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[M]olly Recruitment Center - Printable Version

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RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Alexander - 11-30-2014

Name: Hervey Derryl
Gender: Male
Age: 29 years
Clan: Derryl
Tick the role you want to be in [M]
Regular [M] [x]
Wild Geese [x]
MMC [x]
Biography: I was born on Arranmore base , my mother is a Zoner my father is dead. He died in a fight with BAF in dublin. He was a Molly , a free miner, when he died i had 5 years old. I was raised by Mollys 'cos I wasn't too close to my mother. When I had 18 years I got ma Greyhound and I start help Mollys as a freelancer. I work for them as a small escort fighter , miner everything they needed 'cos after all they were my family.
When I had 25 years I meet my wife an Arranmore's bar , we married and we got two children.
After I escorted a transport with Gold , I decided that is time to help Mollys even more, but as one of them and not like a freelancer.
Reasons for joining us: I want to help Mollys to free Dublin , I wan't also to revenge my father , a Molly ace.

S.K.Y.P.3 information blooodthirsty

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Aereon - 12-07-2014

Name: Kenith
Gender: Male
Age: Write here
Clan: McFin
Tick the role you want to be in [M]
Biography: Tis be my Biography, I hail from Planet New London, t'was a Gateway merchant Family that raised me,started off in a wee 'lil Clydesdale,Now when no one was around or looking we liked to raid dem Bowex folk and steal their Gold ore they got from those BMM,since we couldn't target those pompous Flops our Selves...this turned out to be a good Side Business and in no time I could get me a Percheron,it was then that a decided to Join the Mollys and have "free Reign" to target those BMM flops,alas they grew smarter and rarely strayed away from the safety of their Mining bases,Tis was then that I found some IMG miners mining in the molly Gold field with no Molly Present to observe them,When I Grolwed at them for this a most Curious thing occurred instead of running away or shooting they instead Mined for me as an "apology" in a rather frenzy state and this is the best part the speed the exhibited for mining in this frenzy state was "un-godly",after they filled me up they shot off "like a bat out of hell".Couple days later as I was prowling around Dublin I found them mining in their own field,i observed them form a far enuf distance not to be noticed by them yet close enuf to watch them carefully,t'was not the same speed as before,soo I Approached them growled at them again and demanded they mine for me else i'd "blow em to Hell" and as before they mined at an "un-godly" Speed,I have repeated this a few time now,so much so I Afforded me one of dem "Shukensha" Renzu Luxury Liner's,named it the Goldern'Liner in honour of all the Gun Point Gold used to buy it.and that's be my Story,how I became a Molly Trader/Miner Pirate.I Might Steal one of the Royal Liners from BMM when I get the chance.
Reasons for joining us: Well firstly I Like Bretonia Factions Except for BMM,BOWEX, I'm part of Gateway and IMG official as well as QCPl and as such the Dislike for Bowex and BMM is kinda ingrained in my head and aswell as pirating ,Ive RP'd with [M] under IMG| Banner, Was recommended to join the Molly's by the Tigress her Self, and Hey you guys looks like you have a lot of fun[/indent]

S.K.Y.P.3 information Look for Gyrados15[/indent][/font]

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Tigger - 12-07-2014

[Image: cduncantbar.png]


To ye lot of recruit's what the higher ups has ta say:

Applicant  Alex Krukov, ye been approved.

Applicant  Celsus Inernis, ye been approved.

Applicant  Hervey Derryl, ye been approved.

Applicant  Kenith McFin, ye been approved.

All o' ye that been approved, report to Commander Blodwyn O'Driscoll at Arranmore for uniforms and trainin'.

Carrie Duncan
Communications Director


Well, that's done and done.  Time for some whiskey.

[Image: cynthiabttm.png]

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Madotsuki - 01-17-2015

Name: Lucais
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Clan: Blaine
Tick the role you want to be in [M]
Regular [M] [x]
Wild Geese []
MMC [x]

Me Porridge Knife is a Merlyn Rees of trash. I was born on planet leeds, me parents were just workers on a factory. thus I 'ad nah education. chicken pen i've been big in the chuffin' buff ter 'old a Windjammer in hend, i've worked wif me father. when I was 18, i've moved ter anovver region of leeds ter forget abaht me family. one day a BMM employee came ter us and offered us ter wurke on them. we've agreed, but our foreman said that 'e prefer deaf than that. only na I understand why 'e said that. Donkey's Ears passed insensibly. me German Bands 're tremblin' when i'm workin', and I daan't earn in the bloomin' buff Bread and Honey ter score sum Poppy red! na it's in the buff for me. i've 'ijacked a minin' 'appeny dip and na i'm 'idin' wif sum pirates. this is awesome, but I daan't wanna die this soon!

Reasons for joining us:I wanna say wotcha ter BMM as much times I can.

