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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 07-06-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

> CommID: Daemon Steele
> Location: Omega-52 System
> Encryption: Romeo Foxtrot Hotel
> Subject: After Action Report

Priviet Comrades,

I received notice of a band of Mercenaries intruding on Omega-52. We encountered them at the Omega-5 Jumphole. They eventually left and our forces gathered at the Jumphole. I was ordered to scout Omega-5 and did so. Once we confirmed that the area around the Jumphole was secure we proceeded to jump in. We interrogated them as to their intentions. It appears that the Mercenaries were waiting for us to make the first move. We knew better then that of course. Eventually, it was decided to jump back to Omega-52 and see if they followed. They didn't.

The following is a Communication Log. Irrelevant data has been deleted.

Commlog 1
Commlog 2
Commlog 3
Commlog 4
Commlog 5
Commlog 6
Commlog 7
Commlog 8
Commlog 9
Commlog 10
Commlog 11
Commlog 12
Commlog 13

***Terminate Transmission***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 07-19-2010

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Ben Warner, Commander

Subject: Made Outcast fool wet himself.

While I was on a patrol in the Dublin system i came across an Outcast harassing a Miner while a BAF officer just stood by, the Outcast who went by the ship name "Marauder".

After he ran away in his CAU-II Gunship I headed to safer territory due to a Corsair horde being spotted in Leeds and headed through Dublin.

Later after taking a shuttle to Minor I climbed into my Insurgent and did a Patrol of Delta, spotting a Artifact Hauler and transfering the Identification of the hauler to the Order agents within Minor, chasing the ship and using Cruise Distruptors to try to stall the ship while not attacking it with any other armament.

After LSF agents caught up with the subject in Liberty Space I broke off and returned to Omicron Minor.

---Images--- (Outcast being scared) (AI Hauling Artifacts)

That is all I have for my report today Comrades, I shall file a report again or augment this one should anything of further interest arises.

For The Revolution!

-End Transmission-

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Vogel - 07-22-2010

COMM ID: Commissar-Lieutenant Konstantin Petrovin
LOCATION: Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 System

[Image: comm2a.png]

Privet, Tovarischi.

Though other projects have come about as of late, I have not neglected my more martial duties. I am, after all, a pilot in the Coalition Fighter Corps.

I set out on a patrol of the Omega systems. Things were mostly quiet until I ran into a member of the Red Hessian Army, a certain "Sam Daniels" who chose to join me. Not long afterward we happened upon a Corsair-identified CSV. Ah, if only all Corsairs flew such impotent ships... it was scurrying on at quite a pace, so I opted to use long range barbs of the verbal kind. As it turned out, this pilot had apparently "not yet joined up" yet, but it would appear his ideology is set, judging by his response. A pity.

<Attached Files>
Image 1 (Comm Log 1)

Tovarisch Daniels and I moved to Omega-41 and then Omega-47 in search of targets; Omicron Gamma had an inordinately high level of activity, so we sought to stay one step behind "kicking the hive". We managed to intercept a Corsair transport carrying a load of Deuterium in the direction of Gamma; Tovarisch Daniels was eager to set it aflame, but I offered the pilot an ultimatum. The pilot understood quite well and obliged; Daniels and I were able to secure a total of 95 metric tons of Deuterium after the Corsair dropped the entire shipment and ran for the hills. I let him live, but I never forget a face; the next time I see him carrying fuel for the enemy, I will not be so lenient.

<Attached Files>
Image 2 (Comm Log 2)
Image 3 (Comm Log 3)
Image 4 (Comm Log 4)
Image 5 (Comm Log 5)
Image 6 (Ship Scan)
Image 7 (Dropping the Cargo)

We returned to Omega-5, but along the way happened across somebody called "Shadow", or some such name. He was flying a very primitive Corsair design, and turned tail for Gamma the moment I showed up on his sensors. Quaint.

<Attached Files>
Image 8 (Enemy Running)
Image 9 (Comm Log 6)

Just short of retiring for the day, Tovarisch Daniels and I, along with a "Mike Stah" whom we had met upon returning to Omega-5, ran into the same Corsair CSV as before, hauling a small load of artifacts. I left the Hessians to deal with that one as they pleased, and returned to base for debrief. The Deuterium I "received" from the willing Corsair will be thoroughly examined for any trace of foul play, and if deemed safe shall be added to our stockpile.

<Attached Files>
Image 10 (Comm Log 7)
Image 11 (Deuterium Secured)

Awaiting the Red Dawn.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lucas_Fernandez - 07-23-2010

COMM ID: Lieutenant Sasha Orlov
LOCATION: Zvezdniy Gorodok Omega-52 System


Comrades! I'm back again! Those damn corsairs couldn't finish me off.
It takes more than a few shots to kill me.
They just released me from the Hospital, healthy and ready for action.
So I would like to return to my duties soon as possible.

Signed: Sasha Orlov


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 07-23-2010

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Ben Warner, Commander

Subject: Something interesting...

Good evening Comrades, earlier today as I was on patrol in Omicron Delta i noticed something, what appeared to be a derelict station, it's strategically placed close to the Omicron Kappa Jumphole and the cloud nearby where the BHG apparently maintains a hidden base that we'v suspected for some time to be in Delta but hadn't confirmed, after I took images of the damaged station I moved into the cloud where I detected a faint energy signal, locating the BHG base hidden within the cloud.

It's possible for Coalition agents to re-pressurize the damaged station and use it as a listening post, but it's slightly risky due to the presence of a BHG base nearby, however on the other hand such a post could be used to gather further intelligence on the said base, possibly for an full assault should the defenses be lacking.

