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Liberty Police, Inc. Reporting Office - Printable Version

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RE: Liberty Police, Inc. Reporting Office - Chronicron - 09-14-2021

Liberty Police Incorporated
Incoming Transmission

[Image: XGWJGXY.png]
- Sender: Corporal Tricia Reyes
- Recipient: Liberty Police, Inc.
- Subject: Weapons smuggler
- Encryption: Unbreakable

Corporal Reyes here.

During the patrol today, I stumbled upon a freelancer who went by the callsign Gipsy_Danger. Said freelancer had multiple Lavablades and Magma Hammers in his cargo hold, as well as Adapted Nomad Weaponry. He claimed that the weapons were scavenged from wreckages. I told him to hand the weaponry over to Erie's vendor, but he failed to report back. I suggest issuing an arrest order - the individual in question might be a gallic spy.

Additionally, I took care of another batch of "employees" for Huntsville, which were kindly provided by California precinct.

That is all.

[Image: XjOoqWc.png]

Corporal Tricia Reyes
Liberty Police Incorporated

- Attached Files

[1] [2] [3]

RE: Liberty Police, Inc. Reporting Office - Chronicron - 10-13-2021

Liberty Police Incorporated
Incoming Transmission

[Image: XGWJGXY.png]
- Sender: Lieutenant Tricia Reyes
- Recipient: Liberty Police, Inc.
- Subject: Outlaw Assault
- Encryption: Unbreakable

Lieutenant Reyes here.

Earlier today, we received an emergency about another capital assault by the outlaws. With my recent promotion, I decided to assume temporary command of the Polstari. With united efforts from the Fifth and Fourty-Sixth Navy Fleets, the assault was repelled with minimal losses.

That is all.

[Image: XjOoqWc.png]

Lieutenant Tricia Reyes
Liberty Police Incorporated

- Attached Files


RE: Liberty Police, Inc. Reporting Office - Harus - 11-07-2021

Liberty Police Incorporated
Incoming Transmission

[Image: QMa6jNJ.png]
- Sender: Corporal Stephanie Swanson
- Recipient: Liberty Police, Inc.
- Subject: First Patrol Back
- Encryption: Unbreakable

It's been a while since I have left a report and been on Patrol. It's good to be back after my time away. I completed my first actual Patrol today. The good news is, there isn't much to report, aside from meeting 3 Freelancer vessels that were minding their own business conducting lawful business within Liberty Space.

The only issue I really had was one of the large trains, which had a lot of red flashing lights, claims that it confuses the pirates as he just cruises on by. Curious if this is a traffic hazard/distraction when it comes to large vessels with an absorbent amount of flashing lights on them like that.

Ah well, I am looking forward to a future, more eventful patrol.

Stephanie, out.

[Image: XjOoqWc.png]

Corporal Stephanie Swanson
Liberty Police Incorporated

- Attached Files


RE: Liberty Police, Inc. Reporting Office - Harus - 11-07-2021

Liberty Police Incorporated
Incoming Transmission

[Image: QMa6jNJ.png]
- Sender: Sergeant Stephanie Swanson
- Recipient: Liberty Police, Inc.
- Subject: Adding a Light Capital Vessel to the Fleet
- Encryption: Unbreakable


Following my promotion, I proceeded with acquiring a Condor Class Gunboat to add to my arsenal. I realize my promotion did not grant me a Gunboat license, and my promotion to Corporal already allowed that, but I feel with Sergeant a larger vessel would suit me on patrol a little better.

I did, however, completely forget that we already have a "Leavenworth" within the fleet. Even the front office clerk, that registered the title of the ship didn't realize till after the paperwork was fully complete. I will be working with the front office, and the Commissioner to rectify this issue soon.

That being said, I hope that my patrols become more eventful, and I can utilize my new resource.

Stephanie, out.

[Image: XjOoqWc.png]

Sergeant Stephanie Swanson
Liberty Police Incorporated

- Attached Files


RE: Liberty Police, Inc. Reporting Office - Chronicron - 12-04-2021

Liberty Police Incorporated
Incoming Transmission

[Image: 54tWymX.png]
- Sender: Captain Tricia Reyes
- Recipient: Liberty Police, Inc.
- Subject: Work week summary
- Encryption: Unbreakable

Captain Reyes here with a weekly summary.

On December 1st, an Outcast Battle Transport under Freelancer IFF named "Perla" attempted to breach the grid and load off the drugs on Manhattan[1]. After restricting the perp's docking permissions and ordering them to cut their engines, the smuggler chose to disobey, ignoring orders and warning shots. The smuggler and their load were successfully dispatched[2].

