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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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Liberty Forces Message dump - Gold Wing - 02-24-2010

[font=Palatino Linotype]Initiating Connection...
Establishing Network...
Network 100% Complete...
Transmitting Message...

[Image: GoldNavy.png]
[color=#FFFFFF]Identification Processing...



- Distress call near the California Jumpgate, New York System.

- Hostiles Identified at sector B-6 California Jumpgate.

- Targets neutralized.

Attached Files:

[Image: thejokerb.png]

[Image: furnehold.png]

[Image: keels.png]

Over & Out.

Liberty Forces Message dump - Asgardian - 02-26-2010

[Inbound Transmission]

[Image: captainflip2.png]Captain Jack Malrone
[Image: captainflip.png]
[Image: malronecaptain.png]
>Disturbances around the place.

I'll be brief with the pirates encountered today, as the Slavers Union are the main point of this report.

A quick engagement at the California gate resulted in one pirate ship going down before a massive ion storm crashed the Indiana's sensors and sent us flying towards West Point. Luckily, Lieutenant Sophie Jacobson managed to skillfully land us on the Academy before we slammed into the docking bay.
[Image: onezc.jpg]
More people who thought that they could order me around were found in Colorado. They barely scratched the Indiana's shields before succumbing to our fire.
[Image: threez.jpg]
[Image: twor.jpg]

>Multiple violations by the Slavers Union.

After the pirate woes, I moved to Texas to find a Slave Liner near the Bering jumpgate, flying the {SU} colours. He quickly docked with the jumpgate, ignoring my order to power down his engines. I pursued the suspect through to Bering and disabled his shields. Unfortunately, it seemed he had backup in the form of another Slave Liner. Both targets had a full cargo hold of slaves.
Trying to make a hasty escape, one of them fired on my ship and I returned in kind. Slowly making our way towards the Freeport, I downed one Slave Liner and set the other one on fire before it docked with the Freeport.
[Image: four.jpg]
I was highly reluctant to leave the Slaver on board the Freeport, however, I was receiving increased chatter from the Rheinland Military and it was only a matter of time before they'd be hot on my ass.

Due to the repeat offences committed by the Slavers Union,

I recommend that all {SU} tagged ships be declared unwelcome in Liberty, with lethal force being used to remove them if neccessary.

Captain Jack Malrone

--Stream End
[Transmission End]

Liberty Forces Message dump - Sly - 02-26-2010

***Incoming transmission...***
"Subject ID: Ensign Christopher Hood, Primary Liberty Naval fleet division"
"Source: Battleship Mississippi"

Good morning, officers.
My daily patrol route was changed due to transmission of LNS-Champion. Captain told that he was receiving multiple signals of pirate activity within Colorado system. I finished my assignments and rushed there.
After some time of my search I've found a fish. Pilot with Outcast transponder and Barghest-class vessel was speaking with Mandalorian Merc. When this pirate saw me, he quickly lit up his engines and flied away into the asteroid belt. Of course I couldn't let him wander in our homeworld, so I began a pursuit. He refused to pay fine and surrender himself, so he has been terminated.

Attached snap(s):
[Image: 2n9vnzp.png]
[Image: ajkl87.jpg]

Ensign Hood out.
***Transmission terminated...***

Liberty Forces Message dump - Asgardian - 02-28-2010

[Inbound Transmission]

[Image: captainflip2.png]Captain Jack Malrone
[Image: captainflip.png]
[Image: malronecaptain.png]
>Small patrol.

A couple of days ago, I missed out these two felons below - Outcast_Gunboat:Shadow: and Michael Furndehold. The latter was quite humorous when he suggested we work together in a piracy scheme. Unfortunately, in both cases a peaceful resolution couldn't be achieved.
[Image: michaeld.png]
[Image: shadowa.png]

>Today's Patrol.

Today's patrol was slightly different, with a flood of smugglers coming our way.

It started in Colorado, after I'd passed a Rogue near the New York jumpgate. Two transports whizzed past me back towards the New York jumpgate. Both MilneR and Sheepleader had choc-full loads of Counterfeit Software.
Surprisingly, after ordering him to stop about five times, MilneR powered down engines at Fort Bush. He didn't speak much before somehow docking at Baltimore shipyard. His friend, Sheepleader, soon followed suit. We chatted a little before they decided not to undock with the software and pay the fine.

