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Liberty Police, Inc. Reporting Office - Printable Version

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RE: One Police Plaza Reporting Office - darkwind - 11-06-2019

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Officer Name: Detective Andrew Wilson
Password: WhyNotStarbucks
Topic of Communication: New York Patrol - big fish
Recipient: One Police Plaza

Today's shift was really good. I changed my bomber undercover for a new one. Which certainly helped to intercept my new target. I received a very strong signal from TLAGSNET in Colorado about a possible case, and placed a net fish by being under cloak where a suspect could go, to be not noticed until it's too late. And boy, I was right. A Samura transport with 5000 cargo units of pure artifacts! And even more, smuggler confessed obtaining Artifacts from the Cretan people, which are Corsairs by the way.

He claimed having permission from Liberty government and it was being transported for Hamer Research Institute on Manhattan. But when asked for electronic papers with electronic signatures to prove his claims, he offered only giving Audio Log as proof. I refused to accept it because only electronic papers can have the right signatures from our government to prove his claims. And if he refused to transfer them through comm-channel, then he has no permissions to transport it.

Thankfully, other fine members of the police were available at the moment. I requested one of them to take transport to deliver everything into evidence storage. Deputy Chief Nick Harrison has come on board of the transport and helped to finish negotiations together with Alban Jankowski who joined us a minute later.

Contraband was confiscated, the rest was destroyed. And a fine in the size of 10'000'000 of credits placed by Deputy Chief was transferred.

Violated laws of liberty by SHI-Akagi:
  • 1.1 Contraband possession and restricted commodities.

  • Nick Harisson - transport
  • Alban Jankowski - light fighter

[Image: q8fYCP2.png]

RE: One Police Plaza Reporting Office - darkwind - 11-06-2019

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Officer Name: Detective Andrew Wilson
Password: WhyNotStarbucks
Topic of Communication: New York Patrol - Having wrong ship name askes for trouble
Recipient: One Police Plaza

I received a call from officer Alban Jankowski about a drug dealer approaching NY. I noticed it's two minutes late, but I was stationed at Manhattan and right after I undocked I noticed and restricted his docking access immediately. His ship name TheCardamineRunner is seriously asking for trouble. Being caught with 2805 cargo units of Cardamine, I think is already enough to outlaw him. Though he already is, his papers for the ship are having a match in a database of known criminals.

He tried to escape flying to Fort Bush and then navigating to Colorado JumpGate or Junker base, but immediately even near Planet Manhattan friendly-foe system was already triggered and everything was firing at him.

by launching disruptor missile I accidentally triggered friendly-foe system too and had some problems navigating. All the fire made a breach in the cargo of the drug dealer to drop all his goods into space. To resolve the problem with friendly-foe system I cloaked myself, while arrived Alban Jankowski blasted remained cargo to pieces.

Violated laws of liberty by TheCardamineRunner:
  • 1.1 Contraband possession and restricted commodities.
  • 1.7 Known Criminals

  • Alban Jankowski - light fighter

[Image: q8fYCP2.png]

RE: One Police Plaza Reporting Office - darkwind - 11-06-2019

[Image: wCwO72Q.png]

Officer Name: Detective Andrew Wilson
Password: WhyNotStarbucks
Topic of Communication: New York Patrol - Missed reports from five days ago / Bad cop and good cop action
Recipient: One Police Plaza

Urgh. I have that much paperwork, that I'm sometimes leaving something to write for a later time. But let's get started. I will leave mentioning the apprehension of Slaver hogosha transport Kogen's Legacy, since it was already covered by Alban.Jankowski.

The first one is a smarty smuggler Ruben.Estin, who thinks he won by succeeding in running away. His crimes were recorded. And communication was sent which he ignored, by the way, even while being informed on the spot about it. It's time to outlaw him for good.

Violated laws of liberty by Ruben.Estin:
  • 1.1 Contraband possession and restricted commodities.
  • 1.4 Fleeing from an officer when stopped.


the Second case was most tricky. I received a signal in TLAGSNET from Colorado about possible contraband, but while I tried to intercept a suspect, he got away through a jump hole near Pueblo and flew from Junker base to Manhattan. We were able to reach him near Manhattan when he already undocked from the planet while his misdeed was already done.

He ignored though calls from Liberty navy officer to stop his engine when he was flying to dock the planet. And I pressed it against him as much as possible being bad cop while Liberty Navy took the role of a good cop in this case.

