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The Drunken Junker - Printable Version

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RE: The Drunken Junker - Shush Muppet - 12-10-2012

Ari shifted in her seat, trying to find a more comfortable position. She hadn't expected a free meal and secretly it made her a little nervous. You know what they say, "There's no such thing as a free lunch."

But then again, these were fellow Junkers. She let out a sigh and her shoulders finally relaxed.

"I'm a scrounger. I go from system to system looking for wrecks to salvage and sell. This last time, though was a little rough." She takes another swig of beer just as the food arrives.

"I was out in the Texas radiation cloud. I had hoped that there were wrecks in there that nobody had discovered, and I was counting on my ships higher stores of nano-drones to get me in and out in one piece." Ari takes a bite of bratwurst and continues.

"The short of it is, I found several wrecks, but most of the gear was either obsolete technology or corroded from the radiation. And of course, I didn't keep a good eye on my nano-drone stores because I was too intent on my scanner. I just about became a new wreck for other Junkers to find."

She shakes her head and tries some of the mashed potatoes. "This is delicious, by the way."

Alycia smiled warmly. "Why thank you. Cook's been trying some new recipies lately. I'll be sure to pass along your compliments."

There was a moment of silence as both women continued to eat.

"Do you mind if I inquire about your tattoos?" Alycia grinned. "They're quite the statement."

Ari's entire body visibly tensed and she stopped eating. There was an awkward pause. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean... to upset you. I was just curious."

"No, it's alright." Ari sighed. "Ever heard of the Crucible? Slaver ship. Run by slaves to catch slaves. The crew are all former slaves that were caught by the Crucible and promoted by the captain. Anyone, slave or crew alike, that is caught trying to leave is executed. This..." She gestured to the tatoos on her face, "is their way of marking their slaves. Frakkin hard to run away and disappear when you've got a neon sign all over your mug."

"I'll be right back." Ari stood up and walked briskly for the women's room.

RE: The Drunken Junker - Shush Muppet - 12-10-2012

As Ariphes Kobold made her way toward the refresher's door she was suddenly siezed by a fit of coughing. She covered her mouth with her hands as she gagged and sank to her knees. Trembling, she tried to regain her feet, and failed.

Blood was visible on her hands and the corner of her mouth. Her skin had quickly become severely pale and covered with cold sweat.

"Oh... frak," Ari groaned just before her body collapsed on the floor.

RE: The Drunken Junker - Gypsie - 03-23-2013

Gypsie Skripto, Editor of the No Buns No Cabbages Reports walked into the bar anxiously, knowing that a story was waiting for him there. He admired the old fashioned decoration for a minute, stopped by the jukebox and inserted a coin for it to play a song, and then went to the bar and sat there. The barwoman was a goreous blonde who immediately caught his attention. Mumbling he said...

Sup lovely? Can you bring me a quarter rum?

He then slided a credit chip on the bar.

On a side note... is James Trenton anywhere to be found around here?

RE: The Drunken Junker - JunkerTown - 03-26-2013

Alycia smiles at the new customer and says..

Welcome to the Drunken Junker sweetie!
I am doing fine altho were alil short staffed since our proprietor went MIA.
We are still here tho and still in business.

She turns around briefly and grabs a bottle of house rum.
Pouring the drink she says..

Now how are you doing?
Also more importantly who are you?
If your asking to see JT then I'll need to tell him who you are.
He doesn't meet just anyone ya know.. He's very busy these days.

She finishes pouring and slides the drink over to him.
Smiling she looks up at him and waits for his answer.

RE: The Drunken Junker - Gypsie - 03-26-2013

Gyp grabs and drinks the shop incredibly fast while grabbing some peanuts from a bowl on the bar. He then started serving the next one himself, when he spoke.

Gypsie Skripto is the name!

He took some more peanuts from the bowl.

I'm a reporter. A Zoner Reporter. A Reported Erisian Pope indeed. I come from Baffin, home of Goddess, where cattle are space worms.

RE: The Drunken Junker - JunkerTown - 03-26-2013

Leaning in she says..
So maybe he's expectin ya then hun.. I'll just call on ova to his office and see if he's there!
Excuse me a minute..

She reaches under the bar and pulls out a small round holo emitter .
Placing it on the bar she activates it and red lights begin to flash along its base.
After a few seconds the lights change to a solid green.
Slots from the top and one side open up revealing a projector and camera.
It then projects a blue holographic image of James Trenton facing towards Alycia.
James says..

Well hello there!
Don't get a chance to talk with ya much beautiful.
Always lovely to see your face.
Tell me what can I do for you?

Alycia says..
Aww thank ya honey!
There's a gentleman here says he's a Zoner reporter.