After that I patrolled the system some more, before heading back to Omicron Minor.

-Images- (Damaged Station) (BHG Station)

That is all I have for now comrade, with your permission eventually I would like to make a return trip to the damaged station to check if we can re-pressurize it and thus be able to leave surveillance equipment and acouple agents to monitor the system should it be successful.

-End Transmission-

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 08-08-2010

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Ben Warner, Commander

Subject: Corsairs...

Good day Comrades, today I went on Patrol in Omega-7. While debating with a Military officer of Rheinland several Corsair Gunboats came into range, with my Unioner ally we escaped unscathed and unconfronted to Omga-11 where i took a Transport to Omega-52 and took command of the Karl Marx.

Returning to Omega-7 I successfully destroyed two of the Imperators while the other ones fled.

All in all that should teach them that hunting members of the Coalition isn't a good idea and perhaps cow them into being less aggressive towards us, doubtful but we can hope Comrades.

After the battle the Karl Marx returned to Omega-52 and is undergoing a full inspection to make sure that all systems are operating at maximum efficiency.

-Guncam shots- (Explosion of enemy ship can be seen on Starboard Side.)

-End Transmission-

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 08-10-2010

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Ben Warner, Captain

Subject: Multiple Strikes

Good day Comrades, it was quite eventful I must say.

After I set out from Omega-52 in the CPW Trotsky I came to Dublin, where I engaged a Corsair Gunboat that was stalking me, after annihilating the pest I continued on my patrol, eventually confronting the Bretonian Destroyer HMS Overlord, after intense combat I drove him to the Essex, just as a well placed shot hit his Reactor he commenced emergency docking procedures, I backed away from the Essex and resupplied at the nearest friendly base, returning to the area of the Essex i came upon the HMS Nottingham, a Bretonian Gunboat, she too fell to my cannons and was destroyed in a blaze of fire.

Not wanting to stay in Dublin while they marshal possible reinforcements I ordered my helmsman to take us to the back door to Edinburgh, from there we went to Tau-31 and than to Tau-23 where we stumbled across a single IMG fighter fending off two Outcast Fighters, after giving them a fair warning to clear the area, which they did not heed, I engaged the fools, each falling to the Trotsky's cannons, also my compliments to the Gunner manning the Light Mortar, one of his well placed shots destroyed the Outcast fighter on contact.

After that we returned to Coalition Space and I treated the crew of the CPW Trotsky to a round of Vodka's in Kalashnikovs.

-Guncam Shots- (Corsair Anti-Capitalship Gunboat) (The HMS Overlord making an emergancy docking) (HMS Nottingham being destroyed) (1st Outcast destroyed) (2nd Outcast destroyed via mixture of LM and Cannon fire)

-End Transmission-

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 08-11-2010

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Ben Warner, Captain

Subject: Omicron Gamma Raid

"Good evening Comrades, I am proud to say pilots of the Coalition Fighter Corps set out from Omega-52 to our hated enemy, the Corsairs, own front door, once there we assaulted multiple enemy fighters and even a Bomber, moderately damaged a Cruiser and suffered little in the terms of losses.

On a side-note I would like to recommend a commendation for pilots Daemon Steele and Paddy Holly for displaying elite-flying skills and working together to take down their foes in true Coalition fashion. these two pilots are an inspiration to all Fighter Corp Pilots in their display of courage and valor.

After we destroyed three Unassigned Corsairs, and two members of the HAF as well as being aided by a Freelancer Roc Bomber, we engaged two members of the Sails, however damage from the previous enemy ships as well as the lose of Angie Broch's Revolution made me reconsider remaining for more enemy reinforcements, so I gave the order to withdraw to prevent any further losses and to keep their losses greater than our own.

-Guncam shots-

Once again good work Comrades, keep up the hard work and remain true to the Revolution.

-end transmission-

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Serpentis - 08-11-2010

[Image: ivancomimage.png]

Previet comrades!

I have the pleasure to award Pilots: Daemon Steele and Paddy Holly for Bravery and Elite skills in combat with the Corsairs..

I award each of them the:
Halo of Valour. Let these two's skills against the Corsairs be a constant inspiration to you others!

Congratulations soldiers, I am very proud off you..

-he smiles widely-

For the Revolution!

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 08-11-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

> CommID: Daemon Steele
> Location: Omega-52 System
> Encryption: Romeo Foxtrot Hotel
> Subject: After Action Report

Priviet Comrades,

First of all, I'll recount the events that Captain Warner described. We launched from Omega-52 where we headed to Omicron Gamma to purify the area. When we arrived we noticed a Battleship, Cruiser and two Snubcraft. We proceeded to heavily damage the Cruiser named "Montezuma" but before we destroyed it, we turned our attention to several Snubcraft that had just joined the fray. I must say, I'm proud to of flown with Angie, Ben and Paddy. We all flew our ships as if they were an extension of ourselves. Myself and Paddy worked in almost perfect unison to destroy the enemy. I would hit one with a Razor and he would follow up with an attack. It worked perfectly. We were joined by a Mercenary and we continued to devastate the Corsairs. Finally, it was decided that it was time to withdraw considering we had already caused massive damage. I was a bit disappointed since I wanted to spar with the Corsair Elder Espi, but I followed the order to withdraw. Now, I'd like to thank the Glorious Revolution for awarding the Halo of Valour to me. I will wear it with pride. FOR THE RED DAWN!

***Terminate Transmission***