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[M]olly Recruitment Center - Printable Version

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RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 06-13-2016

[Image: euLgaMs.png]

Dia duit, Cait'

Roight, whate'er, we allus need more poilots aout dere. So any odher daughte' o' Derry be welcome among oos.

Please do report tae mae on Arranmore, o' any officer on deh dockin' bays. We'll provoide ye deh uniforms, shippies, un' trainin' oif needed.

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-

Dia duit, ser beard ?

Soooo... ye dinnae really answer mo questions, did ye ?
Un' what be Aramose, anyway ?

Slán agat.

-Transmission Terminated-

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Hopewell - 06-17-2016

ID: Black_Beard
Skype: Elinthion
Location: Aramose / Dublin
Date of Send: 06/17/823 A.S.
ENCRYPTION:_______.FORT ----- 100%

Ms. Blodwyn ODriscoll:


Answers to two questions. Sorry for the delay

1- The Molly are the ones who can do more economic damage to all the houses, as they control the Gold Ore flow, that is one of the reasons I want to join the Molly, the other being their cause is fair and just, as they just want their home system for themselves. So my wiliness to fight can be put to good use with a cause I can identify myself defending.
2- And yes i'm broadcasting from Arranmore, your dockmaster allowed me to dock here to try to join you.

Best regards:


RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 06-21-2016

[Image: euLgaMs.png]

Dia duit, ser Black Beard

Roighto, Aramose, Arranmore... ye jus' dun seem very used tae deh name o' aour station. Koinda' unnestandable fer a Libertonian.
Anyway, oy guess dhat considerin' ye's alreaday foightin' along aour poilots on yer own, t'would be a moistake nae tae a chance tae teach ye de way we do tings, 'ere.

So, please do report tae any officer on deh dockin' bays. We'll provoide ye deh uniforms un' whate'er would be needed.

Slán agat.

-Transmission Terminated-

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Hopewell - 06-21-2016

ID: Black_Beard
Skype: Elinthion
Location: Aramose / Dublin
Date of Send: 06/21/823 A.S.
ENCRYPTION:_______.FORT ----- 100%

Miss Blodwyn O'Driscoll

Thanks for adding me in the ranks of defense of principles [M]. Surely that will make myself present to this honorable occasion Aramose / Dublin. Once again thanks for accepting the family [M]olly.

Best regard:


RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Johnnie_Kamikaze - 07-23-2016

Name: John McAleese alias Johnnie Kamikaze
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Clan: McAleese
Tick the role you want to be in [M]
Regular [M] []
Wild Geese []
MMC []
Dependin on deh needs of deh family

Biography: Aye there, 's Johnnie here, 've talked with one lad todae on the intercom, maybe his readin dat.

Me 'n my brotheh Liam wer born 'n raised on Coleraine, Liam wos workin' as a Miner Operator at Garvagh, 'wos' becaus he and 'es mininship 'r missin since ai few weeks, think that could 'b dos "sair" dogs. Ai spend few years at deh Newgate for smugglin', 've learned there at least a thing or two 'bout life. Ai doh have sum expierience in stealthy and unconventional moving of goods. Operatin in the border's and Rheinland, and movin since years our finest whiskey an gold from Arranmore and Garvagh into other systm's with my ol' good "Pelican", an' supplyin' our foulks wid best black market arm's, 'munition and other goods. Last years 've tried to keep a low profile to doh not visit'n Newgate 'gain, but now 've made a decision, 've want go "official" 'n be a proud member to fight for da cause.
Reasons for joining us: To write history, to make deh desire of all of us and our fourefaders - a free, independent Dublin become tru an' real. Also try searchin fer me broteh Liam, dead or alive. NOTE: 've got somethin 'bout 20.000.000 credits and a old "Pelican" armoured transport. That's all 've got and earned thru d' years 'n can invest 'em dependin' on tha actual need's of deh family - fightin or freightin, 've got sum combat skills also.

Stay safe 'n hope to see yer soon lads. [/indent]

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 07-26-2016

[Image: euLgaMs.png]

Dia duit, ser McAleese

Foide et fortitudine, aye ?

So, let's talk a boit 'bout ye... Smugglin', Neaugates, Smugglin' aour tings again. Roight, sounds pretty usual tae mae.
At least, one couldnae say ye dunno deh ropes.

Un' naow, ye'd loike tae free Dublin, but nae only on yer own, but doirectly unner deh Republic's banner. A'roight, laddie, we'd be proud tae have ye amon oos, dat's fer shure !
So, oy guess ye's in.

Please do report tae mae o' any officer on deh dockin' bays, so we could provoide ye , uniforms, shippies o' loan un' ye wanna get yer own ships. Speakin' o' dhat madder, ye told oos ye already got a noice "pelican" un' 20K sirius credits, aye. Ayes tis a good ship tae smuggle tings unnoticed, but it kinda lacks deh capabilities tae salvage o' haul huge amount o' cargo.
Same fer trainin', d'ye reckon ye 'd be able tae floy a foighte' class vessel ?

