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RE: Zoners - nOmnomnOm - 05-23-2017

A Long time ago people 'abused' zoner ships (they flew them) and then devs saw how 'bad' it was so they needed zoners a bit. You know... To make them "unique".


RE: Zoners - Sombs - 05-23-2017

You know, OSI ships are usually logging over the GMT day. We're definitely not only logging to prevent officialdom loss. Just saying.

RE: Zoners - casualty - 05-23-2017

The best choice for Zoner trader who wants to dock in the house space is probably Border Worlds Transport (3600 cargo). Another option is Serenity, but it is more of a House civilian ship.

Regarding whales, there's lots of RP opportunities in fact in that they cannot dock within house space. You should to find yourself a buddy with smaller ship and fly together, so he or she can shift the cargo to orbit for you, or hire a lifter on the spot. This all is interaction, and interaction is good.

RE: Zoners - nOmnomnOm - 05-23-2017

A Long time ago people 'abused' zoner ships (they flew them) and then devs saw how 'bad' it was so they nerfed zoners a bit. You know... To make them "unique".


RE: Zoners - Sombs - 05-23-2017

The thing is that balance-wise OSI can trade with almost everyone and their mother and dock everywhere because we gave our capital ship lines for that. No Nephilims, no Aquilons, no Fearless'. OSI is fully taking advantage of being a Zoner company that brings materials from the Edge Worlds - in our case, especially Deuterium but also Iridium from FP11 - to house space. So we are focused on trading, which gives us the advantage of using the awesome Whale in sovereign house space as well.

The other Zoners are not focused on trading. They can go everywhere, too, but they can't dock transports bigger than FL transports in sovereign house space, and the house laws effective prevent people from roaming around with Nephilims in house space. That is not where they belong. They belong in the Edge Worlds. And those ships are not meant to be used offensively.

RE: Zoners - sindroms - 05-23-2017

(05-23-2017, 05:41 AM)MotokoSusu Wrote: well I am new to the forums yes but in no way new to the sever been off and on for awhile

Then you must remember 2009 and 2010 where both the Junker and Zoner IDs were the only trade ships found around. Not only their neutral reputation allowed them to dock in every house, but also their quasi-lawful status allowed them to additionally dock on all unlawful installations as well. House trading IDs were absent from the game as there was no reason to use them and the zoner ID's ability to not only smuggle and trade, it was also a great way to avoid getting pirated by then official IDs due to the players in question using Zoner and Junker bases.

I am also not completely sure I understood your opening post regarding docking rights. Your zoner ID, if piloting a capital ship or a cargo ship over the specified size, may not dock in house space except for other Zoner bases. Capital planets are included in this restriction.

Zoners by lore chose to leave the territories of established colonies that later became houses due to having no say in laws applied to trade and armament. If anyone has missed this, it should be brought up that Zoners are basically a very loose analogy for British colonies in the Americas. Heck, I suppose you can even strike up a comparison between zoner warships and the ever-ongoing subject of gun laws over there. TL;DR zoners ditched house space for their right to smuggle and impose their own laws on commerce and resources. Their limitations on trade are mostly a balance one.

RE: Zoners - HuggieSunrise - 05-23-2017

2009 and 2010 also didn't have nearly as much economic re balancing. or any of the new commodities. Disco was still vary much working on vanilla economy. This place was and is still a work in progress. Though today its a lot more forgiving then it used to be all across the board.

Op initial statement says everything about the premise.. set up against zoners.. whats the antithesis? spazzy nails it zoners and junks where nuts and often pirated.. the most indignant righteousness when you stopped a whale on a pirate were epic levels of aids.

mining... jesus christ remember the zoner mining barges?

the truth is the mods set up against everyone and it should be like this.

RE: Zoners - nOmnomnOm - 05-23-2017

RIP player count

RE: Zoners - Sombs - 05-23-2017

The player count is currently increasing, tho.

RE: Zoners - MotokoSusu - 05-23-2017

Well Hookier we have Nephs and full well know you can not fly them in house space with out permission of the respective houses. there has been some crossed wires among the navy as to where I could be. mostly due to the fact that they did not know their but from a hole in the ground. to many itchy trigger fingers..pffft. we have them due to the shear size and that in the description it gives the impression that the ships have multi uses. seeing we have set up as a research group. they seem to be a good fit as Mobile Research Vessels /Stations. as for not focused on trading last I checked only way you make money is trading or pirating and we are not pirates and seeing we underfunded we have to do trading regularly to be able to pay for the items we need like docking mods and the like. which at some time soon we are going to add another Neph to the fleet and as most know they are not cheap to outfit. we have no means to self fund unlike some. I think the main point I was getting at is that as a zoner trading with a whale you have to fly 9 to 10 systems a hour of time to make one drop where others make 4 jumps and get a payday. for instance H to sigma 57 "at least I think it that system so kindly to not point out if I am wrong you do all get the picture" which is fine but can not bring back the h fuel that has the higher pay out I have to bring back plutonium at a longer travel at less the profit. that where the balance is kind of wonky where one with a craft with 4000 cargo can take advantage of that return trip. I fail to see the OPness of zoners when I have seen 4000 cargo ships. but then back to the issue 3600 is my limit so not better off then a undeclared player. maybe that clears up some of the frustration. also Casualty that is a great idea but we can not manage to get online at the same times to do such things and frankly most of the players I would not trust with a potato gun let alone money and the whale ...well has no way of shooting the crud out of someone if the run off with the cash. I am a Zoner using Zoner ships don't know how much more RP you can do with out sitting behind desk wearing some sort of Zoner flight suit. don't give myself any ideas I might have to take one my duty flight suits and make one nonononononononono no! Sorry for the long statement just hope that allows you all to understand me a little better