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Liberty Police, Inc. Reporting Office - Printable Version

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RE: One Police Plaza (iRP) (FO) - TheDarkBox - 12-20-2014

[Image: 2cscv1e.jpg]
Date: December 20th, 821 A.S
ID: Officer James Vorter and Officer Jason Calfwalk.
Current Location: Planet Manhattan, New York system.
Priority: Medium.
Subject: Patrol Report.

Today me and Jason were doing another patrol route around New York. We went to check trade lanes in the system and it all seemed quiet. Soon afterwards we decided to move into Pennsylvania system. As we entered we moved towards Philadelphia station and then Planet Erie. After that we decided to approach Bethlehem station..

On our way there our radars spotted a hostile vessel in the area. It turned out to have an Outcast IFF. We moved in to investigate. The cargo scan revealed that the ship was registered as Outcast property:
After having a short conversation with the suspect he started discharging his weapons at my ship. I had no choice other than to defend myself. Both of us (Me and Calfwalk) moved in to engage the suspect.

A short fight followed, in which we took the suspect down..
After that Calfwalk went to take a break and I continued my patrol route.
Damage dealt to our ships is minimal and has been worked on.

[Image: 2zyik20.jpg]

RE: One Police Plaza (iRP) (FO) - TheDarkBox - 12-21-2014

[Image: 2cscv1e.jpg]
Date: December 21st, 821 A.S
ID: Officer James Vorter
Current Location: Planet Manhattan, New York system.
Priority: Medium.
Subject: Patrol Report.

I was on a static patrol at Planet Manhattan as a Bretonian ship tagged Elsa showed up on my radars, coming in from the direction of Fort Bush.. I proceeded with the standard scan procedure on target. The said cargo scan revealed that the pilot was carrying Sorted Artifacts:
I asked the suspect to stop their vessel immediately, but she did not listen, instead, with the words "I am just a trader." she docked on Manhattan:
I warned her about the consequences that would take place if she does not undock and the suspect complied. She undocked from Manhattan without the contraband present in her cargo bay.

After a rather short conversation with her a Secondary Fleet Navy Vessel tagged Kief approached, ordering me to stop questioning the pilot. As I was explaining to him that it is our job, the smuggler pilot docked, and so did the Navy pilot soon afterwards..

I contacted the pilot over the private comms, telling her to undock again. I warned her about the consequences as well, but she failed to comply:
As she failed to cooperate in any possible way, I contacted local authorities on Planet Manhattan directly, ordering them to move in and arrest the suspect:
[Image: 2zyik20.jpg]

RE: One Police Plaza (iRP) (FO) - Vigilia.Procuratio - 12-23-2014

Corrigan Upton hobbles to the Sunbucks counter...

Attendant: Usual?
Self: Twice, please.
Attendant: Coming right up! What you done there?
Self: Tripped over a traffic cone.
Attendant: How'd you manage that?
Self: Somebody dropped their donut.
Attendant: Oh, man! Was it okay?
Self: Yeah, he washed it with his coffee.
Attendant: Phew! So how's your foot?
Self: Still kinda wonky, got a bit of a wobble.
Attendant: On desk duty for now, eh?
Self: Heck, no! I've got some holiday in lieu.
Attendant: Well, here...have this round on me.
Self: You, Sir, are a gentleman!
Attendant: Welcome. Have a nice day!
Self: Thanks, and to you too.

RE: One Police Plaza (iRP) (FO) - TheDarkBox - 12-29-2014

[Image: 2cscv1e.jpg]
Date: December 25th, 821 A.S
ID: Officer James Vorter and Officer Jason Calfwalk*
Current Location: Planet Manhattan, New York system.
Priority: Medium.
Subject: Patrol Report.

