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I can haz skype - Printable Version

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I can haz skype - Hidamari - 08-23-2010

[02:36:30] Sand_Spider: Ah...
[02:36:34] Sand_Spider: Sand_Spider holds chest..
[02:36:37] Sand_Spider: Must...
[02:36:40] Sand_Spider: POOP!
[02:37:03] Dii (Hidamari): unless your rectum is in your chest... that comment was irrelavent

I can haz skype - Primitive - 08-23-2010

[4:00:04 AM] Loken: You do see a lot of Edison Trent's around though.
[4:00:11 AM] Loken: Very often they don't speak much english
[4:00:37 AM] Primitive: Orillion : We would like you to join us Mr.Trent
[4:00:44 AM] Primitive: Edison Trent: Soru no ingirs:)
[4:01:07 AM] Milton Krest: Orillion: Trent, espana? ))))
[4:01:29 AM] Milton Krest: Trent: No, RUS)))

I can haz skype - Fletcher - 08-23-2010

[08:43:58] Kazinsal: "Love means having to say you're sorry every fifteen minutes." - John Lennon
[08:44:13] Bear: random
[08:44:47 | Edited 08:45:00] Fletcher: Or to women "Love means getting beating every ten minutes and being told I love you and I'm sorry five minutes later"
[08:45:01] Bear: LOL
[08:45:16] Bear: "expect flowers the next day"
[08:45:36] Fletcher: "And lots of Jack Daniels in the trolley"
[08:45:58] Bear: "and for the circle of life to continue"
[08:46:09] Fletcher: "One must slap a ho"
[08:47:12] Bear: "ho down"
[08:47:22] Bear: "not just an american dance"
[08:47:32] Fletcher: "But a way of life"
[08:47:49] Bear: "For women who have left the safety of the kitchen"
[08:48:10] Fletcher: "Thinking they'll achieve equality"
[08:48:42] Kazinsal: Oh MAN
[08:48:43] Bear: "They must be reminded that they can never beat something that is stronger then them"
[08:48:57] Bear: "And that the stove is their rightful place"
[08:49:14] Fletcher: "Now get back in that kitchen and make me some pie"
[08:49:28] Bear: Bear slaps the ho
[08:49:40] Fletcher: This needs to be a song by Disney
[08:49:45] Bear: LOLOLOLO
[08:50:03 | Edited 08:50:12] Bear: and needs to be sung to little girls during childhood
[08:52:55] Fletcher: from china!!!
[08:53:09] Bear: from everywhere
[08:53:22] Fletcher: Ooh touche

I can haz skype - Fletcher - 08-23-2010

[12:40:21] Bear: I love you guys so much
[12:41:21] Fletcher: I feel all warm and fuzzy inside... wait... Bear are you inside me!?
[12:41:44] Bear: oh course my dear, just sit back and take it, it'll all be over in a few hours
[12:42:15] Fletcher: I think you better get the lube and some tissues, its going to be a marathon night
[12:43:00] Bear: screw the lube, your juices will provide
[12:43:23] Fletcher: very hygenic...
[12:43:40] Bear: screw hygene
[12:43:51] Bear: what's hygene ever done for us?
[12:44:02] Bear: I'll tell you what's it's done to us!
[12:44:12] Fletcher: Fletcher prepares for a rant
[12:44:23] Bear: it's raped a few of those lovely nights because it makes the ladies all scared
[12:45:40 | Edited 12:45:54] Bear: they think "OMG AidS" and your like "JUST BEND OVER" and their like "BUT I DUN WANNA" and your like "COME ON LADY, BEND AND FLEX NOW! I HEAR THE COPS COMEING" and she's like "NOOOOOOOOO AIDS" and your like "FINE! *pushes her into an alley* BEND OVER"
[12:46:11] Bear: stupid damn cops
[12:46:16] Bear: that alley is so damn tight
[12:46:18] Fletcher: So, a typical night out then?
[12:46:32] Bear: oh yes, Australia ftw
[12:46:42] Fletcher: and Flood ftw
[12:46:57] Fletcher: Today children, we find out what the Bear does in his spare time Down Under
[12:47:13] Fletcher: all religious people should note this, Bear proves there IS NO GOD

I can haz skype - Durandal - 08-23-2010

[8:06:35 AM] Justin Hopkins: I accidently my spleen.
[8:06:37 AM] Justin Hopkins: WHAT DO?
[8:06:38 AM] Justin Hopkins: Q_Q
[8:25:42 AM] Akuяa: Wat
[8:25:48 AM] Akuяa: S***, stop, drop and roll
[8:26:02 AM] Justin Hopkins: Justin Hopkins stops, drops, and rolls
[8:28:33 AM] Justin Hopkins: Suralin0 8:27 am
i think you crushed the spleen
by rolling on it
Justin Hopkins 8:28 am
*gets up*
*looks at the gooey pulpy mess beneath him*
Ah goddamnit.
[8:29:50 AM] Justin Hopkins: Suralin0 8:28 am
Das milzkrieg ist zerstorten.
Justin Hopkins 8:29 am
Ich habe keine milzblitz?
Suralin0 8:29 am
Justin Hopkins 8:29 am
Suralin0 8:29 am
Justin Hopkins 8:29 am
Suralin0 8:29 am
[8:40:49 AM] Akuяa: I'm so confused...
[8:42:28 AM] Justin Hopkins: As well you should be.
[8:42:43 AM] Justin Hopkins: In other words,
[8:42:54 AM] Justin Hopkins: If you can understand a convo between me and Suralin
[8:43:01 AM] Justin Hopkins: Something is seriously f***ing wrong with you.

I can haz skype - Soul Reaper - 08-23-2010

' Wrote:[1:01:16 AM] *** martin 'vlko' vlk added Soul Reaper ***
[1:01:19 AM] martin 'vlko' vlk: bump
[1:01:26 AM] martin 'vlko' vlk: spam chat ...
[1:01:26 AM] karolis: fags
[1:01:30 AM] karolis: they are everywhere


WHY AM I A FAG...u dun even know me


I can haz skype - Geeky - 08-23-2010

[17:46:16] Soul Reaper: OBEY MAH (mooning)
[17:46:28] Geekius Maximus (Geeky): ALL HAIL REAPURS A**!

I can haz skype - Soul Reaper - 08-23-2010

[19:02:24] Nemanja(darkxy): YES I AM A SLUT

I can haz skype - Geeky - 08-23-2010

[18:04:16] Soul Reaper: EVERYBODY HAETS ME Q_Q

I can haz skype - Soul Reaper - 08-23-2010

' Wrote:[18:04:16] Soul Reaper: EVERYBODY HAETS ME Q_Q