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Liberty Police, Inc. Reporting Office - Printable Version

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One Police Plaza (iRP) (FO) - Reverend Del - 01-17-2009

Patrol Report: Captain Tompson Jonas

Well it started quiet which, quite frankly, was just the way I wanted my first day back on the beat to be. But the day had started sour before I got in the cockpit and looked as if it was destined to stay that way. [AoC]Ba'alzamon was spotted in Manhattan orbit, it being an Outcast Destroyer I did what any sane copper would do, I called the Navy. They responded with the force you'd expect deploying the LNS-Durango to great effect even in the depths of the Detroit debris field. I arrived on scene to help the Durango finish off the fool, and I was engaged by a Raven Claw bearing a BHG ID, mildly stunned I fought him until one of my mines breached his hull and I returned his pod to Manhattan for questioning, turns out he was just misguided so I let him off with a caution.

I took a duty break and returned to my patrols after a spot of coffee, no donuts though. I had a brief verbal altercation with a member of the IND, nothing major but I shall be watching those shifty bastards. Couple of smugglers knocking about J.Anderson, a zoner carrying a Pirate Train load of Artifacts, he owes us a fine for that, and [OTC]Skullsplitter who made it away from Manhattan so fast he could only have been smuggling, especially as he wouldn't halt for a scan.

I caught a Liberty Rogue by the name of Harlequin pirating on the tradelane between Mojave and the New York Jumpgate, a brief exchange of words resulted in his Barghest eating a torp. Then whilst I was making my way back to New York I encountered the infamous cannibal Gneisenau. Well verbals were bantered about, and then shots exchanged, I managed to take most of his guns off before he surrendered to me, and I have now deposited him with the Special Wing on Sugarland station. He's in solitary confinement until his trial, I'm going to suggest to the DA we push for the death penalty.

Anyway, i've got to hit the beat again.

Captain T. Jonas out.

One Police Plaza (iRP) (FO) - jshkornmiller - 01-17-2009

Officer Fredro Guajardo
January 1st
10:38 a.m. Eastern Manhattan time.
Docking station base one.
Greater Manhattan City.

WEll, been a while, i have been off duty due to an injured leg i received during my last fight. Today i undocked from Manhattan and flew to West Point Military academy and scanned traders as they passed. A trade ship by the name of GST came out of the California trade lane bearing naval, police and civilian pilots in its hold. I halted the ship and asked the captain why he had those pilots in his hold, he gave me no answer and i asked again. This time he responded in an un-used old earth language, French, quiet odd seeing as how there are no french speaking peoples anymore. The pilot tried to run but i had Cruise disrupted him. and he halted. He then handed over the pilots and i let him go, still not understanding half of what he was saying.

I had docked for lunch and took a couple hours to go to the doctor for some therapy on my leg. As i undocked, i heard massive commotion on the secure comms as a group of three Xeno's were near Manhattan, i quickly entered the battle. After about five minutes into the battle. One of the xeno's destroyed a LN ship dispatched to assist, a few moments after that, it destroyed me. i had my pod shot out towards Newark where i was picked up.

Officer Fredro Guajardo out.

One Police Plaza (iRP) (FO) - hack - 01-17-2009

Report Filed By: LPI Captain Hull O'Brian

Date: 817

Patrol Report:

I was reporting for duty when a call went out for SWAT bombers, there was a OC dessie spotted, along with a gun boat and some escorts. I launched from Fort Bush and made my way to West point, where we were meeting. We were called to the Cali gate, where the Leavenworth was taking on Wolves.Defiance. The rest of us held back.

After Wolves Defiance was taken out, the Leavenworth ordered all units to report to WP. When I arrived, [Wolves]Finn Aiden in his OC destroyer was there. I ordered him to halt, and he did not. All units engaged him. We were working on getting his shields down when 4 or 5 Xenos and another perp, name of Vermillion, joined in and attacked us. Things didn't go so well.

As the fight progressed, I watched my fellow officers fall to the others. I kept on fighting, until I ran out of CDs. The Last LN fighter ordered a Retreat. At this time, it was just him and me left. As I was retreating, the Xenos CD'd me and shot me in the back.

I floated home again.

Well, after this little episode, I tried my hand at a night shift patrol. It was myself, Kira Knight, and the LNS Dawn. Came across [Wolves]Finn Aiden and Waylander. Waylander took out Kira, then me. Finn got he LNS-Dawn. It's just not my night.

