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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Havok - 05-30-2012

[Transmission Begins]

From: Junior-Lieutenant Erik Meier
To: The Fighter Corps

Greetings Comrades,
I am proud to say my new Partisan is equipped and ready for Duty. It also got it's first flight time under it's wings today as Nugget Lutz and myself ventured to Omicron Alpha to visit the Hispania. The flight was rather uneventful and we arrived at the target relatively quickly. Due to this won time, we took our time at the Hispania before inscribing our names like so many before us. The trip back home was also uneventful and we safely returned to Omega-52. The mission to map Omicron Delta will follow as soon as our ships are refueled and restocked.

Junior-Lieutenant Meier, Out.



Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 05-30-2012

[Transmission Begins]
From: Commandante Aloysius Rhade
To: The Fighter Corps
Priority: LOW
[Image: 1zbteg2.png]
[Message Begins]

It is refreshing to see a Militsiya pilot that is eager to fly. Even more refreshing that I did not have to remind you to perform your duties.

I have noticed that Nugget Lutz accompanied you on the Hispania journey, as such I am pleased to award bothJunior-Lieutenants Meier and Lutz with the Hispania Memorium.

On a related note, it has been brought to my attention the Junior-Lieutenant Wight had also completed the Hispania journey but was not awarded the Memorium due to an oversight on my part. Allow me to correct that now as I award him the Hispania Memorium as well.

I look forward to seeing the next generation of pilots flying for the Coalition.

That is all for now Comrades.

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Havok - 05-30-2012

[Transmission Begins]

From: Junior-Lieutenant Erik Meier
To: The Fighter Corps

Greetings Comrades,
Today my Partisan recieved it's first combat time under its wings. Along with Commandante Rhade and General Xu i head out to the Omicron Gamma system to assist our allies the Hessians, who along side some Bounty Hunters , were fighting a large force of Corsairs, including snubs, gunships and cruisers. Battle quickly ensued as we focussed the first Gunship in sight, and after a quite long firefight it was taken out as the next target was focussed. Sadly to report, my Partisan was critically hit shortly after and i had to bail out. Guess i need to intensify my Training with this New Craft.

Junior-Lieutenant Meier, Out.



Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 05-30-2012

[Image: comxu.png]

[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]General Han Xu
Target: All Coalition Assets.
Location: Marine Guard Office, Zvezdny Gorodok
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Corsair madness.

[color=#FFFF00]Our comrades, the Hessians, are stepping up their fury against the Corsair Empire - Including hitting Omicron Gamma once more. Note that while the High Command see such attacks as futile and as a waste of resources - We must aid our comrades in need.

If a target of opportunity is available, take a shot at it.

This evening, we were able to force a Benetiz gunboat to dock, and another one of their fighters. Our allies, and the Commandante, were able to score a few other kills.

Unfortunately, we did lose two ships in the assault. And the Commandante did survive due to my... intervention.

Let us hope that we do not require to help the Hessians in the Corsairs back yard again for some time.

Long live the Coaliiton!

[color=#FFFFFF]Xu out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jayce - 05-30-2012

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[Image: EgonStetmann_SC2-WoL_Story1.jpg]
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Construction on the Repair and Research ship "Grossvenediger" is complete, and she will be ready for action by the end of the day! Woo! *Foetsch throws his arms up mockingly*


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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 05-31-2012

ID:Senior-Lieutenant Dmitry Dubovik
Target:SCRA Units

:Message Begins:

[Image: portretm.jpg]

Greetings Comrades

I did one more patrol today on Insurgent. I went from Omega 52 to O5, after to O3, after to O7. In O3 I met some traders. Did standart scanning and checking of papers. Nothing unusual, just some Food supplies. Near Jumpgate to O7 I saw a Hessian, but he jumped before I could even greet him. I jumped in O7 and started to patrol system. And I found something interesting.

