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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 04-17-2012

[Image: 21928209.png]

[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Major General Han Xu
Target: All Coalition Assets.
Location: CIC, CMS-Kronstadt
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Paying dividends.

[color=#FFFF00]Another glorious assault on Rheinland last night left the system of New Berlin cowering in fear. Our allies, the Hessians, brought a full battleship flotilla to bear on the Rheinland Military however the number of targets available was distinctly lacking.

Sporadic fighters and gunboats were deployed against us, all which were met by our awesome force. One such gunboat became the focus of our attack. The RNC-Weetersteingeberg.

The Gunboat captain saw that he was viciously outnumbered, yet fought on with valour. Seeing that potentially a ship full of potential was about to be scrapped - I offered the Captain an opportunity to save his crew and surrender. He accepted.

He deactivated the gunboat's shields and the escapepods were fired to get his crew to safety. He remained onboard his command, where we escorted him to CLASSIFIED. He has been transported to the Trotsky to begin formal proceedings on his defection.

Lives were saved this day. The Rheinland Military apparently does not breed fools, we must be mindful of this in the future. I will now tend to this officer.


Long live the Coaliiton!

[color=#FFFFFF]Xu out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Pyromaniac - 04-21-2012

****Incoming Transmission****
****Sender - Darren Lane****

[Image: Stalker.jpg]

A few hours ago I returned from a successful expedition out to Omicron Alpha. I departed from Omega 52 and was... escorted, for lack of a better word, by General Xu to the Hispania's wreckage. As per my instructions I proceeded to etch my name in the side, far from a masterpiece but I never claimed to be an artist, (see attatchment one) and then proceeded inside and completed the second objective. (see attatchment two)

Afterward General Xu and I went on a tour around some of the more volatile parts of the sector including Faroe and Cayman before returning to Omega 52 whereupon we were joined by several other pilots and proceeded to Omega 7 to exact some revenge on a rather unfortunate 2te gunboat... in the words of Commandante Rhade 'Surprise!' I'm sure a full report on that will be filed later if it hasn't been already.

Lane out.

Uploading Attatchments: 1 2

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 04-21-2012

[Transmission Begins]
From: Commandante Aloysius Rhade
To: The Fighter Corps
Priority: HIGH
[Image: 1zbteg2.png]
[Message Begins]

Comrades, we have done what was thought to be near impossible.

Words cannot express both my amazement and pride in managing this feat.

Comrades, the Terrorist Mon'Starr, thought to of been dead was spotted in Omega-49 in his flagship the Necrosis. We were but three Bombers, myself and two members of the Sevastopol Division, yet we did it.

We managed to catch Mon'Starr off-guard and with outdated weaponry, we showed him how much Sirius had advanced. We crippled the Necrosis, with my shot landing the final blow. Much to my dismay, its emergency decoy R.3.S.P.W.N systems kicked in, and while the ship suffered immense damage, it was not completely destroyed. It is unclear if the terrorist himself survived, or if the response was automated.

Still, this is a glorious victory for the Coalition and all of the people of Sirius, this once dreaded terrorist will learn fear himself, fear made incarnate by the Coalition.

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 04-21-2012

[Transmission Begins]
From: Commandante Aloysius Rhade
To: Coalition High Command
Priority: HIGH
[Image: 1zbteg2.png]
[Message Begins]

Cross proceeding on board the Trotsky to Omega-52 for negotiations.

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 04-22-2012

[Image: 21928209.png]

[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Major General Han Xu
Target: All Coalition Assets.
Location: CIC, CMS-Kronstadt
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Subject: A good evening.

[color=#FFFF00]Yet another glorious assault on Rheinland resulted in two heavy target kills. Two Elbe class carriers were performing manuevers in Omega-15. The Trotsky under Commandante Rhade, along with the Kronstadt were deployed against the force. Flanked by light fighters, we proceeded to bombard the Elbes until both were turned into scrap. Regretably, we were unable to board the vessels as they exploded before they could surrender.

While returning to Hessian controlled space, we met with a most peculiar Liberty VHF. It claimed to be working for the Hessians so I ordered Lt Cruz to board the VHF and search it. Nothing of merit was found and the VHF was cleared to proceed.

After docking the Kronstadt for repairs following the brawl in Omega-15, I embarked with the Commandante to Omega-3 where a lone HMS gunboat was spotted by our Sevastopol Division allies. It was quickly turned to scrap. Finding nothing further of value, we headed home - Only for our SD friend to be accosted by a Corsair gunboat. Shell-shocked, Rhade and I again pounded the gunboat till it was scrap.

A good day comrades.

[Image: elbes.gif]
[Image: elbes2.gif]
[Image: elbes3.gif]

Long live the Coaliiton!

