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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 01-12-2013

ID: Dmitry Dubovik
Target: SCRA
Priority: Medium

:Message Begins:

[Image: 33298598.jpg]

Greetings Comrades!

Some of you may know me, some may not. I am Dmitry Dubovik, was Seniour Lieutenant of the SCRA back in Katz times. Around two-three days ago I have returned into Coalition from prison ship of Corsairs, where I was held by about five mounths. But in my return, Ive saw new Coalition. No more Katz in charge, new Commendante, many of my friends has left their posts either was dead already. By luck, my old Storm Gunboat ''Daemon'' was still in hangar of Mykolaiv. So I had something to fly untill new command will contact me.

Luckily, this was fast. During incident with Zoner Juggernaught in Omega 52, I has met Katya, our new Commendante. She informed me with current status of Coalition, our new goals and high priority targets. She signed me up to FIghter Corps again, and allowed me to keep my old ''Daemon''. Also, she gave me access to Typhoon ''Glavlit'', because as she said we lack of Cruiser commanders. I rearmed it to full warship and went to Omega 5 for tests.

There I met one of our Militsia Fleet Gunboats [1], together we did small raid on Corsair defence. The result of operation: destroyed three Praefect Cruisers [2,3,4], three Imperator Gunboats [5,6,7], dosen Titans and Centurions [8], and captured pilots [9]. I think that ''Glavlit'' and I both have passed the test, but of cource, more practice will be good.

Dubovik out.

Attached files: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
[Image: jaydeesig.png]

:Message Ends:

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 01-14-2013

ID: Dmitry Dubovik
Target: SCRA
Priority: Medium

:Message Begins:

[Image: 33298598.jpg]

Greetings Comrades

Went on some real action this time. Brought ''Glavlit'' to Omega 11 and joined Hessians on their raid to Rheinland. Our forces contained of myself, 1 Jormungand, 1 Vidar, 1 Sabre and 1 Loki. Fight was nearby Stutgart planet. We fought 1 RM Cruiser and 1 RM Kusari BS (actually Im surprised to see that Military used Kusari ship). We nearly toke down Battleship, when Vidar was destroyed and few secounds later Jormungand started to explode. I realised that I dont have chances to fight both capital ships, so I disengaged and escaped my enemies. Now I better understand how to fly and fight on ''Typhoon''.

Dubovik out.

Attached files: 1 2 3 4
[Image: jaydeesig.png]

:Message Ends:

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Sarawr!? - 01-24-2013

[Image: KatyaMessageHeaderColonel.jpg]

SUBJECT: ------

Today I come before you to announce that I am in fact, still alive, despite an incident on the surface of JiangXi.

Now, to give recognition to a man who has acted for a long while, doing the best that he could for the Revolutionary Army and the People of The Coalition, I refer of course to Erik Meier, a devoted patriot and member of the Revolutionary Army's High Command.

This new year brings change to our governmental structure as well. In honor of Tovarisch Meier's contributions to our nation and people, I am appointing him to the position of Vice Premier.

I will retain direct control over our Glorious Revolutionary Army, while Vice Premier Meier will take position as head of the State Duma, and act in my stead regarding Internal and External diplomacy should I be unable to tend to such affairs.

Our government is meant to serve and act in the best interests of The People, and it is my great honor to bring such reforms in the name of strengthening our Great Nation. We will show the leaders of Sirius that Our resolve is everlasting, and that our way, is the way forward.

For the Glory of The Coalition, For The Red Dawn, Premier Katya G. Vaschenko, Signing Off.


RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 01-24-2013

COMM ID: His Watchful Eye

TARGET ID: Sirius Coalition Civilian Population Centres.
SUBJECT: The Federal Socialist Repbulic needs YOU!

[Image: HWE.png]


Attention Citizens!

