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RE: SCRA Communications Centre - conmann35 - 04-10-2017

[Image: YEZkLnb.gif]


From: Colonel Mehmed Selim, CPW-Lithuania
Security Encryption: MODERATE
Report transmitted to Coalition Command and relevant officers.

Wow. That operation was quite definitive. Many capitalists have been shown the light of Communism. Our deep strikes into Liberty, Bretonia and Rheinland have proven fruitful. We also ran into some trouble within the back door of Liberty. I will let the logs speak for themselves in that regard. For now, let it be known we have triumphed against the odds.

For the Motherland, for the Revolution.

Colonel Selim out.


Comms logs follow.

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 04-10-2017

[Transmission Begins]
From: The Office of the Premier
To: Coalition Personnel
Priority: Moderate
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]
"Jr. Lieutenants Ledovskoy and Lukas Riemann, with your recon work into the Omegas you may have saved the lives of your fellow Comrades in the region. This up-to-date information will go a long way to freeing the Omega cluster from the grip of the Corsair Empire. To that end you are to be promoted to the rank Lieutenant. The Republic salutes you and your efforts in protecting our people and ensuring the spread of the Revolution.

Furthermore the Premier himself commends those who partook in the raid led by Colonel Selim. We must continue to show Sirius the strength of our unity and the power of the Working Class that they take for granted!

The Coalition has another mission for all members to carry out. The Gallic-Bretonian front has seen little of our presence as of late, this is a situation that must not go un-corrected. Coalition vessels must seek out and neutralize either a Bretonian Capital ship up to Dunkirk-class or a Gallic Capital ship up to the 'Valor' class. Should any opportunity to isolate and disable either side's ships arises do so and attempt to tow the ship back to friendly space in Molly-contested Dublin or Derry (Poole). From there a detachment of Marines will be sent to board the vessel and take possession of the ship in question. However do not waste lives and equipment if it is not certain it is possible and simply destroy the ship.

Ura Comrades!"

Sirius Coalition
Сириуса Коалиция
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Mushy - 04-11-2017

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]


[Image: 6FvQP7z.gif]

From: Lt. Pyotr Ledovskoy

Location: Zvezdny Gorodok, New Moscow

Topic: Mission Report > Trip to Liberty and Back

Alright, yesterday was very eventful. I started the day off by flying into Bretonian space. Usual scouting duty, really. Nothing much was happening, although I did get assaulted by a gunboat, which overpowered me in a moment of surprise. I gave it a little bit of some tenderizing and left the wreckage soon, to find a base or station of one of our allies in Bretonia. My ship was beaten, needed repairing.

After the fix-up, I flew back into the Omegas, where I have rendezvoused with Colonel Mehmed Selim. In short, we have scouted a little bit more around Bretonia and Rheinland. We have found a transport which was kind enough to stay and hear the word of the people. I was tasked to distribute some of our fliers, and thus, I did as I was told. There was also some armored police transport full of prisoners, whom we liberated from the clutch of the corrupt Rheinland police. Then, we have blown up a capitalist scum in the Stuttgart system together with Lieutenant Lena Riemann, who has spotted him first on her way to our position. Afterwards, our journey took us to Liberty. The very core of the very scourge that plagues Sirius.

As I have been on scout duty since the morning, this all has been exhausting, and I had to take a rest aboard Beaumont Base, which ultimately led to me not being able to participate in a raid against Liberty forces. That was unfortunate. Either way, the Junkers were kind enough to offer me a temporary hideout until I took a small nap and was ready to take the journey around Liberty back to Bretonia, and then New Moscow. I did not want to alert any authority with my presence, so I took the scenic route through systems my ship's navigation map labeled as "Kansas," "Vespucci," and "Magellan."

On my way through Vespucci, I have noticed a very unusual ship stationed near the jump hole leading to Magellan. Apparently, it belonged to a group known as 'Hellfire Legion'. They did not take it kindly for me to stay in this system. Therefore, I only took note of their positions, took visual proof of their existence, and left the system to not rile them up. From what I have seen, this group is extremely hostile and should be avoided at all costs. To anyone who wishes to pass through Vespucci, I give a warning. Stay alert, their presence in the system is abundant, and if you wish to pass through it alive, don't get too close to their ships. The large ship is located in the B-4 sector.

Thankfully, I got through the rest of the systems without a problem, and soon found myself in Dublin, where I refueled and refreshed myself. As it was a short way home, I did not further waste a single minute and flew straight to New Moscow. During this lengthy trip, I managed to secure three enemy pilots, two pilots belonging to the Rheinland Police, and one pilot belonging to the vile guild of Bounty Hunters. As I said, they were secured and dropped off at Zhukovsky. The prisoners, destined to be liberated and given a new life, were dropped at Zvezdny Gorodok.