>Pirates ~ Colorado

Almost immediately after dealing with the two software pushers, I got a distress call from traders in Colorado. Seems two pirates were looking for a little "tax" from them. I disable one of their craft, with assistance from Director Wolfe and seriously compromised the other.
[Image: lefts.png]
[Image: knightl.png]

>More smugglers in New York.

After a small break in activity, I thought to head back to Manhatten to catch up on paperwork. No such luck when I came across a silent Artifact smuggler. I forcefully cut his engines and disabled the tradelane he was about to enter.
He remained silent as I questioned him. Being the suspicious man I am, I re-scanned his hold and found that over six hundred of the artifacts were gone. I started scanning all the transport ships around and found that "JonnyC" had transported the artifacts to "Desmos". It was too late to order a lockdown of Manhatten and Desmos managed to land.
Things heating up, I disabled JonnyC's shields to get his attention and reiterated the order to jettison all the artifacts. One thing lead to another and eventually both ships were destroyed. However, contacts advise me that their company has many more ships at their disposal, so keep on the lookout for these two.
[Image: desmos.png]
[Image: johnnyt.png]

>Slaver ~ California.

Another Navy officer advised me of a "mio-cid" currently flying through California. By luck, I stumbled across him next to the Yukon carrying a full load of slaves. He told me that his craft wasn't fitted with any escape pods - Probably to maximise slave capacity. As foolish as this was, it also meant the slaves couldn't be safely put into space. So, I requisitioned a transport ship from Captain O'Conner to come and meet us at the Yukon for transfer.
In the meantime, I calculated the slaver's fine and problems arose when I told him that he had to pay it. Immediately, he fired on me and headed straight for Planet LA. I returned fire and destroyed the craft before it reached the atmosphere. By some chance luck, nearly all the slaves were able to make it to the hypothetical escape pods and clear the ship before she blew. O'Conner was mere minutes away and I started beaming in as many slaves as the Indiana's hold could fit. A tense few minutes proceeded, but unfortunately five hundred of the slaves perished before they could be beamed aboard.
[Image: mio.png]
The rest of the slaves are now being housed and found work on Planet Housten.

After an eventful day, I finally managed to sit down and write this report.

Captain Jack Malrone

--Stream End
[Transmission End]

Liberty Forces Message dump - Sly - 02-28-2010

***Incoming transmission...***
"Subject ID: Ensign Christopher Hood, Primary Liberty Naval fleet division"
"Source: Battleship Mississippi"

Officers, I have an urgent thing to do so it will be brief.
When I was orbiting Manhattan, captain Malrone contacted me and gave orders to patrol Colorado system. After I finished patrol route, Max Shepard reported two hostile ships. From his words, one of them was destroyed instantly and another one fled. Some time after I proceeded into Texas system. In a middle of patrol line I spotted two pirates. They were heading to Tradelane to commit robbing. I gave them a chance to fly away, they refused. After fight I left their pods to float in space and proceeded into New York. Recruit Reed has encountered two pirate bombers. Our force immediately wiped out their ships.
That is all. Rushing into hangar bay...

Attached snap(s):
[Image: 29w6cmp.png]

Ensign Hood out.
***Transmission terminated...***

Liberty Forces Message dump - Sonja - 02-28-2010

Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Planet Manhattan, Fort Bragg

The Slavers Union, {SU};

This group is now, due to the recommendation of Captain Malrone as well as my own encounters with these ships, considered to be hostile.

Please read this public notification carefully to understand the steps that should be taken if you encounter any {SU} ships within Liberty space.

Transmission Terminated

Liberty Forces Message dump - Luis - 03-01-2010

[][][][][]Incomming Transmission[][][][][]

==Source: Eli Thomas - Ensign [LN] ==

G'day, Admirals.

I have to say that I was very patient these days, like any other day. Though, as my Pilot Status says, I have been on the LN for eight hours and completed on achieving the LN Guard. Pretty tired and happy I was, but it was worth it. Thanks to Captain Malrone and ... Robert Bueller - loverboy I call him.

