says: Wut?
[8:14:15 PM] Rob (Mr.Virus) says: Now I'm laughing, too.:D
[8:14:20 PM] Dabbykins says: x.x

[8:00:02 PM] Dabbykins says: --Blood Dragon
[8:00:21 PM] Terrance Cooper slips Cardi in the drink of female blood dragons

[8:00:26 PM] Terrance Cooper says: OURS!
[8:00:52 PM] Dabbykins makes note to teach Terry that Liquid Cardi is lethal.

I can haz skype - n00bl3t - 11-07-2009

Chase Mathews (Jaeriko) facepalms
[1:23:56 PM] Richard Pyle (n00bl3t) {Tumble-Weed} [Brthrn]: Richard Pyle (n00bl3t) {Tumble-Weed} [Brthrn] facepalms.
[1:24:06 PM] Emily Stauffer: How do you do that!
[1:24:12 PM] Richard Pyle (n00bl3t) {Tumble-Weed} [Brthrn]: Type /me
[1:24:13 PM] Chase Mathews (Jaeriko): /me
[1:24:20 PM] Chase Mathews (Jaeriko): so /me pie
[1:24:21 PM] Emily Stauffer: Emily Stauffer pie

I can haz skype - lw'nafh - 11-07-2009

[6:07:31 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): YAHR!
[6:07:51 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): Now bend over.
[6:08:08 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): Take it like a woman.
[6:08:14 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): ....
[6:08:24 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): Burn.


[6/11/2009 6:59:47 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): I added you, does I get special reward?
[5:39:41 PM] Marshal: yes you does.
[5:39:45 PM] Marshal: Marshal has shared contact details with Ben (Kanga the Ignorant).
[5:40:07 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): Yay!
[5:40:11 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): Giveth me special reward!
[5:40:42 PM] Marshal: heres your free handshake:)
[5:40:47 PM] Marshal: *skakes hand*
[5:40:54 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): YAY!
[5:41:09 PM] Marshal: it was worth it wasn't it:P
[5:41:21 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): YEAH!
[5:41:23 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): HANDSHAKE!
[5:41:24 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): AWESOME!
[5:41:28 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): W00T!


[6:10:25 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // Okay...?
[6:12:34 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // I'z bored.
[6:12:58 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): // Still waiting for Crossfire.
[6:13:05 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // Ugh.
[6:13:37 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): // UGh.
[6:14:03 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // UGH!
[6:14:09 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // *Plop*
[6:14:11 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): // DBJAW DBLAWdfhA WFKd JAWDFIuAWFv
[6:14:34 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // I can haz another handshake?
[6:13:27 PM] Marshal: yes....ok...but it costs
[6:13:34 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): 2 dowah?
[6:13:45 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): I love you all night, 2 dowah.
[6:13:49 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): 1 dowah suckie suckie.
[6:14:07 PM] Marshal: lol, no, it costs another handshake
[6:14:12 PM] Marshal: from you
[6:14:15 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): A...
[6:14:18 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): Handshake...
[6:14:21 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): With...
[6:14:22 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): My...
[6:14:27 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): Snakie...?
[6:14:50 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // [6:14:36 PM] Marshal: with..
[6:14:39 PM] Marshal: your...
[6:14:41 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): PENIS!
[6:14:51 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): // 0_.
[6:15:11 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // [6:14:41 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): PENIS!
[6:14:50 PM] Marshal: hand...
[6:14:59 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): Penishand?
[6:15:02 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): What's a penishand?
[6:15:24 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): // DORK!
[6:15:30 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // Pen island.
[6:15:42 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): // I saw that pic.
[6:15:44 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // PEEEEEEEEENis.
[6:15:47 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // What pic?
[6:16:14 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // Ben (Kanga the Ignorant) handshakes
[6:15:43 PM] Marshal: ok, now I give you a handsake
[6:15:58 PM] Marshal: *handshake*
[6:16:00 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): WHAT!? YOU'RE GONNA GIVE ME A HEADSHAKE!?
[6:16:03 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): EWWWWW!
[6:16:04 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): DIRTY!
[6:16:07 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): I CALL RAPE!
[6:16:55 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): // Dork.
[6:16:58 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // Me...?
[6:17:44 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // The word dork and similar may have the following meanings:

* Vulgar slang for "penis"
* USA pejorative slang for a quirky, silly and/or stupid, socially inept person, or one who is out of touch with contemporary trends. Often confused with nerd and geek, but does not imply the same intelligence level.
* Dork fish, Western Australian name for the Australasian snapper fish (Chrysophrys auratus)
* Dork (EP), a recording by AFI
* Dork Tower, an online comic
* King Dork, a young adult novel by Frank Portman
* Advanced Dork:, a Mozilla Firefox extension
* Son of Dork, a UK pop punk band
*, a web site run by Dwyer and Michaels
* Among users of the Poser CGI package, a nickname for the standard Poser 3 and Poser 4 man character
* Dorking, a town in England
[6:17:47 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): // All of us.
[6:17:57 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): // Read ICHS and see the one Kuro posted.
[6:18:07 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // I did.
[6:18:28 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): //
[6:17 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): Vulgar slang for "penis"
* USA pejorative slang for a quirky, silly and/or stupid, socially inept person, or one who is out of touch with contemporary trends. Often confused with nerd and geek, but does not imply the same intelligence level.

[6:18:34 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // Second one is us.
[6:18:42 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): // Hehe.
[6:19:18 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // >_>
[6:19:19 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // <_<
[6:19:21 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // ^_^
[6:19:30 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): // 'X'
[6:19:33 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // O_O
[6:19:36 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // X PEEEEEEnis.
[6:19:59 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): // 3====> ^('.'^)
[6:20:02 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): // KIRBY NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
[6:20:06 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // ONOZ!
[6:20:23 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // 3====D (_(_)
[6:21:02 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): // I like the \i/ better.
[6:21:09 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // Heh.
[6:21:27 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // Just because you like X's penus.
[6:21:32 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): // Yus.
[6:21:57 PM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): // .__.

I can haz skype - Shagohad - 11-07-2009

[11/6/2009 11:48:08 PM] Josh (Petrucci): sweet, sweet song
[11/6/2009 11:48:10 PM] Josh (Petrucci): jacob
[11/6/2009 11:48:15 PM] Josh (Petrucci): all the cool kids are listening to take the time
[11/6/2009 11:48:21 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): ?
[11/6/2009 11:48:51 PM] Aaron: actually all the 'cool' kids where I am are listening to absolute horrid music.
[11/6/2009 11:48:58 PM] Josh (Petrucci): http:/
[11/6/2009 11:49:01 PM] Josh (Petrucci): here's take the time
[11/6/2009 11:49:02 PM] Josh (Petrucci): jacob
[11/6/2009 11:49:25 PM] shazbot111: Yus
[11/6/2009 11:49:25 PM] shazbot111: But
[11/6/2009 11:49:28 PM] shazbot111: I need to get some sleep
[11/6/2009 11:49:31 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Argh...
[11/6/2009 11:49:32 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Okay.
[11/6/2009 11:49:33 PM] shazbot111: Before I got insane
[11/6/2009 11:49:33 PM] Josh (Petrucci): so do I
[11/6/2009 11:49:35 PM] shazbot111: olololol
[11/6/2009 11:49:37 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): IF I HAVE TO!
[11/6/2009 11:49:48 PM] Josh (Petrucci): i just want to watch jacobs head get blasted off his shoulders
[11/6/2009 11:49:55 PM | Edited 11:50:10 PM] Aaron: and his >.> with it.
[11/6/2009 11:49:59 PM] shazbot111: JACOB, FLIP OUT!
[11/6/2009 11:50:04 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Hang on..
[11/6/2009 11:50:05 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): Loading..
[11/6/2009 11:50:42 PM] Aaron: just used youtube
[11/6/2009 11:50:57 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): AW DAWfjAWfAJWFAWIF DAW uQ_)RU 83BRkdiu(RN23J78 Q9DKwaD
[11/6/2009 11:51:12 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): holy balls!
[11/6/2009 11:51:14 PM] Aaron: bot fail
[11/6/2009 11:51:18 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): WTF IS THIS?!
[11/6/2009 11:51:21 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): I CAME!
[11/6/2009 11:51:22 PM] Aaron: bless you.
[11/6/2009 11:51:26 PM] Josh (Petrucci): XD
[11/6/2009 11:51:31 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): I CAME BLOOD!
[11/6/2009 11:51:42 PM] shazbot111: Might want to see a doctor about that
[11/6/2009 11:51:55 PM] Aaron: >.>
[11/6/2009 11:52:03 PM] Jacob(Shagohad): THERE IS NO OINTMENT TO CURE THIS!
[11/6/2009 11:52:17 PM] Josh (Petrucci): Josh (Petrucci) whispers "Guys, I think he likes it"
[11/6/2009 11:52:28 PM] shazbot111: Convert #2
[11/6/2009 11:52:33 PM] Josh (Petrucci): of the night!
[11/6/2009 11:52:41 PM] Josh (Petrucci): im on a friggin roll