One Police Plaza (iRP) (FO) - Kira_Knight - 01-17-2009

Kira Knight patrol debriefing, day 3.

I am proud to announce that ship losses on this day are down 33 percent compared to yesterday.
A Cardamine smuggler by the name of [ATA]-Asgard.Suply.Inc. was intercepted thanks to my disrupting a trade lane (on purpose), the cardamine was destroyed, and a hansome fine collected by my superiors.
A slight dent on this success was that my Liberator suddenly exploded near Rochester, seconds after receiving the transmiision 'push off LPI' from a certain Monty McHacker, so I was not able to teach him a lesson in respect. I wonder if those mechanics on Manhattan know what they are doing when they get my Liberator ready, and wether all this exploding is really a coincidence.
Some time and annoying paperwork later, I was ready to start the next patrol with spirits high in my 6th liberator.
I came across an admirable group of people from a slave re-habilitation program, who were taking 2500 of these freedomly challenged individuals for a spin around Manhattan in the prison liner ZAS~Saviour. I was so impressed with their panache that I offered an escort to them, sending them safely northwards to rehabilitation-adventures unknown. The rehabilitating slaves were clearly thankful for my willing to spend time with them, as some of them frantically waved to me at the window, so I offered a friendly waved back.
Next, I agreed to do some scouting of rude intercom chatter for the LNS gunship Dawn and an associate, while they guarded West point station. Unfortunately, the chatter originated from a Rogue cruiser, who was rather polite to me personaly by commenting on my bravery in flying in his direction shortly before shooting me with cruise disruptors and missiles until my hull popped like a baloon.
I received a 7th Liberator with the responsible officer ready to skip some paperwork this time, but those incompetent mechanics refused to fill the fuel tank to more than 1/4 capacity, saying more would be a waste in resources.
As I launched, LPI Sergent Jack Bauer informed me that a smuggler 'GameHaze' had been spottet moving from Texas to California. We soon stopped the stragler, red-handed with 4700 slaves in his hold. A rather peculiar thing happened then. While Sergent Bauer was reading the criminal his rights (the right to choose between payin 4 million credits and freeing the slaves as one option, or being Keel-hauled under his Whale as another), the suspect... just disappeared in front of our eyes! I have kept my camera footage as evidence if this person is ever put on trial. Must be some sort of illegal cloaking technology.
All in all, I think Im begining to get the hang of this police work thing.

One Police Plaza (iRP) (FO) - Zapp - 01-19-2009

Urgent Incoming Message
Comm ID: Chief Myers, skipping the secretary middleman

I figured that ma unbridled rage would nah be translated too well through Fred.

When ma own officers step over the line, I tend to get PO'd. We're not talkin' about accepting bribes or beating prisoners. No no, that's very commendable. Err... is a different set of issues. What we're talking about is conduct unBEcomin' o' an officer. Cursin' out Navy folk. Leavin' jurisdiction. List goes on.

I was considerin' pushin' Officer Knight into a Patriot, but the extra offense of leaving our jurisdiction leads me to straight off fire 'er.

You're out. Turn in your badge and gun to the desk sergeant, and your Liberator to Maintenance.

End Transmission

One Police Plaza (iRP) (FO) - Kira_Knight - 01-19-2009

You can't do that!
They set me up!
Criminals! That Fred Guajardo guy! He's a criminal! He's sucking down cardamine like it's candy! I've seen him do it!
Thats why he set me up! He's a faker!
Don't take my Liberator!
I will double my efforts! Or halve them if you want. I can also make no effort at all!
I'll wish smugglers and pirates a good day if that's required!
Dont't fire me! I'll let my figure go and eat doughnuts!
How am I gonna feed Gwendoline? PLease?

Seriously... please?

[Image: kirapissedfa6.jpg]

One Police Plaza (iRP) (FO) - jshkornmiller - 01-19-2009

Officer Fredro Guajardo comes and and see what is writen down.

You dare call me a Traitor? i have spent my whole life trying to be better, attending police academy and being a planet side officer for two years before coming to space. What you did here was move your vessel into non-liberty space. we had reports of you in an unknown system called "Coronado" If the smuggler you were chasing had left liberty space. Just put him up in your debriefings for the rest of us to see. So when we see him again, we can take him out. Leaving your jurisdiction. You engaged naval forces as well.

