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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 11-30-2010

COMM ID: Premier Alvin Katz of the Coalition
LOCATION: Office of the Premier '€“ Omega-52

TARGET ID: Doc Holiday

[Image: premcom2.png]


I was gravely concerned when the reports of what had happened to the CPW-Trotsky crossed my desk. As you know, I often travel on diplomatic engagements on this Cruiser, and the news that it was fired upon has made members of the Commissariat rather... skittish about my personal safety.

I am glad, though, that the mistake has been caught, and that it will be rectified. Though, you must understand, my security detachments will not be authourizing state visits for quite a while to come, at least until we are sure of the safety.

On the opposite side of it, I would be honoured if you would join me for a drink in Kalashnikov's bar on the Gorodok, we haven't had the fortune of just conversing without the troubles of war, and the dark blight of political intrigue at our backs.

oh and Merry Christmas.
Premier Alvin Katz
Премьер-министр Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 12-01-2010


TO: All SCRA Assets
COMM ID: Major Daemon Steele
SUBJECT: A Theta Fool.

[Image: joeyn.png]

An amusing thing happened in Omicron Theta. Chaos was running loose since the NFZ was nullified. It was an amusing sight to be sure, I watched Corsairs shooting down Outcasts quite close to the Freeport. One fool had the audacity to insult the Coalition. I approached him and he screamed in fear, he even tried to attack me, but I pushed him back. He docked at the Freeport. Not content to accept defeat, this fool claimed he would kill the Coalition and how he was the best pilot. He then left the safety of the Freeport and claimed he would kill me. I merely laughed and told him to try it. He did, and I embarrassed him. He couldn't land a shot on me, to make things more amusing he someone giving him Nanobots and Shield Batteries. Even then, he stood no chance. Knowing he was no match for the Coalition Bear, he fled to the Freeport, his pride in ruins.
[ATTACHED FILES: ^^^^^^^^^^]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 12-01-2010

COMM ID: Premier Alvin Katz of the Coalition
LOCATION: Office of the Premier – Omega-52

TARGET ID: SCRA Fighter Corps, Commandante Scott, Karchov and Straitov

[Image: premcom2.png]

Our Diplomatic Cruiser, the Cruiser I use to make diplomatic missions to Baffin... The Commissariat, the Duma, and I can only reach one conclusion... it was an attempted Assassination!

It appears that our errant zoner allies seek to drive a knife into our backs. While I am satisfied that the TAZ and the OSI have nothing to do with this, I fear that the other Zoners have grown... too complacent.

It is time we reminded them of who the Coalition is, of the power of the SCRA, and of our resolve to defend ourselves.

Destroy EVERY zoner fighter, Capital ship, or Gunboat you find. Cull them all.

Ensure that the men know to leave our true friends, the TAZ and the OSI alone, but I want Zoner blood for the attempted assassination attempt upon me!

oh and Merry Christmas, tell the men to enjoy unwrapping their presents!

Premier Alvin Katz
Премьер-министр Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 12-01-2010

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Lt.Colonel Ben Warner

"Comrades, today was a good day for the Coalition, Comrade Sasha and myself hunted for targets in Dublin, locating a Pirate Transport called 'Deception' which fired upon my ship after I gave Sasha the order to destroy it, he did not last long.

Secondly, the BHG Gunship Black Lagoon and the ever annoying 'Gen.Kerberos' who flew his Bretonian Destoyer, we forced both ships to make an emergency docking on the Essex, however Guncam was inoperative as I couldn't get an image of they're battered hulls.

I must recommend Comrade Sasha for a commendation for keeping her cool under the fire of a Battle-Razor Gunboat as well as a Bretonian Destroyer and helping to seize the day.


Ben Warner, Lt Colonel in the Fighter Corps."

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Nichole.Schmidt - 12-02-2010

Comm ID: Nichole Schmidt
Location: Jiang Xi Colony Office
To: Premier Katz

Hello, Alvin, *winks*

I thought you should know that a TAZ transport just left the equipment you have been asking for, some 3,600 tons of equipment for reclaiming damaged soil. It's not anything I know a lot about but the engineers here are getting it assembled and put to work. They said that all that was delivered will more than get the job done. The pilot said that you would know all about it. You should be getting the invoices across your desk anytime now.

