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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 06-26-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

> CommID: Daemon Steele
> Location: Omega-52 System
> Encryption: Romeo Foxtrot Hotel
> Subject: After Action Report

Priviet Comrades,

Today I went hunting for Mercenaries. I'm pleased to say that I found one. I checked his indentification and it came out positive. I challenged him to an honorable duel and he accepted. I was somewhat surprised that he displayed honor. We moved to New London where we had our duel. He was an honorable opponent and he was skilled with the Mini Razor. Fortunately, he made a few mistakes which I exploited. I defeated him in battle.

***Terminate Transmission***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lucas_Fernandez - 06-27-2010

COMM ID: Lieutenant Sasha Orlov
LOCATION: Zvezdniy Gorodok Omega-52 System

Priviet Comrades,

I've been on my way from Ronnenburg to Zvedny Gorodok, in Omega-5 a few corsair stopped me
and demanded the corsair pilot from my hold. But i can't be threatened and a fight quickly broke out.
I've contacted Ronnenburg to send reinforcements and a few Hessian pilot joined the fight. Comrades,
we've destroyed every single enemy of the revolution who attacked us that day!
After the battle and a brief repair at Ronnenburg i've returned to Zvedny Gorodok.
Joker and his thugs were also in the area and offered to help the Hessians against the corsairs
but the Hessian pilots did not accept it.



Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 06-27-2010

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: SCRA Fighter Corps
Comm. ID: Captain Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: Orders

---Communications Opened---

[Image: wip4.jpg]

Salud, camaradas!

The Red List:

[Image: board.png]

That will be all, pilots.

Captain Ricardo The Coyote Alvarez

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Capt. Henry Morgan - 06-27-2010

From: Lt. Cmdr. Robert Thacker, CPW Aeon's Fall

To: Commissar Lieutenant-Commander Pavel Medvedov, Intelligence

Comrade Commissar, I have just returned from my transport mission to Freeport 11. There, I picked up the Order science team bound for Mykolaiv Research Station. I also picked up the Iridium for the R&D department, as well as the Pharmaceuticals for the medical staff on Zvezdny Gorodok. Finally, the recruitment division transferred 30 new marine recruits bound for Basic Combat Training on Jiangxi. The cargo manifest, as of our arrival in 52, is attached to this report.

[Image: screen56.png]
The trip itself was largely uneventful. We encountered a Corsair named CR_MIDAS in Omicron Gamma who flew away as soon as we entered the system. Once he was beyond sensor range, he ordered us to leave the system and threatened us if we didn't. That was all we had seen or heard of him. We got through Gamma without incident. Between you and me, the Corsairs seem to have no standards at all. They'll give anyone a ship, it seems.

Omicron Kappa also passed without incident, but when we got to Delta, we were intercepted by by a Nomad gunboat patrol. We made short work of the Assassins, and the Gunboat fell soon afterwards. From the remains, we recovered the gunboat's brain, which we put into isolation as soon as we brought it in. One of my soldiers passed out during the transfer. He awakened after we got the brain in isolation seeming none the worse for wear, but we transferred him to the Medical Research Division on Mykolaiv just to be sure. If he checks out, I would like to have him placed back under my command if that's at all possible.

Also, among the remains of one of the Nomad Assassins, we recovered what appear to be missiles of Nomad origin. They're easily the strangest looking munitions I've ever seen. Despite them showing none of the independent volition shown by Nomad ships, we placed them into isolation to be safe. No sense taking any unnecessary risks. We transferred the missiles to the R&D Division on Mykolaiv. What information we could gather will be attached to this report. Given the nature of the technology, however, I must stress that any information we gathered may be unreliable.

[Image: screen55.png]
The return trip from Freeport 11 was uneventful, without a single hostile contact the whole way. After making the above transfers to Mykolaiv, we went to Zvezdny Gorodok to transfer the pharmaceuticals and new recruits. The medical staff was pleased at the medical supplies. Most of the recruits were unloaded from the ship, and sent off for processing prior to transfer to Jiangxi for training. One of the recruits, however, was a problem.

