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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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Liberty Forces Message dump - Sonja - 12-01-2010

Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Planet Manhattan, Fort Bragg

Just to add a little;

Virgil, if you make a mistake, I will be on your case instantly. That's no word of a lie. I hope your rehabilitation went well, by the way.

Transmission Terminated

Liberty Forces Message dump - Dashiell - 12-01-2010

:: incoming transmission ::

signal source: bridge of the Honey Badger, Houston orbit

message begins:


Claude Montana here. I'm the XO on the Badger. Commodore Robinson knows me quite well by now.


Anyway, I'm here to report that com- captain Redline will be back from rehab some time today. I spoke with him for a little bit when he was on the comms this morning. He sounded rather... normal for the first time in ages. Although I could clearly hear sounds of a party going on in the background. I wouldn't hold it past him to have turned the rehabilitation centre into a party palace.

Anyway, I received the report from the centre with the request to forward it to command. I won't bother you with details but summarized it stands as such:

- drinking problem solved to a acceptable degree. sidenote: don't allow him to actually get his hands on alcohol on duty.

- drugs use resolved. Went extremely well for some reason.

- Glue sniffing resolved. Turned out patient Redline was able to let the drugs go by switching to glue sniffing. We found out when he was walking around with a tube cap up his left nostrel.

- During his stay, he picked up gambling to kill time now he was no longer allowed to chase female patients and nurses around. Can't be catogorised as an addiction: he's such a sore loser he runs off angry whenever he loses.

- as for his nervous breakdowns: we have given him medication for that. He should be allright if he takes it whenever needed.

- Any matters regarding dicipline should dealth with by the Navy itself.

That's the gist of it. Now, I'll make sure to talk to the captain when he gets back later today and hammer on about how he should behave from now on. I'll also point him to his appointment with the SoD.

Claude Montana signing off.

end of message.

Liberty Forces Message dump - koske - 12-01-2010

Firewall Status... Online
Verify Encryption Keys... Ok
Confirm Identity... Morgan Donald
Initialise Video Uplink... Established

[Image: agentmorgandonaldsm.jpg]

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
I`m here to present you the citizen who has changed his job, not only that his boat can be used to benefit our fleet but the commander who owns it, chose the way to plunder our merchants and destroys our company's earnings. Agent David and I were at the scene, we tried to arrest a ship captain but he has some strange sounds and unwise speech and refused to comply with orders. There was no other way, I had to destroy it.

Ship name: HZ_LANCER - Scan
Audio Log - Open

Morgan Donald
Liberty Security Force

Enabling Feedback Loop...
Closing Transmission...
Signal Lost...

Liberty Forces Message dump - Samuel Zanders - 12-01-2010

Initiating Connection...
Establishing Network...
Network 100% Complete...
Transmitting Message...

[color=#FFFFFF]Identification Processing...

Captain Samuel Zanders

[font=Palatino Linotype]Salutations,


I request an immediate investigation of the behaviour behind said navy pilot. We had at least four pilots shooting two bogeys down. A fifth one on our side was not required. After being told twice to not engage I was left with no other choice but to disable his vessel and tractor his life-pod.


Quote:[01.12.2010 20:40:00] [LN]-Samuel.Zanders: Enrus Tolkan. Do not engage. Please do not make me repeat.
[01.12.2010 20:40:04] [LN]-Samuel.Zanders: Or I will shoot you myself.
[01.12.2010 20:40:46] [LN]-Samuel.Zanders: Pilot Tolkan, stand down!
[01.12.2010 20:45:21] Death: LN-Enrus.Tolkan was put out of action by [LN]-Samuel.Zanders (Mine).
[01.12.2010 20:45:25] [LN]-Samuel.Zanders: OBEY YOUR ORDERS.
[01.12.2010 20:45:29] [LN]-Samuel.Zanders: OR YOU WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE NAVY.
[01.12.2010 20:45:49] [LN]-Samuel.Zanders: When I tell you to not engage and that we have adequate numbers.
[01.12.2010 20:45:54] [LN]-Samuel.Zanders: YOU DO NOT ENGAGE!
[01.12.2010 20:46:02] [LN]-Samuel.Zanders: Disgrace.
[01.12.2010 20:48:24] [LN]-Samuel.Zanders: Pilot Enrus Tolkan. For failing to follow direct orders, re-stated twice, your behaviour will be reported to the LN HC.
[01.12.2010 20:48:30] [LN]-Samuel.Zanders: We do not tolerate this kind of crap.

[color=#3366FF]That is all - Zanders out.

Liberty Forces Message dump - Sonja - 12-01-2010

Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Planet Manhattan, Fort Bragg

Captain Zanders;

We will conduct a brief investigation on this pilot, Enrus Tolkan. I have personally seen this pilot around Liberty for quite a while, so I am assuming that he should know better.

Please submit any additional evidence of the encounter either here or in private to the High Command.

The rest of you;

I'm proud to announce two additional promotions to the ones outlined by Vice Admiral Malrone. These were on the reccomendation of the Captaincy.

John Smith and Matt Smith;

You are hereby promoted from your current Sub-Lieutenant rank to the Lieutenant rank. You've both shown consistently good performances in all of the situations that you've been thrust into, and we all feel that the Liberty Navy would be a better place with you as Lieutenants. Keep up the good work.

Transmission Terminated

Liberty Forces Message dump - mtjsmith - 12-01-2010

Name: Matt Smith
Rank: Lieutenant
Location: Battleship Missouri
Subject: Promotion, additional duties and request.

