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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Weras - 04-15-2011

[Image: clenched_fist_1.jpg]

*Incoming transmission*
[color=#000000]*Comm ID :[color=#CC0000] Junior Lieutenant Miley McGreave
*Target : Great Premier Alvin Katz*

I am always ready great premier!

All your enemies shall fall!

For the victory of the premier Katz, the true leader!

[color=#000000]*Transmission terminated*

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lukas Wexler - 04-17-2011

[font=Cambria]As the Coalition Civil War rages forward in a fiery battle between two equally determined sides, the Rebels along with their allies are preparing for a final confrontation against Volkhan's Forces. Two key-battles remained to secure victory, the battle of Omega-50 and the breach of Omega-52. Both extremely dangerous and risky missions, the success was more than just important, it was vital.

Tacticians, battle-coordinators and field-commanders of the Rebellion Movement, all were rallied for their last meeting taking place at Planet Gran Canaria. Generously hosted by the
[color=#33FF33]Temporary Autonomous Zoners
, handsomely supported by the Omicron Supply Industries and safely guarded by the Virulian Enclave - through cooperation would threatened Factions reinforce each others weak-points.

Largely remained a secret even to the top superiors of the Coalition Rebels, Premier Katz had through some elaborate use of diplomacy managed to receive aid from the Liberty Navy, and not just any kind of aid, the help had arrived in Liberty's most deadliest form,
The Gold Wing.

With forces combined Wexler could only hope that they would be able to level the playing field against a far stronger opponent. He constantly tried to settle his anxiety with one important piece of information at hand:

Where the Loyalists had numbers - The Rebels had allies.

[Image: SinaScraTrans-1.png]
[Image: S.png]
Preliminary scouting of the Omega-50 system revealed that Volkhan's Forces had not caught the rallying near Planet Gran Canaria. Hearing the good news I immediately sent out our most able field-commander, Colonel Rhade along with some of our best pilots to conduct a surgical strike against isolated Loyalist patrols.

Forming the [color=#FF5555]Alpha Strike Team, they were all sent out in advance along with a VE scout.

[Image: SCRAEvent43.png]

It was safe to say that their hit-and-run tactics, refined through past skirmishes were extremely effective, and the inflicted damage-to-loss ratio was better than expected.

[Image: SCRAEvent1.png]

Expectedly, one or more Loyalist pilots managed to send out distress calls to nearby patrols before they were shot down resulting in greater forces rampaging towards our
Alpha Strike Team. We managed to deflect the incoming assault with minor causalities with the help from battle-hardened Liberty Navy Gold Pilots.

[Image: SCRAEvent5.png]

The noise alerted the
Loyalist Vanguard and here is where we deployed all forces to try cut through a portion of the enemy's defensive lines. Losses were great, on both sides and what you see here is only a minor group of a much larger battle.

[Image: SCRAEvent3.png]

Intelligence gathered from the
Observation Post in Boa Vista Station, where we are currently placing our foothold after our successful victory in Omega-50 provided us with additional information on Loyalist Forces.

[Image: SCRAEvent2.png]

[Image: SCRAEvent6.png]

I'm convinced that the
Volkhan held back during our assault, most likely re-routing the primary Loyalist Forces back to Omega-52 in order to reinforce defensive key-points. When we decide to attempt breaching that fortress, expect heavy resistance. A magnitude of which you have never seen before.

Whoever enters that hellhole first, I can only hope you either die honourably fighting for the true Coalition... or survive as a war-hero.

United we stand. Together shall we form the righteous shield that will ram through the iron-walls of the Volkhan. Reclaim our home men and women of the

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 04-17-2011

COMM ID: Premier Alvin Katz of the Coalition
LOCATION: Office of the Premier '€“ Boa Vista Station


[Image: Katzcommx.png]

And so begins Phase Two of our Operation.

Colonel's you have done an excellent job so far, and soon the blight of the Volkhan will be driven out into the open where he shall stand trial for his crimes against the people of Sirius.

I have word that the CPW-Havana has engaged the CPW-Karl.Marx and two escorts, the Trotsky and the Dzerzhinsky. There is yet, no word of the outcome to that battle, but I have faith in General Alvarez's ability to keep the battleship away from the fight in Omega-52.

Doctor XiaoBei has perfected a nanite swarm, capable of neutralizing the Nerve Staples, they just have to be manually detonated on each station. This means we must, successfully, land a specially outfitted Zoner Whale on each of the Coalition Facilities in Omega-52. Loaded with Marines, it should provide us with the capacity to retake the stations.