*she pulls her hair back, obviously tired from a lot of hard work on the surface*

If it is OK with you, once this stuff is up and running, I would like a few days of leave for a mountain climbing trip back on Gran Canaria. Let me know.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 12-03-2010


TO: All SCRA Assets
COMM ID: Major Daemon Steele
SUBJECT: Elite Performance

[Image: joeyn.png]

Today is a glorious day, while under fire from enormous opposition, the pilots of the Fighter Corps flew in perfect unison, cutting down the enemy. For each of us that fell, we took three with us! Indeed, we held out against the Corsair and Reaper of Sirius onslaught while the Zoners were powerless to stop the confrontation. Many of our enemies fell, however eventually the Coalition Bear had to pull out. I'm afraid only two of our pilots escaped, I myself was shot down by Four Reapers and Three Corsairs, thankfully Moskovin tractored in our escape pods in before managing to withdraw home. Pictures speak a thousand words, here's what I have. No doubt our other Comrades reports will fill in any holes.
[ATTACHED FILES: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 12-04-2010

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: All SCRA Assets
Comm. ID: Colonel Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: The Havana

---Communications Opened---

[Image: alvarezcomm.png]

Salud, Comradas!

The Havana launched this morning, finally repaired from its battle with the Silent Edge, si, our front line warship is once again ready to hunt the enemy.

The battle for Omicron Theta tries all of our resolves, mi hermanos, enemies arrayed about from all sides threaten us. But, comradas, we shall not falter, no, we shall turn the tide back upon them.

I am ordering the path cleared for a series of Havana raids against those that have seen fit to plunge a dagger into our backs, and holmes, they won't know what hit them.

The Havana stands at 30 Battleships kills under my command, a record, hermanos, that we shall now add to.

Remember, we fight on our terms and never on theirs.

To our victory, mi comradas!
For the Revolucion, for Katz!

Alvarez out!

El Coyote

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tomtomrawr - 12-04-2010


[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]PRIORITY: [color=#FF9900]Low
IDENTIFICATION: Robert Miller, Commissar
SOURCE: Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 system
SUBJECT: Reporting the battle of New York, and then Omicron Theta

[color=#FFFFFF]Good day Comrades, Commissar Robert Miller reporting the events of yesterday. This shall be my thirteenth report, dated 03.12.818 but written one day late.

Comrade Zalesskaya, whoever was flying Wolf-Lead and myself rendezvoused in Bering and then proceeded to the New York system to spread the Christmas spirit. I had already accompanied Comrade Alvarez on one of these trips a few days ago, which was a great success. Although our ships were destroyed in that previous raid, we completed our mission. I hoped for an even greater success today.

We arrived in New York and Wolf-Lead took us high above Maine, the small moon orbitting planet Pittsburgh. From there we descended downward, although I feared that moving too close would result in our discovery. During this time we spread the Christmas joy in New York, singing several Christmas carols. An episode of "Shoot the Fascist" was about to begin, but then our signals were blocked.

We found the LSF ships blocking our signals. Four of them were near Maine, as if they had been expecting. After a few brief words, combat began. As usual, the events of the battle are all intermingled in my mind.

I know that Comrade Alvarez later arrived in his Odin, and engaged in a duel with an LSF fighter. Unfortunately his ship was destroyed. Our first target had dragged the fight to directly outside the Pittsburgh traffic lane, and some of them were using nearby transports as shields!

Our first target managed to land on Pittsburgh before it was destroyed. Our second managed to engage his cruise engines right before destruction, his ship trailing flames as it fled. The third and fourth also docked when their nanobot supply ran dry. The fifth also docked, but this pilot still had fifty nanobots left! The sixth then docked at the same time.

This was a victory for us. Six LSF fighters fled from three (not including Comrade Alvarez and his duel) Coalition fighters. A humiliation for them. We could have remained in New York, but we were immediately called back to the Omega region. Something was happening in Omicron Theta.

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During the battle in New York, we had been sharing comms with SCRA forces in Omicron Theta. It appeared that several Zoners had not allowed an SCRA ship to leave, and then the Corsairs had become involved. When I arrived in my Revolution there was no weapon fire. Several SCRA ships were facing at least triple the number of Corsairs, and one or two Outcasts, Zoners and even Order ships.

