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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Yuveraj Khan - 08-30-2010

COMM ID: Commissariat of TRUTH

TARGET ID: SCRA Assets, Guards, and civilian populace

[Image: truth.png]


Be it so noted,

Commissar Medvedov reports that TOR-ONE is secure, after the Traitor Broch attempted to seize control of the Ion Storm Generator, her accomplices are being rounded up, however Broch herself managed to escape with the AI core of the Former Harvester in an escape pod...

Last reports had the pod blasting through the Omega-50 Jump hole.

Arrest her, Comrades, and drag her back to justice!

For Crimes against the State, for Espionage, and for High Treason, Angie Broch is here to fore stripped of all rank, privileged and Party Membership. She is to be set as an example for all to see as she is exiled from Omega-52. Her subordinates aboard the CPW-Chernobyl and the CPW-Trotsky are to be purged.

Her citizenship inside of the Coalition is revoked, and she is cast out. Her life will now be that of a Pariah, and all members of the Fighter Corps are authourized to shoot her on sight if she ever attempts to make shows her treacherous face again.

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 08-30-2010

COMM ID: Lieutenant Daemon Steele
LOCATION: Zvezdny Gorodok - Omega-52 System

SUBJECT: My Pledge

My life for the Coalition. I am shamed to of known Brotch and I will do everything in my power to bring the Hammer of Justice upon her skull.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 08-30-2010

COMM ID: Lieutenant Daemon Steele
LOCATION: Zvezdny Gorodok - Omega-52 System

SUBJECT: Operations Report

I have to admit, I've never flown on a more amusing operation as this. First, we'll count the kills myself and Ethan Scott got. Lets see. One. Two. Three. Four and Five.

The last kill was supposed to be bait, which we eliminated with the help of the Karl Marx. The enemy caught up to the Marx and moderately damaged it. They later claimed to have some sort of "Data". Which was quite amusing. I believe they were quite drunk.

Here are some wonderful little snippets of their alleged "Data Collection".


Copper:Reaver: Data packet retrieved!

Artemis[TBH]: Scans received.

Copper:Reaver: The hybrid is safe

Copper:Reaver: Activate sun dock protocol

Artemis[TBH]: None shall know of our plans.

Copper:Reaver: We now know their plans good job all forces deactivate cloak ships

Cazadora[TBH]: Cadiz reports Data recived.

Copper:Reaver: We now know their scans of ships build all ships data

Copper:Reaver: I just activated the self destruct for all their bases they are now dead data retrieved

Funnily enough, I seem to recall our bases being just fine on our return. If I may recommend, we should begin Electronic Warfare. They're so eager to download our data, perhaps we can send them a little Trojan Suprise. Regardless, that's not in my field.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Yuveraj Khan - 08-30-2010

COMM ID: Commissariat of TRUTH

TARGET ID: SCRA Assets, Guards, and civilian populace

[Image: truth.png]


Be it so noted,

The Commissariat would like to remind all Coalition Forces that we do not have, nor do we use a Neural Net inside of Coalition Territory. There is a Neural Network active, supporting entertainment channels and propaganda, but access to Civilian Data net, and Coalition Military Net would be akin to putting a potato and an laptop together and expecting them to communicate.

Amusing to say the least.

I believe that the Reavers did indeed access data from the only Nerual Net in the system capable of communicating with them. The one we utilize for Entertainment and Propaganda broadcasts, and downloaded the entire database of Coalition transmitted Entertainment programs. And hope that Cadiz continues to enjoy good quality programming, instead of its usual Cretian soap operas which are, frankly, too melodramatic and unrealistic for Coalition Tastes.

Once again, the foresight of your government to protect you from the commercialism of Neural Net has paid off.

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Rodent - 08-31-2010

A datapad finds it's way to Ben Warner's desk. It is from Sub Lieutenant Santorini, and it reads as follows-

Salud Commandante Warner. As you has commanded, I have done a survey of the Fighter Corps and present to you a report on their Morale.

*Activating Password protocol measures, Enhanced encryption initiated, For Commandante's eyes only*

Now, the actual report. Morale in the fighter corps varies immensely. I have noticed that there are a few influential leaders, whenever they command, the morale goes sky-high. They include Provost Marshal Commander Jayce Brooks, Capitano Ricardo Alvarez, yourself and the Premier. With them at the helm, the fighter corps can gnaw and take down anything, or at least that is their sentiment. There is an aura of invincibility about these figures.

But, when those pillars of influence do not command directly, Morale weakens. People begin to lose faith in the revolucion, and pilots are afraid of dying and their cause losing. That cannot be tolerated, as it can lead to dissent. Attached is a list of the divisions that are facing this problem-

Secure Attachment: Divisions.xyaga

These divisions need attention. I have a few suggestions in mind. We must send these divisions out into fiery battle, under the command of either Capitano Alvarez or Commander Brooks, as the rest cannot be spared for such tasks. They must be put to the hardest tasks, the most strident of training regimes, we must drain their brains dry of thought, or Idle ones. Idle thoughts are dangerous. We must push them again and again into battle, where the weak will falter, and the strong will rally around the leaders, and when we are done with them, Those divisions will be at par or even more powerful than the best forces we have.

