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Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Varyag - 04-04-2008

The Varyag was conducting a presence patrol in New Berlin yesterday when we came into contact of a Harvester gunship collecting Hessian pilots. We pushed our ship to intercept and were cut off by a single RFP light fighter. This ship was hardly worth our time so we gave him a couple warning shots and started to move. The lone fighter continued to fire at close range only attempting to strafe in some kind of weak maneuver. In my annoyance I ordered my gun crews to silence the ship which they did in seconds.

Because of the delay I was forced to push our fine ship past spec and we received some minor reactor damage but managed to catch the Harvester vessel just as it entered Sigma 13 with the help of BU Konstantin. We chased the robot across 13 and managed to disrupt and disable the vessel after a short fight. Our brothers and sisters where recovered and brought back to Voghtland along with many other civilians who were still traumatized after what they saw onboard that ship. I hope they will recover. What they witnessed will haunt them and this crew for some time. The Harvesters are truly a menace to our way of life.

Upon our arrival home we fired a single salvo for Udo Koch, Our friend and comrade with be remembered by the bravery of his deeds and our continued resistance.

Commander, RH Cruiser Varyag

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Blodo - 04-04-2008

Message to: RHA
Comm ID: Leutenant Kaspar Meisnerr
Location: Vogtland Base, Dresden

Brothers. What has happened to our army? I have barely seen anybody from our glorious group in space in the recent days, most of my patrols consisted of flying solo for the past week. Have we been hit so hard that none of our fighters work, none of our pilots able to fly?
The Rheinland Military, the Corsairs and now these blasted Harvesters are operating in our territories without a glitch, and we have nothing to fight them off with except for the cruiser Varyag, most likely already strained under the pressure of excessive fighting and requiring extensive maintenance.
To all those who still pick these messages up, we need to organise! I will be attending patrols today and tommorow for as long as I can, and I urge you all to at the very least show yourselves. Remember: inaction leads to failure and slavery.

Leutenant Kaspar Meisnerr

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Blodo - 04-05-2008

Message to: RHA
Comm ID: Leutenant Kaspar Meisnerr
Location: Vogtland Base, Dresden

Greetings, Hessians. Although the RHA seems to have gone AWOL recently, the Hessian Tears are still abound. I have seen two of them today near Dresden, equipping themselves. We managed to have a talk with a passing Zoner who has relayed to us a few pieces of information.
We have learned about a Nomad takeover of a Luxury Liner in Omega-11, right under our watch. Unacceptable. We have also learned about Corsair practices of feeding captured civilians to the Nomads in Omicron Gamma. Unacceptable! It needs to be stopped, and that is why we must gather forces.

Aside from that I have been called to help our Bundschuh friends today on their raid on New Berlin. We have successfully managed to acquire donations from several traders. These will help the war effort greatly. All were cooperative except a single trader, ship callsign "Underbridge". The trader seemed so desperate to not lose any profit, we eventually let him go to spare him a few problems with whichever corrupt corporation he is working for.
Shortly after we were assaulted by a few military vessels, including Victor Remond and that blasted gunboat of his. As per my experiences I have instructed the Bundschuh to engage the enemy under the screen of the asteroids, so that the gunboat fire is less effective. The tactic had worked, with two losses on the enemy side and only one loss on ours. Remond fled shortly after, not realising that we did not operate any bombers and would most likely have problems with harming him at all. The incoming cruiser Varyag was most likely the cause for his sudden departure.
After the skirmish has concluded we have all returned home to repair and restock. Except for one incapacitated Bundschuh ship we hadn't had incurred much more damage than blown off fuselage and damaged countermeasure throwers. My Odin will be battleworthy again tommorow no doubt.