S.K.Y.P.3 information redemption.denied

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 01-19-2015

[Image: blodtop.png]

Dia duit, Ser Blaine,

So tin' were still loike dhis on leeds afore d'gauls came ? Yer story sounds loike d'same o' me gret grandparents ye know, almost loike bloody slavery.
Well what can oy say ? Ye did roight contactin' oos, un' stealin' dem bmm property.
So, oy can asshure ye dat frem naow ye'll be a free worke' un' ye'll earn yer moneh' fer ye ha'd work.

Roighto, so , please report tae mae at Arry's dockin' bay, so we could 'boot d'very basis, aye ?

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Kuduka - 02-18-2015

Name: Tristan
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Clan: O'Connor
Tick the role you want to be in [M]
Regular [M] [X]
Wild Geese []
MMC []

Biography: I be born on Leeds. Family was poor but we managed ta get a nice ole transport and leave da bloody place. Been livin' on dat piece a' junk for quite a while, till dem bloody BMM said we been' steelin' their ore. Whole family got gunned down when we tried ta get da hell out'a there. Barely made it meself. Been goin' out'a meway jus' so I can get me hands on some of d'ere ores or even better - blow up some of dat scrap they be callin' ships.
Problem is, I got ambushed by couple o' dem bastards and lost me ship with all da moneh. Been hopin' da Molly might le'me a hand with dat ship problem till I get mesolf some credits.

Reasons for joining us: Aside from me own family, I had relatives that were on Graves when all da fun was happenin'. Only one of 'em made it out only to get shot by the bloody navy. Revenge an' freedom be the reasons I wanna join da Molly.

S.K.Y.P.3 information dakata09

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 02-20-2015

[Image: blodtop.png]

Dia duit, Ser O'Connor,

Aye, anoda' lad frem leeds, den ?
Oy dun moind 'em. So doses darn BMM unnerlings shot ye un' yer family 'cause dey tinked dey owned d'gol' ? Quoite unusual o' em tae resort tae guns afore law... Still, ye knowked at d'roight door oif ye wanna have yer revenge on'em.
So , please report tae mae at Arry's dockin' bay, so we could figure aout sometin' tae get ye a ship o' a loan, roighto ?

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Chuba - 03-25-2015


RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Doria - 03-25-2015

Name: Miles
Gender: Male
Age: 59
Clan: O'Brien
Tick the role you want to be in [M]
Regular [M] [x]
Wild Geese []
MMC []


[Image: colm_meaney_01.jpg]

I was born on Arranmore too long ago. Don't remember my childhood very well, just that for some reason my mom was arrested, and I was adopted and raised by a family in New London. They were nice to me and all, but as soon as I was old enough I arranged passage back to Arranmore. Soon I got work on a molly ship, and in my first mission got arrested by BAF. Fast-forward 19 years and I'm leaving jail, entered a lad and exited a grumpy old man. Since then I have been smuggling and robbing my way around bretonia.

Reasons for joining us: Decided to go back to Arranmore the other day, after a few years, and I thought that perhaps there was my home after all, and that I should try to help me molly folks. Freeing dublin and being out of bretonia influence is a good thing for sure. And at my age I need a good reason to fly, or else I could stay home in me pijamas smoking me weed and not bother...
S.K.Y.P.3 information: cmdr.david.starr

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 03-25-2015

[Image: blodtop.png]

Dia duit, Ser Murray,

Oy's sorry fer d'loss o' yer parents, laddie, trust mae.

But oy's also glad tae see dhat d'proud lads o' Arranmore be willin' tae foight fer d'cause !!!

* She smiles from ear to ear *

Un' oy's shure dhat ye moight have d'opportunity tae avange yer parents un' foind doses who treacherously murdered 'em, oif ye floy as a roightfull representatoive o' d'Republic o' Dublin !

So, naow, tae questions.
Ye say ye've been tae some floight school o' sumtin' loike dhat ?
Where was dhat ? Cambroidge, maybe New London ?

Anyway we 'd be glad tae have such a skilled Gunboat poilot among oos, so oy did pass on yer application tae d'Council.
Oy's quoite confident dhat ye'll be accepted among oos.

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-

Dia duit, Ser O'Brien,

Aye, anoder son o' Arranmore, roight ?
Seems ye lacked some luck on yer patrol, tis a shame.But oy's quoite amazed dhat d'Bretonians did put ye in Jail fer what toime alreaday ? Damnú air ! Noineteen years, fer a first offense ? Dhat's totally insane ! Typical o' brets, and o' deir will tae persecute d'people o' Dublin !

So where were ye sent tae jail alreaday ? Ye dinnae speak 'bout it.

Ye moight be ol', ser, but oy've seen older poilot doin' wonders, so oif ye feel at home on Arry, un' ye tin' t'would be a good tin tae help oot d'people o' Dublin, oy see nae reason nae tae welcome ye back among oos.
Derefore oy passed yer application tae d'council, un' ye'll receive an answer soon.

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-