There is a risk, but it must be taken. The revolution must not falter.

*Encryption reduced, comments suggest these be directed at the populace*

Morale is assuredly high Commandante. The pilots crave for a chance, the chance to kill and die for their homeland, They spit at the names of their enemies, and need only one chance at the front to litter the battlefield dry with blood. You must give the men a chance to prove themselves, and they will take the golden hammer all across Sirius and enemies will tremble at the name!

For the Revolucion!

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Yuveraj Khan - 08-31-2010

Comm. ID: Commissar Yuveraj Khan
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Stolen Technology
[Image: khan.jpg]

---Communications Opened---


I have conducted an inventory of TOR-ONE and have determined that a holo-projector of quite a complex nature has been stolen from the inventory, as well as a Coalition transponder.

I am authorizing an immediate reclassification of all our higher comm frequencies, as well as a complete change in our security procedures, especially ones that may have been compromised by the betrayal of the Former Commissar-Commander.

The CPW-Trotsky is secure, and the CPW-Chernobyl was purged using the Self destruct system, our elements in Omicron Delta have secured the derelict and have towed it to a secure location.

The whereabouts of Admiral Alexie Karchov remain unknown... we are hoping to locate him soon, and hope he wasn't assassinated, or abducted by the traitor.

I will keep you posted as things develop. For now, rest assured of the Commissariat's continued service to the Coalition.

Khan out!

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Yuveraj Khan - 09-01-2010

To: [color=#FFFFFF]Fighter Corps Muppets
Comm. ID: Commissar Leon Mendel
Priority: HIGH
Subject: The JiangXi Colony Project
[Image: mendel.png]

---Communications Opened---

All right you Bastards, listen up!

JiangXi rebuilding is a priority project, it makes the Coalition look good, it highlights our work for the people, and our commitment to the innocent.

I want nothing to get in the way of this project.

I know some of you trigger happy morons like to shoot s**t, and seem to think that blowing away anything that comes past the jumphole into the home system is great fun, but so help me, I'll beat you to death with a copy of the Katz Manifesto if I catch you ballsing this one up!

[Image: 23.jpg]

You keep shooting those muppet Corsairs, or the Hunters like good soldiers, and leave the thinking to those who actually have brains.

Mendel Out!

Commissariat of Public Relations

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Yuveraj Khan - 09-03-2010

COMM ID: Commissariat of TRUTH

TARGET ID: SCRA Assets, Guards, and civilian populace

[Image: truth.png]


Be it so noted,

Intimidated by our formidable defenses the Bounty Hunter Armada has fled into the night. The Government of the Coalition has sounded the ALL-CLEAR, and people are returning to their homes safe and secure.

This is an important lesson for us all, that there are those who oppose the Revolution, and that seek to bring harm to the innocent. Never has the need for the Commissariat or the Fighter Corps been as great.

To ensure our continued prosperity, and our continued survival.

We must show Trust, Respect, and Obedience.

For the Greater Good!

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 09-03-2010

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: All SCRA Assets
Comm. ID: Captain Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: The Havana

---Communications Opened---

[Image: wip4.jpg]

Salud, Comradas!

Mi Hermanos, the Havana is repaired after the battle to defend Freeport 11 against the Alien Horde! We have taken the time to shakedown the ship after its refit at Evora. Si, the Havana is ready, mi Hermanos!

My crew have been undergoing the training, and they show a fire of passion when it comes to wrestling with the enemy. Their sights are set on continuing the Havana's glorious record. And our trophy wall in Kalashnikovs, well, mi amigos, that is looking a little barren, I think we need to add to it, eh?

The Havana is ready, I need to know, how many of you fighter corps Comradas are ready to go and spread the Glorious Revolution through the liberal application of gunfire?

Alvarez out!

El Coyote

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Rapur - 09-03-2010

>>>Incoming Transmission<<<

Comm ID: Nikolai Moskvin

Location: Zvedzny Gorodok, Omega-52 System

[Image: 300px-RA3U_Moskvin.png]

Priviet, Comrades!

I've completed the Hispania Memorium with the help of Comrade Orlov!

We started our mission from the Omega 52 system, after undocking from Zvedzny Gorodok. Our waypoint went through Omicrion Gamma, Theta and Eta. We were prepared for the worst, knowing that danger lies in every corner. Surprisingly till the omicrion alpha jumphole in the Omicrion Eta system seemed to be quiet and peaceful, but we didnt let our guard down. At the jumphole we encountered an Outcast Dreadnought named but didnt engage because we lacked the necessary firepower. After I carved my name into the Hispania suddenlty a large fleet of Outcasts appeared and were prepared to engage. Being outnumbered our only option was to fled from the scene after they opened fire at us. Luckily both of us managed to escape even though they gave chase they couldn't catch and gave up the pursuit.

After returning to the Omega-52 system we docked with Zvedzny Gorodok for repairs and continued with our patrol.

Nikolai Moskvin Out!

>>>Transmission Ended<<<