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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 12-08-2011

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Major Warner

"This is Major Ben Warner calling in, after the incident onboard the Lithuania and my dying body was taken to [[CLASSIFIED]] and underwent reconstructive-surgery with the latest of Cybernetics augmenting my mind to restore functionality, I have been cleared for active duty as long as I take it easy until the implant adjusts to controlling the flow of information throughout my mind.

I believes this proves the value of the Artificial Intelligence and Cybernetics Program in the medical field and once this current crisis blows over I urge continued research and development in the Program.

As I stand here and now I pledge my support to General Rhade until the Civilian Population of the Coalition elects a new Premier or Premier Katz is located.

Glory to the Coalition."

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - TheOrangeButterfly - 12-08-2011

[Image: johannesclausdone.png]

IDENTIFICATION: Johannes Claus, Captain
SOURCE: Arranmore Base, Dublin System
SUBJECT: Action/Raid Report

A raid upon Omicron Gamma was organized by General Rhade, along with Comrade Warner in the CPW-Lithuania. I am glad to see him back to the front-lines after the previous incident. Comrade Dasha also accompanied us, a trio of bombers and a typhoon to enter into the abysmal maw that is Cannibal territory. Upon entering the system we spotted a Legate Dreadnought, capital armor 8. ECG|Adm-Evolution. We brought it nearly to destruction as it decided to throw itself into Crete's atmosphere in a frenzied attempt to make salvaging its scrap easier. Upon that, the Lithuania had to pull back towards Omega-52 as it was getting swarmed by Corsair bombers.

We made a fighting retreat to the Omega-41 system, where I and Rhade made a valiant stand against a swarm of Corsair snubs. I have 4 on me as I fled towards the Omega-5 hole, all of them eventually buggering off as they couldn't hit me. I jumped to Omega-5, baiting the last Titan across. It was disposed of an comrade Rhade and I returned to Omega-52 unscathed, with Revos requiring minor repairs. No hands were lost, two personal guncam kills below of two Titans.

Titan kills:

For the Red Dawn! For the Revolution!

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Dane Summers - 12-08-2011

>>>[color=#000000]INCOMING TRANSMISSION<<<

[Image: ketsumdpic.png]

[color=#FF0000]>>>[color=#000000]REPORT BEGINS -

Action of note - Vessel Destroyed - Series QX "Switchblade" Strike Fighter
Name - "Shichigatsu"

A more detailed follow up, to my transmission here.
Myself and Comrade Claus launched to track down sensor contacts of non-recognized beacon within Omega 52 - The target had moved on to Omega 5, and I decided to give chase. Target turned out to be a "Fearless" Class Destroyer, of Zoner make, and identified with Zoner beacons. the Captain claimed he had no knowledge of ever entering Omega 52, and when I informed him that any repeat offense would result in his destruction, he replied with "Dont threaten me" - With nothing more I could do, but issues a stiff warning, I let him go.

Upon arrival at the Omega 52 jumphole, was greeted and engaged by two Mercenaries, intent on my destruction. Seeing myself outnumbered, myself and Comrade Claus conspired to lead them into ambush, where the might of our inter-system patrols would even the odds, and push them considerably in our favor. It broke into two one on one engagements, which resulted in the destruction of both mercenary vessels.

>>>[color=#000000]UPLOADING DATA

>>>Uploading File - Guncam #SЯ▲ 000195
[color=#FF0000]>>>Uploading File - Guncam #SЯ▲ 000197
[color=#FF0000]>>>Uploading File - Guncam #SЯ▲ 000198
[color=#FF0000]For the Red Dawn!

>>>[color=#000000]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED[color=#FF0000]<<<

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 12-09-2011

COMM ID: Acting-Premier Chun Ki Ling of the Coalition
LOCATION: Office of the Premier '€“ Kremlin Dome, Volgograd, Omega-52

TARGET ID: All Coalition Assets and the Coalition People

[Image: premierling.png]

Members of the Coalition,

I have been elected by your voice, the State Duma, to the newly created position of Acting-Premier while our search for Premier Katz continues. Know that I will be a strong voice and diligent leader in this trying times.