I can haz skype - Altaris - 11-07-2009

[6:23:11 PM] Altaris: yo
[6:25:51 PM] mayhemftw: yo
[6:26:36 PM] Vitaly ([Shadow]): yo
[7:12:57 PM] Caltu: yo
[7:20:25 PM] Joe (Jihad): yo
[7:43:38 PM] Caltu: meh, looks like Mike is over today, noone will stop our yo's D:
[7:46:12 PM] Altaris: you just did noob.... -.-'

Meh....101st chat....
Not only Mike is loosing the game.... sadly....

I can haz skype - Saronsen - 11-08-2009

[9:18:30 PM] Cpt.Izii: We're in ****ing space.
[9:18:37 PM] Cpt.Izii: You could strap engines to a sofa and make it airtight.
[9:18:40 PM] Cpt.Izii: Boom, ship.

I can haz skype - Captain - 11-08-2009

[22:01:07] Carmen: [20:57:47] Shazbot: DRAGOn
[20:57:53] Shazbot: SYNTH FOODS MUST SHIP TO....
[20:57:54] Elsdragon: OUI
[20:58:01] Elsdragon: Wai
[20:58:09] Elsdragon: We need royalist peeeeermission
[20:58:41] Elsdragon: TIME TO GO WHINE!
[20:58:45] Shazbot: Nuuuuuuuuuuuu
[20:58:51] Shazbot: The rebels are hungry
[20:58:53] Shazbot: And poor
[20:58:57] Elsdragon: And save up for parteh van....
[20:58:59] Elsdragon: OOOOH
[20:59:01] Elsdragon: COUNCIL
[20:59:02] Shazbot: They NEED paste!
[20:59:08] Elsdragon: ou teh buy
[20:59:11] Shazbot: THE SYNTH REVOLUTION.........
[20:59:14] Shazbot: ...GROOOOOOOOOOOOOWS
[20:59:19] Elsdragon: WHERE TO THEY BUY IT
[20:59:27] Shazbot: LET ME SEE
[20:59:49] Carmen: em
[20:59:50] Shazbot: PLANET MARNE!!!!
[20:59:58] Elsdragon: O-o
[22:01:12] Carmen: Synth Foods chat... :S
[22:01:40] Mike (Entrepreneur): KILL IT WITH FIRE
[22:02:31] Mike (Entrepreneur): and then burn it with plasma
[22:02:45] Mike (Entrepreneur): then kill it again
[22:02:51] shazbot111: Grilled Synth Paste is quite delicious!
[22:02:53] shazbot111: OLOLOLOL
[22:03:00] shazbot111: You can't stop the SYNTH REVOLUTION!!!
[22:03:14 | 22:03:30 bewerkt] elsdragon.the.dragon: All Tubes of synth paste are killed and dreid very throughly before being shipped out
[22:03:24] elsdragon.the.dragon: Very few have ever come back to life again
[22:05:00] shazbot111: Those that do are processed into Luxury Food!
[22:05:19] Mike (Entrepreneur): (mm)
[22:06:53] alec.voelkel: SCRA?
[22:06:56] alec.voelkel: СЛАВА КОММУНИЗМУ, ТОВАРИШИ!!!!
[22:07:03] alec.voelkel: alec.voelkel hugs his Lenin staute.
[22:07:49] Mike (Entrepreneur): Mike (Entrepreneur) gets a nuke and trows it to alec's statue
