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Why is it no against the rules for 1 person to be leader of more than 1 official ftcn - Printable Version

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RE: Why is it no against the rules for 1 person to be leader of more than 1 official ftcn - Trivjum - 10-26-2016

(10-26-2016, 10:50 PM)Jack_Henderson Wrote: It's certainly far from ideal if the same person leads more than 1 faction.
However, sometimes it just happens and becomes necessary to take over and keep it going, for example when leaders suddenly vanish and the option is that the faction just dies.

Then you should respectfully find the next best player to lead in the faction and give him the lead. New faction leaders makes for more life too than some dude who's got other factions to lead anyway. We have certain factions that all have the same leader and these factions might as well be dead, only logging the very minimum of hours to stay official.

RE: Why is it no against the rules for 1 person to be leader of more than 1 official ftcn - Jack_Henderson - 10-26-2016

While I agree with you, I'll put out one thing: it only sounds easy to find faction leaders. The job is neither cool, nor fun, nor rewarding - I would say - 60-70 % of the time.

RE: Why is it no against the rules for 1 person to be leader of more than 1 official ftcn - Sombs - 10-26-2016

Hey, as a faction leader, you have access to the OFL chat, the source of the hottest discussions and gossip!

RE: Why is it no against the rules for 1 person to be leader of more than 1 official ftcn - Black Widow - 10-26-2016

(10-26-2016, 10:37 PM)Fish Wrote: On one side, I kind of agree with it being off that someone could lead factions that are at war with eachother

But on the other hand:
(10-26-2016, 10:33 PM)Skorak Wrote: Players created these factions, what gives you the right to dictate their leadership?

Let another member in the faction become the leader, a member tied to the faction but not leading other factions. I am not saying let randoms run your faction coz at the end of the day who the frak are they.

But other members in a faction could be good leaders and drive the faction forward since they will only have the faction to concentrate on.

Multi factions led by the same person always become cliches / shadows of their former selves. I have seen it many times. If a multi faction leader is then banned that puts a group in disarray.

It is sad when 1 person has to baby sit many factions for the sake of keeping them going, as they will only go downhill eventually.

RE: Why is it no against the rules for 1 person to be leader of more than 1 official ftcn - Jack_Henderson - 10-26-2016

(10-26-2016, 11:12 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: Hey, as a faction leader, you have access to the OFL chat, the source of the hottest discussions and gossip!

"hottest discussions and gossip!"

Fixed that for you: worst channel, most useless channel, most annoying channel.

RE: Why is it no against the rules for 1 person to be leader of more than 1 official ftcn - Skorak - 10-26-2016

"Could be a good leader" is not really enough to sacrifice something you cared/care about for probably quite some time.

If a multi faction leader leaves and his factions die then that is a problem of faction construction.

In my case, if I left, NC would function just fine. While LPI wouldn't.

That is because we made NC to function that way. There's a Council leading and not a single player. While in LPI you got the chief. Congrats.

RE: Why is it no against the rules for 1 person to be leader of more than 1 official ftcn - Redeemer - 10-26-2016

If only one person and no one else in the faction can lead it, and that person is already leader of another faction, the faction should probably be laid to rest so others can form a new one.

RE: Why is it no against the rules for 1 person to be leader of more than 1 official ftcn - Garrett Jax - 10-26-2016

I remember the Admins stepping in one time and telling the faction leader of both GRN and BAF to pick one faction to lead and let go of the other. He ended up leaving both and the game entirely. The Admins normally don't interfere with the politics of faction leadership and generally find it best to allow the Community to work those things out.

Some players are more charismatic, ambitious or simply have more time to devote to Disco. It would be great if we had enough of those people to fill all faction leadership slots but we aren't there at this time.

RE: Why is it no against the rules for 1 person to be leader of more than 1 official ftcn - Omi - 10-27-2016

(10-26-2016, 11:06 PM)Jack_Henderson Wrote: I'll put out one thing: it only sounds easy to find faction leaders. The job is neither cool, nor fun, nor rewarding - I would say - 60-70 % of the time.

I can only quote this for emphasis. Some of the least fun I've ever had on Disco has been a direct result of me leading a faction - it's not rewarding and it's nowhere near as fun as just being a regular high-ranking member. In fact, I've never spent as much time in game but not playing as I ever did while I was leading GRN| - when you're a figurehead for your faction's attitude, image, and general quality on the forums and in game, you tend to spend more time than is healthy trying to moderate fights for both sides, stressing out about where roleplay interactions should go and trying to balance fair play in an ooRP sense with the logical iRP outcome. All in all, I always found it to be more trouble than it was worth.

To lead on from that, I would even suggest that there is so much work involved in leading any halfway active faction properly that any leader holding more than one 1iC position at a time simply isn't leading one of his factions properly, if at all. That said, when it comes to doing that or letting one or more faction(s) the person in question cares about potentially wind up dead, I can understand why it happens and why someone would like to do it. I know from personal experience that finding replacement leadership candidates for some factions in particular can be almost impossible.

RE: Why is it no against the rules for 1 person to be leader of more than 1 official ftcn - FallenKnight - 10-27-2016

(10-26-2016, 10:45 PM)Skorak Wrote: Make a new faction. Be it's leader.
Usually most problematic multi-leadership issues are found within the core factions like the House Military ones to "create" a second LN or KNF etc is just mere excuse and worst way to handle this situation. Some players just want power and would never allow a new fresh meat to rejuvenate the faction.
Also leaders of such core factions are not owning the whole legacy but are sitting temporarily until another one suitable to lead is on the scene. Factions like [TBH] or Benitez| for example are another story - they are "player created" and not on the legacy level as the core ones. They are owned by their creator unless ownership is given directly to another player.

In the end making new one is only adding more oil in the fire.

(10-26-2016, 11:57 PM)Garrett Jax Wrote: I remember the Admins stepping in one time and telling the faction leader of both GRN and BAF to pick one faction to lead and let go of the other. He ended up leaving both and the game entirely.
That guy should have been Dab...He was leading these factions back then and both suffered greatly due to his ways. BAF players were supposed to enter anytime they can and fight off GRN premades of 10+ players or they might get a kick, refusing to do their role. A lot of players left back then...anyway - Dab was 90% of the time on the GRN side with his party while BAF had like 2-5 max players able to come online one after another and die, with the indies.
Point is this "leader" failed miserably in containing both factions active by his dictatorship. If you were the reason back then to make him leave then you deserve a big Kudos and a smile.

Speaking about him, Dab is best example of why such a rule should exist or something to be done with multi-faction leadership.