I was able to press against him only that he used smuggler ways to reach Manhattan and ignored commands to stop his vessel for cargo scanning. placed 5mlns fine on him, and started to disable his ship for arrest when he refused, when Placeholder pleaded to stop and even called repair ship to restore the suspected smuggler.

Since technically liberty navy officer was the one who stopped him and made charges against the suspect, I decreased fine to 2'000'000 credits which were transferred successfully.

But still, he must be treated as a criminal. He could even deliver bombs to terrorists and next time he must be stopped before he succeeded in his misdeed.

Violated laws of liberty by The.Jutland:
  • 1.4 Fleeing from an officer when stopped.

  • Placeholder - light fighter (delivery boy for Ensign Jeremiah Sawyer)

[Image: q8fYCP2.png]

RE: One Police Plaza Reporting Office - darkwind - 11-07-2019

[Image: wCwO72Q.png]

Officer Name: Detective Andrew Wilson
Password: WhyNotStarbucks
Topic of Communication: New York Patrol - Good criminals... arrested criminals.
Recipient: One Police Plaza

Once again I was able to meet TheCardamineRunner, he changed his ship to Borderworld Very Heavy Fighter(which looked like Outcastish saber), and still, his ship matched pirate documents as yesterday. He refused my calls to stop his ship and honestly, I had very little hope to defeat him because I was flying a bomber at the moment. So I didn't even bother to get photo materials again, and just to chase it away I launched simultaneous torpedos from 2k far away. What a surprise it was when they were able to connect with the target. He probably thought it was a disruptor missile. In the moment of destruction, he said he didn't stop because he was fleeing away from every other attacking him. Hilarious, fleeing without any evading maneuvers.

Violated laws of liberty byTheCardamineRunner:
  • 1.4 Fleeing from an officer when stopped.
  • 1.7 Known criminals
  • 3.1 Restricted technology.


Well, then I patroled NY for some time. Encountered a freelancer SystemError with a lot of drugs on board, and he also had friendly contact with a SHF equipped criminal. Together they were disrupting trade lanes between For Bush and West Point academy. Being under cloak bomber I decided it's a good time to change my ship, and flew to a nearby police base to switch my ship for something more appropriate to meet two criminals at the same time. Encountered the Freelancer again at trade lane near Fort Bush. He appeared to be having bomber actually and decided to refuse submitting his drugs willingly and foolishly attacked me instead of fleeing away. Quickly he got disabled after that while I was still having full nanobots and shield regenerators.

Violated laws of liberty by SystemError:
  • 1.1 Contraband possession and restricted commodities.
  • 1.2 Piracy
  • 1.3 Assault
  • 1.7 Known Criminals.

[Image: q8fYCP2.png]

RE: One Police Plaza Reporting Office - darkwind - 11-08-2019

[Image: wCwO72Q.png]

Officer Name: Detective Andrew Wilson
Password: WhyNotStarbucks
Topic of Communication: New York Patrol - Outcast SHF greeted with two torpedos.
Recipient: One Police Plaza

Detected near Manhattan Outcash SHF Warhammer. I tried to start speaking with him, but he opened fire immediately. So I decided to greet him with my double torpedos.

Violated laws of liberty by [R.D.]-Ispanez:
  • 1.7 Known criminals
  • 3.1 Restricted technology.

[Image: q8fYCP2.png]

RE: One Police Plaza Reporting Office - darkwind - 11-08-2019

[Image: wCwO72Q.png]

Officer Name: Detective Andrew Wilson
Password: WhyNotStarbucks
Topic of Communication: New York Patrol - Salvager junker
Recipient: One Police Plaza

A junker with Black Market Munitions visited us from Rheinland. He was greeted and ordered to stop for cargo scanning and then ordered to submit his contraband, but he tried to escape twice and was silent all the time. Neutralizer and Scorcher bombs did a dent in his Salvager hull in a few seconds, as he had no armor at all, even the cheapest one.

Violated laws of liberty by S``ensor:
  • 1.1 Contraband possession and restricted commodities.
  • 1.4 Fleeing from an officer when stopped.