Leutenant Kaspar Meisnerr

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Blodo - 04-08-2008

Message to: RHA
Comm ID: Leutenant Kaspar Meisnerr
Location: Vogtland Base, Dresden

Well, well, well, it looks like the Red Hessian Army hasn't gone AWOL after all!
I have stumbled upon the pilots Olsen and Krupp on Vogtland yesterday, and we all promptly proceeded to our ships and went on a patrol of the area. The Bundschuh pilot Lyubomir had joined up to help soon after, and two more Hessians (Schulz and Leyden) arrived while we were in New Berlin. This means we had a nice, sizable force of fighter aces with which to engage the armies of the vile Kanzler!
During our flight across the New Berlin system we have stumbled across no less than two Military battleships, yet separated at first. We have engaged one of them with all we had and managed to heavily damage it until the second closed on us, and we were forced to move a bit back into the asteroids to offset their advantage. The captains of the two ships refused to follow however, most likely realising that they would have little chance against us if dragged into the field. So they refused to budge, even when we continued to attempt to take donations off of passing traders. The battle turned into a stand off that lasted quite a while, until we decided to simply move on rather than wait for the inevitable military fighter backup, while promising the two captains that they haven't seen the last of us.

One highlight of the patrol was an arriving DW cruiser which managed to jump straight into the middle of our group. The cruiser promptly engaged it's cloak devices upon seeing us without even a single word into the comms. Our group truly had to be a fearsome sight to behold to these enemies of Rheinland! I do believe both Rekrut Schulz and Rekrut Leyden are more then eligible for promotion to Leutenant, and I will advise that to whoever gets chosen as Kapitan Egon's replacement.

Later that day after the rest of the squadron had docked for R&R, I had encountered the ever helpful cruiser Varyag standing vigilant over Dresden. The cruiser's captain had informed me over secure comms of the atrocities the Harvesters commit, abducting our brothers and sisters and taking them away deep into the Omicron sector. Detecting a Harvester in Dresden on long range we had armed ourselves, as the automated Talarca Cruiser tried to hunt us near Vogtland. It was soon destroyed while trying to flee to New Berlin. I have congratulated the crew of the Varyag on this, and I concur that it is time we have taken measures against these.. machines in our own homeland. The Bundschuh are actively seeking out these flying torture grounds themselves, and we should help them whenever necessary!

As the Varyag docked to celebrate, I have continued my patrol and again met Rekrut Schulz in his ship soon after. As we were patrolling Dresden, we picked up a single Military fighter ace inbound on our positions, one Dieter Schprockets. The blind dog had refused to leave while he still had the engines to carry him, so we both engaged him near Vogtland. It didn't take us more than a few minutes to dispatch the hostile fool. I believe one of his rookie wingmen took his escape pod back to New Berlin. No doubt we will be seeing the likes of him again soon enough.

Either way yesterday was an enourmous success. We had managed to deal damage to most our enemies and had showed that the Red Hessian Army will always prevail, no matter how dark the hour! With this commitment and strong force we cannot lose! And we will not lose.

On a different note: I have taken the liberty to begin reforming the Red Hessian armoury. I have the access keys with me right here and am ready to pass them along if anything. To any and all rekruts who had not been completely equipped yet, contact me and I will supply you some shield busters from the armoury and the 15 million credits required to forge your armour.
I will also (by the permission of the current officer-in-command, Oberleutenant Black) be attempting to carry out der Kapitan's deal with the Mollys for some Trefoils and Supernova Torpedo Launchers for our ever growing equipment needs. The funds are prepared and I am ready to begin negotiations.

Leutenant Kaspar Meisnerr

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Nevermore - 04-09-2008

Message to: RHA
Comm ID: Rekrut Marisa Leyden
Location: Vogtland Base, Dresden

Today was another glorious day for the oppressed people of Rheinland and especially for the RHA!

It started as a normal patrol through Dresden, as I was joined by a friendly LWB named Julian.Voigt and the Bundschuh [BU]Lyubomir. With joined forces, we decided to hit the vile corporate machinery where it hurts them most: in New-Berlin!

As we took position at the trade lane, Leutenant Meisnerr joined us as well. Together we were very successful in convincing the passing traders of the importance of our cause and we gathered quite a sum from donations. I believe we have collected over 20 millions of credits in the end from benevolent traders! Of course our allies from the LWB and the Bundschuh did get their shares.

