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SCRA Recruitment Centre - Printable Version

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Coalition Recruitment Thread - mtjsmith - 09-02-2011

[Image: commissar2.png]

"Well it is different, now it belongs to me."

He laughed as he snapped the glove again and walked around the recruit menacingly.

"So, you travel this far for what purpose?"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Kiith - 09-02-2011

Alexej Chrustschow, a tall, thin man, entered the waiting room on the Trotzky, seemingly not really noticing the other applicants already waiting. With his striking face stubbornly looking straight ahead he nods into the room almost indiscernible. For a long time he worked for the supply machinery of the great coalition now, but there was always something missing: The chance to fight...and if necessary die for his ideals. Removing the fur hat from his head he sits down on a chair after roughly taking a number from the secretary. From time to time he looks left, then right. Some of the other recruits looked more worthy, others less. But he did not show any sign of emotions while looking around.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - arvg - 09-02-2011

[Image: mendel.png]

"Lion's, wolves, badgers and bears," Mendel folded his arms. "Between you and me, just poetic trash from the latest holo-movie trailer. No, I am looking for a man who actually has the balls to get the job done, and isn't as thick as two short planks of wood." Mendel walked to glass shelves on one of the walls, running his finger along the spines of the books, before pulling one out.

"Jane's Warships, let's test that general knowledge of yours," he opened the book up to a random page. "The Legate, pride of the Corsair fleet. An easy one for a Red Hessian I think... I would hope at least. I mean, they do have a knack for getting drunk and doing three laps around Crete singing Bavarian drinking songs and snorting pretzels."

He snorted, "Tell me everything you know about a Legate."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Pacific - 09-02-2011

Papasov sensed how mr Kurkov was walking around him. That give him a chill but he remained calm.

" To join this rumored Coalition that even manages to spread fear in to the Corsairs and Rheinland and Bretonian Military officers or maybe its just the rumors are being exaggerated . But I know what I came here to do to join the Coalition or die trying ."

The man keept calm but there was a chill on his spine that keept saying something to him.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - mtjsmith - 09-02-2011

[Image: commissar2.png]

"Rumoured Coalition? Which hole were you hiding in I wonder? The Galaxy know we are alive, kicking and dishing out humiliating defeats to the former Alliance at every turn. So, if you have only heard rumours about us - What Propaganda station do you listen to hmm?"

Vladimir was thoughtful as he sat back down.

"Trust me when I say - this glove, it's a tight fit. Perhaps some Lubricant is in order. Alica! When I get my coffee, bring me something from Mendal's "Special box". Thanks.

As for you, you speak as though you know much about Rheinlanders, Corsairs.. but what really interests me is the Bretonians. Tell me why their Monarchist form of governance is doomed to fail?"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - TheOrangeButterfly - 09-02-2011

He nodded slowly, then grinned. A ship he'd fought on multiple occasions.

Ah, yes. The dreadnought. It ist ein hell of a beast. Rather large, crewed by the cannibals. I've fought many in my time with the Hessians. One weakness, however, that we always used to exploit... A fat underbelly. The size of a good old Rheinland mother's breasts if you know what I mean. Big enough that a Supernova Cannon or a Nova Torpedo would be hard to miss with. Ja. That weak point is an easy spot to slam. Its primary strength is in the very look the vessel, like a big devil screaming from hell. If it wasn't Corsair made it might even be thought to look eloquent and magnificent. Too bad you'd never be able to scrub the smell off of it if one was ever captured.

Plenty of teeth on it as well. At least sixteen guns around the vessel in various places.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - arvg - 09-02-2011

[Image: mendel.png]

Mendel nodded... and looked up sharply at the knock at the door.

"Excuse me," Alicia said, interrupting. "Commissar, but Commissar Klink in the next room wants something from your 'special box' whatever that means."

"Tell the good Commissar to stop interrupting my work, or I will gladly come over there and beat him to death with a copy of the Katz manifesto, the unabridged version that I currently use in place of my coffee table! He should remember he is here to do a job."

Mendel looked back at the recruit, "well I was in a good mood, until that. So the nice question I was going to ask you about your mother's favourite petunia gets dumped in favour of something far more difficult. What do you believe, was the socio-economic reason for the recent Rhienland-Bretonian skirmish in Omega-3, and who do you believe, in your opinion, won?"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Pacific - 09-02-2011

Papasov looked at the man and wondered whats in the box but that wasn't what was priority what was priority to answer Monarchist form of governance why is it doomed to fail. How how how. But he remembered that Bretonia had a Queen,dukes,Lady and all that fun and nice things.

"Well the Bretonian monarchist form of governance. Its gonna fail because Its latterly allows one person to control one nation and his children after words. This means that the Nation wont get "A new fresh mind full if ideas" so to say witch I think is crucial to one civilization. The Ideas and the new inspiration for bettering the country."

*he took a deep breath*

"Its littlerly the same people taking new decision that is how Monarchist form of governance fails. Its lack of development. Its gonna be King passes his ideas to his kids and their to their kids until everything falls apart. Same goes for the dukes laydes. You have to be lucky to get born in the so called higher class to be treated as a person."

" I can give a example with the Omega-3 conflict even. The Bowex company managers who are dukes and so on who are born with this heritage. Keep with their own ideas that their for fathers have told them and that probably 'Pride above all' yeah that pride killed a lot of people."

He takes a deep breath looking at mr Kurkov.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - NixOlympica - 09-02-2011

[Image: murray.png]

Lachina smiled and nodded at Alicia, the secretary has a very busy day, with all the applicant hordes incoming, but she was also the best from the best for this position.

The red-haired woman Lachina Murray was wearing a tray with two glasses and vodka bottle on it. She knocked silently and then entered in, nodding, "Comrade Mendel". She came to the table and places the tray down, silently pouring vodka in one of the glasses. She than gestured at the applicant, "Should I offer him our finest vodka too Comrade?"

Lachina waited for the response and meanwhile asked "Anything special I should bring to comrade Kurkov?"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - mtjsmith - 09-02-2011

[Image: commissar2.png]

Vladimir was annoyed. He snapped the glove off in frustration and threw it at the recruit, smacking him in the eyes.

"No. A Moncharist system is simply belonging to the "Lucky Sperm Club". One family holds all the keys to one Kingdom. Keys that need to be in the hands of the people. The Bretonian's can have a "Government" and a "Democracy" all they wish, however that in-bred Queen of theirs will forever hold the power to dissolve said Government. She can dissolve democracy, and too many wars have been started all in the name of the Queen. This is why the Bretonian's must fall. The will of the people is too strong to be smashed and governed by such ineptitude."

He thought of a simpler question.

"Surely if you have heard of any rumours of us, then you must have heard rumours of our glorious Generals?! Explain to me why the Premier honoured General Rhade with his "Hero of the Revolution" award? And explain to me why he is referred to as "Rhade-Rhade"?"