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101st Ghosts of Razgriz Faction Feedback - Printable Version

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101st Ghosts of Razgriz Faction Feedback - Dennis Jameson - 03-31-2010

' Wrote:There is only one Outcast I love to see in Liberty (so far) and that is Jam'son. Always love to see him down here. Oh and I am currently searching to create a new Character, and since I am only interested in Factions, the 101st would be a good Choice.

Could you please give me some Links to read up about the 101st? Since every Outcast Faction is different.

I like seeing you around as well. It's nice to know that there're decent people down there.

Anyway, here's the faction status. Mind you, it's rather... out-dated and the information it contains does not really describe what the 101st is... so I'll just type down what it is instead.

The 101st is the Maltese Navy, that much is clear, but what few don't know is that they act as a psudo-lawful faction when compared to the other Outcasts.
We don't steal credits from traders, we steal material to be used in ship construction among other things.
We are generally uninterested in "spreading the Orange dream" for profit, instead we use it to poison our enemies and use the argument that if you decide to treat the nation with respect and view it as a house we'll stop sending Cardamine to the criminal elements of the house in question.
While we may be the navy our tasks does not only involve slaying Corsairs. We branch out to all of Sirius through different wings to conduct assassinations, to create ties to new groups, to oversee the smooth operations of our allies and to see to it that wayward servants of the nation are brought onto the right path.

The rolepaly of the 101st is complicated, but it offers many different paths to fit your style. If you think this is interesting then you're most welcome to join.

101st Ghosts of Razgriz Faction Feedback - Galm-1 - 03-31-2010

Personally i haven't been back long but i've been around the 101st alot since i've arrived and i'd like to say their Role-Play is great. Even if everyones not necessarily friendly, It still shows me theres still hope for role-play in this place. When i left, it was a mess >.>

101st Ghosts of Razgriz Faction Feedback - Black Widow - 03-31-2010

' Wrote:Check the special roleplay section and then come back.


Regardless of whatever special roleplay section says about it (Not gonna read it .btw.), No way would outcast guard pilots use corsair ships while in official guard tags.

101st Ghosts of Razgriz Faction Feedback - Dennis Jameson - 03-31-2010

' Wrote:Regardless of whatever special roleplay section says about it (Not gonna read it .btw.), No way would outcast guard pilots use corsair ships while in official guard tags.

I can do whatever I want, and recruit whoever I wish.

That will be all.

Ps: I am aware that this is a feedback thread, but coming in and saying "OMG U CANT RECRUIT DAT GUY" is "feedback" which I am not going to listen to.

101st Ghosts of Razgriz Faction Feedback - Black Widow - 03-31-2010

' Wrote:I can do whatever I want, and recruit whoever I wish.

That will be all.

hmm ok If I deem an outcast to be a traitor or spy they will be shot on sight 101st or not.
Now that will be all;)

101st Ghosts of Razgriz Faction Feedback - Zelot - 03-31-2010

' Wrote:Ps: I am aware that this is a feedback thread, but coming in and saying "OMG U CANT RECRUIT DAT GUY" is "feedback" which I am not going to listen to.

To be fair, it seems he is talking about the use of the ship, not your recruitment of the character.

101st Ghosts of Razgriz Faction Feedback - schlurbi - 03-31-2010

' Wrote:hmm ok If I deem an outcast to be a traitor or spy they will be shot on sight 101st or not.
Now that will be all;)
The Character you are talking about is an Ex-Corsair. Accepted by Jameson, if you are not getting through Jameson's Roleplay, then you may ask him.

101st Ghosts of Razgriz Faction Feedback - Dennis Jameson - 03-31-2010

' Wrote:hmm ok If I deem an outcast to be a traitor or spy they will be shot on sight 101st or not.
Now that will be all;)

That will only get you killed and then exiled from the nation.

' Wrote:To be fair, it seems he is talking about the use of the ship, not your recruitment of the character.

It's all in the story thread(s), but here's the gist of it: It's a replica Titan made of Outcast tech.

101st Ghosts of Razgriz Faction Feedback - Akura - 03-31-2010

thar is ths nub retart jamison, he not let my desstroyer go keel thse evil navye, i think eh needs a shancksuhn, he cannut rP an riuned my funlol

p.s eh is a outcas in a haker ship, wtf is tha tcraplol?

I think you put up with alot of crap Jameson, kudos to you.

101st Ghosts of Razgriz Faction Feedback - globalplayer-svk - 03-31-2010

' Wrote:I can do whatever I want, and recruit whoever I wish.

That will be all.

sad to see lines as this from someone as you...
please say me, for what you need FEEDBACK thread, when your philosophy is this?....

and you know, i think blackwiidow is talking about one thing: one is special ropleplay request, but other is when you really think about the situation. how will all other outcasts look on titan flying under 101 tag? for outcasts, is titan the same as sabre for corsairs, symbol of all their dead friends,brothers,fathers, etc etc etc ....

but i know, you can do whatever you want....