[Image: rocksdw3.jpg]
Leutenant Meisnerr and I preparing for an ambush

However, our actions did not remain unnoticed. After some time, a bounty hunter gunboat popped up, trying to claim a bounty on the LWB. His efforts were in vain as we quickly dispatched him without any noticeable trouble.

[Image: falconjg6.jpg]
A fiery death for an Orca

Later we were sought out by the RM. A single Wrath, piloted by Heinz Schmidt engaged us, but again, we prevailed and dispatched this villain.

[Image: schmidtlk3.jpg]

But the RM didn't gave up yet. They sent yet another two aces, a Snubnose and a Wrath to dispatch us. Luckily and just in time, we were joined by Oberleutenant Black in the Leopard. The presence of the Leopard drew instantly the attention of the RM and the battle enraged. The luck was on our side and the RM bomber was soon heavily damaged and had to retreat. However, the Wrath pilot Wesley Richter was admittedly more brave and stayed to fight on. But it was also a foolish decision, as his fate was already decided as we concentrated our fire on him.

[Image: richterbz6.jpg]

After this battle, we retreated from Berlin for R&R.
We're celebrating right now our flawless victory on Vogtland, while my ship is being repaired.

Yours sincerely,
Rekurt Marisa Leyden

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - fpsdoug - 04-11-2008

Open Transmission...
From: Alexzander Prager
To: RHA Command
Topic: Newly Equipped and Shining Loki

Greetings mein herrs! Today was an excellent day, as I finally got the chance to setup my new Loki Light Fighter. I headed to Dresden to meet up with Herr Meinser, he gave me necessary funds to purchase the fighter, guns, armor, and some bribes. I am now IFFed and after getting more funds headed to the Omegas to explore and to obtain a Mini Razor and Nuclear Mine Launcher. I am now on Casablanca in Omega-47 almost ready to head home.

Soon, I hope to setup an Odin, and I still eagerly await promotion to Lieutenant to try out our very own Thor bomber.

End Transmission...

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Blodo - 04-12-2008

Message to: RHA
Comm ID: Leutenant Kaspar Meisnerr
Location: Vogtland Base, Dresden

Our streak of victories against the enemies of the people continues!

Today our glorious forces have defeated both the servants of the corrupt Kanzler and the cronies of the Cretan overlords without suffering a single loss during either fight. The battle in Omega-5 was especially important, as we pushed the Corsairs back to their Cadiz base during an encounter with a squadron of the famed Benitez aces in the middle of the system.
Our forces were augmented by the Hessian Tears squadron in this fight. Luckily enough, as most of our ships were still undergoing maintenance.
We rode into battle slightly outnumbered with six Corsair ships to five ours while our additional help was still on his way from a distant system. The Corsair Titans could not withstand the superiority of our Lokis and Odins however, with Rekrut Prager and pilot Schmidtt of the Hessian Tears scoring the kills with their nuclear mine launcher while the rest of us kept down the shields of these Corsair dogs. Before our help arrived the battle quickly narrowed down to us five vs. two surviving Corsairs that were slightly harder to kill than their friends. We had advised our ally to observe the battle instead and bring back with him the tale of our impending victory. The two remaining enemies fell soon after.

[Image: screen133bl7.jpg]

What has happened today only proves the superiority of our pilots, our equipment and our cause to anything they can ever field! There is no way we can lose this war my brothers, so let us keep the pressure. Next time, we attack Cadiz and take Omega-5 for the Red Hessian Army!

Leutenant Kaspar Meisnerr

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - fpsdoug - 04-12-2008

Open Transmission...
From: Alexzander Prager
To: RHA Comman
Topic: RM Fight

Greetings my friends! Today, corrupt Rheinland officers were spotted in New Berlin. The Red Hessian Army dispatched three fighters. Kaspar Meisnerr, Wilhelm Schulz, and me. We headed out, I in my Loki as was Herr Schulz, Herr Meisnerr in his Odin. We engaged three RM Wraths near the asteroid filed by Brandenburg. We jousted for a bit until I drew one out, jousted, nailed him with a Razor and force fed a mine to his hull. Schulz and Meinsnerr then finished off the next, the other one however, escaped with heavy damage.

