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Bretonian Armed Forces Feedback - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Feedback - Coral Reaver - 01-24-2011

Yeah well, with all due respect, it's not even just the Kusari forces.

For example, just this very day I was flying around in Dublin spying around with my intelligence asset, and I spotted Outcasts, independents and 101st siding openly with no less than 5 BAF| and an IAB, along with a multitude of BAF independents, totalling the number force about -twenty- pilots, versus what looked like couldn't have been more than six SCRA pilots.

I'm sorry but that's just downright pathetic.

Of course, you can't control your indies, even if you make an attempt which I have yet to see, but even so you can still control your own Faction. That shouldn't be hard. I mean look at the [LN].

And I have heard this "we will talk to our guys" thing before. I mean, you honestly think, that it came as a shocking news that we wrote the Rules of Engagements? Of course not, it was the result of constant scenarios like the aforementioned one that lead to the formation of that document. And everytime we came here to explain to you, what was going down, we were told that the situation would be fixed, because you or someone else was going to "have a talk" in Skype. Well sorry to say, I'm not satisfied with the results. Either this problem is fixed, or you simply admit that this behaviour is part of your faction, and we can all stop this endless arguing.

Bretonian Armed Forces Feedback - Kontrazec (Somni) - 01-24-2011

Ah yes. So there we were,three NLH gunboats,two Corsair gunboats,and a Corsair fighter. We decide to go ahead and fly around Dublin a bit.

Result? 2 dead miners,who just wouldn't stop or listen or even TRY to RP.

Moar result?

HMS-Colchester (BS),HMS-Escalade(BS),HMS-Scorpion(cruiser) + one more HMS cruiser,whose name,I'm afraid I've forgotten.

First of all,if you want to use BIG SHEEPS R GUD SHEEPS!!!111 : *READ THE SERVER RULES*

Quote:5.7 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) until four hours have passed from the time of his/her destruction.

If the player respawns in the same system, he/she must leave the system within 10 minutes of his destruction without attacking anyone, except in self-defense. Other players are not allowed to attack one who is leaving.

Transports/Freighters/Liners which have been killed in a PvP fight may return to the system in which they were destroyed but only for purposes of moving through the system or for trade within that system. They may only act in a purely defensive manner. This exemption applies only to players who are in the system for the purposes of trading and does not apply to mining, piracy or any other activity.

I'm refusing to post a sanction report because frankly,I've seen you do it the first time. (And my SS button is missing from the keyboard,sigh.) If you log from your miners to your HMS lolcaps,at least try to act like you're not pissed at us for killing you earlier?

Now,mostly when I meet BAF I have a good time,roleplaying.If it ends in me dead,I still like it cause you bothered to roleplay.Oh and yeah.Please,keep to your role.You're the Bretonian Armed Forces.A faction as lawful as it gets.You're not supposed to ally with mollies/outcasts/whom the hell ever to engage gaians/corsairs,like you usually do. Please think before you do something as dumb? And concerning molly indies....i'm so speechless I won't even look at their feedback thread.

Also,I'm not sure if this is overstepping the boundaries.If it is,I'm really sorry. But in my opinion,anyone with power on this server spends way too little time in systems such as Dublin,Tau-23 and Omega-8.where unfortunately 90% of the server's lolwuttery and blatant rule disregard and breakage occurs.


Bretonian Armed Forces Feedback - Dennis Jameson - 01-24-2011

If you have a complaint about the 101st, then I suggest you take it to the appropriate feedback thread.

Bretonian Armed Forces Feedback - Coral Reaver - 01-24-2011

' Wrote:If you have a complaint about the 101st, then I suggest you take it to the appropriate feedback thread.

First of all. I have already sent a question, not a complaint but a question to the "appropriate feedback thread" of which you are speaking of, and secondly that wasn't a complaint towards the 101st. I was merely describing the units who were present. So in those regards, I don't get what you are talking about. I'm definitely at the appropriate feedback thread thank you very much.

Bretonian Armed Forces Feedback - sadtranslation - 01-24-2011

Somni, this is a feedback for BAF| official faction, not BAF in general, but I should notice that when it comes to such situations, official faction members hardly contol indies.

The only time I saw an effort put into making the fight "balanced" was the Indians' furball.

Also, we all understand how hard it to maintain a kind of stability in Dublin - but, please, use other methods. As a NLH members I'll be complaining about Mollies case all the time that went out of control - and I'm more or less satisfied with my and Beunt's skype discussion on the matter.

Bretonian Armed Forces Feedback - beunt - 01-24-2011

To the brawl with the SCRA I'd like to add the two corsair osiris and the fact they explicitely asked everyone to engage.