Once again, I was on stand by at Planet Manhattan, checking TLAGSNET as a "Serenity"-class transport tagged Canaan|Wayfarer appeared on my radar. I scanned him, and the scan reported 3340 pieces of Artifacts on board, along with illegal equipment installed on the vessel..
I stopped the vessel, asking them where they got the contraband from and where were they carrying it. The suspect was rather uncooperative, and didn't directly answer the question. I called in an LPI transport* to pick the contraband up and transport it to the nearby police base. I told the suspect to wait for the said transport, but being extremely uncooperative they were, they ejected and destroyed the cargo.. I also told them that they had to pay a fine, which instead, they flew towards Manhattan and destroyed themselves:
*The transport was piloted by Officer Jason Calfwalk.
[Image: 2zyik20.jpg]

RE: One Police Plaza (iRP) (FO) - TheDarkBox - 12-29-2014

[Image: 2cscv1e.jpg]
Date: December 28th, 821 A.S
ID: Officer James Vorter and Officer Jason Calfwalk*
Current Location: Planet Manhattan, New York system.
Priority: Medium.
Subject: Patrol Report.

As I was doing a patrol around New York system, I received a message from a Secondary Fleet LSF Agent. They wanted to clarify a part of the Libertonian law. It seemed rather suspicious, so I asked them what they were doing. It turns out they caught a Freelancer hauling Jump Gate Parts. Officer Calkfwalk was nearby, so we approached the location of the said suspect together. It turned out to be in the Texas system.. We approached the destination and saw the LSF agent at the scene.. The suspect was there as well. I performed a scan on the suspect to confirm the illegal construction materials. It turned out to be true:
I called in the LPI Transport* to pick up the parts after the suspect drops them..
As we were waiting for the transport, I decided to question the Freelancer. He stated that he bought the parts from Pueblo Station, and that people there willingly gave him the parts. The suspect seemed rather cooperative.
As the transport arrived, we asked him to eject his cargo. He complied and did so. Jason picked up the parts..
After that, I informed the suspect that he has to pay a fine total of 750 000 Sirius Credits. Once again, he complied and did so:
Soon after, another Freelancer requested an escort to Newark station. Seeing as that was our final destination, we let him fly along.
As we were flying towards Manhattan, we spotted multiple Navy and Freelancer vessels attacking a Lane Hacker ship. We couldn't assist, seeing as we had to stay on course to transport the parts safely. All three of us reached Manhattan without a scratch.. Soon after I went to assist against the Hacker vessel that was located in California system.

*The transport, once again was piloted by Officer Calfwalk.

The credits have been sent to LPI-Leavenworth:

[Image: 2zyik20.jpg]

RE: One Police Plaza (iRP) (FO) - TheDarkBox - 12-30-2014

[Image: 2cscv1e.jpg]
Date: December 28-29th, 821 A.S
ID: Officer James Vorter and Officer Jason Calfwalk.
Current Location: Planet Manhattan, New York system.
Priority: Medium.
Subject: Patrol Report.

I was completing a patrol around New York while scanning vessels coming through the trade lanes. It was all quiet, until a vessel tagged Noonien was spotted using a trade lane in Texas. The scan revealed that he was carrying Cardamine.
I immediately went to Texas Jump Gate and jumped. After that I headed for Planet Houston, trying to find him, but he was nowhere to be seen. I completed a patrol route around Texas, but couldn't find the suspect. He hasn't appeared on the net until the next day.

Next day, me and Calfwalk were patrolling around Texas when one of the trade lanes detected the vessel in California system..
This time we headed for Beaumont in Texas system to intercept him. As we got close, we spotted two unlawful bombers near the base. As soon as we approached them, they started firing at us, we fired back. The fight didn't last long and we took them out.

Soon afterwards, the vessel Noonien undocked from Beaumont. However, its cargo hold was empty this time.
We started questioning the captain of it.
The captain of the vessel was very uncooperative and accused us of having no evidence against him, which is false, however we could not provide evidence in real time, which is why I will be adding him to fines owed list, having this report function as evidence against him.
[Image: 2zyik20.jpg]

RE: One Police Plaza (iRP) (FO) - TheDarkBox - 12-31-2014

[Image: 2cscv1e.jpg]
Date: December 28-29th, 821 A.S
ID: Officer James Vorter.
Current Location: Planet Manhattan, New York system.
Priority: Medium.
Subject: Patrol Report.

I was standing by at Planet Houston, scanning the vessels using trade lanes when a ship tagged Hinkls approached the planet, attempting to dock.
The scan revealed that he had 3290 units of Cardamine on board. Despite my attempts to stop him, he docked anyway..
I called the local forces present on the planet to arrest the captain of the vessel, so under pressure of that happening, the vessel undocked.
We had a rather short conversation, after which he agreed to pay a fine total of 3 500 000 (3 000 000 for smuggling Cardamine and 500000 for obstruction of justice):
After the transaction, I warned the suspect about the consequences of repeatedly doing it and let him go.