Most of the recruits we picked up were younger folks, late teens and early twenties, as is usual. One we picked up seemed to be in his late twenties or early thirties. Not unheard of, but certainly unusual. He generally avoided the other recruits as best as he could, and seemed less enthusiastic than the others. The guard posted over the recruits reported his unusual behavior to me, so I ordered an extra guard posted to the recruits with orders to quietly watch him.

During the journey, he did nothing else to warrant suspicion. While I supervised the unloading of the recruits at Zvezdny Gorodok, I kept my eye on the older one. Good thing, too, as shortly after stepping off the ramp he bumped into one of the maintenance staff who was going to service the Aeon's Fall. I nearly missed it, but as they bumped into one another, the recruit passed something small to the maintainance worker. I ordered my soldiers to immediately take both men into custody. The object in question was an encrypted data chip, which my men couldn't open. We've transferred both of them to the station authorities pending an investigation by the Commissariat.

I certify this report to be complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Lieutenant Commander Robert Thacker
Капитан-лейтенант Робэрт Текер

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - pieguy259 - 06-29-2010

COMM ID: Commander Vicenta Gonzalez, Adjutant
LOCATION: CPW Ho Chi Minh, Omega-52 System

[Image: vickiecomm.jpg]

The Red List has been updated with our newest target: The Joker, whose bounty on the Coalition has led to the plague of mercenaries.

[Image: redlistjune26.png]

The first pilot to kill that ludicrous circus freak terrorist will earn themselves the Purple Sword of Vengeance. Any kills on the Joker earn five points, and the Thugs two points.

Show that clown how unfunny we can be.

Viva la Revolucion!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Inquisitor Gaunt - 06-30-2010

Incoming Transmission
[Image: 2zp3z0z.jpg]
From: Lt. Simon O’Hare
Location: Zvezdny Gorodok
Subject: After Action report RSOH-AAR-002B
Message begins:
Initial briefing was received from Comrade Alvarez, instructing the reconnaissance of New York, Sigma 13, and space between here and there. Further instructions were the analysis of the anomalies there, guncam shots of Buffalo Base, and the extraction of prisoners for interrogation. Easy, easy, easy.

First plotted course for New York, encountering little activity en-route. Came across some pissed off freight worker in an old CSV...wasn’t happy with the conversation.

<L-Haul>Manticore: Sick'n'tired of the corporate crap.
<L-Haul>Manticore: I've got as much beef with Capitalists as you do.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: So wha', you pullin' back t'try t'live with the Coalition?
<L-Haul>Manticore: Heck no.
<L-Haul>Manticore: I can find a way to survive without a paycheck.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Piracy's as bad as normal capitalism...worse infact.
<L-Haul>Manticore: To be completely honest, from what I've heard, the Coalition doesn't like my.. Life style.
<L-Haul>Manticore: Aha.
<L-Haul>Manticore: You see, it's not exactly piracy.
<L-Haul>Manticore: It's making a statement.
<L-Haul>Manticore: Corporations don't listen.
<L-Haul>Manticore: You get too noisy and they cap you.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Y'still shootin' civies.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: People bein' forced into 'ere roles.
<L-Haul>Manticore: Hey, now. I'm not a murderer.
<L-Haul>Manticore: If I was a bloodthirsty pirate, I'd enlist with the rogues.
<L-Haul>Manticore: But I'm not, so I won't.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Jus' leave the nine-ta'-fivers alone and we don't got a problem, eh?
<L-Haul>Manticore: Yes sir, no sir, three bags full, sir.
<L-Haul>Manticore: Yes sir, I won't kill 'em.
<L-Haul>Manticore: No sir, I'll still shake 'em up.
<L-Haul>Manticore: Three bags full of cash I'll have at the end, sir.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: If 'ats the way y'gonna play, be sure t'watch your back...
<L-Haul>Manticore: You, too. Looks like you're not well loved around here.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: We ain' happy with you lo' strikin' the people barely survivin'.
<L-Haul>Manticore: Hell, it's not their fault they're barely on a living wage.
<L-Haul>Manticore: I'm trying to correct that.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: By removin' wha' little 'ey have?
<L-Haul>Manticore: It's not their money I'm stealing.
<L-Haul>Manticore: It's company funded cargo.
<L-Haul>Manticore: I don't accept credits.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: At the end a' the day it is...
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Without cargo, business goes out...
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: People lose jobs.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: 'En starve.
<L-Haul>Manticore: Trust me, my old bossess got billion-credit bonusses while I had to cut plumbing for a month.
<L-Haul>Manticore: They need to learn to spread the wealth.
<L-Haul>Manticore: More people will go on strike because of my actions, forcing change.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Or get rid'a wealth completely...
<L-Haul>Manticore: Hey, capitalism's broken. Doesn't mean it can't be fixed.
<L-Haul>Manticore: Heck, Socialism might work, too..
<L-Haul>Manticore: Now, I gotta' meet a contact down on Minor. Take care. I have a feeling I'll see more Coalitionists around here.