We were bringing in reinforcements until I believe we had eight ships. Three bombers, and five fighters. The battle soon began, our bombers targeting the lone Dreadnought. We moved around unhindered - for approximately ten seconds. Then the Corsair fighters honed in on us, and the Dreadnought began to move away. We decided against pursuing the Dreadnought, allowing it to move out of our range and sit at the edge of the battle, licking its wounds.

Again, the events of the battle were all intermingled into one memory. I know that our bombers were constantly being targeted. I saw seven fighters targeting my ship at one time, but at one point only one decided to stay on me. This gave me the opportunity to turn and attack, destroying the Titan with a direct hit with my Snack.

I had little problems in dodging the weapons fire from the Corsairs who pursued me. I received an additional fifty nanobots from various Coalition pilots when I needed them and this must have demoralised the fighters pursuing, for many of them broke off.

However, when the RoS fighters (now numbering five) arrived and began to target me along with those Corsairs, it was too much. I was forced to risk it all and attempt to break through the Corsair capital ship blockade surrounding the Omicron Gamma jump hole. I jumped through to the system, and no enemy ships followed.

I then returned to Omega-52 to seek repairs for my Revolution, thankfully spared destruction. All I know of the outcome of the battle is that the enemy losses were far greater than our own.

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[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]*** TRANSMISSION TERMINATED ***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cmfalconer - 12-04-2010

Priority Level: Medium
Encryption Level: Low
CommID: Lt. Markus Keller
Comm Target: SCRA Command : Zvezdny Gorodok - Omega 52
Comm Source: Fighter Corps Briefing Room : Zvezdny Gorodok - Omega 52

Privet Comrades. A quick report today, but a successful report and a very good result for the Red Dawn.

A call by the Colonel Alvarez for pilots on a patrol to Rheinland went out, and being fresh out of my bunk, I jumped at the chance. I sprinted to Gungnir and launched. We were heading toward Dresden when I met a Red Hessian member at Freital. After informing our comrade of our intent, he decided to join myself, Colonel Alverez, and Captain Dimitrov.

After a rendezvous at Vogtland, the flightgroup moved out to New Berlin, but almost immediately Colonel Alverez had issues with his Odin, and had to return to Vogtland. While in New Berlin, I came across a Freelancer by the name of Alex_Marakov. He kept his distance, so I could not pinpoint his location, but speaking shortly with him, the man seems at least amenable to our cause.

I proceeded to Stuttgart, and then to Omega 7, tracking the RNC Aachen when a call went out on Guard Channel that an interloper had been picked up by Zhukovsky control in Omega 52. I made haste there as the Fidel Castro and Captain Dimitrov blockaded the jumpholes.

Upon arrival, the blockade had not picked up the interloper, so on orders I immediately took my Thor on a sweep of the stations. Contact was made between Zhukovsky and Mykolaiv, with a Mako of all things cruising through our system. I alerted the Castro, which made a brilliant maneuver of cutting off the interloper.

After numerous attempts at communication with the sellsword, orders were given to take it down. The brute was a tough nut to crack, and even made a last-ditch effort to escape by jumping to Omega 5, but the task force scrambled proved too much for the ship, and spectacular explosions greeted by the hoots of the men and women aboard the Castro were seen shortly afterwards.



Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Rodent - 12-04-2010

[color=#000000]Incoming Transmission
Transmission Source: Enrico Benitez,Colonel, Coalition Fleet
Transmission Recipients: Coalition Databanks
Transmission Subject: The Marx Strikes

[Image: Fernando%20Cortez.jpg]

Buenos Dias, Mi Hermanos. Today the Marx, now fully repaired and ready to serve, joined the Havana in our crusade. We assembled a taskgroup and headed to Omega Seven. Si, there was a present there. and Si, we opened it in style.

One for the Revolution!


An IMG Battlecruiser was foolish enough to interrupt the Marx intent upon it's prey. It suffered the same fate.

Our support forces took down a Hunter Gunboat in the meanwhile. All this, amigos, at the loss of one fighter. satisfied, we headed to Omicron Theta to enforce the Premier's will. We met a Zoner Aquilon Carrier, and as per orders, pursued and destroyed it.


Mark up Three for the Marx today Amigos.

For the Revolution!

[color=#000000]End Transmission