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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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RE: SCRA Communications Centre - DeLametr - 07-22-2014


Successfully Connected.

Comm ID: Gregoriy Zelinskiy
Location: Omega-52
Encryption: High
Piority: Medium
Subject: N/A

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Greetings comrades! That is my third report!

[Exploring at New London]

Soon i worked with one my new device, and i could to mount two novas instead of Coaltion AC and CD. I decided to make some patrol in Bretonia. I came to New London and found interesting HMS Destroyer.. That bourgeois was not friendly and i decided to destroy him. Dual-nova mount did not disapointed me. That bourgeois began crumbling. Last shot by Energy Cannons - and Destroyer is Destroyed *laugh*.


RE: SCRA Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 08-02-2014

[Image: jdtb.png]

Identification: Julia Dorian, SCRA| Commissar
Message from: Zvezdny Gorodok, room #412
Message to: Coalition, Military units
Subject: Drugs and Slavery
Priority: High

This is Julia.

I have come with some bad news. We all know that Liberty is a rotting pit of all sins on Sirius - pirates, capitalists, slavers, drug-dealers, murderers and phycos all over the place. Locals are often enough either fallen on 'democracy' propoganda or threated to be killed if go against Liberty government. But there still people who can be turned into our side and to do it, the Coalition must to show that we coming to help them whenever possible regarding the circumstances. Yesterday, Ive done exactly this and I hope my actions shall inspire you to do the same thing when needed.

During my patrol in Liberty I have caught up the slaver train full of fresh captured slaves. The ship was heading towards Kepler from Colorado, so I believe he was going to the Outcasts who we believe are the holders of whole slave market. I couldnt let him go, but I also havent had enough time to save all the civilians on my small Loki. Not far away I spotted patrolling LN Officer and I made a decision that lives of the slaves mean more then my hatery towards capitalists. I have called LN for help me to keep slaver on its place and wait untill transports arrive that can secure the cargo. Luckily Libertonian was smart one and realised the situation fast. Together and with help of one merc, we were able to hold slaver from running untill transport arrived. Unfortunatly, I wasnt in command of the operation since Liberty battleship came and started to calling an orders around, so casualties in numbers of slaves were high. From 4095 slaves that was captured only 3000 made their way to safety. Thats another proof of how incompitent Libertonians are or clueless about how to make proper rescue mission. But in the end smuggler was dealth with and cargo prevented from reaching Malta, so its fine by itself.
Oh, and I also spotted one cardamine smuggler docking at Planet Houston, but couldnt stop it because of locals lawman engaged at me so I had to escape. I believe they were bribed by this smuggler, otherwise they would see who is real threat to security of Liberty.

Guncam gallery

For the better future! For The Coalition!

[Image: endtb.png]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 08-02-2014

[Image: Warner.png]

Comm ID: Field Marshal Ben Warner, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army

Subject: Action Stations!

"We have received word from our allies in the TAZ (Temporary Autonomous Zoners) that the Order has been attempting to push them into giving up TAZ property and requires sanctuary for several of it's members. The State Duma has granted their request under the Katzist-TAZ Evacuation Protocols set up in such an event if Baffin finds itself under considerable threat.

All fighter crews are to gear up and be on standby for escort duties with the high possibility of combat due to Order interference. If the Order attempts to intervene with our friends they will find that they only re-ignited a conflict with our People's Republic, should Order aggression result in a firefight the State Duma and Premier will authorize combat operations against Order forces within the Omega Sector and Bretonia, their unwarranted aggression will not go unpunished nor ignored by us any-longer, furthermore a Typhoon-Class ship is to be shifted to the Baffin Region to ensure the continued security of Baffin and keep watch for either an Order Incursion or Gallic Invasion.

Furthermore Travel Visas are being prepared for these individuals seeking sanctuary for Zhukovsky Station, Mykolaiv's non-restricted zones and our colonies on both JiangXi and Volgograd. Try to make them feel welcome and safe during their stay, these are our allies and guests so they are to be treated with the same dignity and respect as a Coalition citizen.

For the Motherland! Ura!"

Ben Warner, Field Marshal
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Vulkhard Muller - 08-21-2014

[Image: KyleWinstonTransmissionbar_zpsbb7b317c.png]

[==Topic: Intruder in 52==]

Today at approximately 3:13 AM SST a Freelancer breached Omega 52 defensive grid during a routine changing of the guards. He was chased and his ship dragged into a moor on Zhukovsky. He is still on his ship. All pilots are on stand by. If he attempts to leave shoot him down. If he attempts to leave his ship, place him under arrest.

I repeat. This vessel call sign "W.Gustloff" Is a Kill on Sight. A Fugitive of the Coalition.

Additional Information:

[==Transmission Terminated==]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - SnakeLancerHaven - 08-30-2014

-ID: Major Ivan Petrov-

[Image: 3d04a610.jpg]

*Yawns* Where were we... Hmm...

