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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Recruitment! - ChillerMiller - 10-31-2010

Discovery Forum Name: ChillerMiller
Name: Vivien Schmitt
Rank: -
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username): Danny-Lee.Knoles

Age: 23
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 120
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: green

Planet/Station of Origin: Planet Baden-Baden

Background Information: Vivien was born to a wealthy family on planet Baden-Baden. She could have an easy calm life without any worries about money and other material goods. However Vivien decided to take the normal way and live like a normal person. While her parents had a large company with many employees, Vivien worked for her own money and didnt accept the help of her family. When she had enough money for her own personal ship she went on a large journey to discover new cultures. On her journey she had many problems with many pirates who wanted to destroy her ship. After some years she had the wish to return home to Rheinland. When she reached it she was ambushed by some Red Hessians who thought she was a military pilot. Vivien had luck and could escape. On her way back home she thought of the current situation in rheinland, about the increasing danger of Red Hessians and other groups who want to bring suffer to Rheinland. She made her decision to join the Rheinland Military, she wants to make her homeland safer.

Basic Personality Traits: She is very flexible and treats everybody with respect. She will fly for the Rheinland Military with courage in order to make Rheinland. Thanks to her experiences she made on her journeys she can manage nearly every situation.

Ship Class:


For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
Since march/april 2010
What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
I play Freelancer since 2003, however i have access to the internet for about 1 year maybe and i found this great mod and started to play it online
What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?
[LN]-John.Smith - Guardian/Cupholder
[RHA]Peter.Schubert - Sabre/Odin/Thor
MNS-Allegiance - Outcast Dreadnaught
Infernal-Housekeeper - Scylla
Jeffrey.Hernandez - Outcast Sabre
Jeff.Waters - Pirate Roc Bomber
Kazuki.Nakamura - KNF
iKytec)Hades|T21 - Interspace Train
What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?
I am from germany and i really enjoy the rheinland RP also because i can use my native language and make the RP better.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Vrabcek - 11-01-2010

[color=#33FF33]Vivien Schmitt, your application is now [color=#33FF33]under review.
I sent you the questionnaire, fill it out in the meanwhile so we could decide about you.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - CrossBones - 11-02-2010

Discovery Forum Name: CrossBones
Name: Hans Wolfgang
Rank: Recruit
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//xeno.rick):

Age: 32
Height: 6''3
Weight: 165
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown

Planet/Station of Origin: Hamburg

Background Information: Was born and raised in a working classed family... parents died from an infection brought in by the Libertonians. Been on my own since a very young age, I learned how to survive in very harsh environments. I goal is simple. Give back to the Libertonians what they gave to me.

Basic Personality Traits: Always follow and completes orders and has 12 years of flying under his belt.

Ship Class: Wraith and Berg, ready for action

Other: Always willing to go to the next way point.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Vrabcek - 11-02-2010

Vivien Schmitt

Your application is accepted. Welcome to the Rheinland Military.

You are required to report to the Recruit briefing auditorium ASAP and watch this video. This is mandatory

BOOKMARK "The Rheinland Military Information Center, Central Access to the Rheinland Military Database"
Here's your copy of the field manual. The naming conventions are listed here(scroll down until you see "Ship Naming Convention"). You are cleared to fighter class (Wrath VHF and Snubnose bomber) ships.

The standard ship is the Wrath. You are not required to have a bomber for starters, but you are encouraged to procure one also if you have the means to acquire it.

Repost your bio here.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Vrabcek - 11-02-2010

[color=#33FF33]Hans Wolfgang, thank you for showing interest in joining the Rheinwehr. But you cannot expect that we will let you in with such short life story.

Mein herr [color=#33FF33]EXTEND YOUR BIO
so we would actually know something about you.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Pacific - 11-04-2010

Discovery Forum Name: Pacific
Name: Emlin.Gertrude
Rank: Leutenant Emilin Gertrude -
S.K.Y.P.Е: bg.cpt.dimitrov

Age: 25 years Old
Height: 1.76
Weight: 69 kg
Hair Color:Blond
Eye Color:Colorful

Planet/Station of Origin: Planet Stuttgart .

Background Information: I was born on planet Stuttgart in the year 793 A.S. I Finnish't Basic School and Mid school. Went to military university and Finish't advanced flight, along side with basic. I was a Military officer for 3 mouth's before I was offered a job in the Buro der Marineintelligenz for 9 mouth's until I resign'd my post. Reason why I left because the Buro der Marineintelligenz assign me a desk job. Witch is not what I am after. I am after more action and doing my duty. What other well I am not marred and I have no sirius relationship. I have one year in flying experienced in fighter,I also went trew Bomber training and capital command. I Also was part of several Incursions to Liberty. And went out Victorious . My family is Aristocratic and my kife was easy my time in the BDM made me a strong person. Also I have some home defense. Also I am looking foward with working with some Old Rheinland Military officer friends. Also I had Gunboat Command one time because the Captain of it Got sick and BDM assign me for the job.

Basic Personality Traits: Confident in her action's , She can obey order if they are reasonable, communicative, Not very Patient

Ship Class: Wraith VHF

Other: None

For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?

1 year since Today

What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?

In my previous mod Modification I meet a person from Discovery. I try-id a lot to start beforte I meet him but didn't make it, he offerd to help me and he did. Thanks to him I am.

What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?

They are a lot and I will name My Fraction one's.