And I maintain that our encounters with Kusarian force are roughly satisfying (compared to Dublin), the [KNF] itself being clear of any repproach on that matter. The IKN though could do better than forcing the 4 hours rules to ask for more.

To conclude, again, the battleship swarm of tonight is being discussed.

Bretonian Armed Forces Feedback - Coral Reaver - 01-24-2011

Did two SCRA Osirises ask you to send a total amount of twenty pilots against their six fighter-pilots? Because I was there for at least two hours and I didn't see no Osirises at all, during the battle near Omega-49 jumphole.

Or did two Corsair Osirises ask you to engage with everything, in regards to an entire different enemy, which they could possibly not even speak for?

I hope I'm hearing this correctly. And if it's the second statement, then I'm bewildered how you have used such source as a justification for the incident. If it's the first statement, then it's the SCRA's own fault, but I highly doubt they would bring two Osirises to Dublin to begin with, but then also ask to get ridiculously overwhelmed with numbers.

They are roughly satisfying? I don't know, sure, sometimes they are, other times the leader of the Imperial Guard states in their respective skype chat that his Destroyer vessel got jumped at by a multitude of Battleships, Destroyers and Templars, camping outside Stokes under the supervision of the BAF|. I mean, it really goes both ways.

Bretonian Armed Forces Feedback - Dieter Schprokets - 01-24-2011

Bretonian Armed Forces Feedback - Mark_Brown - 01-24-2011

' Wrote:The only time I saw an effort put into making the fight "balanced" was the Indians' furball.

Which Furball was this, one with the Kusari Explorers which i was commanding the ranks and a fare few Sabres, or the Ossie invasion - which i wasn't there?

P.s THE BAF In General has Listened to the Feedback and as you can see our leader is taking action as you'd expect, any other comments about mollys and garda take to skype add me "bellck" (UK ONE) and I'll get to the bottom of all these Dublin "Hell Hole" problems... Otherwise any OTHER problems NOT mentioned above with BAF| - Post here.

Kind Regards

Bretonian Armed Forces Feedback - The.Comanche - 01-24-2011

' Wrote:Which Furball was this, one with the Kusari Explorers which i was commanding the ranks and a fare few Sabres, or the Ossie invasion - which i wasn't there?

P.s THE BAF In General has Listened to the Feedback and as you can see our leader is taking action as you'd expect, any other comments about mollys and garda take to skype add me "bellck" (UK ONE) and I'll get to the bottom of all these Dublin "Hell Hole" problems... Otherwise any OTHER problems NOT mentioned above with BAF| - Post here.

Kind Regards

Greetings all here...
Didn't read all that's being said here but from what i see there is a fair share of all this involving Indians so
maybe i can help in some way...
Few month back,after some really illogical and ridicules fights with BAF and rest of involved party's i had
nice talks with Beunt and we made some kind of deal how to keep our fight as fair as possible.We did that after we both saw that situation is getting out of hand and when i say that i mean-really getting out of hands.
I agree with people here saying that we-Indians have done some ganking and that's true but it was always and only with fighters(i don't count as ganking when 5 fighters attack 2 gun boats...)Exception from that is Roger Claymore character-he will always have "special treatment" from us Indians...
But we have faced something that we never did-Bretonia BS and Bretonia destroyer and few gun boats and incoming Molly gun boat and few fighters and repair ship on top of all that...and of course-Essex as base for refueling and reengaging ...all that on our 5-6 fighter-bomber wing...
But i can understand that...what i can't understand is BAF,Corsaires,SCRA,Molly's,BHG,MM and one Kepper(!!!!)fighting us all in the same time...there is no excuse for that in any RP possible...not to mention ID descriptions...situation like that had happened many times,in various combination's and all that time we were using only fighters&bombers(we have only 3) and 1 Kusari explorer that's being sold anyway..
We had one Kusari Explorer and guy sold it few weeks back.
Now we do have indeed couple Explorers cause we have to level the plaine some how...but we still have all in Dublin fighting us...and that's not evan problem,problem is that rules exist for all to obey and some rules have been brocken every single time we log in...i'm talking about rule 0.0 and the fact that this is an RP server...what kind of RP can justify BAF,Corsaires,SCRA,Molly's,BHG and Kepper fighting on same side???
Or like few days back-BAF and Gians and Hogosha?
We also had a BAF involved in fake RP with guy who created fake Indian char just to set us up and get us out of Junker bases(only one base actually)..BAF is official faction and in my humble opinion no official faction should be involved in such fake-meta-power gaming just so one player can satisfy he's personal bias towards another group of players.
My deal with Beunt about fair play worked fine until few weeks it's again one big furball all the time and we can manage that-if needed we Indians can all make Explorers and forget fighters and bombers so we can all have party all the time...but that's not what we wont and that's not how the things should be.