[color=#FFFFFF]Xu out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - lw'nafh - 04-22-2012


Alright. Got my Partisan now. She's equipped 'n' flyin' up to spec. First thing's first, paid a visit to Omicron Alpha as per orders. Damn ugly system. I mean like, wow. There's one interestin' shade of puke green. Pretty uneventful. Snuck over to the Hispania 'n' uh... Made my mark, plus some. I also found myself comin' up to some kinda base. I dunno what it's doin' there, but it got pretty damn pissed when I shot at it. Assumin' it's 'cast 'nd all. Back home now, basically all the Hunters 'n' 'sairs that crossed my path seemed to ignore me. Maybe I was too small? Or I scared 'em? Haha. No damn idea.

Wight out.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lanakov - 04-22-2012

[Image: 301126Zarodinu.jpg]


Subject : Peacekeeping activities in [color=#990000]Omega 49
Target : Coalition High Command
[color=#000000]Location : CPW Udaloy

[font=Courier New]Comrades,

I have been sent on a mission to enforce the Martial Law in Omega 49 yesterday.
The traffic was fairly dense, every vessel agreeing to submit to our routine scans, none of them bearing illicit cargo.
However, the system was crowded with imposing Zoner Warships, at least 4 of them were active during my patrol. They've shown good will and friendliness, not objecting to our authority. But in the unfortunate event of an escalation, I would recommend placing an emphasis on anti-capital weapon systems during our operations in this system.

During my investigations, I managed to catch a smuggler red-handed. It had just taken off of Gran Canaria and was about to move out when I scanned it and found evidence of slavery.

[Image: 453732SCRA1.png]

500 poor souls were held on board. As I ordered the captain to set them free, he started to question my authority, arguing that the Zoner laws did not condemn slavery. I consequently instructed him of Omega 49 now falling under Coalition jurisdiction, which pretty much made a criminal and a counter-revolutionary out of him.
As we discussed the unquestionable benefits of our expansion, one of the Zoner warships went in orbit of Gran Canaria and enquired about the situation. I informed its captain of the new status of Omega 49 as he returned from deep space exploration, and presented him with the slaver case.
Acting as a Zoner King Solomon, the captain of the Bahamut offered the slaver to release his slaves on Gran Canaria and recompensate his loss. The slaver agreed and did as he was told :

[Image: 310079SCRA3.png]

While such a tolerance of inhumane conduct is very questionable, the issue was resolved without a single shot fired. As I personally escorted the slaver ship out of Omega 49, I warned him that the Coalition would not give him a second chance if caught again dabbling in such a despicable trade. He promised to listen and to find a honest living, but I suggest being on the look out for any ship bearing the Archduke callsign.

This incident brings up a very worrying matter. It would seem that the Zoners are indeed tolerant of slavery, even going as far as to harboring known criminals on Gran Canaria. Had I not been there, I suspect that the captain of the Archduke would have not been worried and would have freely resumed his horrendous trade even if crossing the path of the many Zoners in flight at the moment.

In the interest of the human race as a whole, I suggest that the Coalition increases its patrols in the area, as the Zoner authorities seem to have forfeited their very humanity for the sake of being left alone. Therefore, our legitimacy in controlling Omega 49 cannot be contested.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 04-22-2012

[Transmission Begins]
From: Commandante Aloysius Rhade
To: The Fighter Corps
Priority: HIGH
[Image: 1zbteg2.png]
[Message Begins]

Comrades, all of you have performed excellently given the circumstances, your restraint in this situation is to be admired. Now then, we have a new development in regards to Omega-49.

As of this moment Omega-49 is to be referred to as a Coalition Protectorate rather than a Coalition Territory. The Zoners have agreed to give us their complete cooperation so long as the following two conditions are met.

1. We recognize that Omega-49 is still a Zoner Territory.
2. We cease our hostile attitudes towards Zoners.

In other words, continue to treat Omega-49 as a Coalition territory in everything but name. Nothing changes, except the way we word things.

That is all.

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 04-23-2012

[Transmission Begins]
From: Commandante Aloysius Rhade
To: The Fighter Corps
Priority: MEDIUM
[Image: 1zbteg2.png]
[Message Begins]

Pilots of the Fighter Corps,

As you may have known Comrade Norman Bethune has been unable to log enough flight time in order to justify his current position. This is due to an unfortunate increase in paperwork requiring him to remain planet-side far more frequently. As such, that has left the role of Fighter Corps Discipline Officer one that has not been attended to as it should be.

I can think of only one suitable replacement, Commissar-Captain Alexander Litvenko you are to assume the role of Fighter Corps Discipline Officer. I suggest you start by reminding the Fighter Corps of what discipline is.

That is all.

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Reverend Del - 04-23-2012

[Transmission Begins]
From: Commisar-Captain Alexander Litvenko
To: Commandante Aloysius Rhade
Priority: MEDIUM

[Image: K1ehQ.png]


The promotion is accepted. The Fighter Corp wil learn discipline. Or they will face my sidearm.

For the Coalition!


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