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What MMORPG are you playing now? - Printable Version

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What MMORPG are you playing now? - Kazinsal - 06-11-2010

I rejoined WoW this week. Leveled from 72 to 73 in a few hours of playing...


What MMORPG are you playing now? - Rashid - 06-18-2010

Haven't been on an MMORPG in a while, but Guild Wars would have to be one of my favs. Still have a lvl 20 Necro/Dervish. :cool:

What MMORPG are you playing now? - Backo - 06-18-2010

I play Real Life, imagine that?

But on more serious note - nothing right now, but I've played WoW and GuildWars in the past. Still I prefer GW over WoW because it's faster and because the PvP is more fun:P

What MMORPG are you playing now? - Elvin - 07-03-2010

Huh, came back to Aion, just to remind me why I left. Everyone gets max level, god-gear and then hang on low-level spots of the other side, having a lot of joy that noone can harm them, but they one-shot everyone. And then, of course, running when someone who could put up a challange comes around. Then there are the sieges with so many people, that your head spins, using the "crowd" tactic. And which crowd reacts faster wins.
The game is lovely, the people playing it are not. What a shame, that this happens so often in so many games.

What MMORPG are you playing now? - Mao - 07-03-2010

I like the stories of Guild Wars... That would be all.

What MMORPG are you playing now? - Akura - 07-04-2010

Just finished playing about 7 hours straight of Guild Wars with Exile.

Shagohad, Jokoro and Aurelio from these here forums joined us too.

What MMORPG are you playing now? - Exile - 07-04-2010

' Wrote:Just finished playing about 7 hours straight of Guild Wars with Zoey Sakura

Shagohad, Jokoro and Aurelio from these here forums joined us too.

What MMORPG are you playing now? - ivr56 - 07-04-2010

I may give LOTRO a try since its going free.
Also, once I get the money, APB and Global Agenda. Even with the lowish reviews, I enjoyed the hell out of the Beta for APB. And really enjoyed the trial for Global Agenda and the good news of it losing its subscription fees for the AvA thing.

What MMORPG are you playing now? - Aaronny - 07-12-2010

I'm playing Mortal Online right now, sandbox MMORPG, crazy crafting system, same rules as Ultima Online, and if you die you loose all your craps....Love beeing a PK!

What MMORPG are you playing now? - Harus - 08-21-2010

Gravedig a sticky? YuS!

I play WoW on a regular basis.. Stormrage server, Horde side. (smoke)