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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - PhantomBlade - 06-23-2010

::Incomming transmission....
::Lieutenant Joseph Williamson....
[Image: 2zdq2k9.jpg]

Greetings Comrades, its me Joseph Williamson,

Today i did a couple of patrol runs. First i went through Omega 3 and searched around Douglas Station and then across the length of the Trade lanes. Along the way i came across a freelancing trader, whom had no knowledge of us and passed by, and later a Red Hessian Pilgrim Liner. Me and the Hessian exchanged pleasantries and we both went our seperate ways.

I then headed toward Omega 7, where i had knowledge Comrade Alvarez was patrolling as well, when i recieved a signal from Omega 52 that someone unathorized breached the jumphole. After I heard this i got orders to head back and intercept the so called Kaze Dagon, A merc. We chased her all the was to Dublin, where she tried to send the data to an unknown party. We intercepted said information and destroyed it without a second glance.

All and all, mission complete, This is Lieutenant Joseph Williamson, out...

::End Transmission...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 06-23-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

> CommID: Daemon Steele
> Location: Omega-52 System
> Encryption: Romeo Foxtrot Hotel
> Subject: After Action Report

Priviet Comrades,

I undocked from Omega-52 and set a course for Gallia. I had orders from intelligence to collect Gallic Royalist Pilots. I must say, the operation went extremely well. I'll transmit the communication logs and then briefly explain everything.

Log 1
Log 2
Log 3
Log 4
Log 5
Log 6
Log 7
Log 8
Log 9
Log 10
Log 11
Log 12
Log 13
Log 14
Log 15
Log 16

I arrived in Orkney to find the station known as "Reunion". I docked there briefly and proceeded to the bar where I heard some disturbing rumours. I appears that some Junkers are acting as spies. These rumours have yet to be confirmed however. I undocked and proceeded to face a minefield. There was a passage through and I took it. I arrived on the other side and proceeded to do a sweep of the area. I found the wreck of a Royalist Battleship that was once known as the "Cassard". Nearby, I found the wreck of a cruiser down as the Democratie". I then discovered a Council Fighter. I pretended to not know a thing about Gallia so that he wouldn't spare any details. We talked for a bit when we were harrassed by a patrol of Royalists. They were quickly dispatched however and we opted to move to a safer location. I asked him to show me a bit of Gallia and he politely obliged. We entered a system known as Dauphine via a Jumphole. We headed off to another asteroid field when I noticed a strange cluster of planets. Upon questioning the Councilman I learned that it was called the "Privas Cluster". We were unable to get close however since the area is heavily guarded by the Royalists. We then passed by a Sealed Jumpgate which no doubt leads to the Core Gallian worlds. I advise caution in Gallia as we've no idea what lies behind these Sealed Gates. We then proceeded towards a Jumphole that took us to a system named "Burgandy". The Councilman then took me to the wreck of a Royalist Fighter. I obtained two weapons. Perhaps we can study them to learn more about the Royalists capabilities. We then began to hunt Royalist pilots in order to collect them for interrogation. I'm pleased to say that we obtained several pilots. 9 Regular Naval Pilots and One High Ranking Police Official. No doubt the Royalists will talk when subjected to our... "persuasive" methods. We quickly realized that the Royalists caught wind of our presence and we proceeded back to Dauphine. When we neared the jumphole back we found a Royalists laying in wait. Thankfully, the Councilman intercepted him and the Royalist didn't get close enough to get a lock on me. I managed to escape back to Reunion station. I finally proceeded back to Omega-52 in order to deliver the Royalist weapons and technology, not to mention the finest tobacco in Sirius. FOR THE RED DAWN!

***Terminate Transmission***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Vogel - 06-24-2010

COMM ID: Lieutenant Konstantin Petrovin
LOCATION: Kaiserlautern Depot, New Berlin System

[Image: comm2a.png]

Privet, Tovarischi.