Oh, almost forgot, would ye need toime, o' help tae foind yer missin' brodher, Liam. Oy dun wanna have aour koind abandoning his own family behind, loike dhis.

Also we moight need a S.K.Y.P.3 protocol tae contact ye.Bu t oy guess ye could provoide it once we met on deh docks.

Slán agat.

-Transmission Terminated-

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Johnnie_Kamikaze - 07-29-2016

Guid mornin Leddy O'Driscoll,

A onerstoun, so dis are sum really guid nuis fur me, A'm headin' roight naw, streight to Arranmore an do report tae someone like'ye wrote.

Speakin' aboot the ship'n credits - it took me a couple of yers to get'm, bot 'm not really attached to dem, loike they say'n Newgaete - Mony a mickle macks a muckle, bot dinnae merry fur it. So a' could invest em' in ai foighter class vessel, bot'm no professional if id goes to waepons'n armoery so a'm gonnae need ye hand an' one or twoe words aboot this, an deh naew ship. Bot'a think we could handle dis on S.K.Y.P.3 - gonne provide deh protocol as soon as 'm arravin on Arranmore. Same go's fer de trainin' bot a think it should be a'roight. Can't promise ye that 've gonn'a bee'n ace in a day or two bot a'l be hoachin' with dis, at least failing means yer playin.

A've need to split sum "sair" ship 'n catch one of their pod's, maeybe one of dos rats know somethin' more aboot Liam... a've know dis can be a hopeless situaetion, bot loike 've said, a need to find 'im even dead... bot there's nothin a can doe fer now.

So Leddy O'Driscoll thenk ye fer yer answaer, an' a would sae - see yer efter at Arranmore.

Hae a guid day.

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Harper - 08-30-2016

Name: Seamus Harper
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Tick the role you want to be in [M]
Regular [M] [X]
Wild Geese [X]

Biography: Oi Boss, I herd som rumors ye might still be recruitin' som pilots to ye ranks so I thoughts I mite as well drop a line in tha pond an see what pulls up.

Tha name's Seamus Harper an I hail from Londonderry, born on Cork before tha Corsairs nuked her to oblivion when I was a wee lad of nine. Ma was a right-stout barmaid and me Pa was a miner-turned-Molly wit a fist like a club an a wanderin' eye. I wadn't never much good as a fighter pilot (much ta tha ire of me Pa), so soon as I could I hitched a ride wit a Zoner supply freighter ta see what life I might carve outta tha galaxy as a trader. Spent tha better part a 12 years as a freelance transporter in tha border worlds, runnin' unspeakable things ta dark an' strange places. It's earned me enough fortune ta purchase a few ships and explore most of Sirius. I even recently picked me up a heavy fighter an' a bomber! Now if'n I could only learn ta fly em right...

Reasons for joining us: After a lotta years away from home explorin' the galaxy, I've finally come home ta da Derry an' I'm ready ta join up wit me brothas an' sistas an fight fer our piece a Sirius. I seen tha way tha Britts an 'Sairs be gettin more an' more bold, pushin' their way inta our systems, and then tha frogs from up in Gallia comin' at us too! It just ain't right, and tis time I made my stand wit ya. Cork shall nae be fergotten!

S.K.Y.P.3 information

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 08-31-2016

[Image: euLgaMs.png]

Dia duit, Seamus,

So ye's been born on Cork, did ye ? Oy, mesel' was born on Cork, un' oy cannae say how glad oy be tae see anodher son o' me birthplace takin' on deh foight tae free aour people frem deh Bret's Tyranny .

* The woman raised an eyebrow as she made a pause *

All 'round sirius, ye said ? haulin' unspeakable things tae deh darkest corners o' deh galaxy ? Oy hope it it ain't as bad as it sounds, lemme say ! But oy guess we could tak 'bout dhat ladder...

Oy say, ye's in, unless deh council says odherwoise, so, please do report tae me o' any officer on deh dockin' bays. We'll provoide anytin' ye need, frem uniforms , tae ships o' un' whate'er ye would need.

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-

RE: [M]olly Recruitment Center - DkJericho - 03-30-2017

Name: Simon
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Clan: Damish
Tick the role you want to be in [M]
Regular [M] [X]
Wild Geese []
MMC []

Biography: Simon grew up on a small mining vessel with his parents who where of Molly origin so the culture was branded into him at a young age. Knowing the corruption of the Crown Simon knew know other way to serve his people than signing up with The Mollys on Arranmore in hopes they accepted him Simon waits at the bar stairing at his neuralnet for a response.

Reasons for joining us: Knowing all that his parents told him of the oppression from the Crown I hope to help liberate and free Dublin from the corrupt. [/indent]

S.K.Y.P.3 information PM[/indent][/font]