The credits have been sent to LPI-Leavenworth:
[Image: 2zyik20.jpg]

RE: One Police Plaza (iRP) (FO) - DkJericho - 01-03-2015

****Open Comms****
****Badge ID 5432****
****Officer Amy Raybern****

Not to much to report today being stationed on guard duty for the base mostly opened me to just doing a checkpoint and scanning every ship no contraband was found today which is great
Towards the end of the shift we got a call of about three gunships holding a lane down near the California Jumpgate. By the time I got there three bounty hunters in snubs were already engaging, im guessing those pirates had a price on there head. Being in a Liberator I took advantage of my speed and used tactical EMP mines dropped with precision to help open the gap for those snubs to drop a critical hit. After about ten minutes all targets were cleared and Liberty is safe once again.

Hostiles: Wesker, Night Shift, and one unknown vessel name as of this time.
This will conclude my report. Thank you.

Officer Amy Raybern out.

****End Transmission****

RE: One Police Plaza (iRP) (FO) - Shaggy - 01-05-2015

[Image: 2xDoxdS.png]

Date: January 3rd 821 A.S
ID: Recruit Officer James O'Brian
Current Location: Adirondack Station, New York System.
Priority: Medium.
Subject: Patrol Report
Patrols Completed: 1

I have quiet alot to report today.
Firstly I would like to report a criminal Asco Gunboat Pilot. His Transponder was reading The.Yrror.Der. This Gunboat Pilot was already engaged by the time I arrived, so I assisted the fellow lawful enforcements and open fired. The Asco Gunboat Pilot shot down one of the 5th Fighter Pilots. I believe it to be O'Neil, I tractored his escape pod in and took him to safety after knowing the threat was dealt with. Images of this will be uploaded towards the end of my report.

Later on during my patrol, we spotted an foreign Rheinland Military Bomber outside Fort Bush, we called it to a halt and had a little discussion and chat, and the end result was a fine of one million credits and escorted out of Liberty space. This was very successful with the assistance of Sergeant J Vorter.

After dealing with this pilot, my TSLAGNET was picking up something very unusal. Some Nomadic Equipment from two different ID's. I scanned one of them and have the results on my database which will be uploaded.

We then stopped another pilot that had stolen one of the Navy Defiant Gunships has not been dealt with due to a larger threat that occured. A Nomad. I will go in more detail in a seperate report on this situation.

After dealing with the nomads though. There was an Outcast Tridente Gunship and a Xeno having a little arguement near Fort Bush. An Bounty Hunter went to sort them out and the Xeno was destroyed a few minutes later. Myself and Sergeant J Vorter moved into assist when we realised the Outcast was a Gunship, and we open fired. Sergeant Vorter managed to get the last few shots before the Outcast ship was destroyed.
This was where my patrol ended.

Sergeant Vorter Blue
Cpt Mannering Outcast Tridente Gunship
ID scan for Cpt Mannering
Xeno ID Scan
Stolen Defiant Gunship
Foreign Rheinland Bomber
Destruction of Foreign Asco Gunboat
Guncam images of the Foreign Asco Gunboat engaged
Fleet Admiral 5th O'Neil Shot Down in Action
ID Scan of Foreign Asco Gunboat

[Image: Q7iJQg1.png]

RE: One Police Plaza (iRP) (FO) - Shaggy - 01-05-2015

[Image: 2xDoxdS.png]

Date: January 3rd 821 A.S
ID: Recruit Officer James O'Brian
Current Location: Adirondack Station, New York System.
Priority: Medium.
Subject: Patrol Report.
Patrols Completed: 1

This is just the continued report from the Nomad Encounter yestarday, it is very hard to explain what happened so hopefully the database of my Liberator and the guncam images are able to help. Sadly my Liberator took a lot of damage from this creature but I am back in business and flying a fresh one.
Here are the details on this threat. I hope this is enough.

Repairship towing my Liberator
Repairship connecting
Database #1
Database #2
Database #3
Database #4

[Image: Q7iJQg1.png]