Intelligence duties have left me a bit busy on the home front so to speak, but I finally had time to go out on a short sweep of the systems outlying Omega-52. I'd just about crossed Omega-5 when a Corsair launched from Cadiz. Naturally I made an abrupt reversal and screamed in for the kill. But the pilot was flying an under-equipped Waran bomber, and seemed intent on not fighting even as I pumped shots into his hull.

Sounded like a poor fatalistic fellow; stated it would be impossible to fight in such a ship. If the situation was reversed the Corsair probably would have killed me, but this one seemed a bit too timid, and smarter than your average cannibal. I graciously left his escape pod alone after I trashed his ship; maybe he'll be picked up before a meteorite gets him?

<Attached Files>
Image 1 (Waran Scan)
Image 2 (Comm Log 1)
Image 3 (Destruction)

I continued my sweep into Omega-7 where there was nothing of any note, and proceeded to jump into Stuttgart, hoping to find a pirate or two trying to cut the lanes. I didn't; what I did find was a pair of mercenaries, clearly intent on claiming a bounty on my head. Four million Sirian credits, apparently funded by the Joker. Funny.

In any case, I was expecting another One-vee-Ex furball when one of them, a "Jordy Meller", mentioned that they wanted to take me alone. I questioned why they were after such a bounty, why they had to live their lives the way they did, and deflected a barb flung at the Coalition, but I knew a fight was inevitable. With backup nowhere in sight, I decided to take this person up on their "offer" and treated it like a duel, at which point Meller mentioned "liking my style".

The fight proceeded for upwards of half an hour, the balance of the fight swaying to and fro. Meller was indeed a dangerous pilot, but called the fight off at a point where a killing blow was possible. After all, they "liked my style". The two left me alone after that, not claiming their bounty. Very curious; this is the first instance I've run into mercenaries with any semblance of "honor" in combat, let alone mercy.

<Attached Files>
Image 4 (Meller Scan)
Image 5 (Comm Log 2)
Image 6 (Comm Log 3)
Image 7 (Comm Log 4)

But it suited me just as well. I got my Insurgent to Kaiserlautern and turned it in to the Hessian technicians for repair before I set out for home.

Living to fight another day for the Red Dawn.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 06-24-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

> CommID: Daemon Steele
> Location: Omega-52 System
> Encryption: Romeo Foxtrot Hotel
> Subject: After Action Report

Priviet Comrades,

Today Comrade Balan and myself proceeded to Gamma to do a little hunting. Oddly enough, a Corsair challenged me to a duel. He was easily terminated. I noticed Comrade Balan was in trouble and I rushed to his aid. We had no less then two Cruisers, and three Fighters attempting to kill us. We withdrew to the nebulas and used the rocks as cover. We began making progress with Comrade Balan making a kill followed by a kill from one of my mines. We switched our attention to a newly arrived Corsair. It's amazing how fast he was terminated. We turned our attention to the final Titan. The Corsair lost both his wings but somehow kept receiving a steady supply of Nanobots. We decided it would be amusing to leave this wingless Titan to rot so we proceeded to Omicron Theta where we docked at Freeport 9.

***Terminate Transmission***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lucas_Fernandez - 06-24-2010

COMM ID: Lieutenant Dan Balan
LOCATION: Zvezdniy Gorodok Omega-52 System

We went to a patrol into the Omega systems with Comrade Daemon Steele.
When we arrived in the Omega-7 system an enemy of the revolution appeared on the long range scanners
we've immediately initiated a search and headed out to destroy D.Jameson who seemed to be in the Stuttgart
system. When we arrived we came across a large Rheinland Military force who attacked us on sight.
Their six ships against the two of us. Fortunatelly for us an allied Hessian pilot Oberst Neurath
from the Red Hessian Army was in the region and a Bundshuh pilot Malcolm Arlson also joined us in our struggle.

