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SCRA Recruitment Centre - Printable Version

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Coalition Recruitment Thread - Aphil - 02-15-2011

"I see, so Miss... McDobrich, was it? Why are you here?"

Rhade asked nonchalantly.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - donna - 02-15-2011

"I am here, because I want to take place in the Revolution. I deserted the Armed Forces, and used me old Templar to get here. I want to help to bring down the goverment that supresses the people."

//EDIT: I'm off for tonight, I won't post till tomorrow.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Aphil - 02-15-2011

Rhade flicked his pistol and fired a shot, barely missing the applicants head.

"As a friend of mine says, Details are the difference between life and death. Of course you're here to join the Revolution, otherwise you wouldn't be here, now would you?"

Rhade looked annoyed as he continued.

"I hear the same things from every recruit. How they want to bring down the government, but tell me, do you really know what you're fighting for?"

He didn't wait for the Recruit to answer his rhetorical question.

"Tell me, in your own words, how the Government suppresses the people. Oh, and if you use the word "Corrupt" or tell me something you read in the Little Red Picture Book for Aspiring Communists, you're dead."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - arvg - 02-15-2011

Mendel was growing annoyed.

His recruitment office was becoming flooded by a parade of the useless, the incompetent and the impotent.

It was Leon Trotsky's wet dream... unfortunately, for Mendel, it was a potential PR nightmare that he would have to clean up if the pathetic lot of whelps got their hands on Coalition fighters.

He leaned past Alicia and depressed a button on the PA system.

"All Coalition Officers are ordered to enact code Teal..."

Alicia blinked at him, immediately scrambling for her gas mask, kept in her drawer.

Mendel flipped open an equipment locker, pulling out a pair of gasmasks, tossing them to Ian and Yuri.

Drawing out the last one, he pulled it on... as the great bolts on the main doors slammed shut with a diabolically ominous ring.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Aneksi - 02-15-2011

Nina Alexéevna opened the old, steel door of the Coalition's recruiting office and stood on the threshhold gazing silently at the ten or twelve men sitting inside. The company was extremely motley, and was distinguished not only by its motleyness but also by its unsightliness'€”some were rather drunk. "What a bunch of half wits", she thought.

Looking at the men with a mocking and haughty air, she noticed a plaque on the door opposite her which read "Premier Alvin Katz".

Striding over to the door she knocked twice. With a feeling of gaity and self-assurance, she hummed a simple tune while waiting for the door to open:

Hands, touchin hands 
Reachin out 
Touchin me 
Touchin you 

Sweet caroline 
Good times never seemed so good

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Aphil - 02-15-2011

"Code Teal?" Rhade sounded surprised.

He immediately got up and moved to an equipment locker off to the side of his office. He picked up and put on a Gas Mask, properly securing it. Through the voice box he spoke.

"Sorry Kiddo, seems we're out of time. I recommend you hold your breath for as long as possible."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Vrouw - 02-15-2011

He noticed the doors suddenly slam and bolt shut, although he made no specific move as he took a slight breath. He had a bad feeling, but he kept his cool. He sat there, noticing officers putting on gas masks he expected the worst. After a moment, he took a deep breath and would hold it for as long as he possibly could. Maybe a show of strength to help him in his last moments, or just a futile attempt to keep his life for as long as he could.

However, despite this, his stoic expression did not change. There was no panic, no distress. He only kept himself in the position, his hands flattened against his knees and waited.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - aznremix416 - 02-15-2011

Lee was in his recruitment room when he heard the order of Code Teal.

He calmly put on his gas mask and continued reading his book.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - DarthBindo - 02-15-2011

Ian grabbed the gas mask and flipped it on with one hand whilst sliding a magazine into his pistol with the other.
He moved to the corner and squatted down behind a potted plant, with no idea of what was going on.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - arvg - 02-15-2011

Mendel touched Alicia on the shoulder, "The one in with Santorini... Aderlich? Give him this." he handed her a spare gas mask, as she quickly hurried through the room.

The Commissar drew his pistol and calmly touched the PA controls again, calling up a song... he was told it was compassionate and soothing...


He glanced around him at the poor unfortunate souls that just... well... they simply didn't measure up.

Another touch of the controls, and the Ventilation system suddenly switched from the station provided source, over to the special Orange Canisters that were rigged to provide Chemical Agent Banana... Mendel had chosen the code name personally, he really couldn't stand Bananas.

A flash on the wall, as an alert siren sounded.

"Hazardous Biological Contaminate Detected...."

Mendel calmly looked at his watch, drawing his pistol, and watched all hell break loose as people realized that they were going to die...