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RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Havok - 10-07-2012

[Transmission Begins]

From:Captain Erik Meier
To: Commander Lebedewa

[Image: xcu7ls.jpg]

Tovarish Lebedewa,

It is good to see that you have recovered from the injuries you sustained during your Service. After deliberation with the High Command, it has been decided to re-instate you at the Rank of Commander. Do the Glorious Coaltion Proud Commander!

Captain Erik Meier, Out.



RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 10-07-2012

Comm ID: Nikita Tabakov, Commander

Subject:Survey Mission to Omega-50

"Commander Tabakov here, I went to Omega-50 today and begun preliminary surveys of the planet Arridendo as a possible Coalition Colony.

The Surface Crust consists of an Icy-layer, the sensors on my Insurgent couldn't reach deeper, a RECON-Scanner equipped vessel will be required to perform a deeper scan of the planet and a team planet-side to test for resources.

Temperatures are rather inhospitable at a high of -48 C on the day-side, -104 C on the night-side, Cold Weather Equipment such as that used of Volgograd would be required for the initial construction of a Colony until Underground Facilities are dug out and equipped while the escape velocity is only slightly more than Volgograd at 10.29 km/s.

It's position within an Asteroid Field poses some threat, but so-long as a localized Shield Generator is used to protect the Colony's landing sector than the threat of asteroid collision is lessened severely, Porto Novo, a Zoner Facility is located close by so we can acquire some basic Food and other supplies from them locally.

The largest threat to the area is the local garrison of Corsairs located somewhere in Southern Omega-50, however should proper precautions be taken than and reinforcements from perhaps one of our allies granted than a colony is possible, difficult but possible.

Thus I recommend a full survey team with a RECON-Scanner equipped vessel be dispatched to conduct a thorough check of the planet for resources other than it's natural water supply though ice.

Long live the Revolution!"

Basic Survey Results

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 10-09-2012

---Incomming Transmission---

Identification: Julia Dorian, SCRA| Lieutenant
Message from: Zvezdny Gorodok, room #412
Message to: Coalition, Military units
Type: Omicron Zeta scouting, fight with Corsairs
Priority: Medium

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[Image: 92321454.jpg]

This is Julia.

Yesterday, the Coalition Army made some real big action. At first we wanted to make a strike on Corsairs. When we gathered our forces and were able to launch an attack, some Zoner contacted us. He said that a base full of Civilians is being assaulted by Order forces. We couldnt ignore such thing, so we went to investigate.
Base were in Omicron Zeta. When we arrived there we could see that Zoner ship was destroyed already and base itself were sieged by big number of all sorts of Order ships. They had like three times more ships then we had. Not to say about those who could jump if they will call support. General Forge said that base is doomed and Civilians are already dead or is about to. So he ordered to go back. I didnt liked that, but we didnt had chances in that battle...
I cant imagine what a big fools are Order agents are. A base in there were not a threat for them, it was full or Zoners - their close allies, and Order main goal is to protect humanity, not kill them. Now I see that Premier Alvin was right when allowed us to engage them...

When we left upper Omicrons back to Corsair territory, we sent Karl.Marx back and used our snubs to make a swift strike. The Corsairs were ready for a fight, cuz there were already battleships deployed on Crete and Benitez snubwings patroling whole system. I guess that Order may warned them, or we were spotted by some random Corsair on Freeport 11, who knows...
Fight wasnt that long and glorious. We were out-numbered by two or three times. Also we didnt had enough bombers to deal with Osiris class Battleships. We lost a fight this time, but next time we will prepare better. Numbers of capital ships in Corsair armada is very big...

For the better future! For The Coalition!

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RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Alley - 10-16-2012

[:: Incoming Transmission ::]
[:: ID: Mei Xiu ::]

[Image: ty_clap_subtle_lip_bite.gif]

nao ren de di lu se lai yin sihu you chongxin yu xiee ziyou 。 tamen rengran feichang chufa gaoxing , bing jueding kaihuo wo hongwei rongqi ren 。 ta si liao le 。


The annoying green rheinlanders seem to have renewed links with the EVIL libertonians. They are still very much trigger happy and decided to open fire on my magnificient vessel of the people.