I jumped into New York and came across the all too familiar stench of goading, idiots and piracy... I kept fairly quiet, playing a propaganda transmission instead, beforeKaze took the first swing...and many swings after that. She was with her Joker friend, and I didn’t feel like battling a gunship and a swarm of fighters in something so small, so instead...I ignored her for quite some time.

Kaze.Dagon: *Stops sipping the moccha*
Kaze.Dagon: **Kaze... I detect Coalition signature in-system...**
Kaze.Dagon: Do you?
Kaze.Dagon: Hm..
Kaze.Dagon: Oh... SCRAaaaaa...
Outflyer-IV: Pryor: A Red boy? Damn.
Kaze.Dagon: SCRAaaaaa...
The_Joker: Oh SCRAp!
Kaze.Dagon: Come here, pretty red boy.
Kaze.Dagon: Hm... Silent SCRA...
Kaze.Dagon: SCRA. *Chuckles* And Liberty.
Kaze.Dagon: Oooooh SCRAAA...
Kaze.Dagon: SCRAaaaa.
Kaze.Dagon: Where are you pretty red boy?
Kaze.Dagon: Hiding?
Kaze.Dagon: Hey SCRAaaaaaa.


That lasted for a good fifteen to twenty minutes before I decided to taunt back. Mission was well under way, so I may as well respond, I thought- not like I was going to get killed.

Kaze.Dagon: Top target heeeeere.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: **Fzzzt**
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Not interested in m'kill board t'day love.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: P'raps we can make you m'top target some time in the near future, eh?
Kaze.Dagon: Ah, you don't have interest in loosing another box, you say?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: **He winks, the transmission suddenly resuming.**
Kaze.Dagon: Tee? How was it?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: **Fzzt**