Your extreme hatred for the navy is childish. We're here to help them, they help us, together we help liberty. This discipline was not mine but the chiefs. I was simply told to tell you that you were fired.

Oh another note, Why bring my name down with yours, i am here to protect liberty from criminals, and you call me one. I have never used Cardamine, and never will, i will submit myself to a drug test right no to prove it.

Kira, i bid you Good day and i hope you find a better way to fulfill your life.

Fredro walks out of the office and down the hall. Grabbing a donut on his way out.

One Police Plaza (iRP) (FO) - Kira_Knight - 01-19-2009

I accuse officer Fredro Guajardo of diverting LPI forces out of California into a trap in front of Houston, in an effort to free the passage through California for the cardamine and slave smuggling ship 'Darth_Malek'. If he would care to comment on this, Jack.Bauer, who was present, may be a witness.
I further accuse Fredro Guajardo of attempting to divert LPI and LSF forces out of California into the Colorado system, to allow the same ship 'Darth_Malek' to smuggle slaves from Texas through California, Cortez, and Coronado. Having been the victim of taunts previously by Darth_Malek and those that set the trap in Texas, who even explained the plan of diverting us to me, I warned the LSF of the attempt, and posted myself at Californa/Cortez gate to intercept Darth_Malek. =LSF=Leigh is a witness to this, and I hope that he will be heard.
It is because of my adhering to the rules of engagement and arrest, and by reading the criminal his rights, that he was able to escape to Coronado. My temporary following Darth_Malek through the unkown jump hole was also caused by his taunts. I broke off persuit immediately after Jack Bauer had ordered me to leave the new system, only seconds after I had entered it. I have, in fact, reason to believe that Darth_Malek was using his contacts (most probably Guajardo) in the LPI to twist the law to keep him from being captured by the police. His tauntin of me unwittingly follwoing him, as well as the simultaneous order of Jack Bauer to leave Coronad, leave no doubt to it.
And to what this criminal officer has set about me and the navy...
I have in fact, co-operated very well with the navy, in particular the navy gunboat LNS-Dawn, in fighting criminals on numerous ocasions. If he is refering to some rough talk from my side, it could be that I used some strong language while calling for help in fighting two lanehackers, and receiving the answer 'clear chat, we are trying to taking some photos of me and the cruiser' from a navy vessel. Since this incident has been aparetly relayed to you faster than aid in fighting criminals has been relayed to me, this falls into the same pattern as the diverting police forces by Fred Guajardo to me.

[Image: kiraglassessvo0.jpg]

One Police Plaza (iRP) (FO) - jshkornmiller - 01-19-2009

Ha Ha! Brilliant!

Such lies and treachery should have you exiled from liberty. I have no Connection with such a disgusting vessel. Slavery is one of my most hated things in the 'verse.

As for the Engagement in Texas at planet Houston, that was extremely urgent, me asking you to come in from California was to assist the failing forces we had at Houston. The infamous Sadistic.Intent, cold blooded killer had taken out several naval and LPI fighters. i hopped on my bomber after receiving a distress call. i was to avenge my fallen comrades. You claim i was diverting you in order to let, some, some random disgusting slave runner pass by Scot free?

As for earlier today, when i had got in my Liberator, i had noticed an unknown Kusari Naval vessel in Colorado, the vessel had been there for a long while. i asked for backup so i could go investigate and you turned down the request along with that LSF raid van.

Accusing me of trying to move forces out of a smugglers way is Preposterous! i would never do such a thing, slavery is a fowl thing, and Cardamine fuels the criminals here, why would i help someone build up the criminal forces witch i fight so hard to keep down. To fight and protect liberty civilians then to say i let smugglers run afoot, just contradicts my mission as a LOYAL Liberty Police Officer.

I should have you arrested for Slander and defacing a public official. Have you thrown on the Sugarland with the rest of the criminals.

Kira, as stated before. i bid you good day. Now leave the office.

One Police Plaza (iRP) (FO) - Kira_Knight - 01-19-2009

"You haven't heard the last of me yet!"
"A woman with my flying skills can easily get a job with anyone who truly appreciates a pilot with integrity!"
Waving a finger in Guajardo's face, she screams
"You, sir, are an evil man!"

Turning around, Kira marches towards the door, nearly misses it as she collides with the doorframe, and looks a bit startled for a while.
After quickly putting on her glasses, she finds the exit and marches out of the office head held high.