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I can haz skype - Printable Version

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I can haz skype - Echo 7-7 - 02-18-2011

[10:29:40 PM] *** Sean (BakaKoneko) has changed the conversation topic to "Big Three Liberty Conspiracy Chat | You will never find a more wretched hive of smut and villainy." ***

I can't even post what was before that, it would be all censored:D

I can haz skype - Korny - 02-18-2011

[20:10:40] Joe (Jihad): don't think I'm entirely comfortable with making jokes about rape victims Shryke.
[20:10:49] Ilya (sly-beetle): Uh.
[20:10:55] Joe (Jihad): :/
[20:10:57] dashiell6: better not joke about Zoners then
[20:10:59] dashiell6: trololol
[20:11:02] Ilya (sly-beetle): xdddddd
[20:11:02] Joe (Jihad): (rofl)
[20:11:05] Sina: HAHHAHAHHA

I can haz skype - Jam - 02-18-2011

Tomtomrawr imagines Nomads trying to destroy Isis as it camps docking ring of Dur Shurrikan.
[20:23:45] Tomtomrawr: ***...'Q_Q'...***
[20:23:50] Johnny (Jam): ((rofl))

I can haz skype - lw'nafh - 02-19-2011

[12:57:20 PM] Ben S. [Kangaraptor'„¢]: Then it got boring.
[12:57:24 PM] Ben S. [Kangaraptor'„¢]: ... and I put my trollface on

I can haz skype - Lobster - 02-19-2011

[7:47:43 AM] Matt | Hagz: what do you need?
[7:47:55 AM] Ilya (sly-beetle): we need more HOOKERS

I can haz skype - Lobster - 02-20-2011

[5:39:45 PM] Ben S. [Kangaraptor'„¢]: dick related concussion.

I can haz skype - sadtranslation - 02-20-2011

[1:47:18] Titouan (Enoch): I guess I downloaded (and by that I mean legally purchased) a corrupt version.

I can haz skype - sadtranslation - 02-21-2011

[2:00:26] Titouan (Enoch): [1:56] Titouan (Enoch):

<<< I'm not the one who buys games on the internets.
That would be like having to pay to masturbate.
[2:00:34] Titouan (Enoch): And THIS IS ichsable.

I can haz skype - Echo 7-7 - 02-21-2011

[9:14:55 PM] (Echo 7-7): olol.
[9:15:18 PM] (BakaKoneko): Get minecraft yee
[9:15:21 PM] (Echo 7-7): No u.
[9:15:25 PM] (BakaKoneko): Be my subordinate there too.
[9:15:34 PM] (Echo 7-7): You just want my babies, don't you.
[9:15:45 PM] (BakaKoneko): Truth.
[9:16:29 PM] (Echo 7-7): ^ And that's the price I pay for being VP.
[9:16:36 PM] (Echo 7-7)::P
[9:16:40 PM] (BakaKoneko): My office.
[9:16:41 PM] (BakaKoneko): Now.
[9:16:46 PM] (BakaKoneko): Bring the chains.
[9:16:55 PM] (Echo 7-7): WAIT WHAT.
[9:17:53 PM] (Echo 7-7): I don't think your office complies with OH&S standards.
[9:18:03 PM] (BakaKoneko): ((wait))
[9:18:27 PM] (BakaKoneko): It complies with OF&P standards.
[9:18:42 PM] (Echo 7-7): I'm trying to figure that one out...
[9:19:12 PM] (BakaKoneko): Sean (BakaKoneko) sits in the corner.
[9:19:16 PM] (Echo 7-7): Well, I got everything right except for the 'party' bit.
[9:19:38 PM] (BakaKoneko): It was originaly pleasure.
[9:19:47 PM] (Echo 7-7): If you get permabanned, I'm getting a new chair.
[9:20:03 PM] (Echo 7-7): Actually, I better redecorate, just to be sure.
[9:20:14 PM] (BakaKoneko): Might as well build a new office.
[9:20:24 PM] (Echo 7-7): Hell, a whole new building it is.
[9:20:33 PM] Νίκος Αλβανός: I want to kindly relocate you to the spam chat
[9:20:36 PM] (Echo 7-7): No.
[9:20:50 PM] (Echo 7-7): Broadly speaking, it's related to Ageira.
[9:20:59 PM] Titouan (Enoch): Trololololol.
[9:21:05 PM] Νίκος Αλβανός: especially the part with the chains
[9:21:33 PM] (Echo 7-7): (Echo 7-7) declares a sense of humour necessary for all Ageira employees.
[9:21:45 PM] Titouan (Enoch): Titouan (Enoch) dies
[9:21:48 PM] (Echo 7-7): Except when dealing with hacker spaiz.
[9:22:40 PM] (Echo 7-7): (Echo 7-7) resurrects Enoch.
[9:23:06 PM] Titouan (Enoch): This is not what I was contracted for !
[9:23:24 PM] (Echo 7-7): Max (Echo 7-7) casts perma-Life on Enoch.
[9:23:36 PM] Titouan (Enoch): Holy crap.
[9:23:45 PM] (Echo 7-7): oh ****.
[9:24:21 PM] Titouan (Enoch): OH LOKEN
[9:25:06 PM] (BakaKoneko): BakaKoneko) moans?
[9:25:13 PM] (Echo 7-7): (Echo 7-7) hopes not.
[9:25:21 PM] Νίκος Αλβανός: Where is Roken?
[9:25:24 PM] (Loken): RAWR
[9:25:33 PM] Νίκος Αλβανός: Oh there he is!


