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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 12-07-2010


TO: All SCRA Assets
COMM ID: Major Daemon Steele
SUBJECT: Enemy A.I's

[Image: joeyn.png]

I was on-board the Trotsky running some drills when I received a distress call from the Lithuania about two hostiles in Omega-49 attacking it without provocation. I ordered the Trotsky to set a course to Omega-49, when I was in Omega-50 I received word that the Havana and the Aeon's Fall was also en-route. The Havana moved in via Dublin while the Aeon was lagging behind by about 50 Kilometers. As soon as I jumped into Omega-49, I saw the Lithuania being attacked by two Artificial Intelligence Cruisers. I moved in swiftly and as soon as I announced my presence, both Cruisers broke off and fled. One Cruiser made it to Graves Station in Dublin, but I managed to catch the second one while the Lithuania dealt with an Outcast that had appeared in Omega-49 moments before. I engaged the A.I and it was promptly destroyed, not a match for the might of Coalition Engineering. Once everything was concluded, our squadron re-grouped and we returned to Omega-52 where we ran some quick training exercises before ending our sortie.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Pacific - 12-08-2010

COMM ID: Captain Petko.Dimitrov
LOCATION: Zhukovski Station
[Image: petkoscomm.jpg]

Zdraveite once again comrades. Today the Botev went on a mission to the Alaska system to get detailed scans of the Kodiak research station. We got more then that we mapped the defense platforms and the patrols and shift rotations. Wile Analyzing the data we found two or tree holes in their rotation were there was no patrols in space. And We managed to pick up some very strange readings. We Didn't know what is it so we are going to let the experts handle it. Also our operation remain covert from any Naval or LSF personal or scanners. Not even the secondary forces managed to detect us. On our way back we were greed by a Order gb in Minor. Here are the scanner logs.


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционна Армия на Коалицията във Сириус


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 12-08-2010


TO: All SCRA Assets
COMM ID: Major Daemon Steele
SUBJECT: Liberty

[Image: joeyn.png]

Liberty seems to of caught on, today I moved in alone in order to survey the area, I then encountered two Naval Vessels attacking a lone Sabre. I moved in, but it wasn't long before several more Navy came in. Sadly, my two comrades came too late and it was almost impossible to win. I ordered a full retreat, the Navy seemed starving for a kill and kept on me the entire way, both comrades managed to escape while I made it almost a hundred Kilometers. Unfortunately, with Five on me, all bearing heavy weaponry, I was unable to escape. I did have enough time to confirm that my comrades had escaped, to delete all the ships data and to deploy the new S.T.E.A.L.T.H Escape Pods, allowing for my return to Bering where Comrade "Jackal" picked up my escape pod and brought me home. Learn from my mistakes comrades, do not go into the heart of enemy territory without your comrades right beside you. Guncam data was deleted when I wiped the ships database, no visuals can be provided.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 12-09-2010


TO: All SCRA Assets
COMM ID: Major Daemon Steele
SUBJECT: Corsair Fleet Intercepted

[Image: joeyn.png]

A crippling victory has been achieved today. Members of the Fighter Corps intercepted a Corsair Battlegroup bound for Bretonia. Our glorious forces engaged and destroyed no less then Three Battleships and a One Cruiser. We also crippled another Battleship before it managed to escape. These Corsairs need to learn that their over-sized toys are no match for the might of the Coalition. Every participating pilot's performance was exemplary, and I'm pleased to have you all as my wingmen.

For the Revolution, For the People, For the Party, For the Premier. Victory over the Goliath.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 12-10-2010

COMM ID: Premier Alvin Katz of the Coalition
LOCATION: Office of the Premier – Omega-52


[Image: premcom2.png]


It is time to name this Christmas Seasons inductees into the Order of Lenin, Heroes of the Revolution one and all.

Commandante Ethan Scott is here by made a Hero of the Revolution First-Class for his dutiful leadership of the fighter corps in the wake of defeat at the hands of the Reapers. His leadership saved the Coalition, and reinforced our borders, thwarting a Reaper invasion with the sound strategy of deploying our Gunboat Reserve to the Front-lines, a maneuver the Reapers didn't have the stomach to counter.

Lt. Colonel Jayce Brooks is here by awarded the Star of Terra - For Heroism in the cause of the Revolution over multiple occasions and engagements for his dedication to the Liberty campaign, his constant propaganda messages into the heart of capitalist corruption, and his tireless defense of the innocent workers of Sirius.

Major Daemon Steeles is here by awarded the Campaign Star XXI for his skills in combat, and his remarkable development in combat leadership. Humility, though, and modesty of action should be a better tribute. Learn some Major.

Lesser awards are:

All members of Troll Squadron are here by awarded the Freedom Ribbon, for helping to free the people of Dublin from the Pirate threat.

Lt. Colonel Angie Broch is awarded the Grey Star of the Coalition (an award so secret no one's ever seen it) for her efforts in attempting to penetrate the Corsair Elders, and probe them for intelligence.


All Current Junior-Lieutenants are here by promoted to Full Lieutenant.

