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[M]olly Recruitment Center - Printable Version

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RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Ayman - 05-09-2016

Name: Neil
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Clan: Hewison
Tick the role you want to be in [M]
Regular [M] [x]
Wild Geese []
MMC []

Biography: My name is Neil Hewison I was born and grown in Arranmore Base in Dublin system my parents passed away in one of BAF attack while they were trying to protect OUR gold from being stolen by the BMM, but as usual since they payed BAF to defend them they came and killed my parents.

Reasons for joining us: Time for revenge
S.K.Y.P.3 information Victor-Frankenstein

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 05-09-2016

[Image: euLgaMs.png]

Dia duit, lad

So anoder son o' Arry. Oy guess deh lads dinnae forget tae' remained faithfull tae deh people dey lost, people dhat fought fer deh 'cause.

* The woman frowned as she noticed the way he was talking *

Ye's shure ye's comin' frem Arranmore ? ye's got some New London accent , dun ye ?
Have ye been learnin' un' graduate in some Bretonian University o' sumtin' ?

Please do answer doses question, as deh Republic be seriously considerin' yer application.
Tank ye.

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Ayman - 05-09-2016

“Signal Location: Lisburn Rock”
“Sender ID: Neil Hewison"

Good day Boss,

Yes i am pretty sure i am coming from Arranmore this is where i was born and lived my youth with my parents but after they passed away i moved to Cambridge to finish my University there, also i didn't want that any one doubt that i originally comes from Arranmore otherwise i would face a lot of racism specially from my professors and that is the last thing i wanted to have.

So i had to learn their accent and fake it to be able to cope being there without problems so by time it became a habit and i got used of it, but i am pretty sure by time after my returning to my home i will start to gain my original lovely accent again and i will gladly help and support and defend our territory at any cost as a loyal son.


RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 05-10-2016

[Image: euLgaMs.png]

Dia duit, Ser Hewison

So ye've been tae University on Cambroidge ?.
How's deh planet ? oy ne'er been dere...
Anyway, oy's glad some o' oos got some academical knowledges, tis allus usefull. What did ye study back dere, may oy ask ?

Anyway, ye's most welcome as deh Republic does need e'erywun available.

Roighto, so , please report tae mae at Arry's dockin' bay, so we could get ye uniforms, a spacesuit, un' a shippie oif needed.

Boye de way d'ye need any experience floyin' any koind o' shippies ? Would ye need trainin' ?
But oy guess we could settle all o' dhat once we met.

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Ayman - 05-14-2016

“Signal Location: Lisburn Rock”
“Sender ID: Neil Hewison"

Good day Boss,

The Planet is fine and specially in the last few years things are getting upgraded very fast. And answering your question was studying there astronomy

I do have little experience flying all kind of ships but i am not that good of a pilot so offcourse i am gonna need lots of training from the experts

I also would like to thank you so much for the great welcome at Arranmore Base the other day, Thank you so much for considering me one of you after the long absence


RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Hopewell - 05-24-2016

ID: Black_Beard
Skype: Elinthion
Location: Aramose / Dublin
Date of Send: 05/23/823 A.S.
ENCRYPTION:_______.FORT ----- 100%

Name: Black_Beard
Gender: Male
Age: 56
Clan: Write here
Multifunctional: Defense Pilot, Attack and Transport.
Regular [M] ?
Wild Geese ?

Biography: Black_beard was born in Erie, Pennsylvania, Liberty Sirius.
Son of the Father Pilot and Mother diplomat in Kusari.
For many years I am a dealer in all Sirius and spent much time in Bretonia space, Liberty, Kusary and Gallia. I saw everywhere as mining corporations, especially is exploring common and miners. Their bosses earn high values ​​and live in luxury while their employees earn a miserable salary. Then to see many people in need of food, medicine, social security and especially education that their children can have a better opportunity than their parents, I decided to do something. I searched several houses, but mine initiatives were rejected and considered me an agitator in purchasing power, being ostracized and sought to be put out of action and not bring danger to the lords of money and lust. Now the time for revenge has come. And I want to let them pay, not only with money but also with everything that I can punish them! Or even as the best way to leave them in the same situation that they allow people who beg at the lack of basic living. I see in my Molly attitudes opportunity to put my retaliatory plan in place.
Sincerely: Black_Beard.

