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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 09-22-2010

[Image: scra.jpg]

Comm ID: Zilvinas Rudys
Location: Zvezdny Gorodok - Omega-52 System
Subject: recent activity report

Priviet, tovarischy. Seems just moments ago I came to an age and started to serve the great and righteos cause. But, despite of me being very young, I already have enought muscle, devotion, skills and ideas of greater, brighter tomorrow to fallow.

Yesterday I took my first flight with Orca-6 and Bobcat-5 to Omicron alpha. Strange people. Cold. Stone faced. But also dauntless. Seems like good soldiers and nothing else.. but what's not what I'm going to report about. I think you know them better than I do anyway.

I took my time to Hispania wreck. A sight of living history. It was astonishing. I took few photos of it and carved my name on near by piece of asteroid. Silly thing to do, but I'm hoping you will understand what I felt about that place.

Attaching data:


Today I went on recon mission. To gather information and educate myself better about the rotten world which surrounds us. For those who already know me, I'm always thirsty for knowlange. Things which I've only heard or red on books .. things I've never had a chance to touch, feel or see by my own eyes are open to me. Also to meet those people who doesn't understand from where their poverty and problems comes. Who are opressed by those bloodsuckers.

Sad to say, not all can be saved. But there is always some hope. While I was on my righteos mission trying to enlight the citezens of liberty some came to stop me. They were numerous, but then people fight not becouse they want to, but are told to, they fail. Our cause are right and just and this gives me strengh to endure even in hostile territory. Anyhow, not even the greatest and bravest can get horrified by sudden terrors. So if I wanted to preserve my life, I've needed to retreat. But not like a dog with tail in between his legs. But like victor and just bringer! Two hostiles escaped. 3 were taken down.

Attaching data:

[Image:] [Image:] [Image:] [Image:] [Image:] [Image:] [Image:]

Till the day I die.

Zilvinas Rudys signing out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 09-24-2010

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: All SCRA Assets
Comm. ID: Captain Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: Freeport 9

---Communications Opened---

[Image: wip4.jpg]

Salud, Comradas!

Hermanos, I have word from our forces in Leeds that we managed to score a considerable victory over the Indians and the BAF.

While yes, eventually our forces were ordered to retreat by the field commander, they did so after scoring no less than ten confirmed kills.

Of special note is Sub-Lieutenant Markus Keller, fighting in a Loki light fighter, it took great bravery to face that kind of opposition mi amigo, keep it up and you may find yourself in Recon.

I look forward to the full report!

For the Revolucion, mi comradas, for Katz!

Alvarez out!

El Coyote

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Rapur - 09-24-2010

>>>Incoming Transmission<<<
Comm ID: Nikolai Moskvin

Location: Zvedzny Gorodok, Omega-52 System

[Image: 300px-RA3U_Moskvin.png]

Priviet, Comrades!

Today we recieved a distress call from the Mollies in Dublin requesting help against the well-known pirate group, the Indians. We hoped into our ships and proceeded to Bretonia to help them out.

Thankfully we didn't stumbled into enemies along the way, so we could arrive in time. The indians were already waiting for us, and after a few cocky comments they opened fire at us. It was a tough fight, they had about 6 sabres and 2 gunboats and their sides and we started with only 3 Odins and a 2 of our Molly friends and later a few corsair bombers joined in on the enemy side. After some destruction one of their gunboats decided to make a get away and jumped from Leeds to Dublin, hoping we wouldn't pursue him. Of course we did. After entering the Dublin system the Armed forces spotted our little fight and joined in against the Indians. Of course we were fully aware that after finishing off the indians they wouldn't let us just leave so we didnt let our guard down and were prepared for any suprise attack from them. And as we foresaw, they engaged us after the last indian fighter ran away from us. So the fight continued but we knew we couldn't destroy all of them, after taking losses and heavy damage from the Pirate group and even attacked by a Phantom gunboat. So the best option was to the most damage we could and get out of there alive. After picking up our comrades escape pods we made our way back home for repairs.

Taking heavy damage during the fight my guncam didn't worked properly but I'm sending the data what I got:

guncam 1
guncam 2
guncam 3
guncam 4
guncam 5
guncam 6
guncam 7

Moskvin Out!

>>>Transmission Ended<<<

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 09-24-2010

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: All SCRA Assets
Comm. ID: Captain Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: Promotions

---Communications Opened---

[Image: wip4.jpg]

Salud, Comradas!

I am promoting Francesca Santorini to the rank of Lieutenant after serving aboard the CPW Havana as chief Weapons Officer for the past month. She has distinguished herself under much adversity, and she will be a good example to the rest of the Fighter Corps, mi Hermanos!