Matt looks elated with a new pip on his uniform, if a bit scruffy after a hard few days. He practices his best Libertionan accent before starting the recording.


I take on this new rank with pride, honour and most importantly of all - humility. I know I can do more for the navy, and I want to show your faith in me is are not misplaced.

I'm sure John can speak for himself, but I am sure he will be as pleased as I am.

As you know, I've been based out of the Missouri for a while and I'm trying to get the rookies and pilots there a bit more organised. As such - I am going to oversee the CAP there and launch any defensive or offensive strikes from the Missouri. It is my suggestion that Ensigns are assigned to specific Battleships so that if a full alert condition is raised - Every corner of Liberty would have some form of cover. I hope the HC give some consideration to this request.

I am also determined to give these SCRA punks a firm kick up the backside. They will encroach on Liberty no longer. I hope this initiative of Zanders's works - His command of our patrol in Magellan last night was fantastic and I hope we go on the proactive hunt again sometime soon.

Smith Out.

Matt coughs gently, struggling to get his breath back before settling down and lies back on his bunk.

Liberty Forces Message dump - Ocampo - 12-01-2010

---=Incoming Transmission=---
---=Lieutenant Jack Will=---
---=Battle Report=---
---=Wild Battleship=---

<div align="right]|||Battle Report 001|||

Wild Battleship:

While sitting down in my office I revived a distress beacon from the LNS-Zagam. This distress beacon read, "Wild Blood Dragon Battleship".

I launched my bomber immediately after getting this beacon. I head to the Texas system were the Wild last know location was and than realized that the Wild ship moved to the Pennsylvania system, I located the Pennsylvania jump hole in the Texas system and was on my way.

When entering the Pennsylvania I was told the location of the vessel, he was at least 100k below the sun by the time I got this the Wild Battleship, I took command of the operation from there.

The LNS-Zagam was on the Battleships tail already, I was able to hit a Cruise Disruptor on his tail end and stopped the vessel.

At that point I ordered that the Zagam attacked the Wild Battleship. After around 1 minute of battle, the Wild was able to engage his cruise engines and flew into the sun.

The Wild was terminated by it own actions, but if we were not next to a sun at that point, the LSF and Liberty Navy alike would have a lot of research to do.

Files Attached: ||01|| - ||02||

Future Logs:

My Logs can be found in my personal log book, this is upon request from High Command officers only.

Capital Ship Registry:

I am currently working of fully updating the Registry to 100% after my long stay at Manhattan General.

---=End Transmission=---

Liberty Forces Message dump - aznremix416 - 12-02-2010

COMM ID: Joseph "Backus" Tippman


Good evening members of the High Command,

Today I launched to a distress call from the Liberty Dreadnaught LNS-Zagam of a Wild Kusari Togo in the New York System. I did not believe it at first, so I placed an objective to check it out, thinking it was a mere prank.

However I was very wrong.

What turned out to be a Wild Kusari battleship, turned out to be just that. I had a glimpse of the ship from my Long Range Scanners for only a second, but I can still remember the ship’s name glistening on the purple hull. The Mandate of Heaven. LNS-Zagam gave chase to the battleship and I was not far behind. What I thought first to be a simple search and destroy turned out to be a half an hour manhunt, or should I say infectedmanhunt of a Kusari Battleship.

The Infected vessel led us through a chase into New York, Texas, and Pennsylvania. More backup arrived and we continued to chase the battleship through gas giants, and asteroid belts, it was not giving up. Soon enough our forces cornered the big kitten, and it had no choice but to set cource to the planet. Out of desperation we managed to cruise disrupt the vessel to keep it from crashing to the Sun, but it was too late. We engaged and lit up the battleship, however it was destroyed in the sun, along with all other evidence on how it become a Wild ship.

We salvaged what we can and Returned to base.

It was a strange day indeed, and I do not think it is the last. However I am sure we wont see that Battleship again….


[font=Georgia]Sub-Lt. Joseph Tippman signing off.



Liberty Forces Message dump - Neo88 - 12-02-2010

Incoming Transmission
Neural Identification : Barney.Ross

Yesterday I was at the station Norfolk at the bar when I heard of the civilians who entered the bar to talk about the invasion of nomads...
I immediately rushed into my ship and start searching.
In the meantime, I have compiled a team of 4 ships.
We found them near Rochester Base.
And the fight start.
They had five ships.
At the beginning we had 4.
LN-Morgan.Clayton, LN-JohnEagle, LN-Markus.Maxwell, and me.
And one of them was standing from a side.
As if giving orders and enjoyed seeing how we bother with them.
Then people start coming to help us.
First Agent =LSF=Morgan.Donald then sir [LN]-Samuel.Zanders and the rest of.
We managed to destroy one Nomad gunboat and one nomad Voidrunner.
We lost one ship, but we have successfully catch his pod and he is okay now.
Others have fled.


Liberty Forces Message dump - Pacific - 12-02-2010

------------Incoming Transmission-----------
----------- Source: LNS-Valiant--------------
----------- {ID} Luitenant-Commander Angelina Dimitrova ------
-----------Location: Texas System, Planet Houston --------

[Image: eerere2.png]

First of all I will like to thank high command and giving me this chance. I also was contacted by the Norfolk shipyard Director. He told me that he had a available Gunboat Command I ask a member from high command if I can take it. He authorized me to accept the command of the Shark class prototype Gunboat LNS-Valiant. I will like to declare that its Ready for Combat Action and Patrol duty in the Texas system. Thats were it will be stationed.

Dimitrova out .

---------------End Transmission----------------