Continuing my flight to the Badlands, I took a constant stream of ballsy garbage from the woman, before I grew sick of it and decided to shut her the hell up...
Kaze.Dagon: Ey SCRA?
Kaze.Dagon: Eyyyyy SCRAaaaaa!
Kaze.Dagon: Just a quick question Gommissary.
Kaze.Dagon: Just a itsy bitsy question, Faded Reddy.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: **Fzzzt**
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Wha'?
Kaze.Dagon: Ah finally.
ICMG[2nd]Hydrazine: eh?
ICMG[2nd]Hydrazine: He's not the only reddy here
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: 'Ey, a miner!
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: 'Ells yes.
Kaze.Dagon: Well ICMG.. You guys aren't faded red. You are more like... Vivid red.
Kaze.Dagon: And Simmmy!
Kaze.Dagon: You.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Yes, m'love?
Kaze.Dagon: You know Steele?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: P'raps.
Kaze.Dagon: And aaa...
Kaze.Dagon: Angie Brush?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: I think i's Broch, and yea...
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Wha' of 'em?
Death: [MR]Dropkick.Murphy was put out of action by El.Subversivo (Gun).
Kaze.Dagon: That!
Kaze.Dagon: Well, how were their funerals? Or did they got home?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Go' back 'ome, safe as 'ouses.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Tell y'what, too...
Kaze.Dagon: Ahhh, tell them to prep traps better?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: What say 'come back t'some nice 'Essian Base...
Kaze.Dagon: I do expect some fun from SCRA.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: I'll fire my Razor if y'know what-
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: 'Ey, me too!
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: So what say ya', Kazey-girl?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: You, me, bo'le of some capitalists Champagne...
Kaze.Dagon: Hm? You what? You'll sign off from SCRA?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Couple'a nights on Baden Baden...
Kaze.Dagon: Oh god.
Outflyer-IV: Pryor: *laughs*
Jordy.MeIler: Sounds like a mighty fine deal, Kaze.
Kaze.Dagon: Yeah.
Kaze.Dagon: Hey. SCRA.
Outflyer-IV: Pryor: Hey Kaze, here's an alternative: booze.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: I'll show ya' my red menace.
Kaze.Dagon: Come here and i'll show you 'love'.
Outflyer-IV: Pryor: *laughs hard*
The_Joker: Hahaha
Kaze.Dagon: Heck.
[*USI*]Ventura[E]: Dajia: You can always find love, in the bottom of a bottle of tequilla!
The_Joker: This commie dude is really funny.
Outflyer-IV: Pryor: Jesus man there are ladies present. *laughs*
Kaze.Dagon: *Laughs*
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Ah, good t'see the girl's got a sense'a humour.
Kaze.Dagon: Ey SCRA. What? Red Girls aren't fun? Too... icy?
ICMG[2nd]Hydrazine: Heh, most of them are just scary
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Ha! We go' some lookers in our lot.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: None of 'em as fine as you though, luv'.
Kaze.Dagon: Well, 'luv', before you start assassinating my birth language.. Do start to act like a man. Or wai- You're a mouse?
Outflyer-IV: Pryor: Now's time for words to get harsh, ain't it..
Kaze.Dagon: Yup.
Plasmodium.Corrosive: Hum de dum.
Outflyer-IV: Pryor: Well I ain't on the receiving end so let 'em rip. Hah.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Let's be honest now, 'eh miss? 'Ow can I ravage th'livin' daylights out'ya when y'still angry.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Gotta do some weird stalkery sh[static] a'fore so y'don't shoot me.
Kaze.Dagon: Ravage? *Laughs* The only thing you'll ravage will be my mines... And my inferno.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Sounds 'ot.
Kaze.Dagon: It is.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: **Growls**
Kaze.Dagon: Ask Steele and Angie.
Kaze.Dagon: They sure had their behinds in flames.
Jordy.MeIler: Maybe I'll tell ya about it some day.
Outflyer-IV: Pryor: I met Angie, nice girl..
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Oooh, y'do it with women, too?
Outflyer-IV: Pryor: Oh Hell *laughs*
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Ruuuuuddy 'ell, now things are warmin' up.
'Johnny_Walker: Getting good


Drifted past Buffalo and the anomaly, scanning the pair of them. Scanners, being the little fighter set that they are, weren't able to pick much up...I can tell you, however, that Buffalo’s packing at least two pulse cannons, and a few prissy little light guns. Was engaged by a merc claiming to work for the Joker – took him down, guncam shot attached below.

[Image: 2myyx47.jpg]

Got a little bit of intel on the anomaly...

[Image: 5bbccl.jpg]
<::|| Streaming data...
Pressure: 12BARs
Magnetic Fluctuation: UNREADABLE
Stability: Medium
Electrical Generation: 112kW p/s

Turned around to leave, only getting stopped once by some...weird Freelancer IFF’d pilot, no idea what was wrong with him...he blabbed on, I pretended to listen. Won’t even bother you with the details, just be aware there’s an airy-fairy numbskull flying around under the ID tag “Plasmodium Corrosive”. Continued on as ordered, downing a few rookie LR ships and claiming their pilots...
[Image: 2wpscnp.jpg]

Headed back to the Omegas, stopping off in the Sigmas for a short while as I sought out and located the final anomaly...
[Image: 10gi3qu.jpg]
<::|| Streaming data...
Pressure: 9BARs
Magnetic Fluctuation: UNREADABLE
Stability: Low
Electrical Generation: -110kW p/s – AVOID AT ALL COSTS

Returned home and dropped off the prisoners, awaiting further orders.