For a brief time the fight seemed to be pretty equal before a rheinland gunboat "kai-siraka"
appeared on the radar. We were considering a retreat at that time but then a Hessian transport
joined the already slightly chaotic fight. A transport Comrades! After suffering heavy losses
the remaining WRF forces and the damaged gunboat retreated. We've escorted the trader
to Darmstadt Depot after that i landed on Vogtland to make the necessary repairs.
Today's fight was again a glorious victory despite D.Jameson escaped from our grasp.

Hostile Forces
Heavily damaged gunboat
Escorting the Trader


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Capt. Henry Morgan - 06-25-2010

From: Lt. Cmdr. Robert Thacker

Good day, Comrades! I have finally returned the Aeon's Fall from the Omicron Delta, and had a bit of fun along the way with some witless Corsairs. As we were going through Gamma, doing our best to avoid any unwanted attention, the HAF somehow got wind of our presence, and instituted a search. As we were flying well off the plane, their search turned up nothing, and we made it out safely, and undetected. The following is the comm log of our first incursion. I couldn't resist a parting taunt.

Quote:[24.06.2010 21:11:52] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: red scra in scanner now
[24.06.2010 21:12:16] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: last seen sectors 6-7 D-E
[24.06.2010 21:12:21] HAF-R-Chanchoman: ok
[24.06.2010 21:12:43] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: scanner clear
[24.06.2010 21:13:16] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: but he still here
[24.06.2010 21:14:33] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: moving to sector 5 G
[24.06.2010 21:15:21] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: all ships stay alert
[24.06.2010 21:15:32] HAF-R-Chanchoman: iam in guard
[24.06.2010 21:16:27] HAF-R-Chanchoman: SCRA in the system
[24.06.2010 21:19:14] HAF-R-Chanchoman: jh Omega 41 clear, i go to skiros
[24.06.2010 21:20:08] The.Sage-Hospitaller: Travers: Zoner Guard vessel carrying Food Rations requesting to land at Planet Crete.
[24.06.2010 21:23:16] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: As always, clear skies through Gamma. Thank you for the amusing diversion.
After a clear flight to Omega-52, we resupplied and immediately took to space. I decided that a second test of Corsair responses wouldn't be a bad thing, so we set course and returned to Gamma. Surprisingly enough, they still hadn't posted a guard on the Jump Hole, and we jumped in unopposed. Not desiring a fight with the entire Corsair armada, we went back off the plane. Once we reached a safe distance, we parked and opened communications. And, I do mean we opened communications.

Quote:[24.06.2010 21:38:59] HAF-R-Chanchoman: SCRA in the system
[24.06.2010 21:39:31] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: You didn't do so well finding me the fist time... What makes you think you'll do better now?
[24.06.2010 21:39:48] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: oh come on!
[24.06.2010 21:40:20] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: all ship battle stations
[24.06.2010 21:40:33] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: scra scum in our system... again.
[24.06.2010 21:40:33] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: You don't frighten us, Corsair pig-dogs!
[24.06.2010 21:41:12] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: Go and boil your bottoms, you son of a silly person!

[24.06.2010 21:41:45] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: are you sure?
[24.06.2010 21:42:01] Corsair-Alfonso_Benitez: Sector?
[24.06.2010 21:42:11] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: I blow my nose at you, so called cannibal-pilot, and all your barbarian friends.
[24.06.2010 21:42:16] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: searching and destroy hostile vessel.
[24.06.2010 21:42:29] HAF-G-Bullet: sector recruit?
[24.06.2010 21:43:38] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: sector 5C clear. Proceed next nav point
[24.06.2010 21:43:48] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper.
[24.06.2010 21:44:08] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: I fart in your general direction!