Very eventful day, I myself do believe it was a very productive one. I need another nap and some vodka now.
Do svidaniya, comrades!

Transmission Appendix:


RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 04-12-2017

[Transmission Begins]
From: The Office of the Premier
To: Coalition Personnel
Priority: Moderate
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]
"Lieutenant Lena Riemann, your actions against the Libertonian corporate state have been noticed by the High Command. Destroying multiple fighter-craft is no easy task and is to be commended. Therefore the High Command bestows upon you the The Partisan's Cross for your steadfast actions against the Capitalists who have nested in Liberty. Furthermore you are to be promoted to the rank of Senior Lieutenant. As such you are now permitted to train in the use of a Storm-Class Gunboat. The Premier expects great things from you Comrade, do not disappoint him or the elected State Duma!

Lieutenant De Grasse, the Ministry of Truth has received the items obtained from your journey to the Omicrons. Sufficed to say I am obligated to give a friendly reminder that all operations against the Nomad Threat are considered Classified. However I can say that the Commissariat is pleased at how you handled yourself and has sent you a Ministry of Truth Collar Pin to show you as a trusted member of the Revolutionary Army when it comes to such operations in the future. Commissar Tabakov fears you may one day steal his job Comrade.

Ura Comrades, may the people of Sirius be united under the Coalition's Banner soon!"

Sirius Coalition
Сириуса Коалиция
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Shelco - 04-13-2017

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]

Sirius Coalition Mission Report

[Image: cCZbrug.jpg]

Assigned Soldat: Lena Riemann
13.04.824 A.S.
Rang: Lieutenant
Missiya Priority: Moderate
Uroven' of danger: High
Current Baza: Zviezdny Gorodok
Mission Temy: An interruptor upon return

Guten Tag, meine Kameraden,

I just want to give a small heads up about a last victorious encounter yesterday when I wanted to return, I am thankful for the promotion and the Paritsan's Cross, that means a lot to me, I considered my operation done and wanted to return to Neu Moskau. Just when I was about to get to the Texas gate, I stumbled upon another LSF ship which interrupted me, without talking too much about it, it got defeated. Thanks to that, I was able to return safely. Out of respect for the completion of the mission, I don't consider this part of operation Into the Heartland, thus the normal message.

Riemann out.

[Image: CoalitionFlag.png]
Lena Riemann
[Image: mBZAZbD.png]
Senior Lieutenant

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 04-14-2017

[Image: dpophfr.png]

Comm ID: CPW Trotsky, Commissar Nikita Tabakov
Subject: Continued Observation of Corsair Facility

"Continued observation on the Corsair facility in Omega-49. So far the facility as far as we are able to tell continues to be in full operation with moderate defenses. Being cut off from Omega-47 and the rest of their so-called 'empire' we question how they obtain supplies so freely. It has been suggested they may obtain them from Gran Canaria which I consider likely due to the Corsair's colony planetside in addition to the Zoner's neutral stance in the war against the Corsair Empire.

Corsair Facility

No other significant changes have been noted as of late, monitoring will continue whenever the Trotsky enters the Protectorate. "

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Reeves - 04-14-2017

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]

Sirius Coalition Mission Report

[Image: Lukas.jpg]

Assigned Soldat: Lukas Riemann
14.04.824 A.S.
Rang: Lieutenant
Missiya Priority: Low
Uroven' of danger: Low
Current Baza: Zhukhovsky Station
Mission Temy: Border Control

Guten Tag, meine Kameraden,

An Agent of the Bretonian Intelligence Service thought it was a good idea to venture deep into Omega-52, it wasn't long before I spotted them and made it perfectly clear why this wasn't a smart decision. No further incidents transpired, they seemed to be acting alone, I'm sure we can respond in kind to this act of aggression.

Gun-cam feed: X

Lukas Riemann
[Image: Atez8rK.png]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Mushy - 04-14-2017

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]


<Encryption Level: Stalinium>

[Image: 6FvQP7z.gif]

From: Lt. Pyotr Ledovskoy

Location: Zhukovsky Station, New Moscow

Topic: Mission Report > Shipping for the Triumvirate

Zdravstvuyte tovarishchi!

It was a pleasure to sit in the bridge of the CPS Mulyanka. I have been assigned for a routine shipment of certain commodities to our Blood Dragon allies up in the vastly blue systems of Kusari, the Order in the Omicrons, and get some commodities back home, to New Moscow. There was also time to do a little shipment of Vodka for the Zoners in the system of Omega-49, in exchange for fresh oxygen and water, and a load of Deuterium.