For the Revolution, I am the True Ikon,

Premier Alvin Katz
Премьер-министр Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 04-17-2011

[color=#33CC00]To: Rebel Forces
Comm. ID: Doctor XiaoBei
Priority: Medium
Subject: Purchase order

---Communications Opened---

[Image: Xiaobei.jpg]


With the help of the Zoner scientists on Lanzarote base, I have, indeed, perfected a device to nullify the nerve staples. I must, however, warn that it will have zero effect on space borne vessels and sealed environments.

[Image: nanite.jpg]

We are also going to have to detonate three Zoner Whales ourselves, over the planets Volgograd, and JiangXi, to ensure that the nanite anti-staple will distribute. That is THREE WHALES PER PLANET.

I can't stress the enormous difficulty of breaching the Omega-52 defenses... but with luck you should be able to accomplish this neigh impossible task.

As for the Volkhan's location, it is important that we secure either Commissar Mendel or Commissar Ulrich, either would have the location. And given that both are stapled, we should be able to restore our comrades to their rightful faculties and allow them to switch sides.

As for General Viatichslav, for that I have an alternate plan.

For now, do your duty.

Doctor XiaoBei
Mykolaiv Director of Coalition Research

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 04-19-2011

[Image: 7014ngxian3.png]

[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Major Chun Ki Ling
Target: All SCRA Assets
Location: Gorodok, Omega-52
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Victory!

People of the Coaltion!
Omega-52 is ours!

The men and women in the landing bay aboard Zvezdny Gorodok are seen to be wooping and cheering.

Let us not forget the sacrifice of the men and women who fought and died for our glorious leader Alvin Katz. Let us also not forget the souls whom were lost under the Volkhan's iron grip.

Ling picks up a notepad and reads the capital ship names of those the Rebels were forced to destroy.

The gunboats Kapinoski, Chernobyl, Udaloy, Stalin, Kirow, Moskva, Loyalist and Makhno. The Destroyers Kuznetsov, Scinfaxi, Guantanamo, Kutuzov, Smolensk and AntyAir. All were lost along with 10 full squadrons of enemy fighter and bomber craft.

Ling looks regretful.

The cost to us was great, we lost 3 OSI transports to the enemy but we also lost Colonel Wexler. His pod was recovered, and he is in a critical condition aboard Gorodok - I don't know if he'll make it. I am also unaware of the fate our capital ships received. As yet, I have had no word back from General Alvarez.

He looks around the docking bay, it is almost in ruins.

We have rebuilt Gorodok before, we will do it again. Our operation was a success, the populations of JiangXi and Volograd have been restored. Again we are left to pick up the pieces after a coup, this time comrades we shall be strong than ever! I have received word from our listening posts that Gallia is growing more powerful by the day. They are by far the strongest house, and a house we must topple.

For now, enjoy the victory! You are all directed to the damage control and repair teams. I want our stations back up and running. See to it, and prepare yourselves for our next strike. The civil war is over!

For Katz!
Ling out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 04-19-2011

[Image: 7014ngxian3.png]

[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Major Chun Ki Ling
Target: All SCRA Assets
Location: Gorodok, Omega-52
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Battle footage

People of the Coaltion!
See our victory!

[Image: Matt1.png]
Major Ling leading the Liberty Navy Gold Wing to their targets

[Image: SCRAFavourite1a.png]
Lt Colonel Wexler leading his strike team to Omega-52

[Image: SCRAFavourite2a.png]
The OSI transports standby with their holds full of anti-staple nanites

[Image: SCRAFavourite4a.png]
Rebel forces fighting

[Image: Matt2.png]
Major Ling fighting Loyalist forces

[Image: Matt3.png]
Rebel forces cutting through the blockade at JiangXi and dropping the Anti-Staple Nanites

[Image: SCRAFavourite5a.png]
Freeing the population

[Image: Matt4.png]
Another destroyer oblierated

[Image: SCRAFavourite8a.png]
Fierce fighting rages on

[Image: SCRAFavourite7a.png]
The last push at Volograd

[Image: SCRAFavourite3a.png]
Victory at Volograd.

[Image: SCRAFavourite6a.png]
Mykolaiv is retaken.

For Katz!
Ling out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 04-19-2011

COMM ID: Premier Alvin Katz of the Coalition
LOCATION: Office of the Premier '€“ Kremlin Dome, Volgograd, Omega-52


[Image: Katzcommx.png]

And so it is at an end.

The pitchforks, barricades, and the will of the people have triumphed over the infamy, slavery, and dictatorship of the Volkhan, False Ikon.

Members of the State Duma have been freed from their prisons, and are already making their way to the central halls to pick up the pieces after the devastating war. Our resources are low, comrades, I will not lie to you. Hardships lie ahead, and yet we must persevere!

As we speak, marines loyal to the Party, and to the cause, are searching Volgograd for the Volkhan's secret bunker. We shall find it, and once we do, the Volkhan will stand before the Party, before the People and answer for his crimes!