Guncam Image

[:: Transmission Decapitalistified ::]

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Shryke - 10-18-2012

##### MESSAGE ID: Ulrich Eichel, People’s Commissar

[Image: 15x8yg.png]

This is Commissar General Ulrich Eichel, the People’s Commissar. It appears that the general impression amongst Coalition High Command is that I am dead. Much to what I believe will be the chagrin of several of you, I am most certainly alive.

I am most troubled that my beloved Commissariat has been reduced to a charade. Our government, our military, and our society are threatened by forces that wish to unravel them, and what have you done? You have turned their guardians into a powerless force, incapable of enforcing the discipline required to safeguard our glorious Coalition from its enemies.

I am demanding that I be re-instated into the Armed Forces and the Commissariat. Yes, I am still alive, and it is about time someone did those unpleasant little tasks that must be completed. After all, isn't that what I was trained for?


RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Sarawr!? - 10-18-2012

[Image: KatyaMessageHeaderColonel.jpg]


I shall forgo any pleasantries I might have otherwise extended you upon hearing of your return, and I will simply get straight to the point.

Were I a lesser woman, or a psychopath like the late Commandante Aloysius Rhade, I would have had you executed simply for your words. But I am not a lesser woman, nor am I weak. I will allow you to live, for now, my dear Tovarisch.

You speak of the Commissariat, and you speak of my government as though we do not possess the discipline that is engrained in all loyal soldiers of the Revolutionary Army. You speak as though you believe us to be outsiders seeking to weaken Our Glorious Nation from within, so that it might be destroyed by the forces of Greed and Corruption that have claimed the rest of the Sirius Sector.

You my friend, haven't the faintest idea what I had to accomplish in order to come to power on Volgograd, I have saved this nation and I have kept our glorious Revolutionary Army strong and in high spirits. Were it not for me, Commandante Rhade would have eliminated the progress achieved by Premier Katz, and he would have destroyed the great nation we have built.

Now, I understand that in the past you have faithfully served our Glorious Nation, and I respect that. However, showing up after a prolonged absence, in uniform, making demands and pointing fingers is a sure fire way to ensure that you end up in front of a Firing Squad.

You have been warned, and I leave you with a choice now. Begin to cooperate, and allow us to determine a place for you within the Revolutionary Army, or fade quietly back into Civilian life on Volgograd.

If you choose to remain belligerent and continue overstepping your bounds, you will die, it is that simple.

There is a saying, I believe...'The Squeakiest wheel gets the most grease'.

In this case however, I believe that "the loudest mouth is permanently silenced." is more appropriate.

I will await a response from you...Tovarisch.

For the Glory of The Coalition, Premier Colonel, Katya Vaschenko, Out.


RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Shryke - 10-19-2012

##### MESSAGE ID: Ulrich Eichel, People’s Commissar

[Image: 15x8yg.png]

Your rise of power? Spare me, you would not even be in your position were it not for me. Do you remember the Volkhan? The maniacal leader who had every single Coalition man, woman and child nerve stapled to bend them to his will? I was the one who remained behind undermining everything he did, while our armed forces fled. I was the one who ripped every fibre of my being attempting to free myself of his torturous device. And I was the one who put a bullet between his eyes. I have been serving the Coalition since you were wondering what your toy building blocks tasted like. Your rise to power was a struggle? You don't even know what struggle is.

Threatening me with a firing squad is utterly pointless. First of all, legally I am already dead, no? But, for the sake of a discussion, let's assume you can. Let us see how the masses will react when they learn the people's commissar is alive and well. I wonder if you will have riots on the streets when they realize the man that ended the Volkhan's reign of terror is about to be executed. Then of course there are elements of the Commissariat who will no doubt do what is necessary to assure I survive. There would be many unnecessary deaths. Not to mention you'd have to go through the trouble of capturing me first. It would be quite a spectacle no doubt.