[9:28:55 PM] (BakaKoneko): Someone take a freighter
use freighter to scout
[9:29:05 PM] Titouan (Enoch): A VHF escort is not supposed to fight anyway.
A VHF can take down bombers. Depending.
[9:29:40 PM] Titouan (Enoch): There is no point in fighting when you can avoid fighting.
[9:29:50 PM] (BakaKoneko): WRONG
[9:30:04 PM] Titouan (Enoch): And no VHF pilot can kill a mediumly skilled bomber pilot before it kills a transport.
[9:30:14 PM] (Echo 7-7): For your ego, that is.
[9:30:24 PM] Titouan (Enoch): Ego = Profit
[9:30:28 PM] Titouan (Enoch): ((sun))
[9:30:38 PM] (BakaKoneko): Thats why Dab is the richest bastard on Disco.
[9:30:46 PM] Titouan (Enoch): ((rofl))
[9:31:00 PM] (BakaKoneko): ICHS it, I don't mind. ((smoking))
[9:31:14 PM] (Echo 7-7): Seriously, I've been thinking of this entire thing for ICHS.
[9:31:28 PM] Matt (Loken): Do it
[9:31:30 PM] Matt (Loken): I approve
[9:31:32 PM] Titouan (Enoch): Yeah.
[9:32:31 PM] Matt (Loken): Is it just me
[9:32:41 PM] Matt (Loken): Or does dab appear almost instantly when mentioned
[9:32:46 PM] Dabbykins: I was mentioned?
[9:33:04 PM] Matt (Loken): 1 minute and 1 second
[9:33:59 PM] Dabbykins: [5:29:43 AM]
Titouan (Enoch): Ego = Profit
Titouan (Enoch): ((sun))
(BakaKoneko): Thats why Dab is the richest bastard on Disco.

I endorse this philosophy.

I can haz skype - Tachibana - 02-21-2011

[10:35:42] Titouan (Enoch): Sup ?
[10:41:25] Terrance Cooper: Absolutely
[10:41:28] Terrance Cooper: fick
[10:41:30] Terrance Cooper: notin
[10:41:31] Terrance Cooper: fajfhahfilg
[10:42:00] Tachibana: ficknotin?
[10:42:27] Tachibana: I think Terry-san has been drinking.
[10:42:43] Titouan (Enoch): Possibly.
[10:42:50] Titouan (Enoch): Now make me a sandwich.
[10:44:13] Terrance Cooper: No
[10:44:17] Terrance Cooper: Terry-san is a pimp
[10:44:19] Terrance Cooper: and Enoch
[10:44:21] Terrance Cooper: You're French
[10:44:23] Titouan (Enoch): T_T
[10:44:26] Terrance Cooper: you'll be making the sandwhiches
[10:44:34] Terrance Cooper: As you lost the war and surrendered unconditionally
[10:44:37] Terrance Cooper: you're now a slave.
[10:44:43] Terrance Cooper: get crackin' *****.
[10:44:44] Titouan (Enoch): ((wait))
[10:44:53] Titouan (Enoch): I can still run.
[10:45:36] Terrance Cooper: I'm black man.
[10:45:40] Terrance Cooper: You're not getting away.