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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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Liberty Forces Message dump - AceofSpades - 09-14-2008

Begin Report

Zachary Ryans, making an extended patrol of Manhattan tonight.

First hour was uneventful, however multiple payments were made to pilots bringing Pirate prisoners to the LN. Offers for Liberty pilots' safe return, or the exchange of criminals were made up to fifty thousand per pilot.

At approximately 1.4 hours into patrol, two smugglers Tezari and Icewolf were spotted. One was recorded, his hull's content caught on gun camera.

link here---

Both pilots, upon leaving Manhattan, were apprehended and fined 4 million credits per standard. However as it was first offense, and both pilots were lacking financially, a payment of 2 million from each was accepted and one (Icewolf), who had required twenty minutes of coercion before threat of death forced payment, was escorted from system...

Later, while NY remained busy enough to warrant my staying, Texas picked up in activity and thusly I commissioned the Bounty Hunter Bomber-VonDarkmoor[BHF] an offer of five million credits to patrol Planet Houston and apprehend smugglers there. He spent over an hour patrolling the area, catching but not forcing payment from one smuggler "Mcsnuggles", shown here:
link here---

End Report

Liberty Forces Message dump - Seth Karlo - 09-14-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[Location: Bridge of the Liberty Dreadnought San Francisco]
[Comm ID: LT Commander Seth Karlo]

Mr Copperfield,

The norfolks name plate will be at your office very soon. On that you have my word.

Seth out.

[Transmission ends]

Liberty Forces Message dump - pragun - 09-14-2008

***Incoming transmission***
***Received, decoding***
***Decoding completed***
***Message plays***

FROM : Recruit Jake Ryan, Liberty Navy
TO : Liberty Navy High Command
SUBJECT : Reporting recent activities.

This is recruit Jake Ryan reporting my recent activities.

Saturday, September 13

I was patrolling New York, and i received reports from civilians near manhattan, of Xeno presence near the planet.
The report was confirmed by a jeer from the Xeno himself.
I approached new york to check out the situation. On closer inspection, i found two Xenos, namely DeathOne and Black.Nova|X . Both were in civilian bombers, armed to the teeth.
Me, along with bounty hunter Memento_Mori and two civilian engaged the xenos.
The civilians were taken out almost immedeately despite of my efforts to save them. Their valor was commendable.
The xenos then turned their eyes to Memento_Mori, and he was under a constant barrage of Supernovas. I turned my focus to DeathOne. He tried to ignore me and concentrate on Memento_mori for a while, but i had depleted his shield one too many times. He then turned to me and made continuous attempts to joust me. I tried to avoid the situation, because it is not wise for a fighter to joust a bomber.
After a short battle, we were both down to hulls, though i had my regens remaining, and he didnt.
It was then that i decided to joust him. I could have been a bad decision, but wasnt.
He fired a torp at me, and i fired a cruise disruptor, which i had set to auto fire.
His torp followed the disruptor, hit him itself, and he died... "by his own hand".
Then i turned my attention to Black.Nova|X, seeing that he had already fled.

During the battle with the xenos i had been contacted by pilot Tiger_Shark_007.
He was at west point where two Pirates were creating havoc. Namely, Hacker-Solari and Rogue-Nexx.
I immedeately rushed to assist the pilot. On my way i contacted LNS-Retribution for back-up. Retribution responded and soon sent a fighter for assistance.
By that time, i had reched west point and what had appeared to be 2 pirates were actually 4.
Hacker-Solari and Rogue-Nexx were in Havoc Mk II bombers, and Rogue-Galm_2 and Rogue-Saemon.Havarion were in Liberty Rogue Gunboats. What followed was going to be the most epic battle i had ever witnessed, or been a part of.
Me and Tiger_Shark_007 ignore the gunboats, as we were both fighters and concentrated on the bombers.
We were joined in later by many people, who's names i forgot, because of the heat of the battle.
The unlawfuls were joined in by another one, who i claimed soon.
Then we focussed our attention on Nexx. After firing for a while, we noticed that we had shot off all his guns. We lift him for the time being. He could nt do any more than just fly about.
Then the unlawfuls were joined in by Antonio.Mendez.. another rogue.
LNS Roanaoke joined us, but was taken off by the bombers.
Tiger_shark_007 also left, because he was bats, bots and ammo.
With the passage of battle, we managed to take out Nexx, Saemon.Havarion, [the fighter who i took, but forgot the name] and Galm_2.

