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RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 05-07-2013

COMM ID: Citizen Katz
LOCATION: The Kremlin Dome


[Image: Katzcommx.png]

It is good to once again serve the people, and our great Coalition.

We have too long been in darkness, seeking light. And so I ask each of you to bear that light to every corner of Sirius. Bring aid to the people, even if they reject us, make sure they know they can count on us to defend them.

Hunt down the pirates and black marketeers that force Cardamine onto the children of Sirius, and drag families from their homes to feed the slave pits of Malta, or the cooking pots of Crete.

Bring war to the Corsairs, an unrelenting storm of our iron, steel, and sheer power of will.

Our allies have failed us in the past, and we know that we cannot rely upon them. Do not expect aid out there in the darkness, but then a true messenger knows this.

You must spread the will of the people, guide them and remind them that, though corruption has tied them down. Their governments have failed them, and their hopes have been stolen from them.

Remind them, that you will give them back their hope.

Remind them you are the light in the dark.

I am YOUR Ikon.

Citizen Alvin Katz


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 05-09-2013

[Image: jdtb.png]

Identification: Julia Dorian, SCRA| Commander
Message from: Zvezdny Gorodok, room #412
Message to: Coalition, Military units
Subject: O3 base siege, Artifact smuggler
Priority: High, Low

This is Julia.

I got two things to report this time. Lets start with that I went on patrol into Omega systems with Zofia Ivanov gurl couple of days ago. We met a Guboat from Militsia fleet on our way and it has joined us. After we found nothing into Omega 5, we went to Omega 3. And there we picked up lots of signatures. Mostly those were BAF capital ships. There was some kind of installation near sun, that they was trying to destroy. Also, we notices some of Reapers cruisers in area. None of those engaged at us, exept for one BAF Ensign jerk that opened fire without permission from his commanders. He was ordered to stop right away, but still was able to deal damage to Zofia's Revolution. He shared repairs to fix that however, so I guess thats of no problem anymore. Later one of Sals showed up and destroyed one of BAFs guys before those noticed him. Then Corsair engaged Zofia, but we scared it off with two Gunboats, so it ran. Some minutes later, BAF was able to destroy that base and all capital ships returned to their bisness. We also returned to Coalition space.

Today, I toke Glavlit for some ride. While cleaning up Omega 5 from local Corsairs, I spotted transport coming from Omega 41. Scanners showed major ammounts of artifacts, so I caught it and ordered to drop them, he refused and engaged me. Of cource, transport versus Cruiser is obvious fight, so he got blown up in less then a minute. I got three hundreds of artifacts from ship wreck and dilivered them to our labs, might be of use to local Doctors and Scientists. Oh, and here is a Chat-Log.

For the better future! For The Coalition!

[Image: endtb.png]

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Sirius Coalition - 05-18-2013

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]

Soldiers of the glorious Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army. Today, we have suffered a big loss. Let it be known, that today at 21.12 PM, Ex-Commendante and traitor Aloysius Rhade has been found dead in his room. He was lying in a pool of blood, surrounded by empty bottles of Vodka, with a gun in his right hand and medal ''Hero of the Revolution'' in left hand.

After small investigation, it has been proved that Rhade has commited suicide, rather then was killed. This is also can be easilly explained by his behaviour in the last days, after Ikon of Ikons has returned. Rhade was suffering different mental disorders, from paranoia to persecution mania. No-one knows exact reasons for him to commit suicide, but everyone have their own thoughts on that matter. We are not going to investigate that matter more, since it dont deserves our attention right now. Rhade will be buried on Volgograd at SCRA special cemetery. Alvin Katz was informed with that news, but he refused to give any comments on it. So this matter is now closed for further investigations and/or questions.

To replace Aloysius Rhade on his place another Here of Revolution has come - Colonel in retire - Joseph Gracia. He will take role as leader of the Fighter Corps untill true Commendante will be chosen. That will take some time to clean up a mess we have here, but dont worrie - Ikon himself is interested in that matter. That is all news for now, comrades.

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - aznremix416 - 05-18-2013


[Image: juan1p.png]
**Opening message**
SOURCE: Omega 52 system.
Submitter: Captain Juan Coronel, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Recipient: Coalition High Command

Subject: Attack on the Chelyabinsk

To all members of the board of High Command,

Today our newly constructed base, The Chelyabinsk, was attacked and destroyed by a Hessian group known as the [HW]. This attack came from out of the blue. There was no provocation and yet they destroyed the base without informing us, warning us, or reasoning with us. Let it be known that The Chelyabinsk was not a military base, but a peaceful and unarmed mining installation. Therefore I regret to inform you that mostly all of the people killed onboard were civilians. Tragically, the rescue and emergency fleet only found 5 survivors, the rest of the 150 people residing on the station were killed. If the base was any sort of military installation then I would say that the destruction of the station was an act of war. But this, my comrades, was not a battle. No, this was a massacre. A massacre of innocent citizens of the Coalition, and massacres of our people do not go unpunished. Immedietly after the destruction of the base, I was assigned to travel to Dresden and Vogtland base, where the [HW] fleet returned to. I went alone with the CPW-Che Guevara to try to talk to the leader, a person that calls himself HessianWarrior, to talk about the atrocity they commited. But instead of diplomatic talks, the Che was met with torpedoes. a [HW] bomber and some of its affiliates attacked my ship, and I had no choice but to return fire and defend myself. After General Garcia and his men helped my ship retreat, we were left with seemingly nothing but confusion. But one thing is for sure my friends, the [HW] will answer to what they have done.