[24.06.2010 21:44:26] HAF-G-Bullet: big mouth
[24.06.2010 21:44:45] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!
[24.06.2010 21:45:10] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: combat hamster for you, flyboy
[24.06.2010 21:45:25] HAF-G-Bullet: didn't say anything about your mother who fart you
[24.06.2010 21:45:55] HAF-G-Bullet: stinky comunist
[24.06.2010 21:46:03] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: Daffy barbarian pilots. So, we SCRA fellows outwit you a second time?
[24.06.2010 21:46:26] HAF-G-Bullet: talking behind your mama's dress?
[24.06.2010 21:46:39] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: How do you Cretans say, I one more time unclog my nose in your direction, sons of a window dresser.
[24.06.2010 21:47:06] HAF-G-Bullet: those are big words for a poop
[24.06.2010 21:47:42] HAF-R-Chanchoman: 4F-3F-2F clear...
[24.06.2010 21:47:59] NEPTUN3: why are you here anyway? to run?
[24.06.2010 21:48:08] NEPTUN3: scra boy?
[24.06.2010 21:48:34] Corsair-Alfonso_Benitez: Either to just pointlessly taunt, or take photographs of pretty planets...I guess
[24.06.2010 21:48:52] NEPTUN3: i believe so
[24.06.2010 21:48:54] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: I wave my private parts at your aunties, you heaving lot of second-hand electric donkey bottom biters!
[24.06.2010 21:49:01] Corsair-Alfonso_Benitez: There's a possibility he's not on the system plane
[24.06.2010 21:49:14] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: indeed
[24.06.2010 21:49:26] NEPTUN3: why dont you go run to your daddy scra boy?
[24.06.2010 21:49:39] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: No chance, Corsair bedwetting types!
[24.06.2010 21:49:51] HAF-G-Bullet: or your mommy...oh I forgot your mommy is here with us
[24.06.2010 21:49:56] HAF-G-Bullet: *laughs*
[24.06.2010 21:50:38] Corsair-Alfonso_Benitez: 3/4/5B clear
[24.06.2010 21:50:58] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: I burst my pimples at you and call your daughter a silly, unrequested thing, you tiny-brained wipers of other people's bottoms!
[24.06.2010 21:51:36] Borg#1: oh my... comunists here???
[24.06.2010 21:51:45] HAF-G-Bullet: no...just poop
[24.06.2010 21:52:02] Corsair-Alfonso_Benitez: Big-mouthed poop, at that
[24.06.2010 21:52:17] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: realy? looks like shy tiny girl...
[24.06.2010 21:52:21] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: I'm in a battle of wits with the unarmed... almost not even worth the trouble.
[24.06.2010 21:52:58] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: scanner detect hostile vessel
[24.06.2010 21:53:02] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: name sifu
[24.06.2010 21:53:08] Corsair-Alfonso_Benitez: Sector?
[24.06.2010 21:53:10] Borg#1: I hope is all under control brothers
[24.06.2010 21:53:15] HAF-G-Bullet: he is hogosha