I also am taking it upon myself to award the Hispania Memorium to the pilots who have completed the pilgrimage to the Hispania, but have not, as yet, received the medal. This is a reverent journey, mi Hermanos, do not forget our roots, and where we go from here.

For the Revolucion, mi comradas, for Katz!

Alvarez out!

El Coyote

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Pacific - 09-27-2010

COMM ID: Sub-Lt-Petko.Dimitrov
LOCATION: Zhukovski Station
TARGET ID: Coalition High Command
[Image: petkoscomm.jpg]

Zdraveite Comrades,today I received a Mission from my Superior officer. Here are its Objectives: Completely scan Omicron Minor. All Bases and Installations and deliver a massage for the Order|. Well I Launch'd from Zhukovski Station went threw Omega-5, were there was no corsair activity. After Omega-5 I went to Omega-41 system nothing new same radiation and same corsair wrecks. Omicron Gamma was the next system i went trew I managed to sneak pass the Corsair patrols, and Reach the Kappa JH, Kappa and Delta systems were unusually quiet. When I reached Minor there were 2 Contacts One of the was a TCG Osiris and a order fighter witch they didn't noticed me. I continued to the Rumored Alien Jump Gate and scanned it here are the logs

Scan log 01

Scan Log 02

Scan log 03

Then I moved to Planet Toledo its just like one of our own planet in Omega-52 Cold and harsh, well here are the Scan logs

Toledo Scan log 01

Toledo Scan log 02

The Isis Captain was not happy with my actions but I told him its for a Scientific purpose. I managed to get close with no problems and do my stuff.

Isis Scan log 01

Isis Scan log 02

Isis Scan log 03

Isis Scan log 04

Then I found Something very interesting it looks like the ricing robot in Dublin but it shows that its configuration is unknown, We shod take a ship with stronger sensors to scan it. Its quite unusual for it to be there. But here is the date I gathered on it.

Data log 01

Data log 02

Data log 03

And The Alaska JH it was quite hard not to jump and say Hi to my family and friends blow some of my friends up but I had a mission,gotta stay on track here are the scans of the hole.

Scan log 01

Scan log 02

The I meet up with a order Agent and Delivered the Massage that I was supposed to and here is the logs for it.

Massage Log 01

Massage Log 02

After All Mission objectives were complete, I returned to Omega-52

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционна Армия на Коалицията във Сириус


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lucas_Fernandez - 09-27-2010

COMM ID: Lieutenant Sasha Orlov
LOCATION: Zvezdniy Gorodok Omega-52 System


Today we were escorting Comrade Rudys with Comrade Moskvin to the New York system to spread his newest propaganda in the heart of Liberty. At the New York Jumpgate in California we encountered a Miner who was underfire by Rogue pilots. After several warnings the rogues kept attacking the poor miner, and even after we attacked they managed to destroy it. So we started engaging the pirates as suddenly a liberty gunboat and a rogue destroyer a hacker bomber and some freelancer came and all of them openend fire at us. They managed to destroy comrade Rudy's ship and seeing they outnumbered us we had no other option but to flee from the scene.


Signed: Sasha Orlov


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 09-28-2010

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: All SCRA Assets
Comm. ID: Captain Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: VICTORY

---Communications Opened---

[Image: wip4.jpg]

Salud, Comradas!

Hermanos, Havana emerged victorious tonight after a solo patrol of Rheinland allowed her to fall upon a RNC cruiser escorted by a pair of Gunboats.

The small hunting party was dispatched to intercept the Havana as it crossed the New Berlin System, Mark me well, Havana taught them that she is a warship with teeth, holmes!

After annihilating the cruiser that was ill prepared for the ferocity of the Havana's pulse cannons and formidable primary batteries, the two Gunboats endeavoured to muster a futile retrograde action, falling back towards the RING, however Havana would have none of it. A concentrated salvo blasted the strongest armoured of the pair, before demolishing the panicked second once he realized he was alone facing the Pride of the Coalition!

Si, Hermanos, Havana has teeth, and even alone she can best sheer weight of numbers... now I ask you, where are your results?

For the Revolucion, mi comradas, for Katz!

Alvarez out!

El Coyote

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Yuveraj Khan - 09-29-2010

To: [color=#FFFFFF]SCRA
Comm. ID: Commissar Yuveraj Khan
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Punitive Measures
[Image: khan.jpg]

---Communications Opened---


I can see you all have wax in your ears. I suggest you unclog them and actually listen, or I will be happy to unclog them for you, using an automatic pistol!

I will say this only once, and you had damn well better obey!

Stay out of Liberty!

Bretonia is the focus of the current campaign, turn your guns on the treacherous royals, and fill them full of holes. Fight the Corsairs, certainly... Battle across Rhienland. But until further notice.


As for other matters...