[22:08:08] alec.voelkel: alec.voelkel 's statue gets nuked.
[22:08:54] alec.voelkel: "We will resist the oppressors of rightist ideas."
[22:09:08 | 22:09:12 bewerkt] Mike (Entrepreneur): Mike (Entrepreneur) slaps alec with his glove
[22:09:19] alec.voelkel: alec.voelkel gets slapped.
[22:09:25] elsdragon.the.dragon: Mercenaries:Playground of destruction
[22:09:30] elsdragon.the.dragon: DIE NK BASTARDS
[22:09:52] Alec (Maj. Sovok): NK?
[22:10:04] Alec (Maj. Sovok): Isn't that the traitor Junker faction?
[22:10:07] Mike (Entrepreneur): Mike (Entrepreneur) slaps els with the other glove
[22:10:36] Alec (Maj. Sovok): No matter what you do. You will all die in 2012.
[22:10:45] Mike (Entrepreneur): they miscalculated
[22:10:53] Mike (Entrepreneur): its 2220
[22:11:06] Alec (Maj. Sovok): Gay.
[22:11:26] Alec (Maj. Sovok): Maybe the guy who counted first was a drugged junky too.
[22:11:57] Carmen: No matter what you do. You will all die in 2012.Orly?
[22:11:58] Carmen: Why?
[22:12:20] Alec (Maj. Sovok): Because the Mayans said so.
[22:12:33] Alec (Maj. Sovok): You better listen to them, they smoked more weed than you ever will.
[22:12:50] Mike (Entrepreneur): Gay.?
[22:13:12] Alec (Maj. Sovok): I did not need to see that.
[22:13:16] Alec (Maj. Sovok): :|
[22:14:01] Mike (Entrepreneur):
[22:15:24] Alec (Maj. Sovok): Pie.
[22:15:33] Mike (Entrepreneur): cake
[22:16:07] Carmen: bannana
[22:16:24] Mike (Entrepreneur): apple
[22:16:55] Mike (Entrepreneur): Vlaai
[22:19:00] elsdragon.the.dragon: NK
[22:19:05] elsdragon.the.dragon: North Korean
[22:19:18] Mike (Entrepreneur): WK
[22:19:32] Mike (Entrepreneur): NL
[22:19:45] Alec (Maj. Sovok): NORTH KOREA!
[22:19:53] Mike (Entrepreneur): NEDERLAND
[22:19:54] Alec (Maj. Sovok): 我々は右翼思想の抑圧に抵抗する。
[22:20:04] Alec (Maj. Sovok): Alec (Maj. Sovok) hugs his Kim Jong-Il statue.
[22:20:35] Alec (Maj. Sovok): Gosh, I'm bored.
[22:20:38] Mike (Entrepreneur): Mike (Entrepreneur) snipes head of the statue, in pieces
[22:20:42] Alec (Maj. Sovok): Let's plot **** in Kusari.
[22:21:19] Mike (Entrepreneur): lets crap there
[22:21:27] Carmen: (flag:gb)
[22:21:35] Mike (Entrepreneur): (flag:nl)
[22:21:54] Mike (Entrepreneur): (flag:fr)
[22:22:05 | 22:22:09 bewerkt] Mike (Entrepreneur): (mooning)
[22:22:57] Mike (Entrepreneur): (chuckle)