Reasons for joining us: Growth time and form Family.
S.K.Y.P.3 information Elinthion

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Cardinal - 06-04-2016

Name: Caitlin
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Clan: Lutair
Preferred Profession: Bomber
Regular [M] [X]
Wild Geese []
MMC []

Biography: Good mornin' to all o' ye laddies seein' dis today. Ai'm transmittin' dis message from Kilrea Orbital Station in Londonderry. Ai was born'n raised here by me parents'n me older sisteh en 02/18/799 A.S. Ai always been fond o' tha Mollys since Ai was a little girl. An' me favorite ship wos always de Barghest, an' me father flew her. Boy, she wos a beaut...He even let me fly her once, and she was excellent. Ai'd like the excitement an' action of fightn' big ships in the heat of tha moment. Ai was raised to have big balls for a lass, ya betta believe that.
Reasons for joining us:To fight for tha cause o' tha Mollys, an' for a free Dublin. Also to prevent Bretonia from takin' away our rights.[/indent][/font]
S.K.Y.P.3 informationSir Francis of the Filth[/indent][/font]

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 06-07-2016

[Image: euLgaMs.png]

Dia duit, Ser Black Beard ?

Is dhat it ?
Oy ain't shure oy do know deh Wroite'ere clann... could ye refresh me memoriy, maybe ?
Anyway, we flew togedher a few toime, un' oy reckon ye dedicated some o' yer toime tae Deh Cause.

Naow, oy do wonder, what really brings ye 'ere. See, o' course deh corporatess be corrupted un' exploit deh workers 'round Siruis, ain't new. However, dhis doesnae tell mae whoy would ye link, dhis foight tae aour people's wun ?

Also, ye's transmittin' frem Aramose, Dublin, aye ?

Basically, oy wanna more, un' will be awaitin' fer yer answer.

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-

Dia duit, Caitlin'

May oy call ye Cait', lass ?

Roighto', so ye's born on Kilrea 799 AS , ye said ?
Oy did loive mesel' 'ere among odher places, when oy was girl. Ye know, after dey built deh station followin' Cork Disaster.

* The woman frowned *

So ye's shure ye's born dere ? o' maybe yer parents dinnae tell ye ?

Anyway, Cait', oy do loike bold lasses. Doses who got deh guts tae foight in deh fields. So ye'll answer me questions, un' we'll consoider yer application, a'roight ?

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Cardinal - 06-07-2016


Sure, ye can call me Cait'. As fer bein' born on Kilrea, well...Oy know oy was born in 799, but it's like somethin's missin' there...Oy can't seem ta remember anythin' from me first three years o' me life. Maybeh me parents hid somethin', maybeh not. But me dad's been trainin' me to be ready for this moment. Oy'll await yer response, miss.


RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Hopewell - 06-09-2016

(06-07-2016, 12:50 AM)Blodwyn ODriscoll Wrote:
[Image: euLgaMs.png]

Dia duit, Ser Black Beard ?

Is dhat it ?
Oy ain't shure oy do know deh Wroite'ere clann... could ye refresh me memoriy, maybe ?
Anyway, we flew togedher a few toime, un' oy reckon ye dedicated some o' yer toime tae Deh Cause.

Naow, oy do wonder, what really brings ye 'ere. See, o' course deh corporatess be corrupted un' exploit deh workers 'round Siruis, ain't new. However, dhis doesnae tell mae whoy would ye link, dhis foight tae aour people's wun ?

Also, ye's transmittin' frem Aramose, Dublin, aye ?

Basically, oy wanna more, un' will be awaitin' fer yer answer.

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-

Dia duit, Caitlin'

May oy call ye Cait', lass ?

Roighto', so ye's born on Kilrea 799 AS , ye said ?
Oy did loive mesel' 'ere among odher places, when oy was girl. Ye know, after dey built deh station followin' Cork Disaster.

* The woman frowned *

So ye's shure ye's born dere ? o' maybe yer parents dinnae tell ye ?

Anyway, Cait', oy do loike bold lasses. Doses who got deh guts tae foight in deh fields. So ye'll answer me questions, un' we'll consoider yer application, a'roight ?

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-

Yes was Aramose, Dublin when after acquainted me cause Mollys, I decided to join me by the recutamento.