I start this appointment with good news. The Coalition has had false starts and stalls in its current XKR project and I am delighted to announce that at the end of this month - All Coalition pilots will have access to the new technology. This will greatly reduce our reliance on foreign arms. All pilots are required to turn in any Hessian technology for secure destruction.

Now for better news, Commandante Rhade successfully lead a strike group of Allied Molly and SCRA units to heavily damage several Rheinland Battleships, Cruisers and Gunboat. After encountering heavy resistance, they pulled back to Omega-5 where they were greeted by frontline Hessian units. Seeing the strength of our force and the targets on offer, the Hessian forces joined Commandante Rhade and charged down the Rheinland battlegroup. We sustained minor losses, however several snub craft were killed and a heavy battleship was obliterated.

We are turning the tide in this war, and Commandante Rhade is to be commended for his stalwart actions.

Now we have received intelligence of a large Corsair fleet amassing and our allies in the Colonial Republic are receiving warnings that Gallia is about to strike at Kusari.

These are trying times and the road ahead will be difficult but together, we will traverse this rocky path and emerge stronger than ever before.

For the Coalition!

Acting-Premier Chun Ki Ling
Премьер Чун Ки Лин


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 12-10-2011

[Transmission Begins]
From: Commandante Aloysius Rhade
To: The Fighter Corps
Priority: MEDIUM
[Image: rhade-1.png]
[Message Begins]

Soldiers of the Coalition,

Today was a glorious victory for the Coalition. Despite ridiculously overwhelming odds, the combined forces of the Coalition, Mollies and Hessians managed to destroy a Rheinland Battleship as well as two Snub craft. Furthermore, we managed to severely damage a large number of other Rheinland ships, but they unfortunately survived, albeit just barely.

Unfortunately, we did lose a Revolution Bomber but worry not, as our ships are designed to be expendable and easily replaced. A lost Snub-craft is absolutely insignificant when compared to the destruction of an entire Battleship.

We did, of course learn a valuable lesson today. Asteroids and Missile's make for a dangerous combination. Comrades, avoid battling a capital ship in an Asteroid Field if you find it fires many missiles.

That is all.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: ^^^^^]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - TheOrangeButterfly - 12-10-2011

[Image: bellamyt.png]

IDENTIFICATION: Horus Bellamy, Senior Lieutenant
SOURCE: Zvedny Gorodok, Omega-52
SUBJECT: Action/Raid Report

Reporting in for duty comrades, I have just arrived from a special operations mission and have returned to Omega-52. Full rundown below.


For the Red Dawn! For the Revolution!

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 12-10-2011

[Transmission Begins]
From: Commandante Aloysius Rhade
To: The Fighter Corps
Priority: MEDIUM
[Image: rhade-1.png]
[Message Begins]

Soldiers of the Coalition,

I am pleased to announce the end of "Father" Marcion's life at the hands of Coalition Marines. With the death of their leader, and evidence that Marcion was planning on using Nerve Staples to build an army of suicide bombers, support for his "New Coalition" has all but collapsed.

However, there remains a tiny pocket of resistance, scattered and in hiding. Former command members of the "New Coalition" who refuse to accept defeat. Comrades, you must remain vigilant in these times and quietly remove any who still support this dissension.

It is your duty to do what is right for the People of the Coalition and the way I see it, planning to use them as suicide bombers is sickening. Show them no mercy for daring to conceive such a reviling plot.

That is all.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: NONE]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 12-15-2011

ID: Major Han Xu
[Image: xutransmission.png]

Fellow Soldiers of the Coalition,
[color=#FFFF00]Last night shall be forever recorded as the "Night of Terror". The sheer destruction wrought on the Rheinlanders and Corsairs will live on in infamy. The entire lower Omega's were locked down and secured as the pathetic forces of the Corsairs were either obliterated or sent back to their stations, wetting their beds in fear.

It all started with two Corsair Brotherhood fighters with ego's the size of planets infiltrating Coalition Sovereign space in Omega-50. They then infiltrated Omega-52, before they were promptly stopped by myself. Commandante Rhade answered the alarm sounds and brought with him our first defence fighter strike force, which drove the Corsairs back to their only foothold in Omega-50. With them leading us in a pathetic dance around the base, one fighter went on fire crash-docked. The second was quick to try the same tactic, however Comrade Lanakov's guns hit true, and the fighter exploded.