[24.06.2010 21:53:15] [77th]Adm.Hell.Hunter: No Sheep sherlock.. Baa!
[24.06.2010 21:53:16] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: 5C
[24.06.2010 21:53:25] Corsair-Alfonso_Benitez: Assistance required?
[24.06.2010 21:53:26] [77th]Griff: No, f6
[24.06.2010 21:53:40] [77th]Adm.Hell.Hunter: AAAAAH PIRATE AT F6.. I mean.. Uhh outcast one..
[24.06.2010 21:53:41] Sifu: Greetings!
[24.06.2010 21:53:46] [77th]Griff: Trust me, why would I lie to you?
[24.06.2010 21:53:57] [77th]Adm.Hell.Hunter: outcast pierat f6
[24.06.2010 21:54:09] [77th]Griff: Where else would an outcast be?
[24.06.2010 21:54:14] Corsair-Alfonso_Benitez: Just the one ship?
[24.06.2010 21:54:22] Corsair-Alfonso_Benitez: What kind of ship?
[24.06.2010 21:54:23] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: on my way
[24.06.2010 21:54:26] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: Probably visiting your wife.
[24.06.2010 21:55:36] [77th]Adm.Hell.Hunter: HAF help outcast is chasing me
[24.06.2010 21:55:39] Corsair-Alfonso_Benitez: F6 still red?
[24.06.2010 21:55:54] [77th]Adm.Hell.Hunter: he followede me in cruise
[24.06.2010 21:55:56] [77th]Adm.Hell.Hunter: damn..
[24.06.2010 21:55:58] Corsair-Alfonso_Benitez: What ship?
[24.06.2010 21:56:07] Corsair-Alfonso_Benitez: What's the new trajectory?
[24.06.2010 21:56:10] [77th]Adm.Hell.Hunter: gunship..hlep
[24.06.2010 21:56:11] [77th]Griff: Stortas......
[24.06.2010 21:56:15] [77th]Griff: *shudders*
[24.06.2010 21:56:17] [77th]Adm.Hell.Hunter: and storta..
[24.06.2010 21:56:29] Dino.Cazares: sector?
[24.06.2010 21:56:55] [77th]Adm.Hell.Hunter: b6 help!!
[24.06.2010 21:57:40] Corsair_Alfonso_Benitez: B6?
[24.06.2010 21:57:50] [77th]Adm.Hell.Hunter: we are in c4 now
[24.06.2010 21:57:52] [77th]Adm.Hell.Hunter: help
[24.06.2010 21:58:03] NEPTUN3: come to b6
[24.06.2010 21:58:14] HAF-R-Chanchoman: bh??
[24.06.2010 21:58:28] Corsair_Alfonso_Benitez: I'm getting 2 sectors people...where is the OC GB?
[24.06.2010 21:58:57] Dino.Cazares: I'm going at cella dor
[24.06.2010 21:59:27] NEPTUN3: where are you now?
[24.06.2010 22:00:01] Corsair_Alfonso_Benitez: Updated sectors?
[24.06.2010 22:00:07] Dino.Cazares: found comunist here
[24.06.2010 22:00:11] [77th]Adm.Hell.Hunter: b3 !!!
[24.06.2010 22:00:16] Dino.Cazares: but no OC trace
[24.06.2010 22:00:24] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: Once again, we SCRA have outwitted you, you filthy baby-eating barbarian pig-dogs.
After I finished taunting them, we set course back out of the system again. Despite starting a system-wide search for me (as well as failing to match me for wit), they still didn't think to post guards at the exits. One of the HAF ships (HAF-R-Silent_Bob), and an unaffiliated Corsair (NEPTUN3) did figrue out my position and pursued me. Judging by their distance from the Jump Hole, I don't think they were guarding it. They got lucky more than anything.