BHG|Core 3 ships
and another official fraction witch I keep a secret. If you whant to know it contact me
What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?
I want to try the fraction and I have 2 fellow man from my county witch i will want to work with.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Vrabcek - 11-04-2010

[color=#33FF33]Emlin.Gertrude, your application is now [color=#33FF33]under review.
I sent you the questionnaire, fill it out in the meanwhile so we could decide about you.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - CorrupteD - 11-05-2010

Discovery Forum Name: CorrupteD
Name: Niklas.Klein
Rank: -
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username): corrupted88

Age: 24
Height: 1.85
Weight: 82 kg
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: dark red

Planet/Station of Origin: Hamburg

Background Information: Born on Planet Hamburg,my parents were hard-working people,making their daily lifes beautiful,after they brought me to this world.I studied at the "Schwerin" high-school,and the "Lebbelwasser" academy,mostly studying ship technology.Once i finished the academy,several hits in my life occured,such as the death of my parents,my girl-friend leaving me and losing my parents home.I live thanks to a friend and his family,for offering me sanctuary in their homes.Soon after,i decided to leave for the Militar Secondary Fleet.Exactly vat i did.Soon,i learned zat it is not so easy to fly a ship as it is studying it.It vas not much of a problem,hauever,since i quickly learned ze techniques mein trainer provided.Taking a tough decision of applying fur your ranks,i give in this little report.

Basic Personality Traits: Handsome,fit,and i love to joke around sometimes.

Ship Class: 90-ARKM-N45 "Wraith" Rheinland Very Heavy Fighter

Other: Nothing else to be said.

For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
Soon to be three years,more exactly,on December the 27th
What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
Invitations,i guess.
What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?
Gawd...this'll be long.
HF: [HF]-"Flashbang"
101st : Ambrosio.Kamots-[101st]
RHA : [RHA]Lukas.Eisenhauer
GC : [GC]Chie.Mori
MM: MM~Xan.Hussain
BD: [Sentai-86]Takeo.Saito
iKytec : iKytec)Ross.Denton|S397
Indies : Joshua.Martinez
What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?
I'm guessing the general rp and pew pew of the faction,it seems interesting and besides,i honestly always do thing of joining the official factions of my characters.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - florinel - 11-06-2010

Discovery Forum Name:florinel
Name: Karl Muller
Rank: -
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username): florin3ls

Age: 18
Height: 1.80 m
Weight: 69 kg
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: brown

Planet/Station of Origin: Nuremberg

Background Information:
My name is Karl Muller the son of Hans and Anne Muller , was born on Planet Nuremberg on April 11th 799 A.S now I am 18 years old.My father works for the Rheiland Military on the Battleship Regensburg and my mother works for Republican Shipping on the Ingolstadt Station.My father wanted me to be the pilot from the begining.Before he was recruited by the Rheiland Military he was working for Republican Shipping as escort and fighted encounter many pirates and always telling me stories on this subject.I was very fascinated and at the same time scared . I when at primary and secondary school on planet Nuremberg . In the last year we did 3-4 hours of flight using a simulator that the school had and every one use it . I did like from the first minute to fly but I did not know very much about flight .I decided to go at a military school to learn all I need to become a good pilot and tactician.I studied first year about ships and weapons technology . In the secound year the flight trainer took me and my colleagues to a trip at the Braunschweig system to show us a training sequence did by the military.The litle demonstration did for us was very educative and we were amaized how skillfull and organized they are and the Leutnant present there talk to us . Next years I was trained in the basics of flight and did few combat training in the last year. After I graduate I started to fly and improve my skill in flight.One day when I was plying through Frankfurt system I encounter a pirate that was attacking a trader without mercy. He asked me to help him , I didnt stay to think to long and helped him right away . The pirate fought but in the last he ran away because he saw that the military was coming . In the last he was caught and took to the prison. The trader was grateful . From that incident I learn that pirates are to be jailed or killed if they dont obey to the laws .Now have 5 months experience in flight and I feel ready to join the Rheiland Military to profe that I am a good pilot and to fight for the people of the Rheiland to protect them agains the pirates and the liberty . Fur ze Rheiland!
Basic Personality Traits:
I am a calm man most of the time but get angry when I'm annoyed . I obey to the orders given but I will never let a comrade do fight alone even . I am sociable and comunicative.

Ship Class:


For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
I am playing for like 4 months .

What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
This is the first server I ever play FL multiplayer , I was searching with the help of the google and did see this server and like it .

What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?

I like that its a very active faction and has a lot of members to talk and interact with . The general rp and fighting that the faction has with others . I was always interested in military stuff and the history of Germany .

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Vrabcek - 11-06-2010

Emlin Gertrude when im looking at your application, it looks like you were writing it in a train during the way to work. I wont tell you that your Rheinlandish is a little bit rusty what makes some part of your bio not understanding, but the point what bothers me is that i think you are hiding something from us. I have the feeling you didnt tell us everything of your life. Please take your time and write an extended bio.

Herr Niklas.Klein, danke for your application. My condolences for your loss. I see we shouldnt have many problems in teaching you the basics of flying in a spaceship as you have studied them on the academy and even that a trainer provided you with usefull tactics. But still we need more details of your life. Why did your parents die? Did they die just so or was there a reason for their death? How is your friend called by who you live now. Who was the teacher who thought you the tactics. I could continue with questions, but i leave it up to you to provide us with more informations about you.

Herr Karl Muller, danke for your application. When i read your application, i cant loose the feeling that something is missing there. Maybe you could try to extend it with more details.

// All three....extend your BIOs please.