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Sunbucks Cafe - Marcus Lindberg - 07-19-2009

Marcus, now became evidently pissed (yet continued to be shaken by the fact that there was a ghost in front of him).

"Hey, that buttcrack died in front of me ok? when he died, it gave me purpose, and then he has the NERVE to come back, and RUIN it for me? If I didn't do that, I would've become a lazy crap again, and possibly even be sitting in some jail in Alaska ok?"

Marcus couldn't believe what he just said. It appears the permanent brainwash serum that LSF had placed on him was also coming out of him.

Sunbucks Cafe - Price - 07-19-2009

Oh, looks like we have a two fer going here

I concentrate on Lindberg, and his eyes start to bug out, he falls to his knees, and then..

A liquid similar to what came out of Kerry started leaking from his nose...

"Ahh, isn't it great to have a clean snot locker?"

Sunbucks Cafe - Marcus Lindberg - 07-19-2009

Suddenly, 2 Mini Marcus's popped up, one with red pointy ears and a red tail holding a red trident, and the other with white wings

"C'mon Marcus! you ain't SERIOUSLY trustin' this ghost fool RIGHT? You just had an entire bottle of Johnny Walker's!, just get up and LEAVE!" the devil marcus screamed.

"No Marcus don't trust him, you know you did wrong things, this is where you'll repent them and begin a-new." the white winged angel Marcus said.

Marcus got his hands, and flicked them across the room

"What was THAT for?" the mini marcus's screamed

"No one tells me what to do."

"not even yourself?" the mini marcus's said

"uhhh...", Marcus willed the mini's out of existence and look'ed at the purle liquid dripping out of his nose. He felt free. Except that ghost was still there, and he was in trouble.


Sunbucks Cafe - Price - 07-19-2009

Well, now this is more like it...

While Lindberg sits there with purple goo dripping out of his nose, lets talk to the other one......

"Officer Kerry, wake up!"

"I told you that you hadn't seen the last of this place, and I didn't dissappoint you... you came looking for me, and brought Lindberg here with you, why?"

Sunbucks Cafe - themasterelite - 07-19-2009

Kerry was open eyed, but unseeing...for a moment...all was black...then his vision returned to him, but what he saw, and what he had remembered seeing twenty minutes ago, were two very different things.

Lindberg was on the floor in front of...him...Sergeant Price of the 207th.

For a brief moment a shiver went through his spine, but then he remembered...he had a duty. A duty to Liberty, and Price was, no doubt, holding him to that duty.

"Sir I...I..." he paused for a moment to collect his thoughts...

"I brought Lindberg here to you, sir, because firstly, him meeting you is long overdue...he has done naught but mocked all suggestions of your very existence...and those that do said suggesting. That and his laxness at his duties, sir. I assume you are already aware of the uh...", it suddenly came to Kerry that Price might be getting rather impatient with him...

"The last incident, where I was forced to engage a Phantom and several criminals all on my own, Phantom first as it was the greatest threat, and due to Lindberg and Joe not assisting me, the trader I was fighting to save did not survive. I killed the Phantom, sir, and one of the Criminals who was fighting me in his Falcata, and with the assistance of merely a bounty hunter and a freelancer who fled halfway through...

In short, sir, their actions cost us both the live of a tradesman, and half of the our reputation with those who look up to us to serve and protect Liberty."

Kerry took a deep breath. He couldn't believe he had just said so much so calmly...albeit in so few breaths...

He only wondered...

....what was to happen now...

Sunbucks Cafe - Price - 07-19-2009

" I think the believing in me part has been taken care of. If I am not mistaken, he looks like he is going to crap himself"

"These are very serious charges, ones that we are going to explore..."

"What about it there sunshine? Think I am still an old wives tale?"

Sunbucks Cafe - Marcus Lindberg - 07-19-2009

Marcus was speechless, he guessed what would happen to him sooner or later, and simply accepted it.

To make it more comfortable for himself, he crapped his pants.

Sunbucks Cafe - Price - 07-19-2009

I was not amused

In fact, I was getting quite irritated.

"Look here squishy pants, you have been screwing up in a major way! Whats wrong with you, leaving another officer in peril, not assisting him?

I pointed a finger right into the middle of his chest, the look was very satisfying. He felt that. He felt the bone that once held flesh....

"Telling People that I am a figment of their imagination? Well WHAT DO YOU THINK NOW?"

Sunbucks Cafe - Marcus Lindberg - 07-19-2009

"Wh..wh..wh..Why do you if I I think you're rrreal or not?"

Sunbucks Cafe - Price - 07-19-2009

Oh this was going to be good.

"Why do I care? Because there is an order to the universe, and like it or not, I am part of it, just as you are."

"You need to get your stuff into one sock mister. Order is the order of the day. Do you think it was just a random coincidence that your brother came looking for you to end his life?"

I noticed the pained look on his face. Good. I might be getting thru then.

"He didn't want to spend the rest of his life locked up somewhere, not living as a human, but locked up like an animal..."

I was on a roll.

"You need to get it together there sunshine, and do your duty. Dark times are coming to Liberty, and you of the LPI have been picked to stop it."