They continued to pursue me from a distance, though they couldn't get anywhere near me. After jumping into Omega-5, we linked up with the CPW Mao Zedong and Sub-Lieutenant Steele, and posted a watch on the Jump Hole. After a short wait, Silent Bob jumped in, but his partner apparently discontinued the chase, as he never showed up.

Bob was flying a Titan-class Very Heavy Fighter. In an showing of extreme bad judgement, he refused to turn back and leave when warned. He even threatened us, despite being badly outgunned. After he made it clear that growing a brain wasn't on his agenda for the day, we decided it was time to put him out of his misery. After a short fight, he fell under the Zedong's guns with an assist from our own missile batteries. The comm log of the engagement follows.

Quote:[24.06.2010 22:02:21] NEPTUN3: scra cut your engines
[24.06.2010 22:02:30] SCRA|CPW-Mao.Zedong: I'll wait for ya at the JH to 41 from 5, give the Corsairs something to think about.
[24.06.2010 22:02:43] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: I got corsairs on my ass.
[24.06.2010 22:02:49] SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Roger. Enroute to your location.
[24.06.2010 22:02:56] SCRA|CPW-Mao.Zedong: Wanna take em?
[24.06.2010 22:02:59] SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Da.
[24.06.2010 22:03:02] SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Lets give them hell.
[24.06.2010 22:03:07] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: There's only two of them.
[24.06.2010 22:03:16] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: hello flyboys
[24.06.2010 22:03:22] SCRA|CPW-Mao.Zedong: *Grins* Might wanna reconsider that HAF.
[24.06.2010 22:03:51] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: Fly away, you smelly barbarian.
[24.06.2010 22:04:12] SCRA|CPW-Mao.Zedong: *Jeering could be heard over the comms of the Mao Zedong*
[24.06.2010 22:04:12] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: leave our system SCRA
[24.06.2010 22:04:24] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: last advice.
[24.06.2010 22:04:29] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: I think I already did. Where -have- you been?
[24.06.2010 22:05:02] HAF-R-Silent_Bob: bad boys
[24.06.2010 22:05:23] SCRA|CPW-Mao.Zedong: Warner: Yes! Depart silly person! Before we fire Kalashnikov's at your heads!
[24.06.2010 22:05:28] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: I think you're slightly outmatched....
[24.06.2010 22:05:44] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: How much you want to bet he's stalling for reinforcements.
[24.06.2010 22:05:49] SCRA|CPW-Mao.Zedong: Shoot now?
[24.06.2010 22:05:55] SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Wait for me Comrades.
[24.06.2010 22:06:11] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: Let's rid ourselves of this pestilent little pimple.
[24.06.2010 22:06:16] SCRA|CPW-Mao.Zedong: Warner: Very well Corsair Barbarian type! I shall blow my nose at him!
[24.06.2010 22:08:16] SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Jumping into Omega-5 now.
[24.06.2010 22:09:28] SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Priviet Comrades. Ah. Bob.
[24.06.2010 22:10:03] Death: HAF-R-Silent_Bob was put out of action by SCRA|CPW-Mao.Zedong (Missile/Torpedo).
[24.06.2010 22:10:12] SCRA|Daemon.Steele: *Chuckles*
[24.06.2010 22:10:17] SCRA|Daemon.Steele: I see you two are having fun.
[24.06.2010 22:10:18] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: He should've ran.
[24.06.2010 22:10:23] SCRA|CPW-Mao.Zedong: Warner: Yes! Depart with your manparts between your legs sons of a waiter!
[24.06.2010 22:10:32] SCRA|CPW-Aeon's.Fall: We gave him plenty of chances, too!

As per regulations, I am also including a hard copy from my ship's computer of the kill confirmation.

[Image: screen53.jpg]
After that engagement was completed, we returned to 52 again for a short training session. During the trip home, I also collected the following items. All were turned over to the authroities on Zvezdney Gorodok.

[Image: screen54.jpg]
I certify this report to be complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Lieutenant Commander Robert Thacker
Капитан-лейтенант Робэрт Текер

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Sprolf - 06-25-2010

-COMM ID: Commissar Lieutenant-Commander Pavel Medvedov, Intelligence
-LOCATION: Omega-52 Space
-TARGET ID: Fighter Corps

Privet, Comrades.
Per order of High Command, all pilots in Sirius bearing Mercenary ID Cards are to be considered enemies of the state and are to be executed on sight. They are malicious individuals, seeking personal gain through the wanton destruction of anything and everything with a price upon its head - the ultimate expression of the evils of capitalism, showing us how the dragon of the houses turns in on its tail rapaciously. We must, however, not let them further harm the innocent civilians and workers that we seek to liberate!

Do not give these fiends mercy!
For the Red Dawn!

For the Revolution.
Commissar Lieutenant-Commander Pavel Medvedov, Intelligence


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 06-25-2010

[font=Garamond]To: SCRA Fighter Corps
Comm. ID: Captain Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: Orders

---Communications Opened---

[Image: wip4.jpg]

Salud, camaradas!

Comradas! It appears that these mercenaries are rampaging out of control across Sirius. They threaten everything we have gained in the Ontario system, this cannot be allowed to happen.

