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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Stefz - 12-30-2011

[Image: DavidCarterTransmission.png]

Carter here.

While sweeping through Omega 11, I spotted a few Hessians fighting a few Corsairs. I immediately jumped in to assist, and soon, we took out one fighter, while others fled. As our forces got more numbers, we payed a visit to Gama. A bunch of Corsairs were waiting for us and the battle began. Our side lost a cruiser and a battleship while Corsairs lost so much that I lost the count. Smirks Now I am waiting for the arrival of XKR fighters to test their efficiency in the battlefield, as the current ones aren't fitting me quite well.

For the Coalition!

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 12-31-2011

ID: Major Han Xu
[Image: xutransmission.png]

Fellow Soldiers of the Coalition,
[color=#FFFF00]The Commissariat and Science Division is aware of the current issues surrounding our Capital fleet. All Storm and updated Typhoon (Trotsky) classes are hereby grounded until these issues can be rectified.

This will place a burden on our new XKR fighters which was unforeseen, however I have full faith in each and every one of you to defend our home against any aggressors whom may take advantage of our depleted position.

It is my expectation that you will have access to the fast Partisan Interceptors and updated Revolution Bombers to dispel any incursions.

[color=#FF0000]Xu out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 01-01-2012

[Transmission Begins]
From: Commandante Aloysius Rhade
To: The Fighter Corps
Priority: HIGH
[Image: rhade-1.png]
[Message Begins]

Well, this has been quite the day.

First the issues plaguing our Capital Ships, and now we're receiving reports that the Gallics have broken through into Sirius. Major Xu will detail that in a report.

As for myself, RECON Scanners reported something very odd in the Omicron Minor area. Or rather, it's what we DIDN'T detect that concerned me. I proceeded to prepare my new XKR Insurgent to scout the area. Needless to say, what we found more than concerned me.

Upon entering Delta, we proceeded to where the Omicron Minor Jumphole was and proceeded through. However, when we looked at the new system we were in, it certainly was not Minor. We had entered a new system, unknown to us. I ordered our task-force to scour the area and we found some Asteroids to the South-West and two Nebula's in the North-West and North-East. I scouted the North-East Nebula myself and I found a Jumphole guarded by what appeared to be two structures of Nomad origin. Needless to say, I pulled out as quickly as possible.

To the North-West we found the Jumphole to Minor, and at first everything seemed normal. Of course, the system was too quiet. Upon approaching Toledo, we realized that things were not alright. Not even close. Surrounding the planet were the wrecks of Order and Bounty Hunter Core ships alike. Even the Isis lay torn apart. We managed to meet up with a survivor, the OCV-Hyperion who was just as confused as we were to the fate of Toledo. At first we hypothesized that it was a Core Super weapon, but that seemed highly unlikely.

An LSF vessel appeared in the system, and called for aid. We used this opportunity to get the location of the Alaska Jumphole, since it appears to of moved locations. Knowing the location of Alaska could prove important if we decide to attack via that area. The LSF vessel returned to Alaska, so we flew with the Hyperion which brought us to the Omicron-100 system. The captain warned us that the automated defenses might still be active and we discovered they were.

We took the opportunity to scout the area, should the need ever arise where we would need to formulate an attack plan. We found their Shipyard which is the source of their capital ships. A sound strategic target should the need arise. Interestingly enough, the Hyperion's captain seemed shocked by a jumphole near Evora. Apparently it wasn't there before, and while the Hyperion remained in Omicron-100, it asked that we investigate.

We jumped into the system only to be greeted by a Minefield. I sent a general message throughout the system and were greeted rather coldly by the Order. I pressed them for information on the events that occurred in Minor and it turns out that it was the Nomads that destroyed the planet. Not only that, there were only a handful of survivors. The majority of the civilian population was wiped out.

The Order seem to of settled in a new system, one which they refer to as Omicron Mu. They also appear to be in possession of a new breed of Zoner Warship, a contradiction if there ever was any. Having discovered what exactly happened in the sector and finding out the new location and capabilities of the Order, I returned home.

That is all.

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 01-01-2012

ID: Major Han Xu
[Image: xutransmission.png]

Fellow Soldiers of the Coalition,
[color=#FFFF00]On the orders of Commandante Rhade, I picked up one of the new Partisan Interceptors from Gorodok and proceeded to Bretonia and the Tau's. We have long known of the extent of the Gallic threat, however in one fell swoop our fears have been realised.