I went out on a patroul as I saw an intruder in Omega-52... Well actually, no. It was a false alarm, but I still went after that guy into O-49. I lost him somehow, dunno where he disappeared, weird. However, I didn't worry much and went back to the O-52 Jumphole, till I saw our new Destroyer near the jumphole. I must say *laughs* I had a bright smile when I saw that Capital Ship guarding the hole there!

Together with it we killed some Corsair Fighters and that's pretty much it. Petrov Out-

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RE: SCRA Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 09-02-2014

[Image: ddtb.png]
ID: Dmitry Dubovik
Target: SCRA
Security: Low

Privet, Comrades.

Summer time has passed. Everyone who have been in a vacation on Gran Canaria or somewhere else is now back and ready for army duties. But there are severall highly patriotic pilots who continued on their serving, refusing to rest. They have completed numerous ammount of tasks and missions, and for that - they must be awarded.

Major Ivan Petrov, you are now promoted to the rank of Colonel, with all appropriate honors.
Captain Niuzai Guofeng, you are promoted to the rank on Major and are in charge of middle rung pilots.
Commander Kyle Winston, you are promoted to the rank of Captain and given keys to CPW ''International''.
Senior Lieutenant Adam Kulov, you are promoted to the rank of Commander and given keys to CPW ''Aurora''.
Junior Lieutenant Siyi Ye, you are promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and now allowed to get yourself Storm Gunboat.

That would be all our heroes for today. Celebration party shall be in Kalashnikov's Bar at 21.00 PM. Dismissed.

Dubovik over.

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RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Franz Stürmer - 09-21-2014

[Image: 2hi00fm.jpg]
Subject: Hispania Memorial

Privet Comrades. Today i got my first mission, the Hispania Memorial. After hard fights and flying through radioactivity i reached the Hispania and graved my name into the pot.

Here the evidence: Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

After that i went home without bigger problems.

Petrov Over


RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Franz Stürmer - 09-22-2014

[Image: 2hi00fm.jpg]
Subject: Encounter with The Maquis

Privet Comrades. Today I've met The Maquis on my patrol. From The Maquis were Diane Masson and Edie Caplan there. There were two members of [FL-ER] too. The location was in system Roussillon. We talked very general about the history and goals of the Maquis and SCRA. Also what happens if the Maquis reach their goal to defeat Gallia Military and the government. They will let decide the people how they want their new government. In general the Maquis want us as an ally because of very close goals. Further the organisation [FL-ER] would want us than too allied because they are allready with the Maquis. I'm sending here by a message to our High Command about this Situation. That was it in general.

Here some records from the encounter: Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

Petrov Over


RE: SCRA Communications Centre - SnakeLancerHaven - 09-23-2014

[Image: 1zyew6s.jpg]

Greetings, for short introduction...

Most of you don't even know me probably, even though I'm among you since quite sometime.

I was born in Rheinland and lived my half of my life as a Freelancer mostly in Rheinland space. Later on I joined the Red Hessians, the unlawful side of Rheinland. The Government of Rheinland was in my opinion done and corrupt, nothing else has been left to do there as I myself as a Freelancer couldn't realy do much against it, could I?

I've met Petrov and the Coalition, hah! Was quite a shock, I only heared rumors about the Coalition, but never thought I'd met them personally. Ivan Petrov is a good friend of mine, while I was in the Hessian Army we started lots of project, like the "Sovetskaya" project, which got scrubbed. The Facility got locked and since then my interests grew more inside the Coalition. After some agreements I've finaly joined the Revolution and made my way up there. Later on I decided to serve the intelligence service, the Coalition Commissariat. With His Watchfull Eye's approval I kept my old ship, the "Loki". Seems like that Julia Dorian was interested in it too and took one before me!

Anyhow, in short after indtroduction, here are my mission debriefings:

[Click to read with Music]

An urgent message reached me from our new nugget Michailov that he had a Rogue presence in Cortez. That Rogue followed him for some reason, until I appeared. He told us that our ships are not "permitted" to be in Cortez space...

Well, as you expected, such a responce wouldn't go unpunished would it?

[Kill Cam]

Fool, thought we'd just accept and return. After this was done I went to look around the areas to find more that could be useful information for my further documents. There I saw a Junker Salvager moving into Inverness.

[1] , [2]

No useful data acquired, only that the Frigate didn't look very agressive, but more in a hurry. With all that said, I seperated my way with Michailov and he went back to Omega-52. Stay tuned for further intel, Arslan Out.


RE: SCRA Communications Centre - SnakeLancerHaven - 09-23-2014

[Image: 2mrxzfa.jpg]

Comrades, today is indeed a great day.

After reading the report of Michail, I went to see the so called "Maquis" Revolutionairies. Met "Miss Revolution" there *Bursts in Laugh*. Yes, Diane Masson explained me the situation and that they indeed could need allies. We have discussed this matter, in the end I came to the decision that we for now can be friends however the ultimate decision would be made once each side brings enough high ranked people and this be discussed more secure. All in all, I think we can trust them, for now, but I wouldn't go for a far fletched relation, yet. We still have to know more about their cause and their real intention.

That's all for now, Petrov out.

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