You see, you need me as much as I need you. Without the Commissariat, my skillset has no purpose. Without me, you will never know who the Commissariat is really working for. If that intrigues you, bear in mind that my greatest weapon is not strength or arms, but my vast collection of information and secrets. I can be your greatest asset, or your worst nightmare. As the Bretonian's say, the ball is in your court.


RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jeremy Hunter - 10-19-2012

>>>Sender: Provost Marshal Jacob Forge
>>>Location: Battleship Karl Marx, Omega 52
>>>Subject: -omitted-

[Image: 7352320_ori.jpg]


Actually, that is as the Libertonians say.

General Forge, out.

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Sarawr!? - 10-19-2012

[Image: KatyaMessageHeaderColonel.jpg]


I do indeed remember the Volkhan's tyranny and the atrocities committed in his name. I was able to escape with Katz and the forces loyal to the True Ikon and the Coalition People.

We did not flee, we simply reorganized our forces..and as you well know, we launched an assault on Volgograd in order to regain control in the end.

I myself was severely wounded fighting Volkhanist rebels while Loyalist forces pushed into Volgograd proper. Because of the Volkhan, I lost a great deal of those who I held dear to me. Many former friends of mine succumbed to his methods and were killed fighting against Loyalist forces, others still, remained loyal, and were killed fighting to take back their homes in the name of the True Ikon, and The Coalition People.

You need not remind me of that period in our history, I know it well.

And, do you think for a minute that I would be foolish enough to have you publicly executed? Do you think for a minute that I have not maintained a tight grasp over the media? His Watchful Eye presides over our Commissariat even now, and has remained loyal to me.

Anyway...Let us forget about that for a moment here...Da?

Simply put, you show up, virtually out of the shadows, a ghost of the past...And you start out by making demands? Would you have attempted that with Premier Katz? or with Grand Admiral McIntosh before him? I do not think you would have.

So why do this now? You are not even acting in a manner befitting a Coalition Militsonyer, let alone the manner of a General and you expect me to trust you, and to instantly reinstate you to your former post?

You must take me for a fool, if you believe that I would make a General of somebody who I do not trust, or who speaks in such a way to his Premier.

Prove to me that you continue to be Loyal to the Coalition, Prove that you will be loyal to me, and prove to me that I have a use for you.

For the Glory of The Coalition, Premier Colonel, Katya Vaschenko, Out.


RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Shryke - 10-19-2012

##### MESSAGE ID: Ulrich Eichel, People’s Commissar

[Image: 15x8yg.png]

##### RECIPIENT: Jacob Forge

It is worse than I thought. I think we have better re-examine one of our basic tenets of science. We must make sure to write into our science education that evolution is a refuted theory. Surely natural selection would have ridden the universe of the Forge family by now. If you are so handicapped that you waltz into personal conversations perhaps you should make sure what you are saying is not stupid and wrong? It is a British expression, you malcontent failure.

##### RECIPIENT: Katya Vaschenko

Surely you cannot expect me to trust you implicitly either, I've witnessed the rise and fall of many military officers that assumed the leadership of the Coalition. I personally prevented Commandant Ethan Scott from acting to overthrow Premier Katz. So let's spare us arguments about trust and move on, shall we? Since I knew I would be treated with hostility disguised with politeness, I thought we may as well proceed to the inevitable verbal escalation.

I personally have no attachment to titles. You may wish to reinstate me at whatever rank you choose. It would show the depth of the military as to where to put an experienced general and Commissariat representative of the high command, and of course it is your discretion. My desire is.. to serve the people.

As to what I can offer you, all you need is to look at my file. I have been groomed by the Coalition since I was young, since they identified a particular aspect of my psyche. Bear in mind, no matter the nobility of your ideals, you always need people like me.