"Citizens of the People's Republic, brothers and sisters of the dream, we have come far as a nation, we have seen the end of Aeon, the rise of Grand Admiral McIntosh, the kind hand of Premier Katz, the hated Ikon's tyranny, liberation from his dictatorship, the rise of Premier-Commandante Vachenko and the steady hand of Vice Premier Meier.

However while our People's Republic is a mighty machine, we can no-longer ignore the dangers that plague our own home and the wasteful habits we have been indulging in for many years. I am speaking of the Debris Field surrounding the Omega-5 Border. Some of you may look on this sight with pride, thinking it a faithful landmark. However it represents one of the greatest crimes any citizen can do, sloth, we have ignored the build-up of this field for many years, keen on adding more foes to it's waste-land while we sit back and watch this potential hazard to our people grow. No longer, this field represents an untapped resources that the Coalition has willingly ignored in favor of sloth, precious metal resources ignored simply because it was a 'landmark', However Vice-Premier Meier has seen it for what it truely is and thus it is my duty to the Coalition to bring you the Coalition's plan to rid us of this slothful nature we have now acquired.

The Omega-5 Debris Field must be cleaned up, it's metals melted down and any waste products destroyed to prevent any tragedies from happening in our lifetime. The bounty of resources this would bring would enrich the war-effort significantly and show Sirius that the Federal Socialist Republic is not just a industrious one, but a clean and safe one.

To that end, the Coalition asks for volunteers from you, the citizens of the greatest nation in Sirius to aid in cleaning up this potential disaster and pave the way for the evolution of our society and open up the path for a future project that involves Planet Volgograd, thus the Coalition also asks able-bodied Engineers to prepare designs and schematics for the opening of Volgograd in the future, for your Republic shall call upon you soon after the clean-up of our home is ensured.

Love the Republic, BE the Republic!"

Our Coalition is Strong! We Shall Be Victorious!

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Havok - 01-25-2013

[Transmission Begins]

From: Vice Premier Erik Meier
To: The People of the Coalition

[Image: xcu7ls.jpg]

People of the Glorious Coalition,

It is with great pleasure i step before you as your new Vice-Premier. This appointment is the highest honor ever bestowed upon me and i promise this nation that i will raise its Glory ,Prosperity and Might to more than what we are seen as now. The Houses will tremble when they hear our name spoken, they will hope that we do not attack them and they will succumb to our Military Might.

People of the Coalition , for our rise we will need every able-bodied individual that can work for our glorious nation. We will create greater power, greater prosperity and more work for our people. We will raise farms on the safe, fertile fields of JiangXi and they will feed our people for decades to come!

The Debris field near the Omega 5 Border that many people see as a Landmark to our defense, the wrecks of nations that tried to invade us, it is a grove of industrial Treasure. Metals, Resources from the wrecks, alot of materials that are available and essential to our nation. This debris field must be recycled. It must be put to use for our nation and the people to come to the coalition.

Furthermore, our engineers on Mykolaiv report great progress on the development and creation of the first Coalition built Gas Miner , based upon the Gas Miner that we have stationed at Planet Tibilisi. Once they complete the production of the prototype and it has been sufficiently tested on the H-Fuel supplies that are embedded on the Planet, production will increase 10-fold, allowing us more production, faster production and greater Might.

People of the Coalition, i promise you the times ahead will be glorious, they will be prosperous, and most of all, they will be ours. Our Nation shall grow, it shall be known as the Glorious Coalition all over Sirius, and people will look up to our society, they will want to look up to us and they will want to join us, and will we turn them back? No, we will welcome them into the Coalition, and introduce them to our society so they may serve the Glorious Coalition like every single one of you.

For the Coalition, For the Red Dawn, For our Rise!

Vice Premier Meier, signing off.



RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Havok - 01-28-2013

[Transmission Begins]

From: Vice Premier Erik Meier
To: The Fighter Corps

[Image: xcu7ls.jpg]


It is with great pleasure i step before you today to announce the recognition and Promotion of two members of our very own Fighter Corps. These two men have shown outstanding dedication and loyalty to our cause, and have stood by every challenge that we have encountered , and for that, they are being honored.