Near Stutgart Jumpgate I met a Corsair Legate. He was firing on nearby ships, but most of his fire was consentrated on Oberhausen Ore Storage. I saved all Civilians and Hessians that could. Must to say that Corsair gave me some of them as well, after I asked him. or he dont care about this pilots or he just very generous. Later Military Cruiser showed up. I couldnt engage him and Corsair, becuase of people on my boart and no chance for me to breach their shields. So I returned back to Zvezdny. All pilots safe now. Im sure some of them would join our ranks, or just would live in and work for Coalition. Thats all.

For Coalition, Revolution, and our Ikon Alvin Katz!
Dubovik out.

Attached files: 1 2 3 4 5

[Image: jaydeesig.png]
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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 05-31-2012

[Transmission Begins]
From: Commandante Aloysius Rhade
To: The Fighter Corps
Priority: LOW
[Image: 1zbteg2.png]
[Message Begins]

Senior-Lieutenant Dimitry Dubovik,

Let it be known that your actions in recent times have not gone unnoticed. I was particularly impressed with your recent encounter with the Corsair Legate, as well as the way you handled yourself when confronted by the Rheinland Military vessel.

Continue to impress us Dimitry and continue to set a good example for the Militsiya pilots. That goes for every other pilot as well, the nuggets look up to you for direction so be sure not to embarass yourselves or even worse, embarass the Fighter Corps.

That is all.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: NONE]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Havok - 06-01-2012

[Transmission Begins]

From: Junior-Lieutenant Erik Meier
To: The Fighter Corps

Greetings Comrades,
Today Junior-Lieutenant Lutz and I executed the mission given to us by the Commandante, scout Omicron Delta for the viable research and acquisition of Nomad Samples. Our Journey took us through Omicron Gamma, Which proved uneventful until we came upon the first nomad Fighters, Omicron Kappa was again uneventful except for the occasional Nomad Fighter. As we Reached Delta, we Decided to scout the System all around after Discovering a Freeport smacked out in the middle of the System, these Zoners really do go everywhere. We headed into the first ice field, where we were greated by Nomads and Bounty Hunters, It seems the Bounty Hunters have erected a Base there. As we continued out Scouting, we came across dozens more Nomad Fighters, It seems they like hiding in the Fields. As we continued we came up 2 Very Odd things, a Gravitional Anomaly, and a.. Ship? We kept our distance from it from this, thing, although the Recon Pictures are added at the end of this report. Omicron Delta proved unfruitful for the Research and sampling of anything bigger then a Nomad Fighter. The return trip uncovered a Corsair Outpost in Omicron Delta. The rest of the trip home was uneventful.

Junior-Lieutenant Meier, Out.



Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Havok - 06-01-2012

[Transmission Begins]

From: Junior-Lieutenant Erik Meier
To: The Fighter Corps

Greetings Comrades,
Earlier today I set out with Commandante Rhade, General Xu and Senior-Lieutenant Priia to the Omega-15 in a small raiding party. Arriving at the Battleship Schwerin we met a small group of Captial ships. A Rheinland Carrier, a Battleship , and oddly enough , a Kusari Destroyer. After a small talk a fight errupted, with our 3 Revolutions making quick work of the Battleships supply of Batteries and Nano Bots. As the Battleship tried to run from us, it was quickly finished off by a couple of Nova Torpedo's. Focus then fell the to Kusari Destroyer who was no match to our might and quickly fell to another Barrage of Nova's. As we turned to the Carrier and we're finishing it off, oddly enough, a Kusari Destroyer under the Same call-sign returned, a clone? I dont know, but as the other one ,it quickly fell again before we set our courses back to Omega-52 to Resupply.

Junior-Lieutenant Meier, Out.



Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Petitioner - 06-05-2012

[Image: sd.png]

[color=#ADA96E]In light of recent events, all personnel are ordered to watch the transmission attached to this message. Furthermore, all personnel are ordered to NOT respond to said transmission in any way, shape, or form. Failure to comply will be dealt with as is necessary on an individual, case-by-case basis.