The future of the Odin Hybrid fighter is currently under discussion.

Until further notice:


Blue Troll Squadron (Revolution Bombers) may continue to fly under Captain Alvarez's decree.

Learn from this, Comrades,

See that it is done!!

For Katz, the Premier, Comrades!
Khan out!

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 10-01-2010

[font=Garamond]To: All SCRA Assets
Comm. ID: Captain Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: Havana - logs

---Communications Opened---

[Image: wip4.jpg]

Salud, Hermanos!

Today was the kind of day that will not soon be forgotten.


[Image: Havana.png]

The CPW-Havana launched from the Bremen system, where she had affixed certain repairs due to her recent battle with the Rhienland Military.

Our first encounter was with a Rhienland warship the RNC-Stormholm. The Captain of which, prudently, withdrew from the field rather than risk his vessel in a one-on-one encounter with the Pride of the Coalition.

Sweeping up through the Hamburg system, the Havana broke into the Texas system where she encountered the LNS Minneapolis and the LNS Avro. Old enemies. They mustered a force in an attempt to interdict the Havana, but failed due to the exemplary actions of the crew.

We managed to make the RVZ with our escort, an SCRA fighter Pilot that proved an effective scout during the next series of operations in Bretonian Territory.

In Cambridge we met and proceeded to hunt the HMS-Infatigable which escaped into New London. Giving chase, we swept the New London system searching for this errant vessel. Eventually the Havana catching her as she attempted to run to New London. She was felled by a concentrated stream of fire.

The State Duma contacted us at this point, requesting we make <CLASSIFIED> with <CLASSIFIED>. Where upon <CLASSIFIED> was delivered in the <CLASSIFIED> System. During the course of these <CLASSIFIED> the fighter escort was released to patrol Dublin on anti-piracy maneuvers.

Upon completion, the Havana moved to the Newcastle system to RVZ with the CPW-Lithuania, dropping off supplies and parts, before both vessels separating to continue different objectives.

The Havana moved rim-wards, through the Taus before penetrating Omicron Alpha's defenses, under the noses of two battleships that were stationed to intercept her. The chase was fierce, but deft maneuvering allowed the Havana to slip her pursuers and reach the Hispania, where upon the crew had sufficient time to log their names there for posterity.


The enemy battleships seemed at a loss as to where we were, searching and securing jump holes, daring us to approach them. This momentary lapse in judgement gave us plenty of time to complete our task, before we were able to jump away, eventually reaching the Sigma systems, where the Havana powered down along side some of the largest wrecks near Yanagi, taking the time for some of our engineers to EVA and explore the wrecks of the Rhienland Imperial Navy.

The end of our cruise saw us returning through New Berlin and the Omegas where we encountered surprizingly little resistance, finally making Omega-52, home and much earned R&R for a weary, but triumphant crew.


Alvarez out!

El Coyote

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 10-02-2010

[color=#33CC00]To: SCRA High Command
Comm. ID: Doctor XiaoBei
Priority: Medium
Subject: Planetary Defense Upgrades

---Communications Opened---

[Image: Xiaobei.jpg]

Commandante, Premier, esteemed members of High Command.

Work has been completed on the JiangXi Planetary Shield Generators, direct assistance from Zoner Allies, Order Scientists and Colonel Gonzales engineering team have brought the planetary shields we have been working on for months online.

[Image: Planetary-deflector-shield_negwt.jpg]

OZC-Planetary Shield Generators

Preparations on Volgograd have progressed as well, reinforcing old and disused deep-core mining tunnels and re-purposing them as per Premier Katz's decree into bombardment shelters. They are still far from ideal living situations, but are a vast improvement over the previous improvised tunnel system.

[Image: 29790.jpg]
Shelter Residence Details

[Image: 29791.jpg]
Typical Shelter Married Couples Accommodation

[Image: 29271.jpg]
Typical Shelter Single Occupancy Accommodation

As is current practice, the Premier and senior party/military leaders will reconvene in the High Command Bunker dubbed Mc-Bunker. Where the Premier will be able to over see the safety and security of the people and the Military High Command will be in a position to mount a counter attack.

[Image: HC-Bunker.png]

I hope this report meets with satisfaction, and outlines the current capabilities of Civil Defense.

For the Revolution, and the new Great Leader!

Doctor XiaoBei
Mykolaiv Director of Coalition Research

---Communications Terminated--

//ooc caveat to delivered report: this is the culmination of a couple of months of hard RP both in our message dump and over our diplomacy, as well as in game work. This in no way should be taken as anticipatory, but I am codifying here, with this post what the current defenses of Omega-52 are in order to prevent confusion at a future date. (I cite Cambridge/Malta and Crete as Precedents for Planetary defense situations)