This was my first battle and a success! May there be many more!

End Transmission...

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - bandi - 04-13-2008

Opening Transmission...
From: Blackhand
To: RHA Command
Topic: Mission report

Today was a good day for our brethren. In the cockpit of the repaired and restocked Hammerheim, I set sails in a squadron of Stilettos to do the regular patrol of the Dresden system.

On our first round we encountered a heavily defended Daumann convoy flying through RHA space. Needless to say the cargo was diamonds, heavily paid by Rheinland workers' sweat and blood. The squadron set for interception and the escorting fighters were quickly dispatched. The trains tried to put up some fight as well, but the Hammerheim's torpedo blow a huge hole in one of them and they quickly surrendered. We returned to Vogtland with pricey hostages, diamond and some looted weaponry.

Later that day, our squadron received a distress call from a fellow Hessian Stiletto being cornered close to Vogtland by 3 RM Wraths. The RM military is becoming bolder and bolder every day. We should really make those patrols more frequent. Anyways we just arrived in time to save our fellow pilot from the blazing stiletto. The squadron scattered and the dogfight began. Green and red tachyon blasts coloured the sky and at the end of the day, the 3 military vessels were destroyed and their pilots taken as prisoners. They will be useful to exchange our captured brethren.

High spirited from our victory over the Wraths, we decided to have an other raid on the Kruger/Daumann trade lines. The raid was pretty uneventful, though we returned to the base with a hefty donation and vital oxygen and H-fuel supplies.

The day was lucky as we did not lose a single ship, but the technicians will have to work overnight to repair the fighters for tomorrow's patrol.

Blackhand, captain of the Hammerheim signing out.

...Transmission ending.

Red Hessian Reporting Facility - Blodo - 04-13-2008

Message to: RHA
Comm ID: Leutenant Kaspar Meisnerr
Location: Ronneburg Base, Omega-5

Glorious victory beckons today as the stench of burning Corsair vessels fills the Omega-5 system! We have prevailed again, albeit this time with losses.

The fight started out with me, Oberleutenant Black, Rekrut Prager, Rekrut Abendroth and the pilot Blackhand near Ronneburg. In total four Odins and one Loki. As soon as we picked up a large force of about six Corsairs enter the system, we moved into the Hammen hole to monitor them near Cadiz, and that is when they engaged.
The battle might have looked uneven, but we have dispatched four Corsairs almost immediately after it started. Then the balance suddenly shifted against us as Blackhand and Abendroth both lost their ships. Oberleutenant Black suffered a hit to the controls soon after and was forced to return back to base on autopilot. That evened it out for the Corsairs to two of our fighters versus two of theirs.
It looked slim for a while, but the Corsair on Prager's tail soon ate a Mini-Razor shot, and had his ship dismemebered. This left one Zavier Benitez against the two of us, which turned out to be most drawn out. In the end however he succumbed to the combined firepower of the Red Hessians and the battle was won!

Prager and myself then returned to Ronneburg to refuel and rearm. Before we got there however it seems a lone Corsair either somehow survived the onslaught or undocked from Cadiz as the battle ended. Either way, he pursued us to Ronneburg and engaged. After a short fight Prager's Mini-razor shot dismantled him and we were finally safe to dock on our base.
Abendroth and Blackhand are currently in medical ward but should be ready to fight in short notice. New ships have been personally assigned to them as per my order.

This success proves yet again that the forces of the great enemy are no match for our elite pilots. They can lay claim to Omega-5 all they want, but they will never be able to wrest it from our control. The Red Hessian Army stands ever vigilant and ready, none are able to withstand us!

Leutenant Kaspar Meisnerr