Militsonyer Richard Krey has finished his Hispania Memroandum, and has been a loyal member of our fight since he joined our Ranks. He is dedicated and always ready for a challenge, following orders to the cue and does as asked. For his dedication , Richard Krey is hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.

Our second mention , is Senior Commander Nikita Tabakov. His dedication and loyalty to the Coalition is unquestionable, his leadership and knowledge help every single member of the Corps. He is a great asset to our fight and will continue to help our nation Thrive. For his Dedication ,Loyalty and undoubtable abilities, Nikita Tabakov is hereby promoted to the rank of Captain.

Continue to do our Nation proud Gentlemen.

For the Coalition, For the Red Dawn, For our Rise!

Vice Premier Meier, signing off.



RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Harus - 01-29-2013

[Transmission Start]

This is Alexander Brandt,

I would like to inform high command that I took the journey to Omicron-Alpha, the place where the Outcasts treasure most. I fired upon their most prized relic, dumped sewage from my vessel on it, and disrespected it in front of it's caretakers.. This mission was very successful.

Below, I have guncam shots of my victory over the Outcasts.


For the Coalition, meine Freunde!

[End Transmission]

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 01-29-2013

COMM ID: His Watchful Eye

TARGET ID: You Idiotic Muppet...
SUBJECT: Crapping on the Hispania.

[Image: HWE.png]


You! Muppet!

"I don't know WHO told you to desecrate the vessel which brought our glorious ancestors and kept the Hispania from becoming a true house by sabotaging it, but I'm shocked that you would disrespect the sacrifices our ancestors made with such a crude display. You were told to inscribe your name, not take a crap on something dear to the hearts of every Coalition citizen.

This is a warning, do not act like an idiotic muppet or there shall be grave consequences. "

Our Coalition is Strong! We Shall Be Victorious!

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Harus - 01-30-2013

[Begin Transmission]

To Everyone,

I apologize for my disrespect to the Hispania. I was stupid and misunderstood what I was to do. I realized my mistakes and returned to the Hispania, and did what I was supposed to do, properly. Again, I apologize for my disrespect to the Hispania, and the Coalition.


Alexander Brandt

[End Transmission]

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - aznremix416 - 01-30-2013


[Image: juan1p.png]
**Opening message**
SOURCE: Omega 52 system.
Submitter: Sr. Commander Juan Coronel, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Recipient: Coalition High Command

Subject: Return to the Coalition, Recent Problems

Hola my comrades,

After half a year being assigned to the planet-side of Jiang-Xi as one of the Lead Directors of the trials, I am officially reporting in to rejoin the ranks of the Fighter Corps. It has been a long time my friends, and I have noticed that even though we have undergone a period of great change in both ideologies and leadership, the Great Republic of the Coalition still stands strongly! I am grateful to be reinducted as a Senior Commander in probation so I may soon regain my status as a Captain of this glorious fleet.

In other matters, I do have some troubling news.

On behalf of the Coronel Familia I would like to apologize for the recent incident where a certain Militsiyoner defiled a relic from the very core of our history. I am here to partly assert that I had some fault for this incident. You see, my foolish brother-in-law Paco Tako, the commander of the VI-Badghdad, was with the Militsiyoner at the time on a trade run. As the Militsiyoner provided escort for him, he gave some "smart" ideas on how the Militsiyoner could leave his mark on the Hispania. Thus, it seemed like he got some ideas from that idiot brother-in-law of mine. My friends, rest assured that I have personally carried out punishment on Paco which involved a face and a Tortilla Grill. I will be certain he does not make the same mistake ever again.

I do however bear some "good news" with this ordeal. It seems like Militsiyoner Brandt learned from his mistake, and have shown great bravery by making the journey twice. With this, I hereby award Comrade Brandt with the Hispania Memorandum ribbon.

Sr. Commander Juan Coronel signing off.