Captain Juan Coronel signing off.


RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 05-18-2013

[Transmission Begins]

From: General Joseph Garcia
To: The Revolutionary Army
Priority: MEDIUM

[Image: ZHIa7vH.jpg]
[Message Begins]

Good Afternoon Comrades,

I am Joseph Garcia your new General and current de-facto leader of the Glorious Fighter Corps. I have seen many of you in battle and I know you are all some of the best that Sirius has to offer. I look forward to flying with each of you.

On another note, in light of the destruction of Volgograd Industrials installation at the hands of the Hessians that call themselves the [HW], we are in a state of war with them.

Due to the delicate nature of this and the political ramifications it may have with the Red Hessian Army, you are to be selective of when you attack them. Do not engage if they are conducting a joint-operation with the RHA for example. I trust you all to use your common sense when deciding ideal times to engage.

That is all for now, I look forward to serving with you on the battlefield.

[Message Ends]

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RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 05-19-2013

[Transmission Begins]

From: General Joseph Garcia
To: The Revolutionary Army
Priority: HIGH

[Image: ZHIa7vH.jpg]
[Message Begins]

Pending negotiations, the [HW] are no longer to be considered combat targets at this time.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: NONE]
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lanakov - 05-20-2013

[Image: 553419scra.jpg]


Well, this has been a fruitful day.
First thing, the HW, the very same group responsible for the Chelyabinsk Incident, is now to be considered as an ally of the SCRA. They have offered us generous compensation, sincere apologies and extended their arm for further cooperation between our groups. This would include support and regular supplying of our base, in exchange for support from our glorious military.

I must underline the fact that, although our first contact was with energy bolts rather than kind words, they must be forgiven and seen as friends. They have shown outstanding generosity and understanding where they could have just laughed at us, hiding behind Red Hessian hierarchy. Captain Coronel and I have ensured of their cooperation for future operations.

Which brings me to my next point. I ask that some snub ships be relocated to Frankfurt or its neighboring systems. Stage your vessels wherever possible, and be ready for action. The HW is planning something for the next few days and they may require some cover. You'll all be happy to oblige when you know the details, I'm sure.

On another note, Captain Coronel and I went on a patrol to assist the HW, but found ourselves stumbling across two Unioner (UN tagged) pilots, trying to ransom two honest citizens, in Sigma 13. After some fairly cold chatter, we went on to engage the Unioners, as their prey turned against them. They were later reinforced by a corsair freighter.

However, all would share the same fate, as the combined might of two SCRA fighters, a GMG pilot who came to restore order and lashed out at the pirates, and both civilians proved to be clearly overwhelming for the dastardly trio, which soon found itself biting the blue dust of Sigma 13.
Our triumph was complete. We rescued civilians and proved to be agreeable guests to the GMG, while putting money-hungry filth to rest.
This proves to you, comrades, that although our attention is rightfully focused on Bretonia and Rheinland, civilians in distress, seeking valiant defenders of justice and equality and independent authorities looking for loyal, reliable allies are everywhere in Sirius, sometimes right under our noses.

This fruitful operation in Sigma 13 is a reminder for all of you, and all of Sirius, that the SCRA should not and will not restrict itself to its interests, but will never hesitate to go out of its way and extend a merciful hand to those in need. For justice, for the greater good, for the people.

Attached are records of the fight. One of the kills is sadly missing.

Data #1 #2

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 05-20-2013

[Transmission Begins]

From: Colonel Joseph Garcia
To: The Revolutionary Army
Priority: HIGH

[Image: ZHIa7vH.jpg]
[Message Begins]

Pilots of the Fighter Corps,

Due to an unfortunate error in some paperwork I was led to believe that I would be returning to you as a General. I have actually returned as a Colonel.

I trust however that you will continue to show me the same level of respect that you have already shown me and that you continue your tradition of excellence.

That is all.

[Message Ends]

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RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Blackstarr - 05-22-2013

--Begin Transmission--

It seems like I am a little late to the punch. Forgive me my Ikon if I speak out of turn. I am a mere Lieutenant. My name is Richard Krey. I was not a Citizen of Jiangxi when you were Ikon before, but I have studied deeply the history of the nation, and I agree with many that you are the greatest leader our people have known. I may not know you personally, but I will die in your name and for the people of this great nation.

Glory for the return of Ikon Katz

Signed Lt. Richard Krey - Fighter Corps Pilot

End Transmission

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 05-25-2013

[Transmission Begins]

From: Kentucky Colonel Joseph Garcia
To: The Revolutionary Army
Priority: MEDIUM

[Image: ZHIa7vH.jpg]
[Message Begins]

I am pleased to report that we have managed to extract information regarding the Artificial Intelligence Consensus. Attached are our communication logs as well as the location of their base of operations.

Furthermore, we learned that the Consensus consider the GMG as enemies and therefore we can use the information we obtained in order to encourage relations with the organization.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: ^^^^^^]
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