Now it was just Antonio.Mendez and Solari. we fought them for a while, but then Antonio Mendez focussed his fire on me.
By now, it had been approximately 30 minutes into the battle, and i had run out of bats/bots as well.
But i kept on fighting to the very end.
He blew my ship, but i was lucky and escaped in my pod.
Then i was immedeatly sent to manhattan and started contacting all the lawfuls in the are.
As a result, nearly 12-13 of them reached west point. Now it was 12 on 2.
Needless to say, it was a short fight then and both the hacker and the rogue were taken out.

Then my doctor gave me a painkiller, and put me off to rest.

Signing Out,

Jake Ryan

***Transmission ended***

Liberty Forces Message dump - pragun - 09-14-2008

***Incoming transmission***
***Received, decoding***
***Decoding completed***
***Message plays***

FROM : Recruit Jake Ryan, Liberty Navy
TO : Liberty Navy High Command
SUBJECT : Reporting recent activities.

This is recruit Jake Ryan reporting my recent activities.

Sunday, September 14

I unsurfaced from manhattan, and i received reports from A certain Bomber-VonDarkmoor of a xeno in New York.
I started to patrol the area and found not only a xeno, named Hok, but also a Phantom, named Nightsmoke, at fort bush.
The Phantom was in a catamaran bomber and was attacking pilot Fuzz heavily.
I engaged him immediately, and was joined by bounty hunter Darkmoor.
Me and Darkmoor were both on the phantom, well 10 minutes into the fight, when Hok suddenly jumped in and torped Darkmoor from behind. Unfortunately, his shield were already down, and he died there.
I did not move away from phantom, becaause i was dealing good damaga on him.
Suddenly, [Phantom]-Nightsmoke turned his attention to me and tried to Sn me repeatedly. I tried to shoot off his Sn, but the catamaran was too fast for that.
I continued my barrage on him, and he soon ran out of regens. He then fled the battle.
I turned my attention to Hok, who had also fled.

Peace return to liberty again.

Signing Off,

Jake Ryan

***Transmission Ends***

Liberty Forces Message dump - AceofSpades - 09-14-2008

Begin Report

Liberty Navy Ensign Zachary Ryans with an urgent report!

Today, Trader's Guild member [tg]Lameos was spotted smuggling into Texas!

Upon being halted he was indignant and claimed to "own" [tg]

Let it be known that Lameos has betrayed his trader's guild and become a smuggler!

End Report

Liberty Forces Message dump - IronRaven - 09-15-2008

{ Incoming transmission }

FROM : Recruit John O'Neill, Liberty Navy
TO : Liberty Navy High Command
SUBJECT : sugestion.

Y-day 3 xenos camed to manhattan: geronimo , apocalisp (bomber pilots) and another one (flying a viper MKII) (don't remember his name ). They started atacking traders and several navy indies (Gb , and cruisers pilots ) engaged them. All i can say is that they were killen in a matter of seconds, all thoese capital ships couldn't handle 2 bombers. So...i say we should inves more money into bombers and fighters and not cap in ships. in my oppinion even a Bs can be easely killed by 3 bombers.

[ end of transmision ] .

Liberty Forces Message dump - JakeSG - 09-15-2008

---Incoming Transmission---
---Destination: Liberty Navy High Command---
---Source: Liberty Navy Recruit William von Darkmoor---

Once again, the shift started slowly, however we later detected a Cardamine smuggler. (OOC: Courtesy of Jonas.Salk)


Another smuggler by the name of 'bf' was spotted shortly after heading for Manhattan. He unfortunately docked, but for whatever reason it caused one of our former allies to reveal his true colours. It seems a Liberty Gunboat, by the name of Alex.Carter, is not just independant, but has gone rogue.
[Image: screen19yh9.png]
[Image: screen20tw7.png]

I believe Alex Carters gunboat may have been carrying some kind of nomad infection. Near as soon as I got close to his ship I started hearing... thoughts for lack of a better word. These could have been affecting him too.

It is ammazing what you can tune out when you're busy fighting to survive.