Enraged, the Commandante ordered all pilots into their bombers for a lightening strike on Crete as revenge. It could not have gone better. After losing Comrade Claus early in the fight due to missile fire, our remaining bomber wing smashed their Capital craft with relative ease. A gunboat, Legate and Osiris were the first to burn. Comrade Draka ensured that the enemy capitals could not escape and dealt the damage to the hull while I took out their shields. Several reinforcements arrived in the form of a Molly Sabre and Hessian Fighter. With the Reapers of Sirius on our backs, our attention was then turned towards the fighters where Comrade Stroganov excelled himself with two beautifully placed SNAC shots on two enemy Titans. Not to be outdone, the Commandante then obliterated another Titan. The RoS quickly fled, and as we decended back towards Crete - An armourless Gunboat appeared with another fighter escort. Both were promptly smashed. Seeing the flames of their comrades around Crete, the Corsair forces retreated. Our only loss being Comrade Claus.

Following this near flawless victory, our attentions turned to Omega-11 where two RNC cruisers were facing off against another Corsair legate, the very same one that we obliterated earlier. The Corsairs certainly re-make their ships quickly. Both were dispatched unto hell with no losses on our side and little effort.

We even had time to play a little with the BAF, nearly killing one of their Admirals before the Commandate called time on the raid.

The Commissariat is impressed with the damage told to the enemy forces on this Night of Terror. Excellent work, and keep it up.


[color=#FF0000]Xu out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Astennu123 - 12-15-2011

:: Incoming Transmission ::
:: ID: Captain Aleksei Stroganov ::
:: Source: CPW-Katyusha ::

[Image: arx1314999398x.png]

Priviet, comrades!

As Comrade Xu said, it really was a glorious day for the Coalition. The Corsairs should think about their tactics. They lost A few thousands because of two selfish ones. If they keep it that way, the Glorious Coalition will vaporize each corsair ship and installation soon. In order to do that, I call you, my comrades. Let's do a raid every evening. Or every second evening. A Coalition Tactical Strike Force (CTSF) should be moved to Gamma repeatedly. The targets should be Legate class Corsair Dreadnaughts, Osiris class Battleships, Praefect class Cruisers, Imperator class Gunboats and snubs if we've ran out of primary targets. A group consists of four or five people would do the trick in my opinion.

Contact me for details.

Keep it up, comrades.
[color=#FF0000]For the Red Dawn!

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 12-15-2011

ID: Major Han Xu
[Image: xutransmission.png]

Fellow Soldiers of the Coalition,
[color=#FFFF00]Once again, the Corsairs decided to infiltrate our home system. A lone Virage came close to Mykolaiv station however was intercepted. Upon it responding to a devlish trick from myself, it was quickly obliterated.

Following Acting-Premier Ling's directives for every insult to be repaid in kind, Commandante Rhade brought a task force of 5 bombers to bear on the Corsair homeworld of Crete. Enemy capital ships amassed right infront of the dirty planet, and fell slowly but surely to our combined fire. Suddenly, we were supported by a random Outcast gunship. A brave move, but highly stupid on it's part. We did not mourn its loss. Two Hessians, including our old comrade Sergei Lazarev, also joined the fight and kept the enemy fighters off our backs.

Unfortunately, we slowly began to lose fighters to the missile fire from the enemy battleships, until all that remained was me. The Commandante took a direct hit to his engines, and with that - I scouped up his pod and delievered it back to the CPW-Udaloy. With the enemy ships continue to pour from Crete, we tactically struck and then fell back.

In Omega-41, A bounty hunter Destroyer was crushed by the combined fire of Comrade Claus and the CPW-Udaloy. We continued to pull back to Omega-5 when the enemy Corsairs brought in another Osiris and a Cruiser.

With Commandante Rhade now aboard the CPW-Havana and myself to the CPW-Karl.Marx, we drove into the Enemy Osiris and Crusier with both exploding in a beautiful haze at the same moment.

The remaining fighters were then either crushed or they fled and the final gunboat crash docked.

The annoying Reaper of Sirius pilot once again showed up, I feel it is barely worth mentioning.

For the loss of a handful of bombers, we once again brought destruction upon the Corsairs.


[color=#FF0000]Xu out.