During this trip around Sirius, I have been accompanied by comrade Lukas Riemann, and another comrade who flew the Eagle-1, who both escorted me throughout the whole way. Our trip was relatively undisturbed, until we have gone closer to the Omicrons. We were assaulted by [CLASSIFIED], which I personally haven't seen before, only heard tales about. Thanks to the swift strikes and lightning fast reactions of both escorting comrades, the [CLASSIFIED] threat was quickly dealt with. As swiftly as we arrived, we have also left, to avoid getting swarmed by these things. Other than this little occurrence in the Omicrons, the trip back to New Moscow was smooth as butter. Either way, comrade Riemann has picked up samples from [CLASSIFIED], and I do believe that as of sending this message, the samples have been safely secured back at home.

Oh, almost forgot, we did meet an interesting fellow in Omicron Mu. A junker. I didn't know much about him, but he sure as hell wasn't supposed to be in Omicron Mu. From what I understood, it is somewhat our goal to strengthen the ties between our Coalition and the Order, and no Order patrol was around, we acted as an impromptu police on the spot. As it was clear the junker did not have clearance to enter Omicron Mu, comrade Riemann has escorted him to the nearest way out of the system. The junker did not cause trouble, and complied. I personally hope the Order sees this as an act of mutual understanding, and such act will be influential on building a stronger friendship.

All cargo has been safely shipped, and I hope I will have the honor to fly the transport again with these comrades!
Until then, Lieutenant Ledovskoy signing off.

Transmission Appendix:


RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 04-15-2017

[Image: dpophfr.png]

Comm ID: CPW Trotsky, Commissar Nikita Tabakov
Subject: Cultist Activity

"Earlier today the Trotsky was diverted to the Tau Regions to track down a Cultist signal of distress. After several re-calculations, several near-encounters with multiple vessels of various origins, we located the source. It apparently was spilling cargo from it's damaged cargo bay and had a significant escort trying to salvage what they could. I ordered the Trotsky in a daring move to swoop in directly into the hornet's nest and using our tractor beams managed to collect a significant amount of what was spilled from the cargo bay.

Manifest: x8 Manitcore Beam Cannons
391 Prototype Heatsinks
205 Narchratite Ore Samples

Once we collected the cargo we fled the scene before more vultures could arrive, all the while under heavy fire from the Cultists attempting to retrieve the stolen cargo. Finally we escaped into Tau-31 and made our way home. The Cargo is slated for transfer to TOR-TWO. A vessel designated to hold unusual cargo from the Cultists and other odd sources. Another victory for the Republic and a severe blow to those who seek to utilize this technology against our people! Now it shall be studied by our scientists to further our own research and perhaps it may hold the key to our final victory over the Houses.

Long live the Republic!"

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Shelco - 04-15-2017

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]

Sirius Coalition Mission Report

[Image: cCZbrug.jpg]

Assigned Soldat: Lena Riemann
15.04.824 A.S.
Rang: Senior Lieutenant
Missiya Priority: Moderate
Uroven' of danger: High
Current Baza: Zviezdny Gorodok
Mission Temy: A lot of destroyed ships

Guten Tag, meine Kameraden,

Another day for the Revolution where I chose to leave our beloved Neu Moskau to go on a journey through the houses to enforce the word of the people. I started in Bretonia,
which only served as a passage, as there was nobody hostile to us I encountered. Liberty, however, was another point, I encountered a DSE ship, which fled to Colorado, where I successfully shot it down. I proceeded to go the Pennsylvania where I, surprisingly, encountered a Commune Waran bomber. he was somehow unable to explain his cause to me and wanted to meet me on Bethlehem as if I would meet without enemies. I shot him down as well. I wanted to leave Liberty again, on my way back, in New York, some Freelancer wanted to shoot me for executing the Navy, he bit in the grass pretty fast. Next stop was Rheinland, Omega-7 at first, I spotted a Kruger vessel sitting next to Freistadt and blew it up as fast as I could, the pilot seemed to be asleep while I did so. Since the next system is Stuttgart and I wanted to proceed to New Berlin, I had to go there first, where I saw the same DSE trader I once shot down, I don't think I need to say that he just experienced the same consequence as he did last time. Just as I passed the lane, a Daumann transport passed me, which I followed in the Omega-7 system back where I shot him down so he couldn't dock with their mining base there. The last ship I saw was a Samura vessel, which, to my surprise, wondered why I shoot him, I explained and he exploded.

Riemann out.

[Image: CoalitionFlag.png]
Lena Riemann
[Image: mBZAZbD.png]
Senior Lieutenant