That will be all pilots.

oh and Merry Christmas.
Premier Alvin Katz
Премьер-министр Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 12-11-2010


TO: All SCRA Assets
COMM ID: Major Daemon Steele
SUBJECT: Joint Operations

[Image: joeyn.png]

First, I'd like to thank Premier Katz for the Campaign Star XXI. I've taken your comment of learning humility to heart and will strive to do so. Now, on to the important part of this Report. Today, the Troll Squadron along with myself and Commandant Scott participated in a Joint-Operation with the Colonial Remnant. While the Remnant provided fire-support and a distraction, Troll Squadron was able to slip past a swarm of Fighters into the heart of Omicron-Alpha. We wrought swift death on several, before some hostile fighters swooped in from T-37. Downing no less then Two Battleships, Crippling One Cruiser and downing Three Tridentes, we fell back, losing only Walter Stein and Troll-2, both of whom were rescued. En-route back to Omega-52 we encountered a Order "Geb" Carrier that performed quick repairs on our squadron. Once the repairs were complete we quickly scouted Dublin, finding nothing, we set a course for home.
For the Revolution, For the People, For the Party, For the Premier. Victory, through superior arms and tactics.
[ATTACHED FILES: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 12-11-2010


TO: All SCRA Assets
COMM ID: Major Daemon Steele
SUBJECT: Mollies, Deceit, and Revenge.

[Image: joeyn.png]

The Mollies need to learn their place in the grand scheme of things. Just today, while passing through Dublin I was cruise disrupted by a Molly Gunboat, and asked what I was doing in the area. They proceeded to kick me out, even threatening my vessel. I knew I wouldn't win against Three Gunboats, so I complied. It seemed that these Mollies worked for their own goals, so I doubt the entire Molly Republic will act like this. However, they should be made examples. Proceeding back to Omega-52 via O-49, I encountered a pair of Freelancers who questioned me on the ownership of Omega-50, I informed them that it was annexed by the Coalition. They understood and behaved. When I jumped to Omega-50, I caught sight of an old "friend". One I distinctly remember as shooting at my ship while it was already over-whelmed in combat. Unfortunately, he was near a Station, but he was a fool and actually left the safety of the station to proceed to Omega-49. As soon as we had both jumped, I pounced. I never forget those that threaten to my crew and ship.

Revenge is best serves with a hot plate of Anti-Matter.
[ATTACHED FILES: ^^^^^^^^^^^^]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 12-11-2010


TO: All SCRA Assets
COMM ID: Major Daemon Steele
SUBJECT: The Unioners

[Image: joeyn.png]

I prepared the Trotsky to proceed to Pennsylvania to keep tabs on a situation brewing there, while en-route, I encountered Rheinland Battleship. I attempted to fight it off, and was somewhat successful but I knew he was about to receive reinforcements. Sure enough, LRS reported two more Capital vessels and three RFP Bombers. I knew I was out-matched so I made haste to the Bering Jumphole. When I arrived, I encountered an AGS-U Transport and asked permission to dock for repairs. I was denied, and I asked for a recommendation. He proposed that I proceed to Stuttgart via Düsseldorf and Saar. He escorted us through, and everything seemed alright at that point. He mentioned something about the ambassador, and in the end, asked me to delete all data of Saar and Düsseldorf. I complied and deleted the data off the Trotsky's database... after I had transferred it to a secure location in Omega-52. The Unioners have nothing to worry about if the Trotsky is ever boarded, which I doubt will ever happen.
[ATTACHED FILES: ^^^^^^^^^]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Metano - 12-13-2010

<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%][font=Century Gothic]
COMM ID: Junior-Lieutenant Joshua Jimenez
LOCATION: Zvezdny Gorodok
TARGET ID: Coalition High Command
[font=Century Gothic]
Comrades, today I completed my Hispania Memoriam run with Major Robert Thacker, he kindly escorted me to The Hispania.
There I engraved my name on its hull plates.
That is all for now.
Long Live the Revolution!

[font=Century Gothic]ATTACHED FILES: The Hispania

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tommeh - 12-14-2010

[ Incomming Transmission ]

[Image: 20uv7te.png]

[color=#FFFFFF] [Source:
[color=#FF6666]Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 System

[ Comm. ID:Senior Lieutenant Oliver Zablosky ]

[SUBJECT:Reporting the successfully provided backup to RHA ]

Priviet Comrades;

Reporting back after receiving emeregency transmission from Hessians in omega 7.
Two really large targets happen to find themself in there in same time with RHA.
2 Rheinland battleships, being powerful as they are, were a quite large bite for current forces of RHA.
On request, Junior Lieutenant Joshua Jimenez joined me in his revolution to backup comrades in Omega 7.
As we arrived battle was already in progress, and one RHA veseel took heavy damage and pulled out.
With our combined forces we were dealing solid damage, shots after shots were landing on their hulls, weaking them with every shot, they were force to retreat, taking quite good damage.
We gave good lesson to those Rheinlanders not to mess with Coalition.

Attached Visual records:

Visual record - 01
Visual record - 02
Visual record - 03

For the Revolution, For the Premier!

[color=#FFFFFF][ Transmission Terminated ]