On December 3rd, we were alerted by the crew of Logistics Vessel "Bear" about the criminal presence in California. After a thorough scan of the trade lanes, the only criminal vessel I could find was the Cressus, a Corsair Train[3] . After a brief interrogation[4], the ship was successfully escorted out of Liberty space[5].

That is all.

[Image: XjOoqWc.png]

Captain Tricia Reyes
Liberty Police Incorporated

- Attached Files

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

RE: Liberty Police, Inc. Reporting Office - Chronicron - 01-21-2022

Liberty Police Incorporated
Incoming Transmission

[Image: 54tWymX.png]
- Sender: Captain Tricia Reyes
- Recipient: Liberty Police, Inc.
- Subject: Intercepted Smuggling Runs
- Encryption: Unbreakable

Captain Reyes here.

Earlier today, TLAGSNET has picked up an Interspace Cargo Mover, callsign "Vestige", passing through Virginia. Scans have picked up suspicious cargo, namely the Xeno Relics. The transport was intercepted on its way to Bering system, warned and ordered to drop the contraband, which they did. The Xeno Relics were destroyed on the spot.

Later, TLAGSNET has picked up another smuggler, callsign "Jummi", heading down Colorado with a full load of Sorted Artifacts. Their signal has disappeared around Pueblo, leading me to believe that they would take a jump hole. My theory was proven right - the smuggler was intercepted passing through Jersey Field. After a few minutes of talks, the smuggler jettisoned their cargo, which was destroyed on the spot.

That is all.

[Image: XjOoqWc.png]

Captain Tricia Reyes
Liberty Police Incorporated

- Attached Files

[1] [2] [3]

RE: Liberty Police, Inc. Reporting Office - L1ght - 02-15-2022

Liberty Police Incorporated
Incoming Transmission

[Image: wZNiVuw.gif]
- Sender: Police Officer, Thomas Roy
- Recipient: Liberty Police, Inc.
- Subject: Smugglers
- Encryption: Unbreakable

Good day,

After the 46th gave us intel on Core APM vessels I ran in to one callsign"APM-Industrial.Momentum" in California, fellow 46th members caught him with Azurite gases, he seems to fully understand Liberty Laws yet haul contraband on purpose. He made it clear, that he does not care for Liberty laws or Cores reputation within Liberty. I issued a fine which he paid, however when I told him he must leave our space, he became violent and started running towards trade lane to New York jump gate. He was warned to stop, he resulted to insulting and not complying so I tried to disable his vessel, but I suppose he was suicidal and ran in to planet Mojave.

That is all.

[Image: XjOoqWc.png]

Police Officer Thomas Roy
Liberty Police Incorporated

- Attached Files

RE: Liberty Police, Inc. Reporting Office - L1ght - 02-21-2022

Liberty Police Incorporated
Incoming Transmission

[Image: wZNiVuw.gif]
- Sender: Police Officer, Thomas Roy
- Recipient: Liberty Police, Inc.
- Subject: Unwelcomed Vessels
- Encryption: Unbreakable

Good day,

I was on patrol today, I encountered mr.Max of APM ship name tagget APM.Industrial.Momentum just as he was entering New York from Texas. Mr.Max seems to be understanding the terms of him not being welcome to Liberty, however he seems to be denying and disobeying any authorities. He did kindly accept to be escorted out of Liberty, but on the way however a Pirate bomber cut down the trade lane and proceeded to attack me. The Pirate was dealt with, but Mr.Max went behind my back, back to New York to where the 46th stopped him. His vessel was disabled due to him not obeying authorities and not respecting Liberty Laws. A MND fighter was spotted undocking from Manhattan, he was saying he was in a "diplomatic" relation mission. I checked for any paper of sort, none existed. The vessel was disabled as well.

That is all.

[Image: XjOoqWc.png]

Police Officer Thomas Roy
Liberty Police Incorporated

- Attached Files

Fake Ambassador

RE: Liberty Police, Inc. Reporting Office - Dejavu - 03-18-2022

Liberty Police Incorporated
Incoming Transmission

[Image: wZNiVuw.gif]
- Sender: Lieutenant Oliver Shaw
- Recipient: Liberty Police, Inc.
- Subject: Old Dog, Old Tricks
- Encryption: Dubious


Today was a momentous occasion for two reasons. Firstly, I managed to squeeze my hefty frame back into a Patriot without the aid of any lubricants. I would order my assistant to book me into a gym, but I don't seem to have one. Secondly, it was my first patrol since my release from my former office.