James speaks..
AH so Gypsie showed up then!
Yep he's sittin right here.
Ah good..
She turns the device so the camera now faces Gypsie.
James now looking at Gypsie says..
Gypsie my man good to see you!
Just wrapping up some things over here at San Juan.
I know we spoke about you coming over but I had no idea it'd be this soon.
My apologies for not being there to greet you.
This is a welcome surprise though.. tell ya what.
I'll get on my ship and start heading that way.
Should only take me a few minutes to get there.
Feel free to order anything you like while you wait.
All drinks are on me!

RE: The Drunken Junker - Gypsie - 03-26-2013

Gyp nods and smiles to the man in the video feed.

Good guy Trenton, glad to see you in good shape!

He raises a third rum shot.

I'm served, already ordered a quarter rum... I just hope you make it in time before I get drunk! Hehe. By the way, you have the most lovely barwoman over here. Hurry or else she'll be married by the time you arrive. As an Erisian Pope I can conduct my own ceremony, and they're fast!

RE: The Drunken Junker - JunkerTown - 03-28-2013

James replies..
Ha.. Well don't let her sweetness fool ya she's a tough one!
Drink up and I'll be there soon.

The image fades and the holo emitter closes its doors.
Alycia removes the device and places it back under the bar.
She says..
Wow.. So he's just gonna drop everything to come see ya!
That is pretty impressive considering how much he has going on.

She slides out a bottle of top shelf rum and passes it over to Gypsie.

Here ya go suga!
Its on the man and he would let you drink anything but the best!!

As the conversation proceeds with music playing, drinks flowing and the flirting continues.
Some several minutes later the music stops suddenly and the intercom is heard throughout the base.

JunkTown you are clear to dock at landing bay one. Welcome to La Fortaleza Deputy Arbiter Trenton!
The intercom goes silent and the music fades back up to its original volume.

Alycia now sitting at a table with Gypise says..
Ah then he should be walking in any minute now.

Gypsie along with Alycia and some of the other patrons are gathered around the table.
They have finished off the first bottle of rum and are well into the second.
The pub's door slides open and in walks James Trenton.
Not far behind him is a large menacing looking robot.
James and Marcus make their way to the table and the crowd gets quiet as they approach .
Gypsie stands up alil slow and wobbly but still able.
They shake hands and James steps in putting his hand on Gypsie's shoulder he says..
Welcome my friend its good to see you in my neck of the woods!
So tell me how have ya been?

RE: The Drunken Junker - Gypsie - 03-29-2013

Gyp smiles as he shakes Trenton's hand.

So this is the man behind the legend! All shiny luckily, Goddess seems to be smiling on us all hehe!

He then realizes that other people wish to salute Trenton personally. The man goes one by one shaking his hand with them as he calls them by their name, without mistaking anyone. It would seem that he has quite a reputation thinks Gypsie as he watches.

You got here really fast sir. I am honoured, specially after having this beauty tell me how precious your time is. He points at the barwoman. Everything cool on your end?

RE: The Drunken Junker - JunkerTown - 03-29-2013

James smiles at Gypsie and says..

Yessir getting here from San Juan is a short flight.
Its true I am very busy these days but its no trouble making time for a well respected member of the TAZ.
Especially one that is also a reporter!

James turns his attention over to Alycia.
He walks up to her and she hugs him as he whispers in her ear.

....any word on Tyber yet?
.. none yet and i'm sure worried bout him.
we all are beautiful.. just know i will keep searching.
thank you very much.. i never lose hope that you will find him
They embrace once more and then James steps back.
Saying outloud..
So babe.. Is my suite setup?
Alycia says..
Of course suga!
We made sure that everything was fully stocked before your arrival!!

Ah great!
Thank you honey.. Always know I can count on you.

James looks over to Marcus standing just behind him.
He introduces him to Gypsie as Marcus says..
A pleasure to meet you.
Please look straight and hold still while I scan you.

Marcus stares straight into Gypsie's eyes as a small green beam is projected.
Identity confirmed thank you for complying.

James chuckles slightly..
Thats Marcus for ya!
Has to stick to our strict security protocols.
Unfortunately there is very little I can say about it.
He has his directives and they must be followed.
Anyway.. lets head over to my suite.

Looking back over to the table of patrons he says..
Well folks next round is on me but you'll have to excuse as we have some matters to discuss.
The group claps as the waitresses brings in the next round of top shelf liquor.

James puts one arm around Alycia as he moves behind the bar to a hidden door.
A rack of bottles moves aside revealing a plush suite with all the amenities.
James removes his arm from around Alycia as she says..
Alright gents I'll be checking on ya'll in a bit.
Should ya need me sooner just gimme a holler!

James nods and enters the room with Gypsie.
Marcus steps in the room and stops. He stands just in front of the door as it closes behind him.
Gypsie and James proceed to make their way to a corner booth with reclining seats.
A full bottle of some of the finest rarest wine in all of Sirius sits on the table with two glasses.
James pours them both a drink as he says..
Well now I think I may have some catching up to do when it comes to drinks!
Raising his glass he says..
Here's to the future my friend!