Attachment: INSV GC-STILL-002A.img

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Magoo! - 07-03-2010

[Image: paddypng.png]

>> Loc: In and around the Fifty-second Omega
>> Re: Paddy's name, Hispania's game

Salud, comrade-friends of the Coalition!

I've just returned from my pilgrimage to the wreckage of the Sleeper Ship Hispania.

I traveled through Omega-5 and '41 with relative ease, thereon passing through to Omicron Theta. Here again, I passed with ease until reaching Omicron Eta where problems quickly mounted (though none which I could not handle). The first of these was a rather obtrusive and blatantly placed mine field. I was attempting to avoid detection, thus I felt going around the behemoth might betray my goals of haste, so I set about finding a way through the minefield. Traveling the length of the field, I beheld myself to seeing a station within the field.

Well, guided by this curious anchor, I managed to find an entrance into and through the field as documented here:

Hereafter I listened in on comm traffic of nearby patrols who had yet to detect me and tailed from a safe distance a number of others to find access to Omicron Alpha. Upon exiting the Siniestre Nebula, I whirled around behind the trio of planets to the reported location of the wreck. Visual data detailed below.

[Image: hispaniapng.png]

With some finagling of my vessel's wings and some crisp maneuvering, I found a suitable spot on the wreckage walls upon which to carve my name. Visual upload below.

Here is where things get interesting. Upon releasing my cry of victory,

[Image: 13872953.png]

As I returned to the 'Eta jumphole, a Maltese gunship appeared on my scopes asking me to stop for inspection. Of course this was preposterous, so I took an evasive motion. Quickly enough my evasion rendered me at the foot of a second Outcast (presumably of the same family), this time in a fighter. I again shifted course, now at the ideal angle to mosey back on my way. They fell fairly silent during their pursuit through Eta aside from the odd semi-coherent mumble or threat. Imagery of the flight through Eta below.

Once we entered Theta, they again began to speak carbon copy insults and threats to me. Once I reached the Omega-41 jumphole, however, I was home free as they there broke off their pursuit. It was a short gander through '5 before I entered Omega-52, docked on Zvezdny, and filed this report.

Full audio detail:

This is muck-sponge Paddy Holly, awaiting orders.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lucas_Fernandez - 07-04-2010

COMM ID: Lieutenant Sasha Orlov
LOCATION: Sevastopol Depo Omega-52 System


Today's patrol seemed to be like any others. We were on a flying around with Daemon Steele. After docking on Freital we proceeded to the Omega 7 system, but our way was cut off by a Bounty Hunter battleship named [RIP]Vivat.
Taking down a Battleship still seemed to be a bit too much for us. So we sent a S.O.S. Signal to the Red Hessian Army, who immediately launched 3 bombers to aid us.
The Battleship probably did the same because after a few minutes our bombers arrivee, an RM gunboat and another Bounty Hunter in an Eagle showed up.We seemed to be a bit outnumbered again, so the Red Hessian Army sent out one of their best cruisers, the RHC-Stahnsdorf.
After the arrival of the friendly capitalship we could turn the tide of the battle and destroyed every enemy ship.
Then we returned to Sevastopol Depo for repairs. Another victorious day for the Revolution.

Guncam Proof of the encountered ships' destruction:

Guncam 1
Guncam 2
Guncam 3

Signed: Sasha Orlov


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Vogel - 07-04-2010

COMM ID: Commissar-Lieutenant Konstantin Petrovin
LOCATION: Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 System

[Image: comm2a.png]

Privet, Tovarischi.

I was on my way back from escort duty for the CPW-Trotsky; it had last stopped in the Texas system so I had quite a distance to cover before I was back in friendly space. Along the way I felt like tossing a few barbs at the Rheinland Military in Hamburg; as usual they failed to put up a spirited defense.

<Attached Files>
Image 1 (Comm Log 1)

Everything was uneventful until I arrived in Omega-5, on our doorstep. Right outside of the Omega-7 jumphole I ran into an Order pilot by the callsign "Alpha-7" and a "Zweifel". Simply by the sensor return and the manner in which "Zweifel" spoke, I understood immediately that this was an infected pilot of "Die Wilde" as our Rheinland tovarischi call them. I missed most of their conversation, arriving in time to watch them start swapping blows. Alpha Seven told me to stand by, so I took up position to support when needed; this pilot wasn't going anywhere, and I felt like humoring our tovarisch-ally.