The Colonial Republic have been forced to move themselves to the Coronado system as the Gallics have cut through the TAU systems with minimal resistance. In addition, the Edinburgh system has fallen to the Gallics.

Bretonia now finds itself completely hemmed in the Leeds system, although they have been able to secure both jumpgates to Tau-31 and Edinburgh for now. It seems they have an unlikely ally in the Kusarians as they have moved their battleship to Stokes mining station, which is now under administration by BMM.

I would advise extreme caution when moving up through the Tau's now. The Gallics are everywhere.

We also have a small rodent problem closer to home, with the Reapers of Sirius being mere system jumps away from our home system. However I will file a separate report for that at a later stage. For now, all pilots are to study these pictures intently and fully equip Partisan Light Fighter Interceptors. They are quite simply, the only way to scout.


[color=#FF0000]Xu out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 01-01-2012

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Ben Warner, Major.

"Comrades, I have done a sweep of the inner Royalist systems and gotten details on the locations of their assets, these maps will hopefully light your way as we strike fear into the so-called 'King of Gallia'.

Data Map A

Data Map B

Data Map C

Data Map D (Subnote: Gallic Police Base)

Data Map E

Data Map F

Data Map G

Data Map H

Data Map I

Data Map J (Subnote: Brigands Home Base?)

"That is all I have to report for now. Long live the Coalition!"

===End Transmission===

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 01-02-2012

[Image: comxu.png]

[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Commandant Han Xu
Target: All Coalition Assets.
Location: Commandant's Office, Zvezdny Gorodok
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Restructure and death of "Premier" Ling.

[color=#FFFF00]Today marks the start of the new Golden Era. The cancer which struck at the very heart of the Coalition has been removed.

"Premier" Chun Ki Ling, a man who grabbed power while we mourned the false death of our true Ikon Alvin Katz, has been killed. As he hid on the Havana, Commissariat officers were able to successfully breach the flagship, despite Ling's considerable resistance. My personal thanks goes out to Aloysius Rhade as further bloodshed was successfully avoided by his quick thinking. I am sure he will file a report on this honourable moment.

However, due to a number of reasons which will now be listed, he has been demoted by the Premier down to the rank of Colonel. Demotion, in this case, is certainly more preferable than the alternative which was planned for Colonel Rhade.

For daring to speak out against the Premier's policies, and inciting violence against the chain of command during martial law, the punishment for such crimes is death. However, considering his long and considerable service record along with his actions in removing Ling, a dishonourable demotion was considered more appropriate.

Colonel Rhade will now be freed of the restrictive duties of the Commandante role and is expected to lead using the same quick thinking that preserved his life, in the field of combat.

A new Commandant was required to lead us in this new era, and I have been selected. I will be removing the dead wood policies of the two previously failed administrations and I expect you all to fully embrace the new plan which I set forth.

The previous two Commandante's failed to grasp the single most important point of the Fighter Corps existence. We are more than a military. We are the image, the voice and a projection of power which is the Coalition. For too long the fighter corps has resorted to blood-thirsty mass destruction which is not winning the hearts and minds of the people of Sirius. If act like terrorists, then it is easier for the Alliance houses to portray us such and taint their people's minds with false propaganda.

This will no longer continue. I will be formulating a new combat manual with Colonel Rhade, which will define the laws of war which we all will follow. Failing to follow this combat manual will result in severe and painful dismemberment followed by an agonising death.

Let me be clear. There will be no exceptions.

You will find me to be a strict and active Commandant. I will not shy away from combat as Ling did. You will see me out there, carrying out the ideals and polices of our great nation, as often as possible. The rewards of this new journey will be immense. We will be victorious.

Long live the Coaliiton!

[color=#FFFFFF]Xu out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Decktare - 01-02-2012


[Image: 0bb3d5490dca.jpg]

ID: Lieutenant Dmitriy Kolobov
Target: SCRA units

I have returned after my "holidays" in an omega-11. Has found road home and it is ready to start the military duties.