Anyways, my point being in this message is to let you guys know i have completed the trial and I am ready to be promoted.

==Transmission Ended==

Liberty Forces Message dump - Sonja - 03-01-2010

Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Planet Manhattan, Fort Bragg

Roster Update, part one;

After deliberations with Fleet Admiral Hale and Admiral MacTavish, I've been given the task of announcing the following changes to the roster:

- After a distinguished career in the Liberty Navy Primary Fleet, Captain Seth Karlo has made the decision to retire from active service. We wish him well with civilian life, where his military experience should stand him in good stead for life after the forces.

- Due to extenuating and uncontrollable family commitments, Captain Bill Kreagan has been suspended from active duty and placed in reserve. Once these personal problems are resolved, he will be reinstated with the full powers that his rank grants.

- However, it is my pleasure to announce the return of David Hastings, former quartermaster, back into the Primary Fleet as a Lieutenant. Don't disappear on us this time, Lieutenant.

The following soldiers have failed to show any activity at all recently, some not even having recent records of their ships being present in the hangar bay. Therefore, the following have been discharged from duty:

Kyle Whisperdale
Travis Burgess
Hayley Lemass
Michael Vega
Marius Pain
Jimmy Cricket
Jovan Jeffries
Jorge Tippman
Andrew Web
Adrian Epsilon
Jace Newman
John Newman
Enrus Tolkan

That is a lot of names there. Do not become one of them in the future, ladies and gentlemen.

Fleet Admiral Hale will complete the second part of the roster amendments shortly.

Transmission Terminated

Liberty Forces Message dump - Jihadjoe - 03-01-2010


COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Fleet Admiral David Hale
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy personel
SUBJECT: Ranking changes

Fleet Admiral Hale speaking here...

It is my great pleasure to announce the following promotions with the Liberty Navy.

Having completed their basic training, Recruits Eli Thomas, Robert Bueller and Vic Thorn have been promoted to the rank of Ensign. It's a pleasure to have you aboard ladies and gentlemen. Good work so far.

Two of our new recruits have shown themselves able in combat and demonstrated above average aptitude. Recruits Christopher Hood and Dean Winchester have been promoted to the rank of Sub-Lieutenant. Having personally spent time with these men in the field it's easy to see they are going to go a long way in the Liberty Navy.

Sub-Lieutenant Virgil Redline, despite a few hiccups has proven to be an extremely worthwhile part of the service. As such he is being promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. I suggest that you keep your mouth a little more firmly closed at times though Lieutenant.

For long and dedicated service, as well an an exemplary combat record and showing aptitude for command, Lieutenants Rachel Baker and Samuel Zander have been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. The high command has a good deal of respect for you two. This promotion adds a lot to your list of dutys.

Zander, I am giving you the position of combat training officer for our new recruits.
Baker, you have been given responsibility for the welfare and SOP training of our new recruits.

Lieutenant Commanders Shade Walker and Andy Doggett have been promoted to the rank of Commander. Both of you have shown yourselves to be able and responsible members of the Liberty Navy. Congratulations on the step up.

Recruit Jason Reed, you are considered ready for promotion to Ensign, however we need you to report in on this channel in order to process the paperwork.

To every one of you in the Navy, you have my respect. You serve your nation with pride, dignity, honor, dedication and skill. I could ask no more except your continued and furthered excellence.

Hale out.

[font=agency fb]****TRANMISSION TERMINATED****

Liberty Forces Message dump - Sarawr!? - 03-01-2010

--Incoming Transmission--
--Sender Identification: Rachel Baker--
--Transmission Source: Battleship Missouri--
--Transmission Target: Office of the Fleet Admiral--
--Encryption Strength: Very Low--
--Begin Video Feed--

Rachel appears on screen and snaps a salute toward it.

"Fleet Admiral Hale, Sir. Thank you for the promotion and the assignment, I will gladly report to duty at whichever posting will be used for orientation of the new recruits, and I will carry out the assigned tasks to the best of my abilities, Again, thank you, Sir!"

Rachel nods to the monitor and breaks the salute as the screen fades to black.

--Video Feed: Off--
--Transmission End--
--Signal: Lost--