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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Qunitinius~Verginix - 03-27-2007


It is times like these that we have all experianced but I belive that this is getting to be one of the worst. The SA and all the otehr lawfuls out their have been rallying against us in the Unlawfuls for sometime now but I think this has gotten out of hand.

We came to mis-understandings with each other before but I think that the times is right for us to forget what happened many months ago and re-unite against the Liberty scum.

The Answere lays in Your hands, Grand Admiral Mcintosh.

Helghast Grand Admiral Verginix Signing Off.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 03-27-2007

I hear your words Admiral Verginix, and I respect your fighting prowess and passion. But the SCRA's policy is not to ally with those that pirate, and I have no reason to change that. For now, a comfortable neutral will be our standing, although we will be increasing our concentrations on Liberty.

Although you may see us as terrorists, remember that we're fighting the good fight of the coalition. The Coalition wasn't a nation of theives and mercinaries, and we will uphold their ideals.

Mcintosh out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Qunitinius~Verginix - 03-27-2007


I see you as Terrorists and I respect you. We are terroists as well and make continual strikes agaisnt the Liberty Scum. Since an Alliance is out of the question, we will still look forward to fighting beside you against the Foolish Liberty Humans.

Grand Admiral Verginix Out

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 03-27-2007

So be it.

Transmit to: SCRA Bomber Command
Comm ID: Mcintosh

Commodore Solaris, glad to hear you took this new post. I remember when we thought you were a traitor, those were the good days, someone to hunt.


In any case I'd like you to prep a new Taiidian, I understand you may have a new pilot incoming sometime soon. He'll need a pair of Novas, and the usual package. I hope this shouldn't take too long... I've been needing some new line commanders lately, hate to see you reassigned.

Transmission Ended

Transmit to: Grand Admiral Mcintosh
Comm ID: Commodore Solaris, SCRA Bomber Command

N-no Sir, no reason at all this will take any time at all... none. No need to reassign me Sir, no need whatsoever. I'm doing a good job here sir, don't you worry. Its practially done already, getting the Novas ready to load.

Solaris out.

Transmission Ended.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - PARAKEET - 03-29-2007

Transmit to: All SCRA Personnel
Transmission from: Commodore Korr

I am honored to accept the position of Commodore and I did make the right choice. I really happy that we got some new recruits and look forward to meeting them in-game whoever they might be. However, my ship the Sleeper.Cell.II is currently undergoing some upgrades (NCC) and getting some new weapons as well off of the SCRA armory on GC. I also going to put my other fighter type weapons in a secret cache in the New Yorjk system but I will someone to help transfer. That is all...

End Transmission_

Transmit To: All SCRA personel
Transmission from: Lt. Cobalt

You probably haven't heard from me in while but I am deep in Liberty space doing covert operations against military outposts. I guess after flying around in Liberty for so long I know where a few supply depots are since now we will be concentrating our efforts against the economic downfall of the Sirus sector. I hope to see more of the recruits in fighters because whats the point in having this ship of mine when there is nothing to support. I guess having a Liberty ship comes in handy when doing this kind of work. Cobalt signing off...

End Transmission_

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 03-29-2007

Transmit to: SCRA Intelligence
Comm ID: Victory

Sirs, this is Victory. I regret to report that we've been heavily damaged in a fight with the Rheinland Military. I was landing on Planet Stuttgurt, in an attempt to retrieve **CLASSIFIED** as ordered. After the package had been recieved, and the infomation transmitted, I was going to move through New Berlin, to observe the RM massing in that system.

As I moved to the New Berlin Jumpgate, RM ships began to emerge, and we engaged immediatley. Both of the RM fighters were damaged to varying degrees, as was a Rheinland Federal Police ship. I couldn't even dent Krieg's shields however, and disengaged. As I was preparing to move back into the Omegas, they came upon me again, and I couldn't escape. After a massive pounding, and further damage to the RM fighters, and a Bomber that had joined partway through the fight, I was forced to use the Prototype Decoy system, simulating our destruction. However, the system did more damage to our ship, and both my XO and weapons officer were killed. We needn't worry about the RM capturing infomation from them, as all escape pods were destroyed.

We launched from Stuttgurt again, after effecting only the swiftest repairs, and proceeded to the local LWB base to repair further. The Argumentor joined us shortly after, bringing news that the RM had retreated to the New Berlin system. We believe that Admiral Krieg is very angry over the buyoff of stuttgurt officials that allowed us to land there, perhaps his anger could be exploited.

Victory out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - MrSns - 03-29-2007

From: Elder Alexander.

OOC:Sorry i have not had time to reply, i have been bolked down with dealing with super

Quote:This is Grand Admiral Mcintosh, leader of the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army. Due to the Corsair-SCRA pact, established long before this squadron was formed, the SCRA will be taking a Neutral Stance to The Brotherhood. Under this agreement, the Corsairs will sell us Titans, Corsair Gunboats, and various weapons systems in exchange for us turning a blind eye to their pirating activities.

Thusly, the SCRA High Command has decided to extend to you a blind-eye policy towards any pirating you may choose to undertake, provided it isn't done within our sphere of influence. (O-49, 50, 47, Dublin, and etc)

The Coalition needs weapons more than it needs another enemy. My regards to the Elders.

Mcintosh out.

If we sell u weps and titans etc we want something more than just a blind eye, we want wepens from your half of the Sirus sector.

Elder Alexander Out:D

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - PARAKEET - 03-30-2007

Transmit To: Elder Alexander
Transmission From: Commodore Korr, SCRA

As XO of the SCRA now I would be glad to give some weapons from one of strategic weapons armory s in the Sirus sector. However I need approval from my CO. I got some class ten weapons if you need them as your ships have served us well.

End Transmission_

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Ant - 03-30-2007

Transmit to: All SCRA personnel
Transmit from: Lieutenant Cray, Gunboat Argumentor

A new member has joined the ranks.
The ship RAGB-Kaos has been added to the mighty Coalition fleet!

Transmission ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 03-30-2007

Transmit to: Alexander, SCRA
Comm ID: Mcintosh

Alexander, although we've tolerated your pirating, we will not hesitate to reverse policy on your activities in very short order, I'm sure the Elders will not cut off our arrangement in exchange for a small squadron of fighter pilots. However, this wouldn't be a valuable use of our time, and for now, we'll stay as we are.

With regards to weapons, we'll consider offloading some surplus in Gamma, however, we're not in the armaments buisness ourselves. There are several freelancers and criminals that vend weapons, The Junkers of Sirius to name one group, and Kingpin himself, in Omega 49. I'll remind you however, that if any Brotherhood ships conduct piracy within our territory, that any shipments we make to you will be null and void, and a fiery death will descend upon your world.

Commodore, would you mind sending a list of the weapons you have avalable to the comms center for perusal, and if any of those are not required by our pilots, they could be sent to the Corsairs, for a fair price of course. That will satisfy both the needs of our service, and allow these pirates some firepower.

Anyone else who has come into possesion of CODENAME weapons, please send in an inventory, provided you don't require them for personal use. Provided we don't require them, I'll ask my contacts if the criminals might be interested in purchasing them, to add some capital to our war chests.


Redirect to: Lieutenant Cray, Gunboat Argumentor

Excellent work Lieutenant Cray, our gunboat fleet is truly stunning. I'll leave it to you to make sure the new man is up to standard.

For the Coalition! Mcintosh out.