"Holidays" in an omega-11.
When I have lost a signal with base, I have been frightened and only a few words have had time to tell... After a situation assessment I was attacked by the unknown ships which spoke in very strange language. I have tried to contact with them, but it was not possible to me also they have opened fire on me. I managed to kill one such pilot and to depart. Their arms were shone and strong. My navigating systems have been brought down also the ship has been strongly damaged. I flied very long because I can not be guided in system. In some weeks I have found group of ships Hessians which have helped me and have repaired my ship. But I have been strongly wounded and have lain in hospital more than week. After recover I have departed back in Omega-52. On a way all was quiet. But I was disturbed by a meeting with those unknown ships.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 01-02-2012

[Image: comxu.png]

[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Commandant Han Xu
Target: All Coalition Assets.
Location: Commandant's Office, Zvezdny Gorodok
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Standing orders.

[color=#FFFF00]Please be aware that the new Tactical Centre is now online. Please direct your attentions to this com-line.

Detailed within the Tactical Centre are your Standing Orders on formation make-up, targets of opportunity, behavioural code and other important information.

Check on the document regularly as revisions will be made from time to time.

You will also be pleased to know that we have had a new entrant into the science division. Rajya El-Hashem will be heading up a new frontiers project regarding research into new technologies. This will be done under supervision by this office and Dr Xiaobei, the Coalitions Chief technician. We are also launching a new propaganda service to inform the whole of Sirius of our victories and Coalition way of life.

You will all understand that this is a major shift in our fighting doctrine, but one which must be done so that we can inspire the peoples of Sirius to see the corruption within their respective houses. Behave by the behavioural code, follow your standing orders and the rewards will be spectacular.

Long live the Coaliiton!

[color=#FFFFFF]Xu out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 01-02-2012

[Transmission Begins]
From: Colonel Aloysius Rhade
To: The Fighter Corps
Priority: MEDIUM
[Image: 1zbteg2.png]
[Message Begins]

Ling is dead!

I am pleased to report that after coming aboard the Havana and demanding to assume direct control, I grabbed hold of his sword and impaled him in the stomach. Fortunately for him, he was near the VIP Bunker and managed lock himself inside where we had a state-of-the-art medical system. Unfortunately for him, before he managed to make it a few metres inside the Bunker, we flooded it with a poison gas that goes by the name of M-42 Mango. M-42 reacts explosively to open wounds, and considering Ling had a hole in his stomach...

Well, I am pleased to say that our custodians worked beyond all expectations, and even the tiniest's pieces of Ling were cleaned up and disposed of in a trash compactor of Kusari design.

That is all.

[Message Ends]

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Reid - 01-03-2012

Incoming Transmission
Sender: Jordan Nowell
Subject: Hispania and Omicron Minor

[Image: 25pitkx.jpg]

[color=#FFFFFF]Three days ago my new Insurgent was launched, since my old one was still damaged from my last fight with Corsairs, I was grounded. As soon as I launched for the first time, I started making my way to Omicron Alpha. When I arrived in Theta, I found that the Omicron Eta jumphole collapsed. I searched for half an hour before I continued on a different route, I went through Omicron Beta. As soon as I jumped into Omicron Alpha, there was a MNS ship on scanners, but he disappeared as soon as I saw him. I continued to the Hispania, made my inscription, then started my trip home.

When I passed my Freeport 9, Comrade Rhade contacted me and told me that we were doing a recon mission. I met with Comrade Rhade and Coronel outside Planet Gammu. We then flew to Omicron Delta. I have never been there, but Comrade Rhade has, and he said that the system was different. He said that the nebulae was darker than it usually was, and that there was no life anywhere. We eventually reached the jumphole to Omicron Minor, and then jumped through.

Except that we didn't go to Omicron Minor. We found ourselves in an unknown system. Comrade Rhade ordered us to sweep the system. I found multiple databases about the system, Omicron Zeta, and planets orbiting the sun. Comrade Rhade found the jumphole to Omicron Minor after Comrade Coronel and I surveyed the system, and what we found wasn't expected.

Planet Toledo was destroyed, and the area was littered with ship wrecks. We searched for survivors, but found no one. As we were leaving, we picked up a distress message from an Osiris. After investigating, we found that the captain knew nothing about the attack. We offered to help, and unknowingly, the Osiris captain gave us two strategic jumpholes , one to Alaska, and one to Omicron Mu through Omicron 100, and the location of the Order's main shipyard. Rhade and I continued searching for survivors through Omicron Mu, where we found other Order ships. However, my Insurgent was hit by ion storms and was unmovable until today when I made it back home.

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