<Attached Files>
Image 2 (Comm Log 2)
Image 3 (Wild Scan)

Eventually, Tovarisch Lieutenant Sasha Orlov and Tovarisch Udo Keisinger of the Red Hessian Army arrived on the scene. I informed them of the situation and established a perimeter so that no "unwanted guests" intruded on our little show. A Bounty Hunter Destroyer and a Bowex freighter both appeared before rapidly vacating the premises, even without an order or request. I never knew the Bounty Hunter's Guild was so considerate!

<Attached Files>
Image 4 (Tovarischi Arrive)
Image 5 (Bounty Hunter Scan)

Unfortunately the fight took a turn for the worse; Alpha Seven was outclassed ever so slightly by the Wild pilot. I hadn't seen Tovarisch Orlov in action before, so I thought I would use the opportunity to learn more about this one. She showed a great desire to prevent the death of an allied pilot, and I granted her permission to join in the fight at her leisure. She did, but... what happened was rather odd. Instead of necessarily helping the Order pilot, the first nuclear mine she dropped somehow found its way into Alpha Seven's intake ramp. Orlov was also lacking a cruise disruptor, and the moment Alpha Seven had ejected, the Wild turned about and began cruising. I was still holding a perimeter and was just barely in range for a disruptor shot, but he was already too far away for us to catch him before the bastard clawed his way through the Omega-55 jump hole.

<Attached Files>
Image 6 (Orlov Jumping In)
Image 7 (Alpha Seven Mishap)
Image 8 (Wild Running)
Image 9 (Comm Log 3)
Image 10 (Comm Log 4)

Disappointing... I had Alpha Seven's escape pod recovered and returned to a friendly base before setting course for home. Not a good first impression; I suppose I should have known better than to entrust such a target with an unknown variable like Orlov, but the situation seemed to have been in hand until that mine...

Bah. We recovered Alpha Seven, and sent that snake scurrying home. It could have been worse.

Until the Final Victory.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Vogel - 07-06-2010

COMM ID: Commissar-Lieutenant Konstantin Petrovin
LOCATION: Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 System

[Image: comm2a.png]

Privet, Tovarischi.

While on patrol of the border, our defense network picked up the arrival of a single ship, Spatial-class, arriving through the Omega-50 jump hole. Its transponder did not indicate hostility, but its presence was uncalled for nonetheless. I intercepted the subject near Mykolaiv Research Station, identifying it as a "Pryce Deep Space One". Intensive scans belied nothing but a poorly armed science vessel.

The pilot of this ship claimed they were studying the unstable jump hole forming nearby, and that they had a visa authorized by Premier Katz himself. I could not verify this; Tovarisch Premier Katz was unavailable. The subject then requested the affirmation of "Lieutenant Medvedov". Clearly dated information; rank aside, Tovarisch Commissar Medvedov was also unavailable for confirmation. In light of this, I was forced to escort the vessel out of the system.

I had them purge their navigational logs, and made sure of it through a low-level data stream hack, but they wished to hold onto their sensor logs regarding the anomaly. Since this was potentially information that the Coalition had not yet acquired of its own accord, I had Sevastopol Depot open a secure data transfer and ordered the subject to send all pertinent files there for backup. Sevastopol control confirmed the backup and quarantined the data in a secure drive while I had the subject jettison its sensor data core and confiscated it. The vessel left the system as appropriate.

Given the circumstances, once affirmation for the visa and purpose of being is confirmed, a message through secure neural net channels is the next step.

<Attached Files>
Image 1 (Comm Log 1)
Image 2 (Moving to Jump Hole)
Image 3 (Comm Log 2)
Image 4 (Securing the Data)
Image 5 (Comm Log 3)
Image 6 (Subject Leaving)
Image 7 (Confiscated Data Secured)

The rest of the patrol was uneventful.

For the Red Dawn.