Commissar Medvedov has issued a directive that we should hunt these decaying souls, and hunt them we shall, hermanos! I want their heads brought back and delivered to the commissariat!

I have new orders for all pilots operating on our fronts across Sirius. Priority Targets are as follows:

-Reaver Fighters/Bombers - Four Points
-Reaver Gunboats - Four Points per Pilot Present*
-Mercenary Fighters/bombers - Three Points
-Mercenary Forces operating inside Liberty - Four Points
-Mercenary Capital Ships - Two Points per Pilot Present
-Other Hostiles of any kind - One Point

Extra points shall be given for High Ranking Enemy Pilots, extraordinary individual actions, or excellent group tactics, as appropriate. Fighters should deploy in fire teams for maximum effectiveness.

Remember what I have taught you, hermanos, fight on your terms, with the odds in your favour. There is no shame in falling back to fight in strength.

Do not get drawn into duels of honour, these scum have shown us none, we shall show them none.

Do not fire on LPI/LSF/LN ships during this action, conserve our strength for our true targets. Avoid encounters, avoid trouble, and strike from the shadows like I have shown you.

For those of you who do not remember the "Points" system, I'll give you a brief rundown. Essentially, pilots fly in groups, seeking and destroying priority targets, or forcing the drop of slaves and cardamine. The pilots who rack up the most points (and kills, usually) shall find themselves showered in honours, or at least given some extra Vodka. Occasionally, a pilot will be promoted on merit of these competitions.

It is each pilots responsibility to keep an individual track of both their number of kills, and the points they have acquired on this campaign. Prove your kills, or they'll not be counted.

As a small incentive, the first pilot to bring back a guncam footage of any of the targets worth two points or more shall win the [color=#CC0000]Mercenary War Cross

Following is a list or primary targets:

- Kaze Dagon
- Any Reaver
- jordy meller
- golden feather
- viva el presidente

The Downing of any of these pilots will earn the pilot an immediate Red Halo of Heroism, in addition to a full crate of vodka. As well as six points. Guncam footage expected. In addition, any pilot who destroys a ship of the Reavers Mercenary Group shall earn themselves the Sickle of the Proletariat, and five points.

The Havana will stand on station in a task force with the CPW-Trotsky and the CPW-Ho Chi Minh for additional fire support should it be required.

Cut down these murderous jackals!!!

That will be all, pilots.

Captain Ricardo ‘The Coyote’ Alvarez

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 06-25-2010

COMM ID: Commissariat of TRUTH


[Image: truth.png]


Brooks, Steeles, and Broch are here by awarded the RED HALO OF HEROISM for operations connected with the RED LIST.

Do not falter, or fail the Great Leader!

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 06-25-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

> CommID: Daemon Steele
> Location: Omega-52 System
> Encryption: Romeo Foxtrot Hotel
> Subject: After Action Report

Priviet Comrades,

Today I set out from Omega-52 in order to hunt some Mercenaries. When I arrived in Omega-5 I noticed the Corsair Elder by the name of "Espi" present in the system. I proceeded to challenge him to a duel however he opted to have two Titans try to kill me. They were of course terminated. Espi went into Omega-11 at some point during the fight and I talked with one of his minions. I proceeded back to Ronneburg where I found Espi nearby. I proceeded to fight him in a duel. He tried running when his ship was on fire but that didn't save him. He was terminated. I then proceeded back to Omega-52 where I found an Osiris by the name of "Kraken" on stand-by. I outmaneuvered him and promptly jumped into Omega-52. There, I hooked up with the Havana and proceeded to board my Revolution. We were joined by several allies and we proceeded to engage the Kraken The Havana brought a wrath upon the Kraken like I've never seen before. Indeed, Captain Alvarez's skill is matched only by his resolve. Together we decimated the enemy. The stragglers were dealt with and we returned to Omega-52.

***Terminate Transmission***