[Image: q8fYCP2.png]

RE: One Police Plaza Reporting Office - darkwind - 11-08-2019

[Image: wCwO72Q.png]

Officer Name: Detective Andrew Wilson
Password: WhyNotStarbucks
Topic of Communication: New York Patrol - Counterfeit Smuggler
Recipient: One Police Plaza

Freelancer carrying a lot of Counterfeit Software was intercepted in Colorado. I tried to fine him for 4'000'000 since he had enough contraband to deserve it. But he refused to meet my orders and decided to jettison himself in an escape pod. His ship was quickly disabled after that.

Violated laws of liberty by Moub`ta`:
  • 1.1 Contraband possession and restricted commodities.
  • 1.4 Fleeing from an officer when stopped.

[Image: q8fYCP2.png]

RE: One Police Plaza Reporting Office - darkwind - 11-08-2019

[Image: wCwO72Q.png]

Officer Name: Detective Andrew Wilson
Password: WhyNotStarbucks
Topic of Communication: New York Patrol - Old friend
Recipient: One Police Plaza

At the west point academy I was able to meet already... very familiar ship name. The CardamineRunner. I met him already third time and he certainly starts to look familiar. Once again he has a new ship, and this time everything was photoed. He decided to change for Raven's Talon freelancer VHF. At first, he tried to test my armor but saw that it's useless and tried to run away. I chased him for half of the badlands before he decided to meet his fate.

As an interesting note, I tried to call for help from nearby Freelancer, also known as the leader of DSS or some high person in their hierarchy. While she had VHF and possibility to hold the criminal enough to arrest, she doubted every word, refused to see him as criminal even mistaking for Freelancer. Words about him being a pirate and having a lot of drugs in his cargo fall deaf to her ears. She refused to cooperate since her company had problems with police before, regarding multiple breaking of Embargo law to Vespucci.

Violated laws of liberty by TheCardamineRunner:
  • 1.1 Contraband possession and restricted commodities.
  • 1.4 Fleeing from an officer when stopped.
  • 1.7 Known criminals

[Image: q8fYCP2.png]

RE: One Police Plaza Reporting Office - darkwind - 11-08-2019

[Image: wCwO72Q.png]

Officer Name: Detective Andrew Wilson
Password: WhyNotStarbucks
Topic of Communication: New York Patrol - Rescue operation
Recipient: One Police Plaza

Well it was a really difficult situation. Solano was intercepted carrying more than 3 thousand passengers in improper conditions. The difficulty was in him not speaking Liberty language almost. The situation was resolved with success because of the help from Medical.Liner.Panacea. He helped with medical and transporting issues. More than 3 thousand were saved.

Medical Liner said that he has difficulty in carrying medical substances though because he doesn't belong to Cryer corporation. I think he deserves to have the license. He clearly showed his Hippocratic Oath (in Dialog attachments), helping any people he can.

Violated laws of liberty by Solano:
  • 1.4 Improper passenger conditions.

[Image: q8fYCP2.png]

RE: One Police Plaza Reporting Office - Bannorn - 11-10-2019

[Image: wCwO72Q.png]

Officer Name: Officer Rick Hogan
Password: WhyNotStarbucks
Topic of Communication: New York Patrol Reports
Recipient: One Police Plaza

Went on patrol yesterday; busy day that. Responded to report that the damn squiddies were hangin' 'bout. Joined up with some navy boys aboard the Uniontown, which proved handy. In the company of the Navy, I stopped a Zoner "TRENT_ZONER". Or I should say, tried to: the bugger saw the lights and ran. So after a brief pursuit around Norfolk, we iced him with the help of a few big blasts from the navy Cruiser.

Movin' on the patrol made for Pennsylvania, it pretty quick became apparent there really were squiddies - damn things seemed pissed off, but when do they not. So we shot 'em up. Unfortunately my guardian suffered a minor malfunction - definitely not human error, a'ight? - and blew itself apart with a mine. Without my permission; rude. But the squiddy got itself got, and Uniontown returned my pod to West Point.

I grabbed another Guardian and set about another patrol. This time no squiddies, but we did run into another LPI patrol led by Alban who nabbed himself a smuggler. Since he lacked the firepower to take the smuggler down, I pitched in and scored myself a smuggler kill. We destroyed the artifacts on site, and left the guys pod floating in space... reckon it'll take a few days before he collides with an asteroid som'e'ere!

Workin' with Jane Shephard and Morgan we hunted down a smuggler carryin' cardamine in Colorado. Eventually caught up with 'em in New York, but they'd already been forced to dump their cargo. Didn't get a fine, but least they didn't sell their goods on 'hattan.

[Image: q8fYCP2.png]