From my first impressions of Liberty, nothing has changed.

I started my patrol from One Police Plaza, where I completed a loop of Colorado. Then I transited through New York to the Texas system, where I began to monitor the jump gates and trade lanes. Since I was getting a few pings of activations in New York, I returned to the system and held position at Fort Bush where I was contemplating which coffee to purchase and how to pry myself out of the cockpit. Luckily, before I could make my mind up, a Bounty Hunter by the name of Jack Valentine turned up and we traded pleasantries. During this time two other vessels arrived in the vicinity, a Navy battlecruiser and a Cryer representative (please note, they do not sell weight loss pills, or at least this one didn't), who proceeded to enter the conversation until we were rudely interrupted by the long range sensors on Fort Bush informing me that a possible AI toaster had been detected on the FB > PMH lane. While they confirmed their findings I held position at Fort Bush, still contemplating that coffee.

After a few minutes it was confirmed by some strange toaster related transmissions that it was in fact an AI, so the Navy battlecruiser redeployed to Planet Manhattan while I stayed at Fort Bush. However during this action I kept receiving pings from the trade lanes coming from West Point that we had insurgent forces heading straight for the capital. Being the patriot that I am, I redeployed to the docking ring in orbit of Planet Manhattan, to keep it clear for incoming reinforcements. I of course completed this duty with heroism.

In the following firefight, an Insurgent gunboat and battlecruiser were destroyed. Along with a few possible snubs. Losses to the large friendly force that had assembled were of course huge. The battlecruiser from earlier even spread its self over a vast area, completely violating the allocated parking areas around the capital. When I find the captain's escape pod I will be issuing many, many tickets for this complete disregard for the law and their earlier attempted bribery of coffee and donuts that I failed to mention beforehand.

Until the next time.

[Image: XjOoqWc.png]

Lieutenant Oliver Shaw
Liberty Police Incorporated

- Attached Files

Verona Destruction

RE: Liberty Police, Inc. Reporting Office - Dejavu - 03-19-2022

Liberty Police Incorporated
Incoming Transmission

[Image: wZNiVuw.gif]
- Sender: Lieutenant Oliver Shaw
- Recipient: Liberty Police, Inc.
- Subject: Workplace Pressures
- Encryption: Puzzling


Today marks the day where I break my silence. I vowed not to do this but I cannot contain it any longer after what happened to me.

The build quality on the Patriot is absolutely shocking. It's a depressing fact that these death traps have claimed the lives of good officers. I suppose I should have said decompressing fact, it would have been more accurate.

Whilst on patrol I was getting pings from long range scanners that those dastardly Outcasts were setting up a small staging base, so of course being the ever heroic officer that I am, I decided to go in singlehanded. Donut in hand I charged my cruise engine and flew the some 30k out from Planet Manhattan to greet our invasive new neighbours. On arrival I was surprised at the size of the installation, quite frankly it was disappointing. I could have barely fitted inside of it in my currently somewhat oversized state. It was minute. From the pings I had assumed that I'd be getting a new medal and a definitely deserved promotion for the destruction of the station. In reality I'll be lucky to even get a nod from my fellow patrons in Sunbucks.

While deciding the next best course of action, two Outcast vessels came out of nowhere and evaporated my shields, doing minor damage to my hull. With this I activated my reserve shield batteries and started evasive manoeuvres. What happened next is not what I fully expected to happen. There was a ripping of metal and a rushing of air from beneath me, I was gasping for breath as my vessel's pressure leaked out into the vacuum. I next felt a cold burning sensation to my left, naturally sized, but in proportion fleshy seat cushion. A sense of dread rushed over me as the pressure built back to manageable levels. My backside had saved me from certain death. But not embarrassment.

Seeing this ungraceful sight, the Outcast ships ceased fire and opened a comms channel with me. They laughed. They laughed hard. I assume they also took various photos for their various drug filled social media channels. My pride hurt, I courageously charged at the so called station, only pulling up at the last moment to release two mines. Boom. Gone. I assume. I didn't look back, cool guys don't look at explosions.

In short, I blame the poor build quality of the Patriot that nearly killed me today. It was certainly not my large bones and ample supply of donuts and coffee that could have caused catastrophe today. It was those tin foil like materials they use for the hull. It's science, that's all I'm saying.

Since the Patriot has the structural integrity of a burger patty, I am taking a Defender out for a test drive. Hopefully I won't have to squeeze myself inside.

Until the next time.

[Image: XjOoqWc.png]

Lieutenant Oliver Shaw
Liberty Police Incorporated

- Attached Files

I'm not willing to share images of this incident.