In the end the Gunboat was shot down with help from Pilot Roter~Salamander and battleship LNS-Tigerclaw. I returned to Manhattan to contemplate the happenings, and submit this report. I suggest that we give Alex.Carter special circumstances to attempt to investigate if these nomads have truly been affecting him. I would also ask for some time off to rest and recover from this last supernatural encounter.

---Liberty Navy Recruit William von Darkmoor, signing off.---

OOC: Edit - Fixed Changed Jack.Salk to Jonas.Salk. Typo, my bad.

Liberty Forces Message dump - VincentFerrex - 09-15-2008

|::Incoming Transmission::|
|::Comm ID: Lieutenant Commander Valence Harper::|
|::Opening Message::|


Due to his actions in space, Recruit John O'Neill has been removed from the ranks of the Liberty Navy. He is no longer a Liberty Navy officer. Any orders given by him should not be followed, to an extent.

He is to remove the tag from his ship, and submit himself to be court marshalled. His failure to comply will deem him as a traitor to Liberty, and a kill-on-sight policy will be enacted on his being.


You think we don't know what you did earlier, with the XG? Believe me, we know, since I am one of them. I was there when you were killed by a fellow XG pilot, and switched to another of your characters, Windrunner, then run back into Colorado, attacked him again, and end up docking on Ouray, with an Outcast ID'ed and IFF'ed Crow at that!

We do not tolerate that kind of blatant disregard of the server rules. That is plain disgusting. You broke the 4hour re-engagement rule, you failed to leave the system; in fact, you even entered it again on another character to engage, and you docked on Ouray, as an Outcast. If you haven't got your facts straight, Outcasts and Xenos hate each other. I don't care if you're trying to RP it that you have a grandfather on Ouray, as you tried to do earlier.

You brought this on yourself. Rename your [LN]-John.O'Neill character and remove the [LN] tag, before I ask an Admin to do it for you. As of this moment, you are KICKED/BOOTED from the Liberty Navy - [LN].

Liberty Forces Message dump - IronRaven - 09-15-2008

[incoming transmission (last one)]

Sry about that ... i not that kind of person that takes defeat so easely, doesn't matter anyway. been nice filying with ya all. Cya in space, you should know i did act a pretty OOrp with wind .. but with john. that's a different story, just ask the guys..

[ end of transmision ]

Liberty Forces Message dump - Husher - 09-15-2008

[[Incoming messages]]
[[Too Liberty command]]
[[From LT Mctyre]]

Goodday sirs

Today was a nasty patrol.
At first i headed too the petersburg for much needed upgrade of my CM systems.

After that mission control sended me too Texas there was reports of a unknown Xeno contact.
I found him and after some conversation he sayed he was from the coalition army.

I had some help from Jim Hunter (good guy btw).
[Image: screen1058yn3.png]
We engaged him but this guy made it a sport to be everytime we got his shield down too run until his shield were back up.
After a while he managed too get Mister Hunter i saw him ejecting.
So i was on my own.
[Image: screen1059xw9.png]
I managed too doge his fore but was soon out of options when a few LSF officers called me on the radio too hang in and they helped me out.
After about 15 min the coalition pilot gave up and fled into the darkcloud of texas.

After returning too NY There was reports of some keepers running amok.
They were soon found.
[Image: screen1060oy2.png]
they turned out too be tough opponents and we lost some good pilots.
They died too keep Liberty free.
Unfortunally i had a computer malfunction that blocked my weapontargeting system.
I heared LSF managed too chase them away.

At last i want too put out a warrant for the following person:
He fly's a Tanker transport and is very trigger happy.

Charges are:
#1. Transporting illigal cargo.
[Image: screen1066au6.png]
#2. Not stopping on demand for inspection.
#3. Opening fire on Navy and civilians in manhattan orbit.
[Image: screen1069yr3.png]
#4. Attempt murder of a navy officer and destroying of a Liberty Navy fighter.

Unfortunally due a massive Ion storm he could escape.
I dont care about smugglers when they simply drop there cargo or pay the fine, but the fact he didnt say a word over the comm and opened fire first with his gunnery system, let me no choise than placing him on the warant list.
Perhaps the LPI can do some research and find this criminal.

Well thats all for now.

LT Mctyre signing off

[[End of message]]