This is the dawn of a new day over the Coalition, a day of heroes, of sacrifice...

Like Mrs. Voldova, who resisted the nerve staple and was shot in the street by Volkhanists.


Mr. Geirogov who harboured a school of children, falsifying records of their implantation with the device, securing a small measure of hope in the darkest of hours.

It was not just the heroes in space that made this battle historic, but it was the small battles as well.

General Alvarez's valiant defense against the CPW-Karl.Marx and two cruisers, kept Omega-52 free and clear of heavy capital ship support.

Colonel Wexler's strategic leadership... Allesky's diplomacy... XiaoBei's discovery of the counter nanites...

All of these played their part in the drama that unfolded around us.

Culminating in today, where I stand before the Duma, a free man, unfettered by machine, defiant of the Volkhan, and proud of my people!

We are the Revolution! We are the Coalition! We are Free!

To each and every man, woman, and child that fought for our freedom, I award the Red Star a symbol of defiance, of liberation, and of the steadfast refusal to cave into the dictatorship and Counter-Revolutionary ideals of the past.

For the Revolution, I am the True Ikon,

Premier Alvin Katz
Премьер-министр Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 04-20-2011

[Image: majorlinginsurgent.png]

ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Major Chun Ki Ling
Target: All SCRA Assets
Location: Gorodok, Omega-52
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium
Subject: Lt Cheng killed.

[color=#FFFFFF]Soldiers of the Coalition.
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#FFFF00]Lt Mei-Li Cheng has been killed.

[color=#FFFF00]As our forces poured into the squadron barracks on Gorodok we were able to apprehend many pilots who have now been restored to their pre-staple condition. Lt Cheng was not one of them.

Pliminary post-mortem tests concluded that she was not stapled by the Volkhan for whatever reason. Her actions, determination and tenacity for the Volkhan were all her own emotions.

She refused to surrender, and was shot.

I recommend disavowing all information regarding her and her blind loyality.

[color=#FFFFFF]Ling out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 04-20-2011

To: [color=#FFFFFF]Command
Comm. ID: Commissar Leon Mendel
Priority: HIGH
[Image: mendal.png]

---Communications Opened---

Premier Katz, the True Ikon, Members of the Politburo, Esteemed High Commanders,

I would start by thanking you on behalf of the Commissariat for freeing many of us from the grip of the Volkhan's nerve staple. It was a... disconcerting experience. Especial note should be given to Colonel Gonzales, who barricaded herself into her command bunker with a half dozen recruits, and gave a rousing defense against the Volkhanists... however noone can explain where those recruits ended up, and all medical reports suggest that Colonel Gonzales, a former Corsair, was quite well nourished after the ordeal. One of those mysteries that will never be solved I fear.

I must report, again, on the dire situation of our fuel supplies. To put it bluntly, Omega-52 has a weeks worth of fuel remaining. We need fuel to mount any kind of defense... we need parts to repair our gas miner, we need technical expertise... and fortune has presented us with an opportunity.

The GMG are at war with the Kusarians and the Rhienlandic menace... Contact must be established with them, a fuel supply secured, and technical expertise given, in exchange we will offer military support. Make it clear that this is not an alliance, but a temporary cessation of hostilities and opening of trade. I am sure they will listen, especially given that they currently are boxed in from both sides.

Failing that, Contact the Junkers in the Sigmas, and secure their help.

Now onto the final matter of my report. The Volkhan remains at large, we have been unable to find his command bunker at this time... but I have assigned some of the Commissariat's best men to locate it.

For the Premier, and the Revolution!

Leon Mendel
Commissariat of Public Relations

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Shryke - 04-20-2011

COMM ID: Ulrich Eichel
TARGET: Alla Alesky

Eichel appears on the screen, occasionally flickering with static throughout the message. He's wearing what seems to be a modified version of the Coalition Marine power armor.

You have done well for yourself. It seems tapping you as a protege was indeed the right chioce. Now it is a matter of knowing whether or not you are indeed a man capable of what is necessary.

At times of desperation, it is beneficial to offer yourself to desperate men. I am privy to the location of the Volkhan, but it will come at a price. And of course, the price that is my full exoneration. The nerve staple embedded in the base of my brain stem has been neutralized. It seems the good Doctor and I were thinking on similar terms, although my method was a bit more, shall we say, crude?

Taking the Volkhan alive is not a possibility, so don't let whatever moral intentions of justice prevent you from doing what is necessary. Assaulting the bunker will be a war of atrittion the Coaltion cannot withstand. The Volkhan has deemed it necessary to surround himself with those whose loyalty is not dependant on forced servitude. And this is what you should truly fear.

There are solutions to this problem.

A string of numbers begins flashing across the screeen.

This is the frequency to contact me on. It's heavily encrypted, and will come directly to me. I await the premier's choice.